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Seishun Fragile

Seishun Fragile is the latest of Purple Software's VNs.  Purple Software is famous these days primarily for powerful nakige/borderline utsuge like Aoi Tori, Amatsutsumi, and Hapymaher.  However, they also are responsible for Chrono Clock and Mirai Nostalgia which, while having an actual plot, are closer to charage than their more plot-centric brethren.  This game is much closer to Mirai Nostalgia in style (based on a few comments inside the story, it is probably based some years after the latest point of Mirai Nostalgia, while utilizing the same world setting) than it is to the Hapymaher style, so the emotional impact is greatly reduced in comparison.  However, it does have its high points.

This game focuses on Yugahara, a hot springs resort town where a young man named Shiki Yuuto lives in a mansion that used to be a bed and breakfast.  Other than the fact that he is a magic-user, there is nothing really remarkable about him.  He has a lot of standard-issue charage harem protagonist qualities, like being insanely dense about his osananajimi's deredere attitude and accepting his fake imouto maid's service with a blase attitude, but he is surrounded by a few stranger characters, such as his self-proclaimed magic teacher Liz and his stalker (yes, she is stalking him for real) Setsuna.  

To be blunt, Setsuna is the main heroine of this game.  The constant hints about a past (serious one) between Setsuna and Shiki, her very real stalking habits, and any number of cues will tip you off if you have been playing VNs as long as I have.  She also has the type of heroine profile that has become typical of true/main heroines in recent Purple Soft games (though I can't reveal what it is without spoiling it for you).

Despite that, I went ahead and played another path first, though.


Of course I played the foreigner girl path first.  Yes, a ditzy blonde with no sense of self-control is weirdly attractive to me, even after so long.  The fact that she can use magic is just icing on the cake.  

Liz's path was... uninspiring.  To be honest, while it had some high moments (mostly comedic), I found the drama to be excessively derivative and disappointing for a Purple Soft game.  Liz, despite her issues, has a rather straightforward personality, and the drama feels kind of forced because it requires a level of complexity that anyone who was reading the common route would have had difficulty reconciling with her characterization.  While I liked the ending, it still felt like this path wasted my time, at least a little, despite my fondness for some of the more comedic moments.


Setsuna's path stands in direct contrast to Liz's.  I will state this openly... Setsuna is yandere.  Oh, she puts up a good face, but there is a ton of darkness hidden behind her joking manner and 'playful-seeming' stalking habits.  To put it bluntly, Setsuna is more than a little dependent on Yuuto for her mental and emotional stability, and the reasons for it make absolute perfect sense after you get halfway through her path.  

To be honest, the degree to which this path differs in quality to Liz's pretty much finalized my viewpoint on who the main heroine was, if I hadn't already got it from the common route's cues.  This path has much better emotional buildup than Liz's, and the drama toward the end is actually pretty enjoyable to read, though it made me feel even more like a voyeur of people's pain more than any of the recent works I've encountered.


Toune is Yuuto's fake imouto/maid.  She is originally from a family that served his since their arrival from Britain a century and a half previously, and she has seemingly devoted her life to feeding her 'dame-oniichan' and cleaning up after him.  

Generally speaking, if you aren't in her path, Toune takes a supporting role, usually taking Yuuto down a few pegs when he looks to be getting full of himself.  She has a cheerfully optimistic personality and a very strong sense of what she wants out of life, and she is a bit obsessed with resurrecting the B&B that the Shiki family used to run (out of their mansion).  

Most of her path is a normal 'I always loved you but it was more important for me to be with you than be your lover' transition.  To be honest, this isn't one of my favorite tropes, but it works out all right in this case.  Toune's path gets pretty emotional toward the end, but it lacks the darkness that was so evident in Setsuna's path, giving it less impact over all (more evidence to my Setsuna is the main heroine hypothesis).


Hio is Yuuto's osananajimi, the younger sister of Hibiki, who runs the Sakuranomiya ryoukan (Japanese inn).  From early childhood, the two families have had close relations, while being sort-of rivals (obviously, that ended when the B&B went under, lol).  Hio is a rather obvious tsundere with a tendency to retaliate against Yuuto's ever-present density (think nuclear reactor shielding thick) with pro-wrestling moves.  To everyone but Yuuto himself, her feelings are ridiculously obvious, and she is horrible at hiding them even in the best of times (even for a tsundere).

Ah... but about the path.  'Predictable' is the word I'd use for the romance portions.  To be honest, if you have seen a tsundere osananajimi heroine get together with a dense protagonist often enough, you've probably seen a variation on this path.  There is some serious drama, but the drama is even weaker than Liz's path.  Hio is pretty adorable as a girlfriend, but again, that is fairly typical of tsundere heroines once they lose most of the tsun.  Probably the best part of this path was the protagonist's firm belief that sexually harassing Hio doesn't count as sexual harassment (no basis in fact).  Use of that particular running joke was spaced out just enough that it didn't get boring.

Yura Extra

Anyone who reads the common route probably likes Yura.  Yura is an occult-obsessed yurufuwa girl who can generally be trusted to make the situation funnier.  Honestly, other than Setsuna, she was my favorite female character in this game, so I had hopes that this would be an actual path...

... unfortunately, it was just a brief set of scenes with Yura and Hibiki, followed by an H-scene with each.  To be honest, I was saddened, since I liked both characters.  Maybe we'll see an actual path in a future fandisc?  Especially considering that this game doesn't have an official true ending.


By charage standards, this would be a top-level game.  By nakige standards, it is undeniably sub-par.  To be honest, if this game had only had Setsuna's path or if there was more complexity to the other paths (maybe removing Hio's path, since it was the weakest), this game might be worthy of replaying in the future.  However, as it is, this one is unlikely to drift to the top of my list anytime soon.  Setsuna's emotional darkness and traumas made her path interesting, but the other paths feel like half-assed attempts at nakige paths (Toune's path was reasonably good at drawing at the emotions, but Liz and Hio's path didn't manage it).  


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Posted (edited)

This is my first time posting in this forum and I don't know if I can discuss without spoiling here so I will keep it as vague as possible.

I have been waiting for your review about this game for so long and I wasn't disappointed. I agree with you this game lacks of emotional impact than their latest titles. However, like you said it's top tier as charage and the comedy is quite good.

About your opinion on heroines, I mostly agree with you about Hio and Toune.

Liz's route is best route for me despite she is not main heroine. In my opinion, her bright personality and lacking of common sense fit every well with her situation. I mean at least if I was in her shoes I would be like her and act the way she does in the story. About the forced drama you said, I think it does make sense considered the it's the problem she has to face sooner or later and she did grow up a lot after getting together with Yuuto so I can sympathize with how she thinks and feels. I'm satisfied with the finale as well as determination of Yuuto to completely solve all of her problems along with her way of thinking about magic. I really think her route is the most consistent in this story.

Meanwhile I'm a bit disappointed with Setsuna's route. The drama is good and all but I feel like it's a bit forced here instead of Liz. I can't help but think they just try hard in making her issue worse and worse to push us readers into the emotional train wreck. After all of that, she has zero growing up as a character not to mention main heroine until the very end. And what she realizes is just something she should have done it from the beginning. Unless I missed something, the only thing she does in her entire route is making troubles for Yuuto.

Complains aside, this game for me is very good at pacing and mood making so I didn't feel bored at all while reading. The comedy is top notch too so it's easily my top favorite of this month.

Btw, I wrote a review (more like a walkthrough lol) in vndb so I would be happy if you spend time to read it too. I'm not veteran VN reader like you so my understanding level maybe not as good as you. I'm still learning so I would appreciate if you can give me your opinions on it.

Have a good day.

Edited by KidBuu


12 hours ago, KidBuu said:

This is my first time posting in this forum and I don't know if I can discuss without spoiling here so I will keep it as vague as possible.

I have been waiting for your review about this game for so long and I wasn't disappointed. I agree with you this game lacks of emotional impact than their latest titles. However, like you said it's top tier as charage and the comedy is quite good.

About your opinion on heroines, I mostly agree with you about Hio and Toune.

Liz's route is best route for me despite she is not main heroine. In my opinion, her bright personality and lacking of common sense fit every well with her situation. I mean at least if I was in her shoes I would be like her and act the way she does in the story. About the forced drama you said, I think it does make sense considered the it's the problem she has to face sooner or later and she did grow up a lot after getting together with Yuuto so I can sympathize with how she thinks and feels. I'm satisfied with the finale as well as determination of Yuuto to completely solve all of her problems along with her way of thinking about magic. I really think her route is the most consistent in this story.

Meanwhile I'm a bit disappointed with Setsuna's route. The drama is good and all but I feel like it's a bit forced here instead of Liz. I can't help but think they just try hard in making her issue worse and worse to push us readers into the emotional train wreck. After all of that, she has zero growing up as a character not to mention main heroine until the very end. And what she realizes is just something she should have done it from the beginning. Unless I missed something, the only thing she does in her entire route is making troubles for Yuuto.

Complains aside, this game for me is very good at pacing and mood making so I didn't feel bored at all while reading. The comedy is top notch too so it's easily my top favorite of this month.

Btw, I wrote a review (more like a walkthrough lol) in vndb so I would be happy if you spend time to read it too. I'm not veteran VN reader like you so my understanding level maybe not as good as you. I'm still learning so I would appreciate if you can give me your opinions on it.

Have a good day.

What bothered me most about Liz's path is that her issues are issues that should have hit more in the common path than in her own path, save for the encounter with 'you know who'.  The central conflict of the story, that which makes Setsuna as the main heroine, pops up in all the paths.  However, I felt that Liz's issues should have been partially addressed in the common route then given complexity and depth in her own route, instead of treating it as a nonexistent issue outside of her own path.

To be blunt, this was an issue that came up with all the heroines.  All of the heroines have at least some issues that should have come out in the common route but instead were restricted solely to their own paths.  Moreover, while Liz's reactions make a LOT more sense after you've seen the flashback chapter in Setsuna's path, it is not really addressed in her path, which makes little sense.

In other words, this was a case of poor handling of the game as a whole on Purple Software's part, which is why I gave this lower than an 8 rating on vndb (meaning it wouldn't have been a VN of the Month candidate under my old rules).  There were a ton of ways this issue could have been handled more effectively than it was, and it seemed like they made a lot of terrifyingly amateurish mistakes considering the polish seen in more recent entries.



2 hours ago, Clephas said:

What bothered me most about Liz's path is that her issues are issues that should have hit more in the common path than in her own path, save for the encounter with 'you know who'.  The central conflict of the story, that which makes Setsuna as the main heroine, pops up in all the paths.  However, I felt that Liz's issues should have been partially addressed in the common route then given complexity and depth in her own route, instead of treating it as a nonexistent issue outside of her own path.

To be blunt, this was an issue that came up with all the heroines.  All of the heroines have at least some issues that should have come out in the common route but instead were restricted solely to their own paths.  Moreover, while Liz's reactions make a LOT more sense after you've seen the flashback chapter in Setsuna's path, it is not really addressed in her path, which makes little sense.

In other words, this was a case of poor handling of the game as a whole on Purple Software's part, which is why I gave this lower than an 8 rating on vndb (meaning it wouldn't have been a VN of the Month candidate under my old rules).  There were a ton of ways this issue could have been handled more effectively than it was, and it seemed like they made a lot of terrifyingly amateurish mistakes considering the polish seen in more recent entries.

Well, we all agree that the drama and impact this time were toned down a lot compared to previous titles so I didn't judge it based on that this time. I did expect some intensive magic battles and heart breaking moments too at first but it turned out a light-hearted charage with just a little bit drama as spice. Still, I think it did a good job as a change of pace for their trademark of nakige and utsuge at some points in the past. At least it made me laugh a lot and I love the chilled atmosphere the entire game more than the others from Purple Soft.

So are you going to read Kakenuke from Saga Planet next? It has the same theme and lot of other elements. I prefer Seishun Fragile but I think you will like Kakenuke more.    



18 hours ago, KidBuu said:

Well, we all agree that the drama and impact this time were toned down a lot compared to previous titles so I didn't judge it based on that this time. I did expect some intensive magic battles and heart breaking moments too at first but it turned out a light-hearted charage with just a little bit drama as spice. Still, I think it did a good job as a change of pace for their trademark of nakige and utsuge at some points in the past. At least it made me laugh a lot and I love the chilled atmosphere the entire game more than the others from Purple Soft.

So are you going to read Kakenuke from Saga Planet next? It has the same theme and lot of other elements. I prefer Seishun Fragile but I think you will like Kakenuke more.    

I took a look at it and rejected it.  To be honest, Fragile's humor was the thing that kept me going, and Saga Planets has never been that good with humor.  They are best when they make outright plotge or dark nakige.  Whenever they try to make something light-hearted, the quality falls drastically.



9 hours ago, Clephas said:

I took a look at it and rejected it.  To be honest, Fragile's humor was the thing that kept me going, and Saga Planets has never been that good with humor.  They are best when they make outright plotge or dark nakige.  Whenever they try to make something light-hearted, the quality falls drastically.

I'm with you about Saga Planets is not good with comedy and it's not exception this time either. However, the true route is really worth to spend time on and it beats Fragile hands down this time in my opinion.

Well, it's still a hassle to read through all routes with just charage and lovey-dovey to reach the true end so it may be hard for some people. 



7 hours ago, KidBuu said:

I'm with you about Saga Planets is not good with comedy and it's not exception this time either. However, the true route is really worth to spend time on and it beats Fragile hands down this time in my opinion.

Well, it's still a hassle to read through all routes with just charage and lovey-dovey to reach the true end so it may be hard for some people. 

I might consider it... but the heroines just don't do anything for me.  They all seem to be standard-issue moege heroines, with none of the qualities that are interesting for me.  If even one was interesting, I would consider just doing her path and using a save to get to the true ending, but that isn't the case with Kakenuke.



On 9/23/2020 at 3:18 AM, Clephas said:

I might consider it... but the heroines just don't do anything for me.  They all seem to be standard-issue moege heroines, with none of the qualities that are interesting for me.  If even one was interesting, I would consider just doing her path and using a save to get to the true ending, but that isn't the case with Kakenuke.

Fair enough. If only they put more effort in character building or mood making to keep the readers interested instead of shallow setting as excuse to drag on the story in non-main heroines' route. I always have a feeling Saga Planet is not good with the pacing which make the process leading to romance is long and boring. It's a waste since the art is pretty good.

However, the true route of this one is really good and made me cry a bit. I rated this one 9/10 solely because of that. Well, if you have time or care enough I do recommend you use the save and play only the true route just for the sake of it. 



Looks like an interesting VN for sure, although whether it's up to Mangagamer or Sekai to have it in English I don't know because Purple Software like to change the publisher. I hope that someday we can have this in English, no matter on how many years we must waiting.

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