Majo Koi Nikki TL Weekly Update 3
Ren \/
Hello guys! Third weekly update. Things are progressing smoothly and everything's going accord to plan for now. Recruiting is going well, we managed to fill the position for the proofreader (might open another position for it in the future, but not for now) and a new translator came aboard, making the total of five for now. Welcome @Darbury (Proofreader) and @frogstat (translator) and thank you for joining us!
Okay, so since several people have asked me this already I'll do a short Q&A answering the questions that some concerned people might ask.
Q- You guys have 5 translators for one game, isn't that going to mess up the quality/style of writing in the end?
A- Not really. Since we only have 1 Editor (a.k.a me) all of the different styles that the translators possess will have to pass through me, unifying the style in the end and making it readable and fluid. We do care a lot about the player experience regarding that aspect.
Q- Why do you have an open slot for a new Editor since you're constantly saying that you're the only one? Wouldn't two Editors mess up the writing style?
A- This one is a toughie. First of all, I'm not just the Editor. I take care about everything that happens outside of the team as well as Editing (Recruiting mostly) in order to ease everyone's work inside as much as possible, since I want them to focus to their positions only. Having another Editor helping me would lift a heavy weight from my back. About the writing style, I am a very selective person when it comes to English, so when an Editor gets recruited we'll both make sure to keep everything as smooth and continuous as possible so the player either doesn't notice or barely notices our styles.
Anyways, the progress:
TL: 5% to 7% (2965/40394)
Edit: 3% (1180/40394)
Due to school and homework issues @frogstat will start translating next week by thursday. Almost all of the scripts belonging to the first part of the prologue (before the game OP pops up) are finished. I'm still trying to figure out a way to promote the game legally without having to spend 100 bucks in Amazon, so if you somehow find a legal way to buy the game cheaper please let me know.
This is all for this weekend. Have a nice day and see you soon I guess.
(By the way, there has been no edit progress whatsoever because I've been very busy with life in general and team recruitment.)
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