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Well, here you have it: the first, official sneak-peek into the Fuwanovel site redesign. You can see it live for yourself at http://beta.fuwanovel.net. The theme as you see it in the first image below ("Summer Sky") was designed by the brilliant Emi (and if you like the new look, be sure to let her know!). Nay worked hard to make it responsive, so be sure to try it out on all your devices.


The redesign team is hard at work: we're very lucky to have the combined artistic superpowers of Emi and Beato, with Nayleen as our coder extraordinaire, and Rooke editing all the text assets I throw at him. These are extremely talented individuals, and I feel extremely fortunate to be working with them. There is still a lot to do, however, and until the new site is ready for launch, we will be keeping the classic Fuwa front site live at the fuwanovel.net domain.


But wait! There's more!


One of the coolest features of the new site is a theme changer. We've got three themes up, ready for you to check out live:


Summer Sky




Sekai Spirit




Old School Cool




Well, here you have it: the first, official sneak-peek into the Fuwanovel site redesign. You can see it live for yourself at http://beta.fuwanovel.net. The theme as you see it in the first image below ("Summer Sky") was designed by the brilliant Emi (and if you like the new look, be sure to let her know!). Nay worked hard to make it responsive, so be sure to try it out on all your devices.


The redesign team is hard at work: we're very lucky to have the combined artistic superpowers of Emi and Beato, with Nayleen as our coder extraordinaire, and Rooke editing all the text assets I throw at him. These are extremely talented individuals, and I feel extremely fortunate to be working with them. There is still a lot to do, however, and until the new site is ready for launch, we will be keeping the classic Fuwa front site live at the fuwanovel.net domain.


But wait! There's more!


One of the coolest features of the new site is a theme changer. We've got three themes up, ready for you to check out live:


Summer Sky




Sekai Spirit




Old School Cool




This was an amazing post...and then I saw that you used a different font to announce it, and it reminded me of Rooke, and now I am disgusted in you.


Can't wait :scottsune:

Soon :scottsune:


These casuals don't even understand! :scottsune:


I don't wanna be the spoilsport here but I think I should state my opinion ;)


At first I like th design itself of the new frontpage. I also like all th other designs.


BUT I don't like the fact that every "subunit" of fuwa has a different design.




When I look at that I see 4 different sides which have nothing in common besides the wordmark Fuwa on 2 of them (and please ignore the fact that I use the old forums design, it's the same with the new and I'm old school :P). In my opinion there should be more similarities, something like a "corporate design".


Is something like that planned?

Did you decide on purpose for differences?

Do I just overrate somethling like that and nobody else than me cares about that? ;)


It's only my opinion and I really like the designs itself, you all did an awesome job :) ... It just a bit surprising and a little bit bothering for me ;) ... Thats all I wanted to say and I hope you can accept my honesty.


A few questions out of curiosity.


Will the reviews be on fuwanovel.net or on the site they are at now ?

Same question for the blog.

Same question for the 'fuwazette'.

I'm asking that because right now they all have different themes, and besides fuwanovel.net, the other ones are terrible (maybe it's being done so I can't comment on that)


What is the academy ?


Will the forums stay with the IPB forever and ever or will you try and make a whole thing ? Since you stated you wanted to make fuwa principally community based and whatnot, it would make sense trying to integrate it into the website itself.

This is a lot of work, I know, but did you think about it ?



The design is pleasant, good job.

I suggest trying to play with the size of the social media tabs and try making them blend in a little better, for facebook mainly since its characteristic blue color is in contrast with the rest of the design and doesn't look as good.

And are you going to keep that logo : 496a67be20e35d3bb6917b307fb955f6.png ? :(


Did you think about trying a tab design like B rather than A :



Good luck.


A few questions out of curiosity.


Will the reviews be on fuwanovel.net or on the site they are at now ?

Same question for the blog.

Same question for the 'fuwazette'.

I'm asking that because right now they all have different themes, and besides fuwanovel.net, the other ones are terrible (maybe it's being done so I can't comment on that)


What is the academy ?


Will the forums stay with the IPB forever and ever or will you try and make a whole thing ? Since you stated you wanted to make fuwa principally community based and whatnot, it would make sense trying to integrate it into the website itself.

This is a lot of work, I know, but did you think about it ?



The design is pleasant, good job.

I suggest trying to play with the size of the social media tabs and try making them blend in a little better, for facebook mainly since its characteristic blue color is in contrast with the rest of the design and doesn't look as good.

And are you going to keep that logo : 496a67be20e35d3bb6917b307fb955f6.png ? :(


Did you think about trying a tab design like B rather than A :



Good luck.

In regards to the social media appearance, I've talked to Emi a little bit about it because I agree that they, especially Facebook, don't blend in very well. 


The reviews will be on reviews.fuwanovel.net, I can say that much on it. 


I don't wanna be the spoilsport here but I think I should state my opinion ;)


At first I like th design itself of the new frontpage. I also like all th other designs.


BUT I don't like the fact that every "subunit" of fuwa has a different design.




When I look at that I see 4 different sides which have nothing in common besides the wordmark Fuwa on 2 of them (and please ignore the fact that I use the old forums design, it's the same with the new and I'm old school :P). In my opinion there should be more similarities, something like a "corporate design".


Is something like that planned?

Did you decide on purpose for differences?

Do I just overrate somethling like that and nobody else than me cares about that? ;)


It's only my opinion and I really like the designs itself, you all did an awesome job :) ... It just a bit surprising and a little bit bothering for me ;) ... Thats all I wanted to say and I hope you can accept my honesty.

I'm inclined to agree. It's outright confusing especially to someone new to the sites.

Synergy is needed.

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