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  1. Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening! I'm really excited to learn how to translate the amazing visual novel Fullmetal Daemon Muramasa into Portuguese!
  2. So I was trying to extract the files from the game directory for this game - https://vndb.org/v19083 But when I extract the files from the circled ones, the texts that come up are garbled nonsense. I tried to switch to different encoding but the results remained the same. First of all I went into the game directory and extracted the contents of this file - Then I selected the CODE file to open thinking it will have the coding part - But all it showed was this blasphemy - Then I changed the encoding several times but the results were more or less the same - Does anyone have any idea, how can I hack the script for this game? Thanks for taking time to read this post.
  3. The other day, I was working with some visual novels to possibly start a FanTL and a question came to mind: Is it possible to make a Visual Novel that will only run if you have your region in Japanese, run in any region? I mean, yes, Locale Emulator exists, but that just makes the program you execute think the region is on Japan. So there must be a way to make it work without the use of those tools. But I needed a game to test on, in first place, so I started working with Karenai Sekai to Owaru Hana. This is what I found out until now: First thing I did was open the game executable with Resource Hacker to find anything that could help me. I found the game reads "Shift_JIS" encoding, at first I thought it'd be helpful in the process to make the game run in any region, I've reached somewhere, but I soon hit a roadblock. You see, kirikiriZ executables have two encoding options: Shift_JIS and utf8. Changing the encoding in the .exe to "utf8" made it executable, at least, in any other region. But you'd get this error: Investigating a little bit into the error I saw that the engine working on utf8 reads the files as UTF16 LE BOM, and since most .ks and .tjs files were in Shift_JIS, I had to make myself a tool to change the encoding of all the files from cp932 (Shift_JIS) to UTF16 LE BOM to see if it worked. And would you look at that, ANOTHER ERROR. However, this one was confusing. The error was this one: "What?" "But the startup.tjs IS in the data.xp3 I created..." The next thing I did was to find out what was happening, and when I saw the data.xp3 of the game, THIS is what I found out: If one startup.tjs isn't there, the game will not work. I searched if someone talked about this before, and I found a fairly recent post on this topic with someone mentioning this when trying to extract the data.xp3 of the VN they've been working on. No one responded, sadly, so I had to keep investigating. I remember that in the official Kirikiri tools, there was a startup.tjs in a folder called "Encrypt", but I don't really think it has something to do with it since it's probably for another purpose, like encrypting the .xp3 files. But now, what can I do? I got stuck now since I can't find a way to get two files with the same name in a .xp3 file. And making two patch.xp3 files with one startup.tjs inside each is contraproducent, as patch.xp3 is made exactly to be able to replace files and those two need to "live in harmony" in order to make the game work. After analyzing executables from other visual novels, I realized I may have been wrong this whole time since they all had Shift_JIS as its encoding property. And yet, they ran in any region. The first two I analyzed were Sousaku Kanojo no Ren'ai Koushiki and 9-Nine- Episode 2. The only difference I could find was that the .ks and .tjs files inside the .xp3 were all in UTF16 LE BOM. I appreciate if you read this hell of a text wall I made. Do you happen to know something I don't and want to add info to this thread? You're free to reply to this thread with your findings! This whole investigation was purely made because I wanted to know more about the engine, but it might be of help FanTL if I/we figure a solid way to make the region restriction go away, imo. Update: check at the end of this post. Might update this if I find something else Looks like I'm gonna have to give up on this investigation, at least for now, sadly. I'm lost asf, to be honest. This past week I've been endlessly searching for clues, a form to work with it, anything at all, but to no avail. I haven't found a way to make those two startup.tjs files just... be there, in the same compressed file or just make the game work without emulating region. Just that kind of blocked all of the investigation alone. And there's still things that I haven't covered here that I just couldn't find an explanation for. It was a total letdown for me. If anyone just happens to follow this or saw this obscene amount of text and knows something, you can just post it here. Or not, you do you. There must still be a reason as to why some visual novels run and some don't. A reason I could think of is engine version. For example, Kareseka's executable shows the version is and Sousaku Kanojo's one shows it's It may have something to do with that, but even I think that's kind of... stupid. But for FanTL, you can just kinda do what @Sisulizer suggested. Use the version.dll VNTextProxy by ArcusMaximus provides for Kirikiri, it has a built-in locale emulator and other useful stuff like rendering non-SJIS characters (you know, letters with acute like á, é or í and other characters that don't form part of the cp932 character table). You will have problems if you want to use another version.dll from another tool like Xp3Pack from KirikiriTools (that's also made by ArcusMaximus lol), though. Good luck, programming adventurer! Until next time.
  4. I've seen some visual novels at VNDB where they are unofficially translated into English. I'm assuming that a fan of that visual novel used MTL to translate the texts into English. But how are they accessible? Is there a particular website I should go to?
  5. Help me find this eroge I played years ago. The plot of it is basically about the mc who was sent to his relatives house or something I think it was his aunt and he had to live there for the entire summer so I think theres a limit on the days you can stay there and if that limit is reach the game will end. The gameplay is very unique because or at least for me it was unique, from what I can remember it had like a 2d isometric style. Thats as far as I can remember it though, so if you do know the title please tell me I really wanna play it again and it's also been bugging me for quite some time now. Tnx in advance!!
  6. Does anyone know where I can download the game Kusa iro no hitomi? 腐色の瞳 sorry for the inconvenience Clephas Edit: NSFW
  7. MAITETSU 18+ DEMOSAIC STEAM AND FAKKU PATCH Did you mistake the quote "100% DRM free and completely uncut with no scenes removed" as "TOTALLY UNCENSORED!"? Do you hate to see squares in beautiful art? Are you from the golden era (JAST USA, Peach Princess, G-Collections) and expected from an localized eroge to get an fully uncut, uncensored and without mosaics game? ... Then this patch is for you. You read it right, the patch does what it says. It removes the mosaic in hscenes from the beautiful artwork. Original MAITETSU 18+ Fakku edition -> you can buy it at the official page: https://www.fakku.net/games/maitetsu-english -> PLEASE SUPPORT english localization by buying the game ! OR BUY FROM STEAM Maitetsu 18+ Release Restoration Patch - FOR STEAM OR BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch - FOR FAKKU 1. [Q]: Is it legit? [A]: I can't believe it myself either. But YES! It is real and it does what it says. Try it before reporting or commenting. Thank you. 2. [Q]: Where are the hscenes? I can't find them in the game? [A]: There are no hscenes in the common route, except provoking pictures which the Maitetsu 18+ Release Restoration Patch restores and the actual hscenes won't trigger by default, but during a heroine route, a message will popup at bottom right side of the screen saying that you gain access to a hscene, then you have to manually open the hscene in the menu. It is a game design, not a bug or glitch, it is how LOSE company makes the games. Rarely you will gain access for hscenes during a route, most hscenes are unlocked AFTER finishing the game with that particular heroine. 3. [Q]: When does the DLC hscenes show up? [A]: After you complete the previous hscenes, the DLC hscenes will eventually show up. 4. [Q]: STEAM support? [A]: At the moment I don't own the STEAM version so I can't test it and I don't know if it works. If someone can help me I will make an steam support patch, but you would still need the FAKKU 18+ DLC patch. 5. [Q]: Can we see some screenshot/examples of patch? [A]: Because of the nature of the game as being an loli game I can't post pictures because of the policy of the forum. But if someone wants to see the results before buying the actual game I can send you 2 example pictures. Just send a PM and I will reply with those 2 example pictures. Examples of non-loli characters are in the gallery section. 6. [Q] : What was changed in the new Fakku edition? What's the difference between the OLD and NEW download? [A]: Jacob from fakku has a good description -> https://www.fakku.net/forums/games/maitetsu-fixes-and-updates .Everything written in the section "what has not changed" WAS already fixed already by heliosaurus by his patch and the same fix is present in the new "BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch" 7. [Q] Why is there a difference in size between Heliosaurus Restoration patch and "BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch" Both patches work perfectly fine and shouldn't have any problems. You can use Heliosaurus on the OLD and NEW version but the BANDAID patch is only for new FAKKU download ONLY. But... the original restoration patch includes fixes which are already fixed in the new version of FAKKU's edition and the BANDAID removal patch just removes this fixes from the PATCH to be less in size. The reason why you could still use the original restoration patch on the old and new version of fakku is that technically the patch is in original form a "patch.xp3" which contains mostly PICTURES! Yes, pictures. And it just replaces those pictures from the original data files which are located in "data.xp3" / "emotedx.xp3", and so on. The KiriKiri engine works like that. When FIRST run, it loads first files from, data.xp3, and all the main xp3, and then LOADS patch.xp3, patch2.xp3, patch3.xp3... and so on. That's why we don't need external programs to patch the original data files, and we can put everything in PATCH.XP3, or PATCH2.XP3, and so on. You can literally replace the whole game with a single PATCH.xp3 file. The restoration patch was made by using resource files from the JAPANESE version and replaces the resource files from the ENGLISH version. So the original restoration patch just OVERWRITES fixes-pictures present in the MAIN game from the NEWEST fakku edition download.... 8.[Q]: That isn't the game we were promised / it is disappointing / don't want to buy the game .... [A]: Well, it isn't a question, I just want to express my opinion... I understand that the release a disappointment, and like everyone, even I would wanted a TOTALLY uncut and uncensored version. I hate the CUTS in western releases, but that was going on for decades not just in VN's look in the old days of SNES games with JRPGS. And in east they get the same results with some western games... Thanks to that, we have two types of ppl - one who are complaining and the the other one who are making uncut/undub/uncensored version of games, from snes to psp/psvita and so on. What I mean is that you shouldn't lose energy in complaining on fakku and denpasoft/sekai, yes even sekai. I understand that sekai don't take releases seriously but at least we got the translated version, whish is a huge WORK. And be thankful, we got "OMG!" Maitetsu! I can't expect newcomers and the ones on fakku to stop complaining ( and I am not saying that you have to start editing, and join the community of moders, but you are always welcome to join ), but at least you at fuwanovel you have no more reasons to complain. At the end you got the complete 1:1 japanese uncut release with english text, and even a little more, with the demosaic patch ( which in the japanese edition they don't have ). .... please ask questions and I will put most common questions and answers here ... STATUS : COMPLETE ! ALL SCENES MOSAIC-FREE ! Hachiroku's Route Hibiki's Route Paulette's Route Reina's Route Fukami's Route Nagi's Route Kisaki's Route Makura's Route FOR STEAM USE: HELIOSAURUS PATCH for STEAM FOR FAKKU USE: HELIOSAURUS PATCH for FAKKU or down below the BANDAID removal patch 1. Just extract the file patch2.xp3 from the ZIP file in the main maitetsu folder! !! the patch2.xp3, should be in the same folder as the Restoration patch (patch.xp3) and the Maitetsu.exe file. !!! 07/23 - Released the patch with the 5th scene included, and fixes the bug in Hscene 2 07/24 - Released the patch with the included 6th scene 07/25 - Released the patch with the included 7th scene 07/26 - Released the patch with the 8th scene included 07/27 - Hachiroku's Route COMPLETED!!!! 07/28 - Released the patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 01 without mosaic! 07/29 - Released the patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 02 without mosaic! 07/30 - Released the patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 03 without mosaic! 07/31 - Released the patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 04 without mosaic! 08/02 - Released the addon patch with Hibiki's HSCENE 05 without mosaic, you still need the OLD "Maitetsu 18+ Demosaic Patch 7-31-2018" patch. In your folder you should have patch.xp3 (bandaid fix), patch2.xp3 (old 7-31 patch) and patch3.xp3 (this new addon patch) 08/03 - HIBIKI's ROUTE COMPLETED !!! 08/04 - Paulette's new hscene released! 08/05 - Paulette's new hscene released! (Hint: This is the new release which includes HSCENE 03. Skipped Hscene 02 because here isn't any mosaic! Hence the name v0.3 - which represent the hscene completed ) 08/06 - Paulette's new hscene released! 08/07 - Paulette's new hscene released! 08/08 - Paulette's new hscene released! 08/09 - Paulette's new hscene released! 08/10 - PAULETTE's ROUTE COMPLETED !!! 08/11 - Reina's new hscene released! 08/12 - Reina's new hscene released! 08/13 - Reina's new hscene released! 08/14 - REINA's ROUTE COMPLETED !!! 08/15 - Fukami's new hscene released! 08/16 - Fukami's new hscene released! 08/17 - Fukami's new hscene released! 08/18 - Fukami's new hscene released! 08/19 - FUKAMI's ROUTE COMPLETED !!! 08/20 - Nagi's new hscene released! 08/21 - Nagi's ROUTE COMPLETED !!! 08/22 - Kisaki's new hscene released! 08/23 - Kisaki's new hscene released! 08/24 - Kisaki's ROUTE COMPLETED !!! 08/25 - Makura's new hscene released! 08/26 - Makura's new hscene released! 08/27 - COMPLETE PATCH released! Mosaic removed from all scenes! 08/30 - COMPLETE STEAM PATCH released! Mosaic removed from all scenes in STEAM FINALLY!!!! Complete FAKKU Patch ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| COMPLETE PATCH Maitetsu 18+ Demosaic Patch - v0.9a.7z Installation guide: - if you have downloaded the partial update - patch3.xp3 just manually delete it ( you don't need it anymore because its already inside the complete patch! ) ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Complete STEAM Patch ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Maitetsu 18+ Demosaic Steam Patch - v0.9a.7z ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ThugShiro - mega big thanks to ThugShiro. He donated the Steam Version! BIG THANKS TO marcus-beta - with his tremendous help he found out the problem and fixed it, without him there wouldn't be a steam patch! Ulysses - big thanks to Ulysses, without his tools ( https://github.com/UlyssesWu/FreeMote/releases ) this wouldn't be possible. Tools used: PsbDecompile - for decompiling PSBs, PsBuild - for rebuilding back to PSBs FreeMoteViewer - to view rebuilded PSBs (after PsBuild) number201724 - of course, also big thanks to number201724 for the psbtools https://github.com/number201724/psbfile/releases Tools used: emote_conv - decode and encode psb file Heliosaurus - special thanks to the master of the Restoration patch and his helpful guiding SPECIAL extra patch: BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch integrated into a single patch ( patch.xp3 ) For the newest FAKKU edition and STEAM! 08/1 - Released the BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch integrated Restorationa Patch ( as PATCH.xp3 ) 09/20 - Released the BANDAID removal PATCH + restoration patch for STEAM ( as PATCH.xp3 ) Optional download ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| FAKKU edition Maitetsu 18+ Restoration & Bandaid Removal Patch.7z ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| STEAM edition Maitetsu 18+ Restoration & Bandaid Removal Steam Patch.7z ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ANY COMMENTS, MEANINGFUL CRITICS, GRATITUDE, ADVICE, SUGGESTION RELATED TO THE PATCH ARE HELPFUL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Want to support the project?
  8. I recently started watching 16 bit sensation and really had the urge to go and read some of the old leaf vns like shizuku and to heart. I checked vndb and it says that toheart is getting translated but I can't figure how to download the TL. I also can't figure out anywhere that I can download to heart or where to find a english patch for shizuku. Can anyone help me with these problems?
  9. It seems that a lot of this VN feels unfinished or unexplored in general. I'd say there is a bit too much being left to the reader to the point we could have cut out an entire route in favor of more time on Yuka, expanding the story and world. Except for a few details in each route, it feels like each of the cover girls is completely interchangeable because they do not have any bearing on the story a la Dies Irae, for example, where they do in each route albeit in different ways. I thoroughly enjoyed it, though! It is one of my favorite horror VNs, and I think there's a great story here somewhere, but I had to read in between the lines a bit more than I would have liked. Gore's theme was amazing, and really conveyed a sense of panic and terror while also making it seem like a jovial performance. I have made an extensive 16-page analysis Google Doc of this visual novel that you can find here, attempting to explain or provide theories for literally everything I could think of that was left unclear. I originally made this to respond to a Reddit thread, but people will inevitably ask questions. So, I hope that this can put some of those to rest. Below you'll find a summary of this document. It goes without saying that the Google Doc is filled with spoilers. If you choose to read all of it, I hope you enjoy reading this essay of mine! I put a lot of work into it because I really enjoyed this VN. *****
  10. I am trying to edit some images in kirikiri file for translation, I just successfully convert the .tlg to any image like .bmp .png and .jpeg/.jpg, but after editing I don't know how to convert it back, I try to search on google but nothing shows, so If anything you can help just post in the comment, I'm trying to Translate the game PRETTY X CATION, tnx in advance
  11. Hi, I'm about to play Clannad, and am a bit confused about the dialogue choices in visual novels and when to save before you are faced with a choice that can determine the ending or route that you get or complete. Do I save when a dialogue selection menu pops up on screen, choose one of the options, proceed with the game, and then get an ending or complete a route? Afterwards, do I go back to that save I made, and choose the other option to see other events that I missed? If I do this, on the next dialogue selection, I will have to repeat that one again as well. There will probably be lots of saves in the end! I want to get all endings, see all events, etc. I hope this make sense. I would really appreciate some explanations on how multiple saves work, recommended places to save in a visual novel and what some of you guys do when it comes to saving. Thank you!
  12. How it's Chizome no Hana translation? I really want to give this game a try since I'm hug fan of murder mystery. I feel like want to play a murder mystery game.
  13. Back in August, I played the demo for BRXKEN INSIDE. It's a psychological horror yuri and around... 1 hour? It's still a demo, after all. Check it out here and let's discuss! What are your expectations for the full release?
  14. Review Link Heya! I'm Kosakyun. Last month, I reviewed Dreamloop Games' first visual novel title Inescapable: No Rules, No Rescue for Fuwanovel. If you're familiar with the title, it probably means you caught whiff of whatever drama was happening around its release. While some of the criticisms do make sense given the game's price and just a broader context of the overall situation, it's better if you still play it yourself to get your own opinion regardless, right? So given the opportunity, that's exactly what I did! For a quick look, here are some points I felt were important. Pros: Vibrant cast of characters with their own quirky personalities (sometimes to their detriment) Creative setting for a relationship simulator Cool UI and miscellaneous features (minigames!) Routes with themes that play nicely into the game's setting Mia Cons: It's incredibly slow-burn (felt lika a slog at some point) Limited saves The minigames lack meaning or replayability There is no "Extra" tab for CGs and Music There are no guides and I cannot find my last fucking achievement because the description is so vague I'm curious to see if you guys agree with whatever I said here, so come at me with your worst! No really, please. Talk to me about it. I need someone to talk to. Here's the Steam page if you're interested in taking a peek at it yourself!
  15. Original Fakku forum release: Thanks to the help from a kind benefactor, I acquired the Steam release. Steam users can now y o r o k o b e. Figuring out how the Steam release worked was such a damn pain. Not much was updated, apart from a few thousand scene seek thumbnails. Mainly giving Steam users some love. MAITETSU 18+ RESTORATION PATCH v1.3 7-10-2018 MAITETSU 18+ STEAM RESTORATION PATCH v1.3 7-10-2018 Maitetsu WIP Decensor patch thread The main issues I was dealing with while making that patch that most certainly limited how much I can do are: 1. KrkrExtract just doesn't want to cooperate majority of the time when extracting XP3's. 2. When it does, it doesn't even extract the stuff I needed. 3. Repairing the sprites requires my being able to repack EMote .pbs files with edited .bmp images. Not hard at all to do, just repacking is the issue AFAIK 4. The data.xp3 is encrypted. About half of it KrkrExtract can get done, but the half that i'd need to fully repair the "filesystem" I guess you can say into something usable is. 5. God help me TJS2 bytecode is one of the most disgusting atrocities I have seen. Bless based nihongo tools If there is anyone out there who knows the KiriKiriZ engine or EMote engine, your input is always welcome. Suzu ga besto desu
  16. This is an old review, but back in July, I reviewed Synesthesia, a sci-fi adventure game by Spire Games. Have you played it? What did you think of it?
  17. Guys, does anyone know where to find download links for 姦肉蟲川3. or where it is sold, I am very interested in knowing what it is about or if it is real, any information is welcome and if someone can pass it on to me I will reward them, I will wait for a message
  18. Wft what it's happening since Witch garden are on Nintendo eShop in EU with Japanese support. I'm from Norway in Europe and I just so Witch garden on Nintendo switch eShop, bud sadly it's not in English. I don't understand why Nintendo decided to release it in Japanese and not in English. I'm quite disappointed right now. Since I don't understand Japansk.
  19. Note: There are some bad endings within each route of the three heroines where Kyosuke gets killed that are not significant to the overall story of the visual novel. They're more like Game Over sequences, so I didn't include them on this post. (Momoko Momono Endings) (Ai Hongou Endings) (Yukino Hongou Endings)
  20. I have just edited some scripts, and images out from the .dat file modify them, and create a patch.dat or patch8.dat file, and I opened it. It doesn't work, can you tell why?, I was wondering if this is the same method as Kirikiri, and I dunno what Source Engine is the game "Niizuma Lovely x Cation". It might soon I will be creating a translation project for the Hibiki Work's VN.
  21. Hello, world! I'm developing a visual novel engine. It already has a number of basic functions, loading lua, json and etc. I want to make something unique and modern, and most importantly, that everything works stably on all operating systems (Win, Android, Linux and etc. Source code: https://github.com/0xcds4r/VisualNovelCore/tree/main/stable 0.6-stable build (Source + test build for windows): https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/26303-visual-novel-core-06-stable-engine-for-2d-visual-novels-with-luajson-support-download-demosource-code/ Scene Editor (alpha-test): https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/26287-visual-novel-core-with-luajson-support/?do=findComment&comment=538025 Project is open-source and actively developed. If anyone is interested, then support my project on itch.io: https://0xcds4r.itch.io/visual-novel-core/community Thank you for your attention.
  22. So the 0.6-stable version came up.. A lot of things have been done, fixed, improved. Now it can be called a full-fledged engine, albeit with a slight stretch. I would be glad if someone tries to do something on it (but for this you need to know lua, or python, lmao) See you in December, as the official launch of the release version of the project is aimed at this date. Main forum thread: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/26287-visual-novel-core-with-luajson-support/ Source code: https://github.com/0xcds4r/VisualNovelCore/tree/main/stable Download demo (win-exe): https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/26303-visual-novel-core-06-stable-engine-for-2d-visual-novels-with-luajson-support-download-demosource-code/?do=findComment&comment=538052 Project itch.io: https://0xcds4r.itch.io/visual-novel-core/community Plugins for VNCore: https://itch.io/t/2788783/plugins-for-vncore?before=3#post-7640699
  23. Since the old thread appears to be gone, I decided to restart it. Please merge it with the old one if you find it. Just finished my first big untranslated visual novel, Astraythem! With my vocabulary of ~2000 kanji and ~3000 words it took me about 6 days of focused reading. What is this feeling of accomplishment? Loved it while playing, but grew to hate some parts of it more and more towards the end (see spoiler rant). If you've played it, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this game.
  24. Hello, I'm proud to announce a new event next Friday! Fuwanovel is having a livestream on February 3rd @ 7 PM EST with Watercress. We will be vibing on our discord 's voice-chat. Having a good ol read-a-long of A Field of Flowers and Stars and Q&A afterwards. It's a sci-fi yuri OELVN that was my directorial debut as head of software engineering. It will be hosted by me, the software engineering director of Watercress. Kevin, one of the narrative directors from Sarchalen @TheForeverLoneWolf, Studio Director of Watercress Watch the read-a-along and Q&A here on Watercress's Twitch Hang out with us Fuwacord's voice chat. or be a square.... February 3rd EST @ 7 PM US EST Visual Novel Intro Raine, a genius mechanic with a lust for adventure, thrives in the frontier of space accompanied only by her shipborne AI navigator. Well into her travels, she makes a critical error while piloting, jumping through an unstable wormhole and crash-landing on an unknown planet. There, she makes first contact with a young species of sentient beings that look a lot like humans with a hint of… goat? To return to her home, Raine must repair her ship before the wormhole closes. However, in this unfamiliar place, she makes a friend that forces her to question what she really wants. A Field of Flowers and Stars is a collaboration between Watercress, Somnova Studios, and Sarchalen Visual Media for YuriJam 2019.
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