I've never been called a scorched ice giant before but I guess that's nice.
Although I wonder how a planet can sustain ices at such elevated temperature & pressure. Also weird atmospheric composition!
I'm not sure there's a canon answer (usually these kinds of lighter sequels, like F/HA, tend to stay vague, as if a mix of all routes had happened), but you could infer it's after arcueid's good end. But I'm not sure there are no inconsistencies with that (they probably are and it's not very important).
Not my research topic so I'm not an expert, but you're right. The negative mass we're talking about here is an "effective negative mass" which is a result of the numerous strange behaviours that exotic states of matter like Bose-Einstein condensates display. Transposing classical concepts like mass to these purely quantum states of matter where even the notion of a substantial, individual particle breaks down would be misleading, it's quite different from what's involved in the speculative "negative mass" in general relativity.
But both are still cool. That's why we read sci-fi.
Basically this:
Just in case some of you are subscribed to Crunchyroll...
This should be mostly accurate. (I used it when I read it and I seemed to extrapolate the right reading times from my estimated reading speed)
So it's actually longer than SubaHibi, not by that much but Subahibi had some repeated text (and weird ero that you might not have read entirely).
where the hell is this thread going
How about calming down for a few hours and then we'll re-open for more sensible discussions?
edit: thread has been (somewhat) cleaned.
Arguably Rumiko Takahashi was already doing harems in the 80s (Ranma 1/2 for example). And there's always the (fairly probable) possibility that some obscure manga author did it before.
Oh, I forgot FMP! indeed. Fumoffu is funny as hell and Second Raid was awesome. The first series is far from being bad either.
It's a super robot show with a late 90s feeling, quite different from Go Nagai stuff. The robots look like actual toys. It's a bit peculiar to get used to, but it's fun. And the end of the main series and the Finale OVAs rival Gurren Lagann in epicness without a doubt. They're pretty unbelievable.
Hm. In no particular order I'd say:
Yamato 2199
Patlabor (everything)
Harlock 78
Gurren Lagann
Zeta Gundam
And worth seeing movies include Macross DYRL, Waga seishun no Arcadia, the two Galaxy Express 999 movies, the three Gundam 0079 movies... I'm probably forgetting stuff.
Of course you've seen some of those already, but well.
It's... It's back! It works! My eyes no longer suffer as they go from a completely black theme to other, regular sites! The glorious, fabulous pink is back at last!
Thank you, o glorious leader!