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Posted (edited)

Ahoy there ive just finished the Ayamine Route for muv luv altered fable which is using an older patch from 2014  https://alternativeprojects.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/muv-luv-altered-fable-patch-3-by-jutsuki-sen/ and im just looking for play testers to send me feedback on what i need to fix as i don't have time to play it myself .

im also going to be updating the links later on with new versions of the patch with a polish to the translation and even more translations.

https://vndb.org/r94522 but first get the patch for rugp engine  as if you don't want crashes every 5 minutes then you would wanna get this then put it in the plugins folder.




click any of the 2 links shove the afhook file in the main folder  and your set.



Update Log
2024 May 5th
Updated the Links above with the latest version of the patch with better polishing and a tad bit more clear on grammer
Also Marimo Route, Yuuhi have had their lines recorded and by next week i should prob have Marimo done and parietal be done Yuuhi or maybe both

2024 May 10th
Marimo route done and Yuuhi now it is time for Class rep and Mikoto then Maybe Miki then im gonna get started on supplement
But ile update the files above later if i see any issues during the play test or if i got a few of the names wrong
Links updated btw

2024 June 20th
Yuuhi route done
Mikoto route done
Class rep route done
took me a dam while cause irl stuff aka war thunder and league of legends crap also wasting my time at an anime convention
2 more routes left and will be done in 20 days or less or 22 days
links updated btw

2024 july3
muv luv supplement start time

2024 nov 4
fixed a dozen or so issues ie the taco and takeru incident in which i replaced all the takes with tacos then takeru then back to take but i forgot to fix a few of em
But now its fixed.
Also possible Miki and Kasumi route soon as I'm in contact with someone working on it

Edited by Cheeki Breekiv1.1
Patch updated

I think i just made a stupid discovery
the raw jp text is added to the afhook file but if english is present in the new jp text cant be added
so that means i have to play through the whole game in JP and all the routes in order to record the text to the afhook in order to then export it then translate it then import it.

Posted (edited)

my dumb butt has found out that jp text wont be recorded to afhook if your skipping everything so i need to make a cheat engine script speed up the game to like 10x speed and have it on auto read which records text and then i need to translate it and i pray to god it works

also where the hell can i get RioX a supposed holy grail of working with Rio files

Edited by Cheeki Breekiv1.1
Posted (edited)

Maybe it does not like Japanese locale?

However it says "RioX extracts resources from age's .rio files." Do you have another piece of software that can insert them back in?

Edited by Entai2965
2 hours ago, Entai2965 said:

Maybe it does not like Japanese locale?

However it says "RioX extracts resources from age's .rio files." Do you have another piece of software that can insert them back in?

Nope nothing at all but im trying to get into contact with the guy who was originally working on the patch and asking for a few pointers.
Also Riox seems off to me but whatever. Also apparently it only extracts things not inserts and i don't have any tools that can insert images or replace images and im not sure were i can find em but only time will tell till then i shall work with text at least i got that working.

Posted (edited)

Got RioX working just had to beat my windows operating system to death in order to be logically set to Jap Locale and now RioX works. I Shall now insert images and maybe make shitposts out of extracted images.
if i can figure out how of course.

Edited by Cheeki Breekiv1.1
7 hours ago, Cheeki Breekiv1.1 said:

if i can figure out how of course.

Did the original patch for Muv-Luv Altered Fable include altered images or did they only translate the dialogue?

7 hours ago, Entai2965 said:

Did the original patch for Muv-Luv Altered Fable include altered images or did they only translate the dialogue?

it had translated images in the plugin file im just trying to figure out how the hell can i shove em back in

3 hours ago, Cheeki Breekiv1.1 said:

it had translated images in the plugin file im just trying to figure out how the hell can i shove em back in

Please share if you ever figure this out.

Posted (edited)

I think im getting ahead of myself but i have a dumb idea for muv luv supplement and thats extracting the text from the remake shoving it into a txt folder format it so its in lines in a txt folder via either a java or python program then put it into the 2004 or was it 2003 release of muv luv supplement gut any text thats not supposed to be in there and hope it works then edit any issues which should save me a shit ton of time and then i translate whats left over to do.

and if i cant figure out how the texts work imma take the lazy sack route and just type the remakes translation line by line into the 2000 release cause im a loser who doesn't want to read moon runes and translate it until it comes to what i want.
and then when it comes to Schwarzesmarken I gotta translate it myself

Edited by Cheeki Breekiv1.1

The game will almost certainly crash if you do it the way you described.

It would probably be a better idea to 1) extract both scripts, the original Japanese script and the English remake
2) MTL the original Japanese, and then
3) replace the original MTL'd lines with the lines extracted from the newer release one line at a time manually.

Otherwise you are asking for problems. If you need help doing 1 or 2, I can help out, but #3 is a fully manual process.

3 hours ago, Cheeki Breekiv1.1 said:

Also how do i upload profile pics without broken images or blobs of blue/pink/green pixals

Since that is a technical question regarding the forum software, only a mod, like Clephas would be able to answer that. Try messaging them or quoting one of their posts to get their attention.

Posted (edited)

Ive made a dumb automation script with gpt yes i know machine is doo doo Man is best when it comes to translation but their is strength in metal also im using translated text from gpt waving through its garbage and reading/comparing the JP text and then fixing any issues its total doo doo but should work

Edited by Cheeki Breekiv1.1
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

patch will be done in like 16 days.
currently going to waste my life at anime convention for the next 4 days
and wasting my time playing war thunder

yuuhi route done so is class rep currently working on mikoto then its fully done i'd touch the Miki and Kasumi route but I find that scary for my online record
I might translate the small bits but none of the Erotic stuff
gonna start supplement afterwards which will take longer since i dont exactly have a base to work off of it yet but I will finish it.

wish i had a patron so i could drain peoples money via the month like one of those crappy renpy Ero game devs

Edited by Cheeki Breekiv1.1
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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