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Valmore last won the day on May 16 2017

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1 Follower

About Valmore

  • Birthday 02/04/1977

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  • Location
    Florida, USA
  • Interests
    Reading, sports, writing, stuff

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  1. I don't remember the very beginning of JP FGP since I started later. The current ascension quests only drop what's needed to get to certain levels in the English version. It may be once the developers release more of the basic storyline they'll change to the typical missions that drop the higher level stuff.
  2. Fairly decent 4* account, though.
  3. If anyone's sick of rerolling I have a spare 5* Arturia / 4* Liz account I can spot you.
  4. When the mood strikes. It's a meme that was going around for a bit. It's meant to be mocking, but I use it lovingly.
  5. There's no winner here, because "The Best Eroge Ever" isn't there.
  6. nOt GoNnA pLaY tHe EnG vEr,NoT eNoUgH tImE lOl
  7. Since it's two servers you should be able to play both on a single device - at one point I did that with Love Live. You can still grind away at the JP account as a main and in your spare time play the NA version to read the story.
  8. Yeah, I'll play it so I can read the story. I doubt I sink much into the gacha on it, though... oh who the hell am I kidding?
  9. Guess I'll put some protected smiles up while I'm at it:
  10. Different servers so it's all new accounts, everyone will be starting off fresh, though it looks like the opening promo is Saber Lily so there is that. For JP server, looks like Kintoki Rider re-run is on the way.
  11. June 25th, prepare to go in debt twice as fast. NA version release date.
  12. it's like Godâ„¢ spoke to you and the power flew from your fingertips through the keyboard and into the interwebs itself.
  13. Check for username Morisato. I think I changed it from Megumi to Morisato a while back.
  14. Well, guess I can quite FGO now. Nothing left to do after getting Tsundere Goddess:
  15. Fine, since Flutterz is shitposting, I'll do a smile protected: So, I went for a Rinshtar pull, and ended up with Artemis... uh, Orion the teddy bear, I mean. I guess if I'm gonna miss getting something else I'd wanted is a good way to miss.
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