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Harry Kinomoto's totally pointless First Impressions Rewrite post

Kanbe Kotori

The Actrapid/Levemir combination was working fine for me as I cycled through a choice, wondering if I should take it. Then I thought a bit, went back, chose the other one involving her.... Then she appeared, was all, "It's lunchtime~~~<3"....and next thing I knew, I was hyperventilating rapid shallow breaths on the floor while people around me began to comment on how fruity my breath now smelled. ALSO SHE SOUNDS LIKE USAMI HARU WTFFFFFFFFFFFF

Ohtori Chihaya

is a house. Men become ultramen when she zaitakus at chuu. NO THAT DOES NOT MEAN WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS :(/>

Tennouji Lucia <<<<<<<<< Konohana Kotarou

THREE CHEERS TO HIM FOR BEING AN OPENMINDED JAPANESE MAN (I wonder why she didn't like it though...)

Ohtori Sakuya

An Otome-ge chara in a bishoujo-ge?? I APPROVE OF THIS NEW PRECEDENT.

Shizuru of the Mysterious Surname that is most probably Takanashi.

Rikka's long-lost sister. No doubt Rewrite is the Unseen horizon that she has been looking for. No doubt deliberately sealed herself inside this alternate dimension because too much moe between too few eyepatches tends to mess with the laws of physics.

Senri Akane

Adorable NEET girl that doesn't look very NEET. Able to extend her wrist at very odd angles in her sprite. also boobs



Hahahaha man ima miss you while your gone!!


I'm loving this VN right now!

And to defend a little the bad opinion many have on the hillarious silly comedy on the common route (still remember the Yoshino song), I believe it was made that way in order to make a contrast with the rest of the game. It's just silly everyday life with some serious stuff here and there. Those who have played the VN would know how it differs from the actual routes.

Anyway, personally I love the comedy and how much of a troll our friend Koutarou can be.



I'm loving this VN right now!

And to defend a little the bad opinion many have on the hillarious silly comedy on the common route (still remember the Yoshino song), I believe it was made that way in order to make a contrast with the rest of the game. It's just silly everyday life with some serious stuff here and there. Those who have played the VN would know how it differs from the actual routes.

Anyway, personally I love the comedy and how much of a troll our friend Koutarou can be.


Well said. Rewrite is a wonderful Visual Novel. Every Route is good in my opinion!!


And the common route is good too. I like to do the quests mini games, as they are hillarious, and seeing the Friends entires (this guy can end up being friends with everyone in the friggin town...).

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm playing it without a walkthrough first~

I love Kotarou..or maybe it's just Amaterasu styling the translation..his dialogues are hilarious XD

Is there no Yoshino route here? Sorry ..can't help it (lol) xD


For me, the story and the genre.

What about the genre? Key always produces bishoujo games and their stories tends to stray its path to supernatural.

Were you expecting it to be more appealing to the female masses?


So, i finally finished Rewrite.

Common 8.5/10, Kotarou is an epic troll although the comedy gets irritating after a while. It wfelt like Muv-Luv Extra at some points but on the whole was a good, solid common route, built characterisation and whatever pretty well.

Kotori 8.5/10, a good introduction route, good plot and Kotori is kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Ending possibly objectionable to some but i found it ok.

Chihaya 7.5/10, decent shonen stuff but nothing really stood out though. On the other hand,

it was the happiest ending of all. DAMNIT KEY.

Shizuru 9/10, dat ending and the song.

Lucia 7/10, starts off very well but a pity i didn't like the ending.

It's like Kotarou suddenly became Shirou levels of donkan for this route's ending.

Akane 8.5/10, once again possibly objectionable ending but i liked it.

Moon 9/10, excellent job of building up to the finale and full of awesomeness.

Terra 9.9/10, very well written, epic finale to sum everything up. However, the ending might be very disliked by some.


On the whole i can say it was quite different from what i was expecting, it's a departure from Key's nakige in that it focuses on storytelling rather than trying to make you cry. Nevertheless i liked it very much, and i would rate it as slightly better than LB as the separate character routes have better writing on the whole. Also, in many places i could see very clearly how others would possibly dislike it, overall i would say enjoying this is very dependent on being able to appreciate the flaws in the story, the very shonen-y action parts and especially the endings. Finishing this has bumped up Cross Channel on my to-play list, i'm now much more interested in Tanaka Romeo's writing.


Screw Terra, i shall forever and always acknowledge Oppai ending as true ending. The world was not saved by such painful sacrifices, it was saved by LOVE OF BOOBS.


What about the genre? Key always produces bishoujo games and their stories tends to stray its path to supernatural.

Were you expecting it to be more appealing to the female masses?

Indeed. Because I read a galge and I expect it to appeal to female masses.


Indeed. Because I read a galge and I expect it to appeal to female masses.

Sorry about that, I checked your MAL profile and it says you were female but I re-checked your Fuwanovel profile and you're actually a guy... >_<


Sorry about that, I checked your MAL profile and it says you were female but I re-checked your Fuwanovel profile and you're actually a guy... >_<

I see. Actually I'm not the one who created my MAL since adding all the animes is a pain.


Hype backstabbed me with this.

I liked it but...having finished Little Busters! soon before Rewrite, kinda expected more from it.

Anyway, Oppai ending was epic.


Hype backstabbed me with this.

I liked it but...having finished Little Busters! soon before Rewrite, kinda expected more from it.

Anyway, Oppai ending was epic.

Its funny because i felt the opposite. Little Busters was a good VN but not, to me, as good as everyone said it was. I was extremely let down after all the hype.


Its funny because i felt the opposite. Little Busters was a good VN but not, to me, as good as everyone said it was. I was extremely let down after all the hype.

That's the fun of being human, different opinions!

I think it's simply that I enjoy more dramatic visual novels?

I had fun playing Rewrite, wonderful art and music, wondering if anyone is thinking about translating the fandisk...I want more of Lucia goodness e_e


That's the fun of being human, different opinions!

I think it's simply that I enjoy more dramatic visual novels?

I had fun playing Rewrite, wonderful art and music, wondering if anyone is thinking about translating the fandisk...I want more of Lucia goodness e_e

wait wait wait, you think LB is more...

I guess your right. Different opinions indeed


wait wait wait, you think LB is more...

I guess your right. Different opinions indeed

Well, I say it because Refrain route was a huge shock for me, and Rewrite didn't have that effect at all. Not even close.

I think Rewrite goes in a totally different category from LB. Tearjerking matter.

Maybe it's because I wanted to be shocked and Rewrite didn't achieve that.

I'm getting the impression that I talk like I didn't like Rewrite. I liked lots of things of it, but it had pretty huge competence(my favourite vns are Clannad, Ever 17 and Little Busters) and maybe because of that I'm being hard with Rewrite ^^U


I started reading Rewrite in December, but got stuck on the second day of the main route because it didn't meet my expectations maybe....

So guys is it true, that only one route in Rewrite, that resembles Key (in the classic sense) and most "Keyish" is



I started reading Rewrite in December, but got stuck on the second day of the main route because it didn't meet my expectations maybe....

So guys is it true, that only one route in Rewrite, that resembles Key (in the classic sense) and most "Keyish" is


Shizurus route was.. eh. Sort-of. I guess I could see that. Shizurus route has annoyed me to absolute no end though, so I won't go further.

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