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Secret Village of the Succubi Review

Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and sorry for being very late. For the title, because Shiravune just announced a nukige with the premise a succubus dragged the MC into her village which turned out to be populated by succubi (The plural form of sucubus), I decide to make parody of a Yu-Gi-Oh card Secret Village of the Spellcasters by changed 'Spellcasters' into 'Succubi', so we have 'Secret Village of the Succubi' as the title. As for this week, if I may something it's less interesting compared to the last one, but on the other hand we have some updates from fan translation with the most notable one is Ginharu update. Overall, this week is a below average one, and let's see what I can write in regard of it.

Cherry Kiss announced yet another nukige, and said nukige is localize as Oppai Samurai with the premise that one very strong female samurai was forced to have sex with the MC who is nobody. While I should say that Cherry Kiss catalogue is not what I keep my eyes on, at least they can provide entertaining localize title and the description as Oppai Samurai description can tell. No exact release date for this as of now, but we know that we'll get see it released in this month. Speaking of exact release date, we finally have Ninetails announced Gaia release date, although unfortunately it isn't in June because of some circumstances beyond their control, but instead they'll release it on July 28th later so you can note the date if you've been looking forward into it.

As for the aforementioned VN that Shiravune announced, it's Succubus Sessions: Mami Mamiya's Sweet Slice of Hell with the premise is exactly what I wrote beforehand. It's worth to mention that it's actually Moonstone (Or rather it's child company Argonauts) which as we know is Mangagamer's partner, so perhaps there was some things happened behind the scene with them asking Shiravune instead of their usual partner to localize their VN. Oh yes, it's actually the first part of the trilogy, just like Uchi trilogy in that Mangagamer already released two of it's title. Also I should say that the graphic is very nice, and that we already have the exact release date for it in that it'll be on July 21st later.

For fan translation updates, we have Senmomo is at 97.54% edited with side stories is past 90% mark (91.38%) edited, ChuSingura is at 21.86% translated, Tsukihime Remake Ciel's Route Day 12 has been finalized, Tsuma Netori is at 10% edited, Koiyasumi is past halfway (50.58%) edited, H2O is also past halfway (52.2%) edited, and both proofreading and editing work for Planetarian Snow Globe are finished with the translator now finishing up the image along with getting the technical side functional. We also have some translator decided to translate the beta version of Jingai Makyou, or to be exact the trial of the beta version that didn't manage to make it to the final version (The VNDB link of it). I can only say that it may be interesting if you want to see on how Jingai Makyou was envisioned at first.

Last but not the least we also have several updates from Daybreak, with Akagoei FD is at 32.18% edited, Akagoei 3 translation work resuming with the current progress is 15 out of 169 script files are translated, and Yuzuki's route of Ginharu is at halfway translated. Or rather, actually it's just approximately halfway translated because it's based on when the translator did ask Irru about the progress a couple of weeks ago with Irru answer that it's about a third translated back then, and the translator estimated that Irru should be already edited half of Yuzuki's route by now. Also in case you didn't like on how there's a number of editing error in Mizuha's route, the translator already addressed the complain and apply the changes, although he decided to released polished Mizuha's route in Yuzuki's patch.

That's all for what I can write in regard of this week, and see you next week.

Edited by littleshogun


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