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I don't like to use blogs but whatever here goes nothing... I will mostly going to review untranslated vns that nobody cares about.

Entries in this blog

Kokuhaku review

Source: https://j-addicts.de/kokuhaku/ (shameless self-promotion xD )   Source: https://j-addicts.de/kokuhaku/ (shameless self-promotion xD )   Kokuhaku or “confession” is a short VN developed by a company called Song Wing which mainly work in sound design, casting actors etc basically all related to sound and music and this is their only work as game developers.   The plot, uuggghh. The plot in this VN is nonexistent and plain bland. The

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

Tsuisou no Augment

This is a visual novel created by a company named Jirai Soft and this is the only decent VN they have, well I never read Hotarubi no Shoujo but Kurui no Tsuki was awful... moving on with the review. Basic plot.    Augment is a VN that starts in such incredible way, it hooks you immediately, the main character is an 80 years old dude who is in a home for elderly, lamenting on his life, on how plain and dull it was and how he regrets being a good for nothing. Remembering how he depend

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

Another tutorial to play VNs.

Boring introduction to understand why I'm making this tutorial. (You can skip this if you want) So this tutorial is to create that so called "mechanical immersion" when you play a VN, kinda (?) Personally I read old VNs with the help of chiitrans for parsing the text, to being able to immerse myself into the story I need to read it in full-screen mode (I just can't read it otherwise) and this is not a problem when I read new novels that allow me to kinda cheat and use chiitrans even in fu

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

Fruit of the poisonous tree (?) random thoughts.

So, this time I'm going to ramble about something that really bothers me in VNs, this also applies to any genre not just VNs. While I was doing a review about ashita no yukinojou and another VN.. I kept thinking about this on and on and then I remembered yet other VNs that did the same thing (Tyr talked about one of them) So, I scraped everything out just to write this.  Here is my issue: If the core part of the plot is badly written and doesn't make sense or has serious flaws then e

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

Gin'iro Haruka general thoughts.

Bethly After many...many...many hours of reading I finally finished one route which I think is enough since one route in this VN feels like finishing a long VN on itself, also picking a different girl feels incorrect at this point, like I'm cheating someone... (forgive me Bethly )  Giniro is a pure love story, slice of life with some very mild drama(almost non existent), most of it consist on developing the bonds between the main character and his group of friends(only females)  and

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

Himeko's epilogue translation to spanish

I know nobody cares about this type of translation in this forum (for obvious reasons, for once the novel is already translated and second nobody really speak spanish in this forum xD) I'm doing a translation of himeko's epilogue and posting it here mostly to keep track of my own translation and have a place to share it. At first it was going to be an eng>spa translation but there are some huge mistakes on the translation itself (specially on the atogaki 1980 story) and also many sent

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

My ramblings about stuff.

So... I can't sleep and since I was really bored I decided to write this tips about doing a translation in general (or ramblings whatever you want to call them xD ) this is aimed for those who are starting a project or want to start a new one. *I'll start by saying that If you really want to translate something just do it, don't pay attention to anyone just do it, nobody can stop you from doing it aside from yourself! (and maybe a C&D letter but that's a whole different topic that I wont

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

One thousand lies Review

So this time I will review this doujin freeware kinetic visual novel created by Keinart Lobre which I enjoyed it a lot and I thought it needed a review for how good it was. I'm kinda lazy so this will be a pure text review and nothing more (sorry maybe I'll add some pics in the future xD ) The story follows the life of Ciarán Endyein and his friends, Ciarán is in last year of high school, a few month from graduation. He spend his time doing jokes and pranks with his friends Ziva Shani a wanna

Deep Blue

Deep Blue


So this time I'm going to review this awesome novel, some users even consider it the best vn out there by far, a true kamige through and through ....   ...sadly this is not that Dies Irae neither is Masada involved in this title in any way                 This DIES IRAE (all in caps, because why not?) is the work of a company called Family Soft. They mostly made games for PC-98, 88 and MSX on the 90', later on they released some for the ps1.

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

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