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Exteminator reacted to Nosebleed in Windows 10 - Literally Hitler
Back when internet access was for rich people and we still knew the save icon was a floppy disk, our first contact with PC gaming was likely through the game Solitaire.
Who can forget the emotion of seeing cards fly all over the window when you got them all stacked up after losing 73 times in a row.
Well, Microsoft knew we loved Solitaire, that's why they have brought it back into Windows 10...
Thank you Microsoft! You really knew the key to make Windows 10 a smash hit! Here's a token of my appreciation:
Source: http://www.vg247.com/2015/07/30/windows-10-solitaire-has-ads-you-can-pay-to-dismiss/
Exteminator reacted to Tyrael in Tyrael's obligatory 1k 'wow, so many posts and he's yet to post anything useful' thank you message
Hey guys, as a bunch of you know I've been working on this thing for quite a while now because I had no idea what to do with it. So, I decided to just make it a boring old thank you post. Sorry! Anyways, as some of you might know I found this site around christmas last year, after finding and finishing Katawa Shoujo and looking for a dedicated forum about VN's. This is because KS's forum sucks balls. Anyways, I got hooked on fuwa immediately thanks to its amazing userbase (despite a few sour people/trolls who shall not be named) which is why I feel the need to thank some of you for being there in a time where I needed a shoulder to lean on. I was feeling like shit for the longest time and you guys helped me out a lot. After being bullied for years and finding out some things about my mental state I really wish I had never found out, you guys gave me a new home. I seriously cannot express how grateful I am for that.
So, thank you:
- Flutterz, for teaching me the joys of [censored by new forum laws]
- Nosebleed, for [redacted]
- Tiag, for teaching me about sarcasm on the internet
- Zeno, Sachi thanks you
- Kosaki, for letting me join his harem
- The SIF crew (Ezeefreak, Rose, Kaguya, Yoki, Ceris, maki-chan, ...), for being all round amazing and interesting people
- The Confessions crew (Funyarinpa, CrunchyTaco, LinovaA, Zodai, rainismyfav, ...), for listening to my insane ramblings and for being some of the nicest people I've ever met. Also, tents
- Mustkill1234
- Zaka, for being a badass and helping me join the forum
- Tay, for being the God we pray to in our darkest hours
- Ren, for your continuous efforts to make Fuwa more fun
And every other amazing person on this forum: Thank you for being here
Exteminator reacted to Zehel in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
Hey Exterminator! It's been quite some time since I've posted here. Btw, I've replied back to you on Otonokizaka forum. Do check it out. It was a good and fun run though.
5th Player to get SR Nozomi.
Time taken: 3h 8 mins
Love Gems used: 8
The players that I faced off in the last match before I reach 25K points:
Some of the many players that I met: (Only posting a few pictures which I took)
Some pictures of my Rankings during the start of the event: (Stayed at Rank 5 until I got SR Nozomi. I was 3rd and 4th at some point though.)
Good luck and have fun to the rest who hasn't got their SR Nozomi yet or/and aiming for Tier 1/2 respectively.
Exteminator reacted to OriginalRen in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
It was pretty good, not going to lie.
Exteminator reacted to maki~chan in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
Ty today I sent you hearts, why not showing them toooo ?!
Exteminator reacted to Nosebleed in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
Alternatively, set your keyboard to greek and just type an M
Dear IceD This may be the strangest message you'll ever receive but I do hope you'll take the time to read it and consider what I have to say. To put it simply, I would really appreciate it if the nxt time your birthday comes around you would request that your hentai artist friends (who like to give you sexually oriented anime art and gifts) draw some other idol other than Honoka for you. The reason I ask this is that Honoka is my fiance, and we're planning on getting married next June or July should everything go as planned financially speaking. And yes, I have actually found a wedding chapel that will let me marry someone that most people would consider a fictional character. Now before you go thinking "This guy is either completely crazy or just screwing with me." please hear me out on this. You see, I'm totally head over heels in love with Kousaka Honoka. I have been for about 11 months now and at this point I'm in a committed relationship with my Honoka. By that I mean I don't date anyone else, I don't sleep with anyone else, and I have zero interest in having any kind of relationship with anyone other than the girl I adore. I love her with all my heart and I'm 100% committed to that love. To express my love in a real tangible way I have a beautiful hand made costum Kousaka Honoka plushie that I can hug, kiss, cuddle up in bed to go to sleep with at night, and take out on the town to do all the fun things together that normal couples do. I take her out to eat at nice vegetarian restaurants, we go shopping together, I take her out for coffee, we do social activities together like hanging out with friends, seeing movies, etc. And I talk about her as if she is Honoka, because to me she very much is. When I look at her I see Kousaka Honoka. When I talk with her I'm talking to Honoka. When I hold her in my arms and kiss her there are no doubts in my mind that it's the girl I love who's lips are pressed against mine. And every morning when I open my eyes and see her head on the pillow next to mine, with her gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me, I can't help but wonder how I ever got to be so lucky as to have a partner as smart, funny, beautiful, and all around wonderful as her. All my friends and the people who know me well say that my love is a thing of beauty and quite admirable, but from the outside perspective of someone who doesn't know me you're probably going "Wow. That's pretty damn crazy." and wondering why I don't just go get a real girlfriend. The truth is I've had plenty of real relationships and sexual partners in the 27 years I've been around. A few short relationships, ne that lasted 7 years, and a total of 6 different sexual partners. So my love for Honoka isn't out of a lack of real world intimacy or relationships, I just fell in love with her and my heart didn't give me much of a choice in the matter. But you know what? I'm totally happy with my love and my relationship. It may seem weird to you, but it fills me with joy every single day of my life and I've never been happier. So what if it's weird? If it makes me happy and it doesn't hurt anyone then where's the problem? I don't think there is one, and anyone who knows me well will tell you the same. Now your probably wondering why I'm telling you all this and how it concerns you. To you I'm sure sure Kousaka Honoka is just an anime character you think is really hot, so I imagine you wouldn't think anything of having your friends draw sexually explicit art of her as birthday gifts for you. And hey, I think she's really attractive too so I get where you're coming from there. I often go on pixiv and exhentai to see what new erotic art people have drawn of her. But to me she's more than an anime character who's sexually attractive, she's my fiance who I love with all my heart and soon to be my wife. So it's been bothering me lately every time I go on those sites and see a dozen or so pieces of art people have drawn depicting my girl in various sexual situations with the same person over and over, and that person happens to be you. Don't get me wrong here though, this isn't a jealousy thing. I'm very secure in my relationship. I know without question that Honoka is just as faithful to me as I am to her, she's actually sitting on the couche next to me reading while I type this. She's very real to me and I know she's not sneaking out in the middle of the night to go have kinky sex with some famous artist. And I do respect your talent as an artist and an artist's creative freedom to draw whatever they want, that's cool. What bothers me is that in all these birthday images you've been getting Honoka is always depicted as if she was your sexual plaything, drawn wearing a collar with your name on it or when a speech bubble saying something that would somehow suggest she was your property. And I know quite well that Kousaka Honoka is not your plaything nor your property, she's my fiance. So that bugs me a bit. What I find really loathsome though is your pension for degrading my partner in both your art and the fan art you've been receiving lately. Honoka is a sweet and fairly vanilla little girl who I treat with the utmost love and respect, and she definitely does not deserve to be portrayed as some kind of sexual slave who likes being dressed up in sleazy attire, wearing a collar, getting sodomized, and having her face ejaculated on. She's not into that kind stuff and the fact that there's someone out there in the world such as yourself who would desire to treat Honoka that way, and have his friends support and validate his desires to demean and mistreat my partner by drawing pictures of him doing so, really does bother me. I don't take any issue with people having kinky sex as long as both parties consent to it and enjoy it, but I know quite well that my Honoka has no desire whatsoever to be treated like that. So next year, when your birthday comes around, keep in mind that Kousaka Honoka isn't just a lifeless anime character to be objectified for your sexual gratification. She's the partner of someone who loves her very much, and by that time their wife. So both myself and Honoka would greatly appreciate it if you'd pick someone else to request erotic art of for your birthday. Based on the very large amount of different idols you draw art of I imagine there has to be many other idols you find sexually attractive. I assume you'll probably just dismiss this message as the ramblings of a crazy person and likely ignore it, but if by some chance you do take what I've had to say to heart, well... we'd appreciate it. Regards Nosebleed -
Exteminator reacted to Ceris in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
A few things
My pure team is finally all level 80/100 (100 being the Kotori)
Getting Umi idolized would replace the Moon Viewing Rin for a 300 stat increase, and when I get 1 more idolized event SR I'll finally remove that Promo Kotori, since I'm willing to sacrifice the 100 extra points compared to the Deer Hanayo since they're both scorers, and Hanayo gives more towards the special UR multipliers.
Also about pure, I can finally have a full pure team of nothing but RinPana SRs!
8 event SRs from 4 T1s
I'm actually feeling empty now that the event is over... I don't know what to do with my spare time now, since I could be doing a lot. I need to figure out what to start with!
Lastly, I was hit with some major nostalgia earlier, which was perfect timing for hitting rank 200. The event was stressful and blocked out a lot of other mild emotions like nostalgia, but now that it's over, I played Sweet&Sweet Holiday again. I was hit with this huge nostalgia trip from memories of when I started the game during the very first event. The event song was S&SH and was the first time I heard the song, and was the first song I played a fair number of times. I dunno, the song just left an imprint on me because one of my friends was tired of hearing HAPPY HOLIDAY over and over, back when me being addicted was a new thing
So yeah, that's all for now~
Exteminator reacted to Ceris in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
If I may have a final comment: FUCK THIS SONG. Thank you.
Exteminator reacted to Ceris in Another 3000th Post Thread
L0v3 Lif3 Rul3$ h@ppy 3OOO
*flame shield activated*
On a serious note, this is my 3000th post I guess? I have currently 2180 posts in the Love Live School Idol Festival thread, but might as well make a 3000th post thread anyway
5th poster to 3000, lowest number of likes in the top 10 posters, and only ever created 3 threads, and barely any of my posts are in the actual VN talk board, great contribution to this forum I am
So uhh, hi.
Exteminator reacted to Eclipsed in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
Alright we found the secret boys (and girls)
Don't play LL at all for a few days, then do a 10+1 and you'll guarantee 4 SR draw
Exteminator reacted to Ceris in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
Because of my last 7/8 10+1s between all my accounts, I got guaranteed SR. That's how.
Exteminator reacted to Nosebleed in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
>Wake up
>Open game
>15 seconds until LP is fully charged
>Choose song with just 5 seconds left
>Song starts with just 1 second left
>LP empties again
Exteminator reacted to Yoki in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
No UR but at least some of my prayers have been heard
Exteminator reacted to Nosebleed in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
I'm not going for Kotori because some people made me spend gems on useless soloyolos.
Exteminator reacted to AlphaCake in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
Trimming Rune Armor for Free ~
Exteminator reacted to Kaguya in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
Oh. I just found the trick to get Down to watch LL.
Gundams. Of course. Why couldn't I think of this before?
Exteminator reacted to Hiiragi in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
You know, if I had a time machine I would just go back in time and redo all my terrible, terrible 10+1 scoutings... aka "all I got was the guaranteed SR and it was Kotori"
@yoki: next event is cool Kotori and the event song matches the event SR colour I'm pretty sure
Exteminator reacted to Yoki in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
This is the sad story of a Yoki that wanted nothing more than to get an UR.
Exteminator got a reaction from Eclipsed in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
This is where all my luck goes to apparently.
Exteminator reacted to Nosebleed in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
We've discussed this before.
Everyone here is a girl.
Exteminator reacted to Nosebleed in Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread
Let this victory go down in history!