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Beat Fencer Hiyori Review

Visual Novel Translation Status (04/07/2023)

Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and as we know we have AX at this week. That said though, I should say that this week AX is quite dry compared to the last year. AX aside, of course we still have some updates with the most notable one is in regard of Sekai two releases in a week. Overall, with the update and this week AX, I can say that this week is almost exciting one with obviously the main highlight is the AX. Let's see what I can write in regard of this week, and as for the title I'll write about it on PS later.

Idea Factory announced Bakarina VN and Sympathy Kiss, with them announce the former for Winter release and the latter for early 2024. For Bakarina VN, it should be obvious that it expand the story that actually is already complete in Season 1 finale with this time Bakarina and friends involved with the pirate. Also in case you want to see Bakarina has route with her female friends (Mary, Sophia, and Maria), unfortunately the VN staff decided to make the VN as full otome VN so no GL route in case someone hope for it. Idea Factory also released Charade Maniac, with the VN tell the story about a female student who've been kidnapped into some unknown place together with nine handsome men, and the cast was forced to work together while made aware with the existence of a traitor. Go get Charade Maniac if you've been waiting for it, and have fun. Oh yes, I should also mention that all of those Idea Factory otome VNs are only available for Switch.

Aniplex announced that they got the license for Tsukihime Remake Part 1, and let's just say that it's redundant now that we already have the full translation patch of it was released just over two weeks ago with Aniplex didn't announce PC version of it (At least it has PS4 version if anything else). Speaking of Aniplex, they released the trial for their new VN called Hira Hira Hihiru in it's Steam store. From what I see, it's set in Taisho era with the citizen suffering the disease called Aerodema with the people who caught in it called hihiru, and the symptoms is that the patient body are rotting like zombie while at the same time their cognition, memory, and awareness are slipping away. Other than that, we have Musicus writer did write the VN and it's planned to be released on this year. Speaking of release, finally we have new exact release date for Sugar Sweet Temptation on 28th later, although we may have it delayed again so let's wait and see here.

Somehow Sekai didn't manage to bring anything interesting at AX, despite that they proven to at least has some interesting announcements in their past AX. If I may say something about it, at least Sekai manage to cut their own backlog a bit because they manage to have two released in a week (Amairo Chocolata 2 and Imouto no Seiiki). At the same time though, they announced the newest Nekonin VN (ExHeart Spin) that's still not released yet, so they cut exactly one backlog which while it's not much at least it getting decreased. We also have Harvest Festa progress, in that they still finishing up the translation work because they find some untranslated text and currently undergoing image editing. Honestly speaking, outside Rewrite Quest Sekai version here is redundant because of the leaked patch, but still good luck to them to finishing it.

From fan translation, we have ChuSingura is at 28.57% translated, 500 out of 2499 (20%) main script of Fate/Extra CCC are edited, H2O is at 88.6% edited, Tsuma Netori is caught up with the proofread (At 35%), and Yosuga no Sora is at 58% edited. We also have the update from the remaining Akagoei trilogy, with the FD is currently at 72.41% edited along with 36.78% in QA, and for Akagoei 3 currently it's at 31.83% translated (For the info, the translator change the progress from script files count into percentage). Oh yes, we also have Kemco announced their plan to localize Archetype Arcadia with the premise is the MC has the sister with fatal illness, and the only way to save his sister is by living inside the online game. Kemco already has the exact release date, and it'll be on October 24th later.


For JAST, we have both the main and side branch (JAST Blue) announced their new licenses. For JAST Blue, we have new partner Pil/Slash which is obviously focused on developing BL title (And apparently it's quite well known with them usually has dark theme in their works) with JAST announce two of it's title. The first title is Masquerade in which I may as well call it as Hell Academy, and the premise is we have the MC who is always bullied find himself in a hostage situation with his bully and his teacher with the police point the gun at them while forcing his hostage to do some workout. The second title is Paradise with the premise the MC hoping to see cute girl in his vacation (Obviously not gonna happen), and then he caught up in the situation where everyone is suspicious with soon the situation turned to become more chaotic.

JAST has Goblin on the March, which from what I can see from DLSite it's about the MC who dead and then reincarnated as goblin. From there, the MC will try breed human as much as possible which of course lead into a high number of sex scenes. Almost forgot to mention that JAST also announced Gears of Dragoon 2 estimated release time, and for the info they'll try to release it around September later. They also got another Nitroplus VN, and said title is Mojika with the premise is we have the ugly MC who've been bullied, so it's obvious that he'll enact revenge when he decided to use his hidden power to eventually rape the female who've been bullied him. While it's easy to dismiss it as dark nukige which is quite unusual for Nitroplus to produce it, seeing that the writer is also Kimikoi (Also Carnevale and Tokyo Necro) writer, it should be obvious that there's something more beneath it.

Another announcement is Sisters: Last Day of Summer, with the VN has good technical aspect with the sex scenes are animated on top of the graphic has anime style. The premise itself is nothing special though, with the MC live together with a woman who has two beautiful daughters. No much I can say other than that and currently it's in QA. We also have another Alcot VN announced, and the name of the VN is Yomegami with the premise is our MC is formerly a devil who need to do a lot of good deeds in order to return to the world of God, only to have his effort is constantly foiled because of his remaining devil power. I should also mention that one of the heroine is his mother who is the reincarnation of the goddess, which while I didn't mind much of it I know some may be wary.

Surprisingly JAST manage to have one of Frontwing VN, and said VN is Djibril in which it's used to be Frontwing flagship series until Grisaia. The premise is we have a girl was suddenly chosen to become magical girl in order to fight the devil, and from there the girl together with her childhood friend (The MC) do her best to do so. While I know some may wait for this, I may as well wait until JAST announce the rest of the three VNs in Djibril series. Lastly there's Yamizome Liberator, which is the Escude VN with the exactly same premise and gameplay as Revenger. That said, it has some difference, namely that the one who possessed the MC is the female demon queen instead of the male demon king, which I assume that Escude do it in order to squash the complain from some people who think that the demon king in Revenger do the NTR toward the MC. By the way I've been looking forward to see Liberator translated, so good for JAST there.


We have Hana Awase announced by Mangagamer, and from what I see it's obviously otome VN. The other thing I can see is that it didn't have sex scenes, already announced that it would have English version, and have complicated Hanafuda card battle gameplay with the story really put the focus on the card battle itself. I don't know if the card gameplay would be as simple as Princess Waltz or as complicated as Soukoku no Arterial, although looking from the screenshot it's probably like Princess Waltz. Almost forgot to mention that the developer initially release it in four parts, and Mangagamer will release one big bundle that compile the four parts of it. Oh, and currently we already have it fully translated and edited with the remaining work on it are coding and testing.

Mangagamer announce Moonstone VN, Sex Open World, and well I can say that it's their biggest announcement in a way lol (Poor the heroines though that they could suffer backpain). Anyway, the premise is that the loser MC was thrown out into another world thanks to the accident as usual, and find out the legend that he destined to be the father of the heroes that will end the Era of the War. So, of course he was chased by several female, and out of those female seven of those have lucky chance to be blessed of the future heroes with the MC does his best to produce the heroes. Yeah, this is isekai nukige all right. Also, we already has some progress on it, with currently the translator already finished working on common and Yuuna's route, and currently on a third way working on both of Anna and Alecia routes.

After working with Shiravune in regard of Sacrifice Villain, Clockup decided to work with Mangagamer in regard of Dead Days. From the premise, we have several dead people trapped in the other world with the promise that they will be revived in the real live, with one condition that the people must work together to eliminate all of the monsters called specters. While it simple enough, turned out that there's some slightly minor side effect of the revival, namely their libido increased which obviously increase the complication of the situation. By the way while we know that Clockup like their disturbing sex contents, in Dead Days its perfectly possible to avoid those, as long as you did your best to avoid the bad ending.

Last but not the least, Mangagamer announcement is Ixseal, in which it's the third Beat series from Alicesoft. For the premise, we have our MC Tsuguhiko who is the reincarnated demon king bidding his time to gain his former power. One day, one of the female angel, Ixseal, decided to strike Tsuguhiko when he's about to recover his power. After surviving the attack, Tsuguhiko's loyal follower decided to betray him and stole six out of seven sins from Tsugihiko, leaving him with the sin of Lust. Then he found out that his former follower also trapped Ixseal on Earth and seal her source of power, so naturally she's got weakened. Having no choice, both decided to work together with Tsuguhiko providing power to Ixseal by using his own power of Lust to arouse Ixseal. So yeah, usual Beat series setting where you need to power up the magical girl through sex. Anyway, I've been waiting the license for this, so good for Mangagamer they managed to get Ixseal's license.

That's all for what I can write in regard of this week VNTS Review, and sorry for being very late here. See you on the next VNTS Review here.

PS - Because we have Mangagamer announced Beat Valkyrie Ixseal and JAST announced Yamizome Revenger, I made the parody of Beat Valkyrie Ixseal, so we have 'Beat Fencer Hiyori' as the title with Hiyori herself is one of Liberator's Heroine (So yeah it should be obvious that this is not the review of the game with the premise of grinding Hiyori's status through sex lol). For more elaboration, Hiyori title is Divine Fencer, although the kanji in her title is mean Divine Guardian, which mean Hiyori title as Fencer may come from the word En garde (On Guard) that always shouted by the referee when fencing match start.

Edited by littleshogun


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