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This blog is dedicated to reviews of VNs I own a physical copy of.

Entries in this blog

Visual novel spinn-offs of anime video

I have decided to stop with these reviews where I do a short review and show the physical edition, but I have recently made a video where I talk about visual novels that are spinn-offs of anime so for anyone that liked getting more info on those titles you can check that out.       So far I have only made 2 parts but this will be a 4 part series where I will go through every VN based on anime I have read. I plan to release one part each week.

Review of the Saekano VN for ps Vita and some thoughts on Oreimo happy end on PS3

First of I want to mention that the Saekano anime is one of my favorite anime of all times and as such I was quite looking forward to reading a VN based on it, though some months before I decided to read it I looked at reviews on Amazon and it didn't look too good. After having read through all of it I was really dissapointed. The Saekano VN is by far the most bland and non memorable VN I have read so far. The VN base itself of the aspects of Saekano that on the surface level is the least intere



Opinion on Boku to Koisuru Ponkotsu Akuma as well as the fandisc and pictures of the physical edition (japanese release)

The premise of Boku to Koisuru Ponkotsu Akuma, henceforth Ponkotsu Akuma is that the main character has a not related by blood little sister who is a total brocon and a childhood friend who clearly likes him and is bad with anything sexual. Because of the little sister being way too much of a brocon and the childhood friend being bad with sexual stuff the mother of the childhood friend which also takes care of the main character due to his parents being away all the time who is also the principl



A review of Hanasaki Work Spring! and pictures of the physical edition (japanese release)

Premise The general premise is that the main character Yuuma is invited by his senpai Ayano to join the ghost club which isn’t a club about actual ghosts but rather a club for people with regrets. He then gets pushed onto him the responsibility of being the leader of the club and to find enough members to legitimize the club with the criteria Ayano sets for joining the club being that they have to be a cute girl and need some kind of regret. He then invites Akutagawa his close male friend b



Short opinion on Magical Marriage Lunatics!! and pictures of the physical edition (english release)

The general story of Magical Marriage Lunatics!! is that the main character in his childhood accidentally entered different worlds and in each of them ended up becoming friends with the princess of that world and they made a pact to get married with him forgetting everything because returning to the normal world wipes his memories of everything that happened in the other world. The absurd premise I figured would lead to a lot of comedic moments, however the common route doesn't really seem to ta



Short opinion on Grisaia Trilogy and pictures of the complete box (english release)

I figured that it is a bit of a waste to write full reviews of VNs where there are a lot of reviews already by people who are better at writing them than I am, because of this I will now only write a short opinion about a VN I have finished and show the physical edition for titles that has lots of reviews. For VNs where there seem to be a lack of reviews, such as many japanese titles that has never been translated I plan to do longer reviews as well as of course show the pictures of the physical



A rant on Haiyore! Nyaruko-san PS vita VN and pictures of physical edition (japanese release)

Having just finished all the endings of the Haiyore! Nyaruko-san PS vita VN i figured I would share my disappointment so those interested in know more about the VN. The first half of the VN is a retelling of the first season of the anime with a few new scenes and lots of lots of CGs, almost all of which are just art taken from the anime. The remaning half is a decent enough story but nothing special, my main problem with it is that the comedy is very repetaive with things that used to be fu



A review of Plastic Memories VN on PS vita as well as pictures of the physical edition (japanese release)

I will not give a general description of the story as I would assume that anyone picking this up has watched the anime.   The first part of the VN just retells events from the anime and also often just uses art directly from the anime. This part tells the story from episode 1 to the end of episode 10. As it covers 10 episodes of the anime this part is quite large, especially since lots of things shown visually are instead just told through text and there is a bit of internal monologue



A review of Henshin !!! Pantsu ni Natte Kunkun Peropero as well as pictures of the physical edition (japanese release)

Henshin !!! Pantsu ni Natte Kunkun Peropero is a nukige about a perverted guy who gets the ability to transform into different things which he uses to creep on girls and rape them (the reason why he can do this is that from the thing he is transformed to he can create different body parts). So ye it is a pretty weird nukige. The VN starts with the main character moving to another school where he ends up in the same class as his little sister (who moved out after he stated his wish to become woma



A review of Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome as well as pictures from the physical edition (english release)

The description of the VN taken from vndb  Ema Tachibana is a tall, gloomy and unsociable girl with a bad case of resting bitch-face. With all that working against her, she's never really had any friends. At school, everyone's too scared to approach her. But Ema herself is quite content with that state of affairs. In fact, she was all set to spend the rest of her time until graduation invisible as ever... That is, until two men turned her life upside down! "It's you... I've finally



Short opinion on Saya no Uta as well as pictures of the physical edition (english release)

For a general introduction to what Saya no Uta is you can just read it on the back of the hardcopy (picture of it is bellow) I can't really go into it much without spoiling anything so I will only mention my general feelings about Saya no Uta  Saya no Uta is quite an interesting psychological horror visual novel and a thing I really like about it is how it shows a lot of unique perspectives and how dvelve into the psychology of the different characters. While it is a rather short visual nov



A review of Imouto Paradise 2 as well as pictures of the physical edition (english release)

Imouto Paradise 2 (Imopara 2) is a nukige about an older brother and his five sisters, if this doesn't sound interesting to you it probably won't be something you will enjoy.   Imopara 2 is kind of a sequal to Imopara, all of the characters in Imopara 2 are children from the characters of Imopara with each of the sisters having given birth to a girl and one of them having given birth to a boy. Reading the original Imopara will not really give you much extra when reading Imopara 2 as th



A review of Date A Live Rio Reincarnation as well as pictures of the PS4 limited edition (japanese release)

With Date A Live: Rio Reincarnatio being confirmed for an english release I figured I should make a review of it.   Date A Live Rio Reincarnation is actually a collection of two Date A Live VNs that released on PS3 as well as a new story that I think can kind of be seen as a fandisc. The two PS3 VNs are Date A Live: Rinne Utopia and Date A Live: Arusu Install while the extra story is just called Date A Live Rio Reincarnation. For this review I will focus on each individual part on its



Short review of five japanese only VNs for PS vita which are all based on an anime, includes pictures of physical editions

Over a few years now I have read some japanese VNs on the PS vita that are based on series that already had an anime before the VN. These VNs are Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? Wonderful Party!, Himouto! Umaru-chan Himouto! Ikusei Keikaku, Nisekoi: Yomeiri!?, Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo, and To Love-Ru Trouble Darkness: True Princess. Since I have the physical version of all of them I figured that I would do a review of them, however it has been a while since i read them so I don't think I would b



A review of New Game! The Challenge Stage! as well as pictures of the regular physical edition (japanese release)

I have now decided that rather than having this blog be limited to only english physical releases I have, I will cover all the physical releases I have including the Japanese ones. Because of this I will add a review I made a bit over a month ago to the blog.   New Game! The Challenge Stage! is a VN based on the manga/anime New Game and I think having gone through either of them should be essential before reading this VN, because of this I will just assume that the people reading this



A review of Imouto Paradise as well as pictures of the physical edition (english release)

If it is not clear by the title or by the pictures under Imouto Paradise is a nukige about an older brother and his five little sisters. If this doesn't sound like anything you want to read it probably isn't going to be something you enjoy.   Before the review I would like to mention that it has been about one and a half year since I read all of the routes of Imopara so I have probably forgotten some details. To make sure that my general feeling towards Imopara was right I did reread d



A review of Princess Evangile W Happiness as well as pictures of the physical edition (english release)

I have now read through Princess Evangile W Happiness and of course that means that I have to do a review of it (which is hopefully at least somewhat good).   Princess Evangile W Happiness is a fandisc to the original Princess Evangile and has an extra story of 2 chapters for each of the heroines as well as a 4 chapter long route for each of the 5 sub heroines. Other than that it includes the 13 first chapters of the main route in the original which means it can be played as a standalo



Picture of all my physical visual novels

Here are pictures of all of my physical visual novels. Some of these I have already done a review of while the others are planned to at some point get a review once I have read them. There are also going to be more visual novels added here in the future. For instance have I backed physical tier of kickstarter for Island, Momoiro Closet and Newrin as well as having pre ordered the complete box for Grisaia.     Some of my english visual novels More of my english



A review of Euphoria as well as pictures of the physical edition (english release)

I recently finished Euphoria so I figured I should make a review of it. As for the general story of Euphoria I feel like talking about anything other than the start could be a potetial spoiler so I will refrain from doing so. Euphoria starts with the main character waking up in a white room with a door. As he walks through the door he finds himself in another white room along with six girls. Of the six girls there are five students who are in the same school as the main character as well as



A review of Princess Evangile as well as pictures of the limited edition (english release)

I have now played through all of the 18+ version of Princess Evangile and figured I would make a review of it. As for an introduction to Princess Evangile I think the description on vndb does a good job at this so I will just use that rather than try to explain it myself.  Burdened by the incredible debt his father left behind, Okonogi Masaya is now destitute and alone. However, through a strange collection of events, he finds himself living at the prestigious Vincennes Academy, an all



A review of Starless as well as pictures of the limited edition box (english release)

I want to start doing reviews of VNs that I have physicals of where I both review the VN itself and show of the physical edition. I figured I would start with the most recent one I have completed which is Starless. First I guess I should mention what kind of VN Starless is. Starless is a hardcore fetish nukige, so if that doesn't sound interesting to you it probably isn't something you are going to like. I guess I should first start of with the general plot, though I will avoid spoiler



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