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Godskrieg got a reaction from Dergonu in Anyone Really Religious here?
Awww shucks, now i'm blushing.
But in all seriousness, while i'm always willing to have a friendly discussion, I never fight. Every person is completely free to believe what they want, as long as it doesn't harm other people. Just as I am allowed to disagree with them on their beliefs.
Godskrieg got a reaction from Kawasumi in Anyone Really Religious here?
Awww shucks, now i'm blushing.
But in all seriousness, while i'm always willing to have a friendly discussion, I never fight. Every person is completely free to believe what they want, as long as it doesn't harm other people. Just as I am allowed to disagree with them on their beliefs.
Godskrieg reacted to mitchhamilton in Anyone Really Religious here?
....................i respect that.
but try not to instigate a fight. btw, never said this before but love your avatar. HOLO FTW!!!
Godskrieg got a reaction from Dergonu in Forum Rollback
I blame Maggot Baits, that announcement was so hardcore the site just died.
So basically, obviously Nosebleed's fault.
Godskrieg got a reaction from Fred the Barber in Story Behind Your Current Avatar
I... I like Holo?
Nah but in all seriousness Spice & Wolf is one of my favorite series of all time, and while I probably prefer Lawrence to Holo I couldn't find a nice gif of him. Also, those cat ears be cute as fuck.
Godskrieg reacted to Nosebleed in Some Useful Tools to Help Read Manga/Books in Japanese
So we all know there's multiple ways to help us read Japanese VNs by now. All Japanese VNs have text you can grab and display, which makes them an easy target for practicing reading. There's one downside though, visual novels are typically incredibly long, especially if you are a beginner (yes, even the shorter ones can take a while to read if you're inexperienced). I always thought this downside affected lots of people that wanted to practice reading but didn't have the time/energy to read through an entire VN in Japanese to start with.
However, other mediums like manga and LNs are much more difficult due to requiring you to either constantly look at a dictionary or just know all those kanji from memory (with the exception of manga that have furigana, but those are usually aimed at younger audiences and might not be the most interesting). It felt unfair that such fun media couldn't be used as easily to study Japanese.
Well luckily yesterday I was talking to a friend on discord and fanboying over the Monogatari Series with them and they ended up showing me a few tools they used to read LNs, and after that I myself looked up for ways to read manga in Japanese, and thus we come to this thread in which I'm hoping to share something useful with those of you who wish to read these mediums as a way to practice Japanese.
Note: If you know any other/better software, please by all means share it!
Kanjitomo is an incredibly useful software to read manga on your computer. It detects kanji/words by simply hovering over them with your mouse. But not only that, it gives you the reading/meaning of those words/kanji. And lastly, if it fails to show the correct kanji, it shows you a list with similar looking kanji for you to browse, it also lets you edit the individual kanji contained in the word in case it guessed the 2nd or 3rd characters wrong, thus always letting you pick which is the right one.
Some screenshots:
Easy word lookup Very customizeable Let's you actually import images and scroll through multiple images in a single folder. Also supports Chinese Disadvantages
Can get laggy sometimes (mostly on startup) The zoom feature can get somewhat annoying to control Although it lets you import files, I found the file viewer annoying to use and prefer to just use some other software to open the images Download (requires Java to be installed): http://kanjitomo.net/
This software is primarily geared towards books. What it does is it lets you import .txt files (or copy text) and open them in the reader. After that it places furigana on top of all the words, and also creates a glossary of words on the right for you to look up if you need. One feature I really appreciated in it was that it only displays furigana for the first instance of a word only, forcing you to memorize the word after that (although if you want to, you can select the word and it'll look it up for you regardless).
Now you might be thinking, doesn't Translation Aggregator also do something similar? While TA does indeed have these same functions, TA is mostly practical for smaller chunks of text, not whole sections of a book.
With translation enabled:
Easy way to read large chunks of text with furigana Can use different parsers. Can also place the English translation underneath the words if needed Creates a glossary of words for an easy lookup Pretty costumizeable interface (you can change the font/size/colors/etc.) Also works with German Disadvantages:
Requires you to copy the text or have a text file of the book you're reading, which doesn't always happen. Parsing is not perfect and you may find some weird results at times (but that's the same for any Japanese parser). It seems to have a certain limit of text it can display (I kept running into an error when I imported a lot of text), so you may not be able to import whole books but instead have to copy multiple chunks (they're pretty big chunks though) Download: http://jgloss.sourceforge.net/
Yomichan is an Anki add-on that lets you read text and look up words while simultaneously being able to create an anki deck for the words you want. This tool is incredibly useful if you want to study and read a book at the same time.
Lets you read entire books at once (you can also copy the text) Very easy to create an anki deck with the words from the text Disadvantages
No furigana on the text itself Requires you to have the book in a .txt file More useful for studying than actually reading Download (requires anki to be installed): https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/934748696
Capture2Text is a simple but intuitive OCR (Optic Character Recognition) program that lets you select a part of your screen to convert into text. It's useful to grab whole sentences from a specific bubble of text or a sentence from a book and automatically copy them to your clipboard, which you can then use to do whatever. If you're a translator, it makes the script writing process much easier since you don't have to manually input everything.
(I don't really have any screenshots since all the software does is grab and copy text.)
Easy way to grab text from an image and paste it onto your clipboard (or someplace else) Works well in conjunction with other software like TA. Disatvantages:
The recognition can fail pretty hard depending on the font used (you can easily end up with scrambled jibberish) Download: http://capture2text.sourceforge.net/
I know it's not groundbreaking and it might not even be as appealing as just grabbing text in a VN, but I find manga and LNs very fun and less tiresome to read and so these tools come in really handy for that purpose.
Think of it this way, do you want to start practicing Japanese by reading an entire visual novel with more than a thousand lines from the get go, or would something smaller like a 20 page manga chapter be a little easier for starters? Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't try to read visual novels, they're great practice, but I think a lot of people lose themselves when starting off with them and perhaps these tools will help keep the focus on studying and memorizing things a bit more instead of just reading.
Godskrieg reacted to Down in Muhammad Ali
Let's not forget that behind the legendary boxer was a great political figure that stood for black people's rights in the US and against imperialism.
Godskrieg got a reaction from john 'mr. customer' smith in Rate the avatar above you
Don't know what it is, or what planet its from but its fucking beautiful.
Godskrieg got a reaction from Shikomizue in Princess Evangile Steam Key giveaway! (OVER)
Did, did I win?
Godskrieg reacted to john 'mr. customer' smith in Rate the avatar above you
7/10 needs more ORA!
bonus points if someone knows what mine is from
Godskrieg reacted to XReaper in srpg recommendation similar to sengoku rance
here you go: http://www.heroesoflegend.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=21&p=2248#p2248
Godskrieg got a reaction from XReaper in srpg recommendation similar to sengoku rance
What zero? Did I miss out on something? Enlighten me senpai!
Also, while true and Aroduc likes to make us all suffer I have a lot of respect, translates fast as hell and with good quality, i've got no complaints to someone who does that out of there own free time, much respect. When my Japanese reading skills get a bit better i'll start reading Eushully games independently, but I just prefer English ya know?
Godskrieg reacted to Vorathiel in Anime Central Speculation and Announcement Thread
Funbag Fantasy XDDD what a title, what a CG! (NSFW)
Godskrieg got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in Anime Central Speculation and Announcement Thread
Checkmate Mangagamer. Fucking check-fucking-mate. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!
Godskrieg got a reaction from Vorathiel in Anime Central Speculation and Announcement Thread
Godskrieg reacted to Darklord Rooke in Anime Central Speculation and Announcement Thread
Hopefully MG will announce a nice gameplay title from Alicesoft, instead of a nukige with basic gameplay elements.
Godskrieg reacted to john 'mr. customer' smith in Help me find a sappy romantic VN.
Sonohana maybe? Obviously not the same as key or KS but it's strangely warming
Godskrieg reacted to Funnerific in Help me find a sappy romantic VN.
Fureraba (it's plotless though)
Godskrieg got a reaction from Vorathiel in Muv Luv: A Pretty Sweet Visual Novel Series Kickstarter [MILLION DOLLAR BABY]
My opinion is literally the exact opposite of this, excuse me for the coming rant. While I geniunely believe that the H-Scenes in Extra and Unlimited are justified, seeing as they both are, at the end of the day a romance story. This does not go for Alternative though, yes it has the romantic backplot but even the h-scene and romance is limited to just one character, when there are other characters (namely Meiya) that I prefer infinately over the linear relationship in Alternative. Other then that (SPOILER ALERT)
Godskrieg got a reaction from Zantax in Looking for something with gameplay similar to Kamidori Alchemy Meister
Any Eushully games, most of them have translated interfaces, not actual story though.
Other then that i'm going to recommend most Alicesoft games, they have interesting stories and really fun gameplay in my opinion. A good example would be Sengoku Rance.
Godskrieg got a reaction from CeruleanGamer in Kotaku did a decent article
This truly is a sign of the end times, Kotaku can't release a well-written article, it was written in the law of the internet. Aside from that I agree that more companies in general should have better communication, 'tis a valid point.
Other then that this just makes me affirm my stance on the whole "separation of fantasy and reality" subject. I still believe that anything that is not real, be it art, books or whatever else, is free game. For the love of god Game of Thrones is one of the most popular things out there right now yet one of the characters, who is 14 (or 13), gets raped by her new husband pretty early in the first book AND in the show as well, yet its so popular and no one is gathering pitchforks and torches and raiding George R.R. Martin's house, now are they? This leads to my point, she is not real, if your problem is that shes 13 then slap the age of 5641 on her and put her back in the bikini. Christ people, its fictional, no one was hurt in the making of this video game. (Except the programmers fingers from all that typing.)
Just to clarify I haven't even played the game, nor do I care about the bikini.
Godskrieg got a reaction from yvetox in Recommend me positive j-rock
I'll just drop Bradio (click me) here, all the songs are upbeat as hell and instantly make me wanna dance.
Godskrieg reacted to Monmon in Fuwanovel Confessions
I like it when someone give me a "like" , it make me so happy because i feel someone read my post.
Godskrieg got a reaction from Kurōrī Kātā Jābisu in Hai. Is this thing on?
Welcome to Fuwa, you definitely are somewhere on the top of my list of "people who wrote long introductions". Hope you enjoy your stay here, also I should say that I love the picture, Vash is amazing.