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  1. Last updated : January 20th 2016 NOW AVAILABLE ON STEAM FOR FREE! Staff list Active members : Diamonit : Project lead, Plot supervisor, Character design Luna Chai : Writer (Common route), Graphics, GUI DavidA. : Writer (Heroine route) Clestae : Writer (Heroine route), Beta, editor AnotherPlayer : Writer (Heroine route) Suna : Writer (Heroine route) Mac : Character design, PR Sean : Side writer, Character design, PR Reika : Editor Rains : Proof-reader Dizzyworld2 : Lead artist, Female Sprites, CGs Elphaze: Male sprites, CGs Yuuko : Backgrounds, GUI Breeze : Composer Ziassan : Composer UltraKitsune : Composer, SFX Yunyunsae : Composer Zander : SFX Zuka : GUI programmer Jbonesy : Narrative scripting programmer Ian : Narrative scripting progralmmer Former members / Inactive members : Blue wolfie : Composer , Arranger danpc : Project Lead, programmer, composer, idea bouncer Hooves : Character design, idea boucer We, at Fallen Snow Studios, are all very motivated and excited to take part in this great adventure that is the creation of a Visual Novel, and we hope we'll be able to create something you will enjoy reading! Thanks for your time reading this, and don't hesitate to reply to this thread if you have any question, or if you just want to show your support! It means a lot to us!
  2. Purrfectly Ever After is an original English language visual novel (OELVN) for girls. This dating sim is filled with side-splitting comedy, over-the-top drama, and of course, heart-melting romance. This first game from Weeev aims to bridge the gap between Japanese-centric otome games told in a not-so-Japanese point of view and storyline. Purrfectly Ever After focuses on a food-loving burglar cat who gets herself into a series of unfortunate events which ended up feeling sorry for herself. Luckily for her, she also encounters kind strangers who rescue her along the way. She wished that she could become a human so that she could earn food honestly. Her wish is overheard by a fairy godfather she didn’t even know she had. And so begins her story. Game features 5 characters to romance Multiple endings and high replay value Japanese voice acting Available in English and Japanese Episodic content Available for iOS and Android, Windows and Mac if Greenlit Details Price: USD3.99 for main stories, USD1.99 for epilogues Release date: Tentatively October 2015 Links Video: youtu.be/asFfGXGceAM Development blog: purrfectlyeverafter.tumblr.com/ Pledge @ Kickstarter: kck.st/1H5IYst Vote @ Steam Greenlight: bit.ly/1fY3VK3 Register for iOS TestFlight Demo: goo.gl/KtQegc ABOUT WEEEV As an up-and-coming game developer, Weeev develops games with gasp-worthy plot twists, amazing art, and dozens of sweet moments that provide engaging experiences. We hope for your support and feedback!
  4. Our Kickstarter is now live! Please, check it out! The Kickstarter has ended, thanks for your support! The Demo for our game is released! We hope you'll enjoy it~ Hi everyone! I'm one of the members of an English VN project that's been going on for a while, and with our demo coming out hoooopefully next week, I wanted to go ahead and post about it here! (You might also recognize me from the other project I work on, the yuri VN Starlight Vega). My team is called AlienWorks, and our game is called The Human Reignition Project, and it's a bishoujo VN with some sci-fi elements. You play as a guy called Ken, who attends a lecture on "The impacts of technology on society," which is just what it sounds like. See, in our setting, communication between people is almost entirely digital. Text messages, instant messaging, or even phone calls; the element of face-to-face interaction is mostly gone. A lot of jobs have vanished, too, being replaced by more efficient robots that don't need a salary. Kojo, the guy organizing the lecture, comes from an older generation, and while he knows his little group isn't going to change the world, he'd at least like to try to change a couple lives. So far it all sounds pretty slice-of-life, I know, but there are some action-y, thriller-y elements that come into play later on. Can't spoil those quite yet though. What we wanted to do was create a bishoujo game with the romance focus that we all love without setting our game in a school. Yeah, there are a couple similar elements to, say, Grisaia or what have you, but for the most part we've tried to steer clear of a lot of the plot and character tropes native to the genre. That said, the game will still include 18+ content in the form of H-scenes. Real quick, I just wanted to mention a couple quick notes about the game. First off, like I said, our demo for the game should be out soon. Like, very soon. It's probably 90% done right now. The demo is all of our Act 1, which is about 30 scenes and I think somewhere around 40,000 words? We're going to launch it at the same time as a Kickstarter for our game. I know, I know, another VN on Kickstarter. Because we work with such talented artists though, we need the funding (we're talking a few hundred dollars per CG). Of course, you'll be able to play the demo without pledging money to the KS. Once the demo's done, we'll be putting in on Steam Greenlight. We're published and also somewhat funded by Sekai Project, so you'll see it under their name, not ours. Same for the Kickstarter. At the moment, I'm not entirely sure what the final price of the game will be, but I do know that if you pledge for a digital copy on KS, it'll be cheaper than buying the game off Steam. No other pre-order bonuses though; sorry CoD fans. Finally, most of us are gonna be at Anime Expo. I'll be at Sekai Project's table in the vendor hall for a lot of the time, and I might be at their panel, too. We're going to be selling a few prints done by our artists, as well as one guest piece by Doomfest. Here are previews for a couple of those: If you're interested in following along more with the game, you can follow me on twitter @Raithfyre or the team @AlienworksDev (though I also run that, heh). Also, our website is reignitionproject.com, and we post major news to blogs there. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy our game~ Just below, you can check out the character cards for our six heroines, and get an idea of what they're like. Yukino best girl, though.
  5. "Life is a game of luck and chance. You win some, you lose some. But what do you do when the whole universe is against you? Some people say if you wish upon a star, your dreams will come true. One thing is often forgotten though. A nightmare is also a dream." -Neil Doune Hello! I am Rok Abiel, and as of right now, I am the Character artist, CG artist, Animator, Story writer, Script writer, and Programmer for Galaktika Gamble. I've almost 7 years working on the story, and I've been working on making it a VN for about half a year now. As of right now, the only other people working with me are voice actors, and an awesome musician(Amajor). Auditions for voice acting are over for now, although another casting call may pop up later in the future for the second visual novel. Basic Plot Neil Doune could easily be labeled the most unlucky man in the world. He see's life as one big game of luck and chance, knowing that at anything could happen at any moment, with any choice he makes, any move he makes, or even any word he speaks. Followed constantly by death, the world is literally trying to kill him off and he doesn't know why. He's escaped many natural disasters and other deadly situations, but just barely, causing other people to die in his place. During his childhood, his mother went missing and his twin sister was murdered shortly after. However, no one was able to find his sister's killer. As for Neil's father, he never met him or heard anything about him, and everyone he's known never talked about him either. After another deadly event, leading to the death of a mother and child, Neil yells at the sky in anger. He yells that he wishes to figure out what happened to his family and how it connects to his deadly situations. By accident, he summons a Stellar named Alhena, claiming to be there to help him obtain his wish. However, Neil and Alhena, along with Neil's best friend Ivan and more friends they make along the way, soon realize there are a lot of dark secrets hidden from them, and things are a lot more serious than they realized. Stellar Info I don't have all character sprites drawn yet, but I'll add a short description about physical appearance too. That said, moving on.~ Characters Neil Doune Age: 21 Hair: Straight, brown, upper/mid-back length Eyes: Black pupil, yellow irises Often appears to be a jerk to new people he meets, but he's actually quite nice on the inside. He acts cold and standoff-ish because he's afraid of new people becoming involved with him, afraid that more innocent people will die. He would love to have more friends and be around them, but he thinks that being a jerk and hurting someone's feelings to keep them away is better than that person dying. Neil does enjoy to be with those close to him though, but lives in fear that he'll see them die. Neil also enjoys a little humor from time to time but often leans towards sarcasm and pranks, which just make him appear to be even more of a mean guy. Though he's a bit socially awkward, he does truly care for people and will listen to them if they come to him to vent. He's been picked on before due to his name(Pronounced like "kneel down"), his long "Jesus" hair, and slightly feminine features. However, he's gotten so used to it that it doesn't really bother him anymore. Ivan Voronkov Age: 21 Hair: Curly/wavy black hair Eyes: Black pupil, blue irises Ivan has known Neil for as long as they could remember, and has been with Neil every step of the way. Somehow he's survived living around Neil for so long, he's learned to laugh at situations if it just involves him and Neil without any injuries. However, Ivan is a very anxious character, and though he attempts to keep his anxiety hidden, Sometimes he fails miserably. Even so, he's a loyal friend. Ivan enjoys video games, anime, the internet, and technology in general. During his free time, he's usually playing a game, watching online videos, or posting on his blog. He also has a fairly decent knowledge on astronomy due to his activity in the astronomy club back in high school. This proves him to be fairly useful when Stellars begin appearing in their lives. Ivan is very kind at heart, and naturally would prefer to not hurt anybody. Ivan also sees a "shadow" throughout the story, causing him to question his sanity. Alhena, "Gamma Geminorum" Age: ??? Stellar type: White star - Gemini Hair: Ankle-length, braided white hair Eyes: Gray pupil, light white-gray eyes Alhena is the Stellar summoned by Neil. She usually has a fairly bubbly personality, loves making people smile, and has a strange obsession with macaroni and cheese and bells. However, this does not mean that she's all about fun and games though. She gets frustrated easily, and can become quite intimidating if pushed to that level. She used to go by the name Almeisan, but due to specific reasons(spoilers), she started going by Alhena. She is completely dedicated to seeing Neil's wish fulfilled that she is willing to turn against her own kind for his sake. Kion Takemoto Age: 19 Hair: Black(natural), purple(dyed), pink(dyed), and green(dyed). Eyes: Black pupil, brown irises Kion is a fun-loving guy, known to be the "life of the party". Unlike Neil, he summoned his Stellar(Which he calls "Narki"), at the very young age of 7 with the wish of being rich and famous. Continuing to follow that wish, he found his love for music and decided to attempt the path of a rock star. Kion is often refered to as a crazy kid with childish dreams, but he doesn't care what others say. Though he appears to be a complete spaz and full of comedic relief, he has a few secrets of his own. He can make a very good leader if put in that position, but prefers to be the follower from laziness. After he meets Neil, Alhena, and Ivan, he talks with his Stellar and they decide to help Neil with his situation. Shurnarkabtishashutu, "Zeta Tauri" (Narki) Age: 22,500,000 (Estimated) Stellar-type: Blue star - Taurus Hair: Long, blue ponytail Eyes: Blue pupils, light blue irises Narki takes life quite seriously. Because of this, she often treats Kion like a kid even though he's 19. She doesn't care much about what happens to people in general, but she does care about Kion's view on things. Though she is serious, she doesn't mind a good joke every once in awhile, and absolutely loves food. She finds Alhena's "happy acting" to be annoying, and has a mutual respect for Antares. She's one of the stronger Stellars in Neil's main group. Antares, "Alpha Scorpii" Age:12,000,000(Estimated) Stellar-type: Red star - Scorpio Hair: Red, layered, bottom layer in low ponytail Eyes: Red pupils, light red irises Antares first appears to kill Neil. This leaves everyone in confusion and fear, causing them to question what's really going on, as a Stellar would never harm a human for no reason. However, he was just following orders. After a lot of thinking, he decides to change his mind and help Neil instead(Even though Neil absolutely refuses to trust him). His decision may(or may not) be influenced by his guilt, and the fact that he's reaching near the end of his life anyway. Kullat Nunu, "Eta Piscium" Age: Stellar-type: Yellow star - Pisces Hair: Blonde, curly pigtails Eyes: Dark yellow pupils, yellow irises Kullat Nunu is Alhena's best friend, who eventually makes an appearance and joins the group in their search for answers. She's a little bit of a derp and does really weird things, but no one seems to mind as long as it isn't harmful. However, Neil notices that Nunu has blonde hair and yellow eyes(similar to his dead twin sister), and doesn't talk with her often because of this. Sadalmelik, "Alpha Aquarii" Age:53,000,000(Estimated) Stellar-type: Yellow star - Aquarius Hair: Blonde, somewhat messy Eyes: Dark yellow pupil, yellow iris Sadalmelik is a mysterious Stellar that joins Neil's group after hearing "rumors" about a Human-Stellar war starting over Neil's wish. He barely talks and is a tad bit socially awkward when he's around Neil, but his only interest seems to be training Neil to make him stronger. For awhile this makes Neil quite angry, but eventually he realizes that Sadalmelik is actually very helpful to him. Sadalmelik knows answers to many secrets involving Neil's situation, but doesn't reveal them to the group for specific reasons(Partially his own fear, along with thinking it might keep Neil safe). Though Sadalmelik appears to be completely emotionless and stone-cold on the exterior, it's actually quite the opposite on the inside. Shaula, "Lambda Scorpii" Age:??? Stellar-type: Blue star - Scorpio Hair: Blue, long and short Eyes: Blue pupils, light blue irises Another Stellar that shows up to kill Neil, bringing other Stellars with her for backup after hearing he has a few Stellars protecting him. Kion absolutely falls in love with Shaula's appearance, despite her being an enemy. Of course, that's the type of reaction Shaula enjoys, because "love-struck" enemies are fairly easy to defeat. Kyna Doune Hair: Brown, length varies Eyes: Black pupils, brown irises Kyna is Neil's mother, who went missing when he was 8 years old. Neil loved her very much, so he's naturally upset by her disappearance. She's an odd mix of traits. She likes being lazy and staying indoors, but she also enjoys going outside to play basketball if people challenge her. Her children mean everything to her, and she's very protective over them. She's very introverted, but she doesn't mind hanging out with close friends. Sally Doune Hair: Short, blonde Eyes: Black pupils, yellow irises Neil's twin sister, murdered shortly after their mother went missing(By shortly, I mean like within 24 hours after the disappearance). In a few flashbacks, she's shown to be a little bit sassy, but polite to elders. She spent most of her days playing with Neil and Ivan, and leaned a little towards the tomboy side instead of girly girl. She was also Ivan's childhood crush. There are more characters, but I can't really reveal them without revealing who is behind all the attacks. Therefore, I'll stop it there for now. If you're very curious though, more characters are listed in the casting call for auditions. I'll update the character section again once I get specific sprites done for those that are missing theirs at the moment. Visual Novel Features Multiple endings, including Good, Bad, True, Chaotic, "Too Early", and a hidden ending. CGs and Animated cutscenes Battle System(Hopefully with isometric elevation maps and attacks unique to each character if I'm able to figure out how to program it.) Progress Sprites- 25% Backgrounds- 5% CG's- 10% Animation- 10% Writing- 95% Coding- 20% Music - ??% Here's a screenshot! I do plan on changing that text box though. -Extra Questions- 1. Does the story sound interesting? 2. Is my art okay? Do you like it? 3. Which character seems interesting to you so far, if any? 4. Would you be interested in playing this game even though it isn't a dating sim kind of game?(I know being a dating sim isn't a requirement, but I know a large amount of visual novels are so I didn't know if it would have an effect on whether people want to play) Sorry if this post is too lengthy.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVc4RKQSHa8&list=UUbc0jPjgo4r_McbzaLajKWQ Being able to control fate would be a blessing for many. To Miyon, it is her greatest curse. East and West Taria are in conflict, and Miyon's power will be the most valuable weapon. Meanwhile, Gai has been sold by his family into Miyon's temple. Will the two save or destroy one another? Hello everyone ! Here is my latest project, Cursed Sight. It has in fact in brewing for quite a while now, and I am happy to finally be able to share it with you all. A demo version of the game is available here: http://cursedsight.invertmouse.com/demo.html So far, my most common feedback is that my previous titles were too short. With Cursed Sight, I am hoping to find a balance between staying succinct and satisfying the players' wishes. The full script is currently around 45,000 words long. Cursed Sight will also be my first release with multiple complete endings. There is currently a campaign to fund the full game. I hope to have your support: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1013046199/cursed-sight-visual-novel Cursed Sight is currently also on Steam Greenlight. If you could consider sparing a moment to vote, I would really appreciate it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=403682653 Here is Cursed Sight's webpage: http://cursedsight.invertmouse.com And a few screenshots: Before signing off, hey Rooke, Flutterz, thank you so much for helping me out earlier on. I will always remember your support . Nosebleed, thanks for letting me post this here as well. As discussed, please feel free to move this over to Ongoing Projects. Thank you so much everyone! Really appreciate you all as always.
  7. summary Our narrator born in Hawaii meets a young college student who goes to the same school. He was practicing for the 10k marathon until the narrator saw the young girl crying. Her name is Aya, her trouble life is leading her to consider suicide or murder as an alternative to being happy. The story progress to more and more life changing events that happens almost everyday in the real world. I wont reveal how many ends there are but it is multichoice until you reach an ending. The game won't be free (for a good reason) anyone who buys the game will help fund American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the game will be for $2. In math terms this is how much the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will get for each game brought. special thanks to konett for allowing the characters to be use for commercial use demo version can be downloaded here: http://firecat.itch.io/serious-to-the-end ------------------------------------------------------------------update------------------------------------------------------------- dont worry the project is still going, i haven't post any updates so let me go over on what happen. * i have added a new textbox, one that feels hawaii * another addition is multiple language but separate games, in other words it means you can play the game in Spanish, Japanese and English (so no it originally was never meant to be a OELVN project). * the storyline is about 30% at this point with japanese being at 10%, this is due to misspelling by google translate so i have to fix it most of the time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------update 2------------------------------------------------------------------- video trailer for the game is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHdeC82mv0M&feature=youtu.be * also the game is now only english and spanish version. i could not stand with google misleading me on japanese and delaying the project. * the price is still the same, only $2 * android version will be available at amazon as well as separate OP systems such as mac, linux and windows. * full download of everything (including android) will be place on itch.io and fireflower. * support for rising awareness in suicide death has been made in thunderclap: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/27606-suicide-awareness-funding?locale=en ----------------------------------------------------------------final update---------------------------------------------------------- its finally release!
  8. Project Introduction Hello there. Here is my first ever VN project/ I have been working on a story of mine for about a year and recently decided to get involved seriously about it. I have been working on several parts of the project, being a director, developer, scenarist, writer & game designer at the same time. I like it though. The team has been working a lot since we got together & we're lacking a GUI designer. We're planning on advertising our project at Japan Expo in Paris (3 to 5 of July), and we are working on a promotional video for it. "In a world where nuclear energy has the upper hand in everything and the sky has been obstructed by pollution, a part of humanity still hopes in finding happiness. As the country is being cracked between the military forces of the police and the mafia, a new social class is born. Neo Aristocrats, as they call themselves, pretend that the current reality exists only because of humanity's love for evolution and consumption. Imprisoned in gigantic cities made solely for themselves, they keep refusing reality and focus their whole life on studying ancestral traditions and cultures. Ethan, an average yet shrewd Neo Aristo student, lives a happy but unnaturally repetitive life with his friends. Weeks pass with no change. Everything gets overwhelmed when he meets the likes of Alice, a beautiful yet mysterious girl. Ethan will learn that his life has never been what he thought it was and will eventually discover the true face of it." Promotional Song [instrumental version - Work in Progress] - Vocal version will be released with our Promotional video ONLY ! -> Download it here Language : English (French, German, Portuguese and Japanese translations planned). Genres : Thriller, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Romance, Drama, H. Rating : 18+ (Sex, Blood) Lenght : Medium to long. Music influences : Kenji Kawaii, Ludovico Einaudi, Nanase Hikaru, Kajiura Yuki... Universe influences : Dieselpunk/Cyberpunk. Art influences : Ergo Proxy, Black Rock Shooter, Steins;Gate, Persona 4 IMPORTANT : Kickstarter planned when the team is full. Work in Progress - Mostly translating from french (Update 3.0) : Project's team : Team Leader, Developper, Scenarist : Nahilys. Script Writers (All 3 Routes) : ThanasisK, Burnt Offering Chara Designer/Sprites Designer/Background Designer : THE UNKNOWN ( ) Graphic Designer/Animator : In talks. Composer : MrKapow (+ Guitarist & Singers) Programmers : GreyWolfXx, Sylvain S. True Route Summary (Edited) : FULL SPOILERS OF THE STORY Heroines Designs : Total NPC : 5 Alice - Main Heroine Aika - Childhood friend - Side Heroine 1 - Morgan - Young Rebel Genious - Side Heroine 2 - Gameplay : 1 True Route, 1 True Heroine.2 Side Heroines. 2 Ends with the True Heroine. Finish BOTH Side Routes to start True Route. 1 Week loop. Repetitive common route, influenced by choices every week, changing the story by adding more and more informations to get to the final conclusion.
  9. Hi there! It's been a while, I come back with my new project, a visual novel series named (weirdly named) Dragon and Weed: Origins. First of all, please note that English is not my first language, the VN scripts has been translated and we'll hire a professionnal and native proofreader, as soon as we succed our Kickstarter campaign. DWO is based on the original eponymous comics which was released in 2009 and have 77 chapters. It is a three-season series that mixes comedy, epic action and adventure: Season 1: OutBreak Season 2: The Fallen Season 3: Nemesis Faction We are currently working on the first season that is made of 5 volumes (~50 episodes). In this season, Dray and Lushian two young soldier who, having completed the extremely difficult military and spiritual program “Professional Assassins” will join an ancient secret organization. In OutBreak, events mainly take place in the organization training center where the trainee and instructors will have to face the unusual temper of our two protagonists. Features: - 1080p/Full HD Max resolution - Epic Action/ Adventure story - Fully voiced - Full color traditional and animated CGs - Awesome Original Soundtrack - Bonus and Hidden scenes The series will be available first for Windows, in English and French languages. World of Dragon and Weed: We're in 2053, few years ago, the world was ruled by war, conflicts and a conglomerate that manipulated it. Right now, political entities are trying to keep a fragile peace, the United-Nations of Europe (also called United-States of Europe), the Africa's Joint-Nations Alliance (AJNA) and the Diplomatic Alliance of the Asian Pentagon (DAAP) are the most influential. Characters: Here are the main characters of Season 1's Volume 1 - Alexander 'Dragon' Drayzaai: He is a lazy guy, a pervert and womaniser who enjoys driving the people around him crazy. In addition he has that Chibi personnality that makes him more childish, although he can sometimes be serious. - Lushian 'Weed' Nicolier: Lushian is really clever and professionnal person that can be touched by hardly anything. He's that cool guy who seems to be bored by everyone and who has lost his faith in humanity. Lushian have a limited trust: he would trust his life in a very small circle of friends, Alexander being one of them. - Rose: Former member of a private police force, she's now a lieutenant of the European Army (UNECA) as excellent that she hold a captain position by ruling a whole section. She know Dragon and Weed for a while and have a very conflictual relationship with them. - Amanda Hidejirō: Amanda is a scientist who have been kidnapped by a terrorist group. She's not custom to field work. - Benjamin Denarg: Also know as Colonel Quasar, he's a hi-ranked officer in a shadowy ancestral secret organization. Oh and is as perverted as Dragon. - Mobius: He's a Commando trainee of the Organization, a little too sure of himself. - Lucifer: She's also a Commando trainee of the Organization, cold tempered, she try her best not to kill Dragon. - Theodore Gregson-Mitchell: Lieutenant-General of the UNECA, he's a former intelligence officer of a powerful private army. Cold, merciless and result focused, he's linked to an other secret organization. - Galindo-Gomez: Known for being a sadist, he's the captain of the actual most powerful private army, the Favelas Brothers PMC. Screens: Conclusion: The Season 1 is currently on Kickstarter and Greenlight so if you like the project, please support us. A short demo will be available in few weeks, meanwhile, you can watch the Volume 1's teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4y3ODSdrA4 Follow OG-ZONE on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
  10. LATEST UPDATES: 16 April 2015 (The demo is now available. Please refer to Updates Info. section for more information!) CAMPAIGN ON KICKSTARTER HAS COMPLETED. THE PROJECT IS SUCCESSFULLY FUNDED! *************UPDATES INFO************* 1. Update 1 - 03 March 2015: Screenshots and PV added 2. Update 2 - 07 March 2015: We're now on Kickstarter. Please dowload the demo from the link below: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1921382915/change-visual-novel-otome-game-relaunch 3. Update 3 - 11 March 2015: First goal reached 4. Update 4 - 14 March 2015: Change! is now on Steam Greenlight. Please check the link below: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=406050575 5. Update 5 - 02 April 2015: Second PV added https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW4oSGxOidE&feature=youtu.be (This time we introduce a new but familiar character - Namir - Meowl team's mascot. If we can get enough support and reach the stretch goal, he will be a special love candidate in game!) ************************************* Finally, the wait is over!!! Please check out "Change!" demo in the provided link. And of course, we're looking forward to receiving your feedback/comment about the demo. Please help us to create a game that worths your time and your attention. Again, thank you so much for your concern! <3 Hi guys, I'm the translator of Meowl Team - a group of Vietnamese students having big love for visual novels. "Change!" is the very first product of our team, and it's still in the process of finalizing. At the moment, we're still working on the GUI, music, and CGs. I will keep you guys updated along with the game making process! Feedbacks are greatly appreciated. We - Meowl team members - all have one and only dream which is creating games that are adored by everyone! A- Project Introduction "Change!" is a visual novel/ otome game, which is a novel in the form of a story-based video game. You will play as the female character and make your own decisions throughout the game in order to get a romantic ending with your love interest. The story brings you to the life of Tran Hong Mai (name changeable) - an ordinary Vietnamese highschool girl. She is one of the simplest girl in the world with nothing outstanding about her appearance or character. 17 years have flown by, yet her life remains quiet and boring... Mai's life was expected to plainly continue, until her 17th birthday. Without knowing the reason, Mai's body was swapped with Hiep and it caused an extremely ridiculous situation to both of them. From that moment, fate has begun to take a new turn. "Change!" will bring to you sweet and comedic memories that everyone has in their lifetime as a high school student. Many surprises are waiting ahead! Features (The project is now still a work in progress. This is what we’ve planned so far when the full version is released. Adjustments may be applied if needed.) - Free demo version is coming soon - Two versions of the game will be released (no voiced version is estimated to be sold at $7, and $15 for voiced version) - Compatible for Windows, Mac OS X - 3 guys and 1 girl ready to be your love - Each character has 3 to 5 different outfits - Estimated playing time: 3~12 hours - 12 endings including love endings, friendship endings and bad endings - Tons of hints for BL & yuri fans - Cute artworks with beautiful original soundtracks - 40+ CGs with lots of eye candies - Custom GUI - Chance to learn more about the culture and traditional culinary of Vietnam - Full game will have an opening video and 4 ending videos to be unlocked. Characters I - TRAN HONG MAI Mai is the protagonist in CHANGE!. She’s like a plain dish that you will forget the taste right after you’re done eating. And like any other girls at the age of 17, Mai only has two things to worry about: her study and her love life. II - NGUYEN DUC HIEP Grumpy, sarcastic, and unpredictable Hiep - Mai’s childhood friend, who was once a kind and warm-hearted person. As the two grew a bit older and entered high school, Hiep changed completely. He has become a meanie that loves to make fun of Mai whenever he has the chance. There is nothing of a quiet and caring boy that Mai knew left. Can Mai – our innocent protagonist find out what is hidden behind Hiep’s grumpy attitude? III - VU NGOC ANH (aka Na) Energetic, optimistic, and carefree Na – Mai’s best friend in high school. Na is the only daughter of Vu family – the owner of a large corporation. Nurtured under such special family background, Na grew up like a princess with unique personality. She may act so weird and unreasonable at the start, but as you process throughout the game, you may find out how sweet and thoughtful Na can actually be. IV - VU VIET AN Shy, kind, and smart An – Na’s calm and gentle cousin. Despite of his baby face looking, An is a matured and sharp-witted man, who loves to take care of Mai and Na. If you choose to engage in An’s route during the game, get ready to be drown in a flood of his sweet and lovely actions. V - LE ANH TUAN Gallant, friendly, and fascinating Tuan – Mai’s secret affair. Studying in the same class, but Mai never had a chance to approach this handsome guy. Tuan is famous in high school with his chiselled figure and also is the ideal boyfriend in many girls’ dream. The absolute boyfriend’s personality is left for you to discover! B - Staff Solry - Team leader - Main artist & lead writer Ji - Background artist Kazz - Programmer Narcisse - Co writer Airianne - Co-writer & translator Akiko - Translator Hoang Anh Do, Amber Lee Connors - Proof reader Voice actor team - Sound Cadence Studios Kazaki - Music composer Aleema - GUI Designer Macho poon - Fanpage manager C - Screenshots and PV Here is our PV! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6VQ4sa8GPE And a few screenshots: And some works in progress:
  11. The Story Journey Against Ouva is centered around Iris, an intern at the Global Disease Control Center (GDCC) who wakes up with fuzzy memories of herself and her surroundings. She feels a strong sense of purpose to join a medical response mission, but has no idea why. To top it off, mysterious sabotage cases have been happening in GDCC, causing unrest within the organisation. One of her team members is suspected to be the saboteur, and she has the option to investigate this matter. Will she discover the identity of the saboteur? Will the response mission allow her to find her soul once again? Screenshots Project Status Demo will be released within the first two weeks of February. Questions for You 1. Does the plot interest you? 2. Which character is your favourite? 3. What do you look for in a visual novel?
  12. PRESENTS Noel has never had an easy or normal childhood. Since he was small, he's had two monsters coming out of his closet to scare him... or, it was so at first. Turns out, monsters can be lonely too, and all the cheerful Sidney and the ever-serious Simon wanted was some company. After years of an unusual but happy friendship though, Sidney started to see Noel in a different light, and that complicates things. The redhead monster can't take no for an answer. Sidney is insistent, Noel is unwilling, and Simon is, for some reason, set on not letting it happen. Add to this romantic comedic plot the tragedy that befalls them when Sam, Noel's little sister, disappears in mysterious circumstances, and you've got the plot of Charming Monster. ------------- Started first as a webcomic, after I, thooruchan, got started on working with videogames, I decided that it was the kidn of story that would work perfectly as a Visual Novel. Right now I work with my sister on a demo. We have the plot written, characters designed, the GUI is implemented and functioning, and progress is going smoothly. Our plan is to release a demo in the second week of January, free to play, to gain awareness. Once it has gained enough of a fanbase, a small crowdfunding campaign would start to gain enough funding for development of the rest of the game. ------------- UPDATE 5: Hey there guys! There is not a lot to explain this week, though hopefully now that the holidays are finally over here in Spain we'll be able to get back to work. Sidney's srpites are half done, so I guess overall, 15% of the sprites are done. Backgrounds are also progressing, slow but steady. We are being forced to work a bit more slowly than we had planned due to other jobs coming our way (the kind that pays bills and cannot be rejected ) but we are still doing our best to have the CharMon demo out as soon as possible ----------- UPDATE 4: Happy New Year! Hope you are all starting 2015 with a lot of energy! Here at DrawOrDrop sure did, and we started it with a streaming session, though due to technical and time problems, it could only hold for about an hour U__U (I need a new laptop after all). Despite that, it wasn't for nothing, and a few cool designs for Noel came out! Thanks to everyone who voted for Noel's design! After a really close call, winning by just ONE vote, the bottom one was picked as Noel's design. Hope you'll all like him! ---------- UPDATE 3: Due to my laptop needing a factory restore, development has been slowed down a bit. Despite that, there has been quite a lot of progress, which I'll proceed to detail like so: scripting: 90% (needs beta-reading and spell-checking) sound and sfx: 40% GUI: 100% CG: 0% backgrounds: 10% sprites: 5% As soon as my laptop is back to shape (hopefully before the year ends ) I'll throw myself at that sprite art with the fury of a thousand starving artists and start showing you guys some progress that you can actually oggle at. ------------- UPDATE 2: Here's a WIP picture of our second character, Simon: UPDATE 1: I'm happy to present to you the first finished sprite for Sidney. And here are a few screencaps. the game is being scripted with placeholder art so we can work on plot and art assets at the same time; You can follow our blog for the game at http://charmonthegame.tumblr.com/ Feedback of any kind is welcomed!
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