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HypnoConductor last won the day on June 4 2023

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  • Japanese language

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  1. Thank you so much for all your hard work WJHB. Genuinely this VN Translation would be dead in the water if not for you
  2. I've uploaded a patch file with the current progress of the patch. Has the last two merge requests from @WaifusAndSyrup and @WJHB so Keika should be mostly translated and everything up to WJHB's last merge are ready to be played. Thanks for the work on this guys! Let me know if there are any issues with this patch file. If there are, I can see to fixing it. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1096073356119396352/1123128321308369068/data6.pack
  3. These files that are being detected are false positives and are safe. They're needed to convert the files into the pack file
  4. Thank you for all the work you're doing on this. Whenever you get the chance, request a merge and ill publish a patch file
  5. Fair point @WJHB. Thread can be used for general updates but for sake of communication, Here's a discord for the project. I'll add some channels in a bit but at least we can talk in real time in here. https://discord.gg/fbAMZT8F
  6. Waifu's work is in a fork. I'm not sure where anyone else is uploading their stuff.
  7. @WJHB I'll start uploading compiled patches once they get merged with the master branch and providing them in the repo
  8. Looks like WaifusandSyrup is going to be editing the Keika files. I've made a new branch just merging all the translated files from Randomer and they've already forked it. They're going to make an account on the forum soon but there was apparently some issue. Oh well
  9. Been trying to see if anyone else would be willing to help out the translation efforts but nobody else yet Again Thank you so much WJHB for all the work you've done so far!
  10. Just merged to master. Pretty neat that you spoke to the author about that. Did you mention anything regarding doing this for an english version and did they say anything about it?
  11. The tools and instructions to create the pack file is in the github repo. At the moment, Everything HMFan has translated is already added to the main code repo so if you were to clone it and build the patch, it would include whatever HMFan has done as well as everything WJHB has done since her first Merge Request. I don't mind uploading pre-patched files though if needed. @WJHB Would you be cool with creating a new merge request with the stuff you've worked on?
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