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    Tyrael got a reaction from Hiromi in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   

    I used to be very active here many years ago, looking to catch up with the many wonderful people I met here but sadly lost contact with along the way. 

    A bit about me: I used to be a casual reader, did a few reviews for the website here back in the day. My fav VNs are Rewrite, Song of Saya and G-Senjou no Maou. These days I spend a lot of my time working (argh), playing magic the gathering (irl? woah!), playing table tennis and a bit of video gaming here and there when I have the time.

    Glad to be back! 
  2. Yes
    Tyrael reacted to solidbatman in Gnosia: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Amogus   
    A friend last year recommended the VN Gnosia to me. I, being who I am, resisted for a while. VNs had hurt me. They had abused me. Pancaked my love for storytelling. But then, I saw the artwork for Gnosia and said "Screw it, letsago." 

    I grabbed it for the Switch and went to town playing it. It is the perfect type of VN to play in short bursts. For me, that meant before bed usually for 20-30 minutes a night. For those that don't know, Gnosia is a social deduction VN that plays out a bit more like Town of Salem than it does Among Us. For starters, the game's story is told in loops. You wake up at the start of a loop on a spaceship, assigned a role. The ship AI has detected a Gnosia may be on board. These parasitic aliens seek to infect each crew member and make it to a space port to continue spreading as far as they can. The goal of those not infected to to find the Gnosia and put them into cold sleep where they can spread no more.

    Each character is assigned a role on each loop. Some may be engineers that can find out who the Gnosia is each night. There may be a doctor who can discover the identity of anyone put into cold sleep. Those with Guard Duty are those who never left the ship and therefore cannot be Gnosia. AC Followers worship Gnosia and do everything they can to help them. Then, anywhere from 1-4 characters can be Gnosia. They can lie, cheat, and steal their way to survival in order to either put every crew member into cold sleep, or kill each person. They can select one person each night to kill.

    The main bulk of the gameplay is made up by debates, where characters discuss and vote on who they must put into cold sleep. Engineers and doctors share their reports, though Gnosia and AC Followers can like about their role to muddy and confuse the debate, or convince others that the true engineers or doctors are in fact Gnosia. Each character has stats that dictates how they will act during debates. One character, for example, who hates lying and is super perceptive, may be able to immediately tell when someone is lying, but has low charisma and as result, struggles to convince others of the truth.  You yourself also have stats that go up against other characters stats to see how convincing you are, or how trustworthy.

    The story is told in between the debates, as you can visit parts of the ship to talk to characters. Under certain conditions, you may get character events that shed more light on their character and their story. As you are only one of two people aware of the looping, you must discover as much information as you can to find a way out of the loop. For me, this took about 130 loops. Later in the game, you will be able to alter the starting conditions to better set up the conditions needed to trigger character events. And the game will auto-set them for you to nearly guarantee the character events as well if you so choose. 

    The game is addicting, pretty to look at, and the story quite engaging. It is the type of game better suited towards short bursts rather than hours long sessions as the loops can feel repetitive as you try to trigger events. As each loop normally only takes 5-10 minutes, playing for 30-40 minutes at a time can net a solid 3-6 loops which I think is a solid amount for a single sitting. 

    To sum up my thoughts, allow me to simply state, Setsu masterrace please play gnosia do it for setsu 


  3. Yes
    Tyrael reacted to littleshogun in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   
    Welcome back to Fuwanovel, and well I also happen to be one of the old guard who still post something in this forum until now. You can always have new people into contact, although of course having another old guard here is always welcome. Anyway feel free to ask for VNs recommendations if you need it (There's really a lot of change nowadays when it come to translated VNs, most notably with both of Muramasa and WA2 are already translated), and hopefully you'll be able to enjoy yourself here again.
  4. Love
    Tyrael got a reaction from Roach in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   
    I still really love this signature and I have zero intention of changing it, still love Amane with all my heart. Nice to see you!
    That's pretty rad! 
  5. Like
    Tyrael got a reaction from Dergonu in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   
    Interested in providing content as a guest reviewer for sure, missed ya bud!
    No worries, just spend a fifth of your paycheck on it each month and you're golden
    I'd like to forget I ever used Skype lmao
    Necro gang
    Sup dude

    Holy bajeezus, almost 8K posts?
    Man, I loved Kindred Spirits, easily my favourite review I ever did as well.
    Happy to see you, fellow FFXIV addict
  6. Like
    Tyrael got a reaction from Plk_Lesiak in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   

    I used to be very active here many years ago, looking to catch up with the many wonderful people I met here but sadly lost contact with along the way. 

    A bit about me: I used to be a casual reader, did a few reviews for the website here back in the day. My fav VNs are Rewrite, Song of Saya and G-Senjou no Maou. These days I spend a lot of my time working (argh), playing magic the gathering (irl? woah!), playing table tennis and a bit of video gaming here and there when I have the time.

    Glad to be back! 
  7. Yes
    Tyrael reacted to HataVNI in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   
    Guest reviewer, full reviewer, featured reviewer - all the same. You're gonna get a Wordpress account either way and then it is a question of using it once or multiple times a year, heh.
  8. Yes
    Tyrael reacted to Kosakyun in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   
    To be fair, that number's been there before we even disappeared. Proof of a rather unhinged self in the past. I'd like to think that I'm already mellowed out though.
    Btw noticing your signature, if you're curious about Roach he's still alive and well. Just actually a super normie now. 
  9. Yes
    Tyrael reacted to HataVNI in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   
    Zaka actually has made a very steep career jump. From the swedish viking with too much powerlevel that called others autistic he turned into a capable pseudo-admin fulfilling all our tasks splendidly and in no-lazeball-mode. When we started communicating this, old people were like "omg, if you mod Zaka this will be a clownshow here!" and knowing him for like 4-5 years and him growing into one of my best friends I can definitely vouch for him being a capable admin. He's not only around, he is around better than ever - he still calls people autistic tho  (´;ω;`)
  10. Like
    Tyrael reacted to Arcadeotic in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   
    Oh shit it's Tyrael
  11. Like
    Tyrael got a reaction from Dergonu in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   

    I used to be very active here many years ago, looking to catch up with the many wonderful people I met here but sadly lost contact with along the way. 

    A bit about me: I used to be a casual reader, did a few reviews for the website here back in the day. My fav VNs are Rewrite, Song of Saya and G-Senjou no Maou. These days I spend a lot of my time working (argh), playing magic the gathering (irl? woah!), playing table tennis and a bit of video gaming here and there when I have the time.

    Glad to be back! 
  12. Haha
    Tyrael reacted to solidbatman in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   
    i saw zaka post anime porn on his big tv in his living room on twitter in the year of our lord 2022

    also i remember you tyrael
  13. Like
    Tyrael got a reaction from Emi in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   

    I used to be very active here many years ago, looking to catch up with the many wonderful people I met here but sadly lost contact with along the way. 

    A bit about me: I used to be a casual reader, did a few reviews for the website here back in the day. My fav VNs are Rewrite, Song of Saya and G-Senjou no Maou. These days I spend a lot of my time working (argh), playing magic the gathering (irl? woah!), playing table tennis and a bit of video gaming here and there when I have the time.

    Glad to be back! 
  14. Like
    Tyrael got a reaction from Novel21 in Old user looking to reconnect with my pals here   

    I used to be very active here many years ago, looking to catch up with the many wonderful people I met here but sadly lost contact with along the way. 

    A bit about me: I used to be a casual reader, did a few reviews for the website here back in the day. My fav VNs are Rewrite, Song of Saya and G-Senjou no Maou. These days I spend a lot of my time working (argh), playing magic the gathering (irl? woah!), playing table tennis and a bit of video gaming here and there when I have the time.

    Glad to be back! 
  15. Yes
    Tyrael reacted to HataVNI in NiS America is announcing their newest stuff - NiSA Showcase 2022   
    Announcements of the NiSA Showcase 2022 are as follows:

    //Void Terrarium 2

    Process of Elimination

    Monster Menu: The Scavenger's Cookbook

    Raiden IV Mikado Remix

    GrimGrimoire OnceMore
  16. Like
    Tyrael got a reaction from mitchhamilton in Worst Endings in Great Visual Novels   
    Grisaia No Kajitsu:
    Sachi bad end:

    Yumiko good end:

    Michiru bad end:

  17. Like
    Tyrael got a reaction from BookwormOtaku in John Bain AKA Total Biscuit has passed.   
    I've been in tears all day

    This man meant everything to me for so long. His content was always amazing, sticking up for the consumer 100% of the time. He introduced me to so many great youtubers. He died like a true warrior, fighting this horrible sickness until the end.
    R.I.P. you massive legend, you'll be missed.
  18. Sad
    Tyrael got a reaction from mitchhamilton in John Bain AKA Total Biscuit has passed.   
    I've been in tears all day

    This man meant everything to me for so long. His content was always amazing, sticking up for the consumer 100% of the time. He introduced me to so many great youtubers. He died like a true warrior, fighting this horrible sickness until the end.
    R.I.P. you massive legend, you'll be missed.
  19. Haha
  20. Sad
    Tyrael got a reaction from Plk_Lesiak in John Bain AKA Total Biscuit has passed.   
    I've been in tears all day

    This man meant everything to me for so long. His content was always amazing, sticking up for the consumer 100% of the time. He introduced me to so many great youtubers. He died like a true warrior, fighting this horrible sickness until the end.
    R.I.P. you massive legend, you'll be missed.
  21. Sad
    Tyrael reacted to mitchhamilton in John Bain AKA Total Biscuit has passed.   
    The Cynical Brit, TotalBiscuit, John Bain. 4 years he fought hard against cancer and unfortunately lost that fight. 
    His video game reviews are portrayed as very objective, giving the viewers the facts and quick rundown of various games. So objective that he refused to release a review of a game after a short twitter fight with one of the devs as people may view his negative critiques on the game as just personal bashing.
     He retired from totalbiscuit on April 30th after treatment for his cancer had made it too difficult for him to think clearly.
    July 8, 1984-May 24th, 2018. 33 years old.
  22. Haha
    Tyrael got a reaction from 1P1A in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Confession: neither do we 
  23. Like
    Tyrael got a reaction from 1P1A in Was there a Golden Age of Visual Novels? Will there be a Golden Age?   
    VNs have always been and will always be trash tbh 
  24. Haha
    Tyrael got a reaction from Happiness+ in Was there a Golden Age of Visual Novels? Will there be a Golden Age?   
    VNs have always been and will always be trash tbh 
  25. Like
    Tyrael got a reaction from mitchhamilton in I'm part of Studio Élan. We just released a demo of our yuri VN, "Heart of the Woods."   
    Looking good!
    Ah yes, every good story needs one of those 
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