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  1. H2O √ after and another Complete Story Edition Release Download the patch (Google drive, Mediafire) (ver. 1.01, dated September 8, 2023) Description In H2O -Footprints in the Sand-, Hirose Takuma is a blind middle school student, though the cause for his blindness is undetermined. After his mother died unexpectedly, it left a deep emotional scar on him, causing him to become lonely and reserved. Due to this, Takuma moves from the city out into a rural area to live with his uncle and Takuma is enrolled into a new middle school. There, he meets several new girls, including the firm and obstinate Kohinata Hayami, the kind and obliging Kagura Hinata, and the cheerful and mysterious Otoha. In √ after and another, there are new after stories for two of the heroines from H2O (Hayami and Hinata), plus new routes for Yui and Hamaji/Yukiji, the latter of which also unlocks Maki's route. A version merging both games into one was later released, H2O √ after and another Complete story Edition. H2O VNDB: https://vndb.org/v473 √ after and another VNDB: https://vndb.org/v561 Where to purchase The game can be purchased legally from DMM (https://dlsoft.dmm.co.jp/detail/mnphs_0007/), but a Japanese proxy/VPN may be necessary to purchase it. That is where I obtained my copy. It goes on sale quite often, although it's pretty cheap even at full price, considering its age. Project The English localization project is being conducted by Studio Frisay, fresh off the completed Imasugu Onii-chan ni Imouto datte Iitai! project. As before I (Tooko) will be doing all of the translating and editing of the script, along with probably most of the image editing, and any engine work that needs to be done (of which is very little). Studio Frisay discord server Progress Programming: The game is built on the BGI/Ethornell engine, as with Imaimo before it, so I'm already familiar with how the engine works and have all the resources necessary to apply any hacks and build the completed patch once everything is done. In fact, there's a lot less work this time around on that front because the structure is a lot simpler, being a NVL game instead of an ADV game. Translation: The translation officially commenced on August 10, 2022 and was completed on January 28, 2023, although progress was initially very slow because of the ongoing work for the Imaimo patch at the time. However, I already translated a decent amount of the script (20%) by the time I announced the project a couple months later in October. The game has 73,547 lines across 167 scenario files split up between the common route and six character routes: Common: 6953 / 6953: 100% Hayami: 20620 / 20620: 100% Hinata: 14112 / 14112: 100% Yui: 13151 / 13151: 100% Hamaji: 4973 / 4973: 100% Maki: 5437 / 5437: 100% Otoha: 8301 / 8301: 100% Total: 73547 / 73547: 100% Images and videos: Aside from minor tweaks, all of the in-game images in need of editing are now completed. Editing of images is shared between me and nReus, who will also be typesetting lyrics onto the 9 OP/ED videos. The images include about 110 for the UI, and about 335 for the rest of the game, although most of those are minor variations on each other, so the actual number of unique images is much less. Editing: The editing of the game's text officially commenced on February 10, 2023, and it was completed on July 10, 2023. QC: The quality check phase involves going through a normal playthrough to check for any problems with the patch files and their rendering. This should took about two months, completing in early September. The patch is scheduled for release on September 8, 21:00 UTC. Progress link on Google Sheets
  2. I am translating purely x cation ( https://vndb.org/v18723 ) but the archive is in .dat format. i am able to extract the scenario scripts using krkrextract but how do i make a patch file of .dat format. i patch a .xp3 patch its not working. also tried to rename it to patch.dat still not working. i also tried to completely unpack and repack to main.xp3 and renamed it to main.dat and still not working . what to do
  3. Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete (In Search of the Lost Future) Description At Uchihama Academy, the number of new students at the school has been increasing every year, so a new school building is constructed. Before they move to the new building, the school will hold one last cultural festival at the old building before it is closed down. Each of the clubs decide to give it their all to make it a success. The student council asks the astronomy club to calm the uneasiness among the students in regard to mysterious incidents at the old building. Sou Akiyama, a member of the astronomy club, is inspecting the old building when he finds a mysterious naked girl, Yui Furukawa, who appears to know him. The next day, Yui expresses her desire to join the astronomy club. (Description taken partially from VNDB and Wikipedia.) VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v4880 Where to purchase The game can be purchased legally from DMM (https://dlsoft.dmm.co.jp/detail/tin_0002/), but a Japanese proxy/VPN may be necessary to purchase it. In addition, there's an extra layer of DRM which requires the installation of the DMM Game Player software which then allows you to download and install the game. A Japanese VPN is necessary to use DMM Game Player, both to download the game once purchased, and also to launch the game, although once launched the VPN can be turned off. This is the copy I have obtained, but the patch will work with both the DMM version and the original disc version released in 2010, although the only difference will be in their encryption and the addition of one extra file to get the disc version to work on modern systems. Project The English localization project is being conducted by Studio Frisay as its third project following Imasugu Onii-chan ni Imouto datte Iitai! in 2022 and H2O √ after and another Complete Story Edition in 2023. As before, I (Tooko) will be doing all of the translating and editing of the script, along with probably most of the image editing, and working on the game engine. Also as before, nReus has agreed to help with the rendering of the game's videos and also some of the image editing (you can largely thank him for the design of the logo above). Studio Frisay discord server Progress Programming: The game uses the Kirikiri engine, one of the most popular and versatile engines around. I've already taken care of the preliminary engine hacks necessary to construct the patch after a lot of trial and error, and also received some help to streamline the patch creation process once the project is complete. Translation: The translation took place between January 19 and August 10, 2024, and I had already translated about 25% of the script by the time I announced the project in March. The game has 35,416 lines across 180 scenario files split up between the five heroine routes: Kaori: 8519 / 8519: 100% Airi: 7368 / 7368: 100% Nagisa: 7356 / 7356: 100% Yui 1: 8334 / 8334: 100% Yui 2: 3839 / 3839: 100% Total: 35416 / 35416: 100% Relatively uncommon for this type of game, it doesn't have a separate common route and instead incorporates elements similar to a common route into the beginning of each route. There is also a set order the routes must be completed, which is the same order they're listed above. A full walkthrough will be provided with the patch to view all CGs and endings. Images and videos: Of the 150 or so images that require editing in the game, almost all of them (134) are part of the UI, so it probably shouldn't take that long to finish them up. As for the videos, there are 4: 2 for the OP and 2 for the ED that will require typesetting for the lyrics and a few lines of other text. The images and videos are being edited by nReus. Editing: Editing the script began on August 13, 2024 and concluded on February 12, 2025. Image and video editing are still ongoing. Progress link on Google Sheets
  4. Latest Update (June 24) Common Route translation: 100% Common Route editing: 1/6 scenario files Maiya Route translation: 5/23 Maiya Route editing: pending Keika Route translation: 6/21 Keika Route editing: pending Rui Route translation: pending Rui Route editing: pending Current Staff: Me (Translating, Hacking) SpookySaint (Editing) Senpai Ken (Translating) Spirited Away (Editing) Currently seeking additional translators, and a more competent hacker for UI translation. Original Post ↓ Hello. I've decided to translate Saimin Yuugi, my favorite eroge. Well written hypnosis with Sayori's art? Holy shit, yes please. Really, nothing else compares. Now, I'm a solo, amateur translator, and I acknowledge we're an inherently unreliable lot. With that being said, I wouldn't be making this thread unless I was committed to finishing. Why make this thread? 1) On the off chance someone else is interested in translating, I'd love to have your help. No long-term commitment necessary. 2) If anyone is interested in editing my translated scripts (checking my grammar and watching for awkward descriptions or stilted dialogue), I'd love to have you. Also no long-term commitment necessary. 3) On the off off chance someone else was partway through translating this eight year old eroge, I may as well find out about it now before sinking too much more time into this. In short, I love this game and am asking for help to make the translation the best it can be. What have I already done? - Unpacking and repacking the game files is confirmed working with a partial patch tested both on my machine and others. - Maiya's route is 17% translated, which includes an introduction common to all routes. Not a lot, but it's only a week's worth of effort. I'm confident that this pace will let me finish without burning out. On that note however, my main goal for this project is the translation of Maiya's route. I think the completionist in me will make sure I see the project through to the end, but I expect significantly slower progress on the other routes. Especially Keika's. If you have questions feel free to ask.
  5. I have just edited some scripts, and images out from the .dat file modify them, and create a patch.dat or patch8.dat file, and I opened it. It doesn't work, can you tell why?, I was wondering if this is the same method as Kirikiri, and I dunno what Source Engine is the game "Niizuma Lovely x Cation". It might soon I will be creating a translation project for the Hibiki Work's VN.
  6. Ahoy there ive just finished the Ayamine Route for muv luv altered fable which is using an older patch from 2014 https://alternativeprojects.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/muv-luv-altered-fable-patch-3-by-jutsuki-sen/ and im just looking for play testers to send me feedback on what i need to fix as i don't have time to play it myself . im also going to be updating the links later on with new versions of the patch with a polish to the translation and even more translations. https://vndb.org/r94522 but first get the patch for rugp engine as if you don't want crashes every 5 minutes then you would wanna get this then put it in the plugins folder. YOU ALSO NEED AFHOOK RECORD IN ORDER FOR THE TRANSLATION TO WORK PLACE THE AFHOOK RECORD IN THE PLUGINS FOLDER https://workupload.com/file/2c39MNNEewh https://www.mediafire.com/file/qac7twnyhkdw1jh/afhook.rpo/file click any of the 2 links shove the afhook file in the main folder and your set. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ikxbgzmt9r7fguf/afhook.pkg/file https://workupload.com/file/W9xvYMRYGbA Update Log 2024 May 5th Updated the Links above with the latest version of the patch with better polishing and a tad bit more clear on grammer Also Marimo Route, Yuuhi have had their lines recorded and by next week i should prob have Marimo done and parietal be done Yuuhi or maybe both 2024 May 10th Marimo route done and Yuuhi now it is time for Class rep and Mikoto then Maybe Miki then im gonna get started on supplement But ile update the files above later if i see any issues during the play test or if i got a few of the names wrong Links updated btw 2024 June 20th Yuuhi route done Mikoto route done Class rep route done took me a dam while cause irl stuff aka war thunder and league of legends crap also wasting my time at an anime convention 2 more routes left and will be done in 20 days or less or 22 days links updated btw 2024 july3 muv luv supplement start time 2024 nov 4 fixed a dozen or so issues ie the taco and takeru incident in which i replaced all the takes with tacos then takeru then back to take but i forgot to fix a few of em But now its fixed. Also possible Miki and Kasumi route soon as I'm in contact with someone working on it
  7. Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Progress Translation: 32977/32977 Translation Check - 32977/32977 Editing: 32977/32977 Image editing: 100% Hacking: 100% Who's working on this at the moment? Translation: Chifuyu-chan Editing: Mimosa Hacking: anonymous Project Website Big thanks to everyone who helped us along the way! Scripts are now 100% edited and currently being inserted into the game. Please do buy the game if possible! It has been a long road due to time constraints and real life hurdles, but it has finally been completed. Don’t get your hopes up though, since I am the only person inserting the scripts manually as my editor (@mimosa) finally left after doing an exceptional job. Still, it may take a while for me to release it because of a stubborn personal reason. This would be my first and last visual novel project and I want it to be near perfect, free of bugs and errors, because I would never look back on this project again and that may leave you guys hanging. With that said, me and some testers I choose on discord will play the game thoroughly so that we would be free of those things. I cannot promise any dates since I only do this in my free time because of my work, but rest assured that it will be finished and we’ll have Kururu ease our hearts.
  8. Title: Shuffle! Essence+ Release date: 2004-01-30 Game/Creator: Navel Description: Ten years ago, the gateway to the Realm of the Gods and the Realm of the Demons was opened. Soon afterwards, the gods and the demons began migrating to our world. Now there are places where gods, demons and humans all study together, such as the school, Verbena Academy. Rin, a normal high school guy who is the envy of guys because he lives with and be pampered by the sweet, beautiful Kaede. It’s just a day like any other when two new transfer students show up in class: Sia, Princess of the Gods and Nerine, Princess of the Demons. Now Rin’s luck is about to change, for he has been chosen to take one of their hands in marriage. Whether down the hall, next door or from another realm, girls seem to be everywhere. Progress: At the time of writing this I just finished making a new engine to run this new translation running on Unity rather than me try to hack my way into a proprietary engine that seems only a few games used, the time wasted on hack my way through it could be spend in actually getting the project done faster. Mangagamer already translated the original Shuffle release and Yumehaven translated the PS2 release of it called "On The Stage" that added the Kareha and Mayumi's route into the game and which they released on Steam as a SFW version of it, their license ran out this 2021 and the game has been delisted ever since. Using those 2 release as basis for what is already translated what is left would be the new girls/routes included in the Essence release (Tsubomi , Sakura, Matsuri, Nadeshiko, Daisy) Who's working on this at the moment? Everything is being done by me at the moment, at the moment I am writing I'm migrating the already translated version into this new version I don't know what else to write at the moment here so I will just drop my discord link in case you want to help out in like anything or just follow the updates of this project: https://discord.unclebane.xyz/
  9. Aiyoku No Eustia (https://vndb.org/r24024) A fan transation project by Eustia Translations Partial Patch is out! https://mega.nz/#!no0DyQza!DZShSFgME_-iW6vaEdYy3oek-794a1yiuiW48U05dBQ Covers up to Eris' chapter (Chapter 2). Opening Movie: Description (modified VNDB description): Personal words: Translation Video Sample: Team: Project Lead/Translator/TLC: eplipswich @eplipswich Head Editor: Desertopa Head QC: Angeldeath Reserve/Former Members: Translator (Reserve): TakoRin @TakoRin Editor (Reserve): kumada Translator (Former): goodluckmyway/Be Water @goodluckmyway Editor/QC (Former): Vermillio @Vermillio QC (Former): Esham @Esham Progress: You can check out detailed real-time progress update at the following link: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AhHDq_NSwaAqgSnImaDDLTME-lmi?e=ai9dey ---------------------------------- You can follow me on Twitter: @eplipswich Job Opening(s): None at the moment, but feel free to PM me if you feel you can contribute to the project.
  10. The day has come, I have decieded to port GFL to Visual novel form (Renpy) This is the place to keep track of the project! - Introduction: Girls' Frontline (少女前线) is a mobile strategy role-playing game for ANDROID EMULATOR ON PC developed by China-based studio MICA Team, where players control echelons of android characters, known in-universe as T-Dolls, each carrying a distinctive real-world zoom banger. - The game was released in Mainland China on 20 May 2016 in Hong Kong and Taiwan on 18 January 2017, and in South Korea on 30 June 2017. - And The global English version was released on 8 May 2018, while the Japanese version was released on 1 August 2018 under the title Dolls Frontline (ドールズフロントライン) due to the Girls' Frontline trademark in Japan already being held by another registrant. - Also Girls' Frontline is a prequel of another game developed by MICA Team, Codename: Bakery Girl, released in 2013 - The Game is set in a War-torn future where tactical dolls, more commonly known as T-Dolls, are almost exclusively used for combat in place of humans, some having been repurposed from their previous life as civilian androids. The majority of the world is uninhabitable due to contamination from the Collapse Fluid, and much of humankind is dead. In 2062, the artificial intelligence of Sangvis Ferri (SF) spontaneously rebels against humanity, with their T-Dolls and robots killing their human masters and taking over nearby areas. In response, the private military company (PMC) Griffin & Kryuger (G&K) is hired to contain and eliminate Sangvis Ferri forces; the player assumes the role of a recently promoted G&K Commander The base storyline focuses on the adventures of this commander and the Anti-Rain (AR) Team consisting of M4a1, STAR-15, m4 SOP(O)mod ii, M16a1, and RO (635). Other important characters include the commander's logistics officer, Kalina, AK-12, AN-94, AK-15, RPK-16 and Angelia of Squad DEFY and Squad 404, made up of UMP45, UMP9, 416, and Gr G11. - Enough copy and paste from the Wiki, I have been playing this game since August 2019 and being a daily login commander since, I'm very impressed how the writing and the world of this game set in, so I want to bring this to a bigger screen... (most GFL player already play this game on their pc) and no, only the visual novel part! - The game currently have ~40 main chapter and ton of side story, not counting ~9 Collab story, and tons of Individual character event/story, each can last from 10 minutes to 3 hours! - Goal: my goal is to preserve the game In an offline Visual Novel form, while keeping the "vibe" of the in game visual novel as close as possible including sprite Animation, sound and VFX - Off course, this can't be done perfectly while I have some personal editorial bias toward the visual novel "quality of life" aspect, but don't worry, I will try to keep the script 100% to the original. - The other goal is to create a general archive of GFL, including but not Limited to Sprite/CG/Music/Character info. - And finally, here's the progress of this project and stuff to do that will be constantly updated: Script Porting Progression : chapter 10_5 singularity UI Progression: not so basic UI Navigation MUSIC PLAYER: NA GALLERY: NA CHAPTER UI: Goal is to emulate in game story UI (except for Longitudinal Strain) Skill level in making this happen: Worse than Yandev NOT GET DMCA FROM THE MAN HIMSELF : MERRY CHRISTMAS GAME IS OUT IN BETA! GFL REDUX 1.0 BETA TEST
  11. Mod Note: This thread was merged with another. Direct replies to this post start here. Noratoto - 18+ Restoration Project 1. VN Info 2. Synopsis 3. VN OP 4. Project Introduction 5. Staff 6. Recruitment 7. Progress
  12. I am trying to edit some images in kirikiri file for translation, I just successfully convert the .tlg to any image like .bmp .png and .jpeg/.jpg, but after editing I don't know how to convert it back, I try to search on google but nothing shows, so If anything you can help just post in the comment, I'm trying to Translate the game PRETTY X CATION, tnx in advance
  13. Hello, everyone! I'll keep this short. The project has been on hiatus for a while, but we'd like to release it sometime next year. The translation is done, and we just need someone who'd be willing to give it at least a single editing pass. For reference, SukiMa has around 31k lines of text, so it's by no means an easy project to edit. Most fanTL editors we know are unavailable, so we have to ask like this if there are any interested potential editors out there? Assuming we don't find any, we'll just do a QA/proofreading pass, and that's it. We also need an image editor. If you're interested, or know someone who could be, do let us know, either here or in our Discord group. Thank you in advance!
  14. Hello, I have tried to open these files, but I cannot access the contents properly, and the data appears to be corrupted or unreadable. I have tried using GARbro to extract the files, but even after removing them, the .rld files are not in a format that I can read. I am not sure if these files are encrypted or if there is some other type of protection that needs to be removed. I would like to know if anyone has had experience with .rld files in VNs or has any suggestions on how to process them properly. I believe that with the right tools, it is possible to overcome this obstacle. I would appreciate any help or advice you can give me!
  15. Good evening everyone, I was wondering if anyone has attempted to do a data extraction on the latest minatosoft game 我が姫君に栄冠を WagaHimegimi ni Eikan o. I am actually interested in doing a translation on this, I do understand how to read code and use cmd lines but I am unfamiliar with the data extraction technology/tools needed. I have attempted to try extracting the script.dat files using GARBro, however when I tried to do that I get an File extraction error: Error occured while extracting file script/0.txt Data not recognized as zlib-compressed stream. Also, if I try to open it with other tools, it would seem like the script.dat file is encrypted. So far only GarBro is able to open it(the other tools don't seem to be able to open as archive from the data/script extraction thread, or maybe I'm doing it wrongly lol.) . Or is there other available tools that could be used to decrypt an encrypted/file cannot be opened as archive file? Has anyone succeeded in extracting the scripts? if so, what kinds of tools/software is used? or by custom python file extraction methods? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could enlighten me in this area. Thanks for reading this! I have decent proficiency in Japanese and have experience in translating, editing scripts to english(and I can understand Japanese slangs as well).
  16. Sakura, Moyu. -as the Night's, Reincarnation- "This is a story for your life." Game Info Preface This is my first ever project as a translator, and as such, I do not expect to have the highest quality or even speed at the start. However, I really, really love this game. This game is the reason I decided to learn Japanese. I consider it a true work of art. I believe that more people deserve to know about this game and play it, which is why I will continue to translate it, proofread it, and edit it until the very end, until I'm satisfied, hoping that it becomes a "letter" to the "future". Current Progress More than halfway through the common route. (24th May 23) Common route completed, will release a patch after QC. Starting Chiwa route. (2nd Sept 23) Common route patch out, looking for feedback and continuing with Chiwa route. (1st Jan 24) The project began on 2nd April, 2023. Discontinued on 8th Jan, 2024 due to a request from NekoNyan. (Please read last post) Line-to-line progress Team Lead: @Xelane Translator/Editor: @Xelane Programmer: Kazuto Hitori Playtester: Muzz Downloads Common route patch How to install Simply copy paste the contents into your game folder. Run using either FVPLoader or Locale Emulator. *For more details please check Instructions.txt in the zip. Special thanks to @Akerou and @rr- for their tools to unpack/repack the game files. -------------------XXXXXXX------------------- If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to express them.
  17. Shin Koihime † Musou -Kakumei- Souten no Haou - vndb A fan transation project by Satoshi's team Patch 0.15(ch1) - MEGA Title: Shin Koihime † Musou -Kakumei- Souten no Haou | 真・恋姫†夢想-革命- 蒼天の覇王 Release date: 2017-07-28 Translation updated: 22.03.2023 Game/Creator: Baseson Mod/Translation Version: 0.13 (Chapter 1) Game Version: 1.1 Language: English Note: The novel consists of the story and game elements (battles), which you need to win to unlock the next part of the story. For now, we're translating only the story. Features: Installation: Screenshots: Project Introduction / Satoshi's logbook 13.12.2022 07.01.2023 Changelog: Editor: recruiting CG Editor: recruiting Translator(russian-english): recruiting Translator(japan-english): recruiting
  18. Hello ! I'm intending on translating the game 3days (3days ~満ちてゆく刻の彼方で) and would like some help with the script, extracting and unpacking into a text file. I used "arc_unpacker" but ran into an error, though it did tell me it recognised the decoder as using nscripter/nsa. I thought maybe using nscdec could work, but the script file is separate and only named script.dat not nscript.dat , I renamed it to nscript so it would run, but it just gave me a file full of nonsense text. Probably a dumb attempt haha. If anyone could help it'd be greatly appreciated! Its made by lass the same people who made 11eyes btw!
  19. I need help primarily the phone conversations on the Visual Novel, I have been wrecking my brain trying to figure out how to fix the font sizes on the Phone Dialogues. I have already went through the gameexe.data and added a default font for the translation however I cant seem to find the ones for the phone dialogues I was told it would be at Scene.pck but I can't for the life of me find it all I see in the scripts are the Cutin's being called everytime the phone gets pulled out I just want to adjust the Text boxes or perhaps fix the font as I hate seeing these string of characters get whacked by weird spacings and the log sometimes doesn't register certain characters (I'm working on Tsukikana, and would love if some people are interested in translating the visual novel with me along side with people we only have one translator and it would be great if someone is interested in working on this project)
  20. So I was trying to extract the files from the game directory for this game - https://vndb.org/v19083 But when I extract the files from the circled ones, the texts that come up are garbled nonsense. I tried to switch to different encoding but the results remained the same. First of all I went into the game directory and extracted the contents of this file - Then I selected the CODE file to open thinking it will have the coding part - But all it showed was this blasphemy - Then I changed the encoding several times but the results were more or less the same - Does anyone have any idea, how can I hack the script for this game? Thanks for taking time to read this post.
  21. Yeah see im a big dumb dumb that wants to take on the massive project of trying to translate Schwarzesmarken. Yeah i know thats a big ol project and in order to do that i need practice so i thought why not finish the translation for the early 2005 to 7ish version of muv luv altered fable by completing someone else's patch https://alternativeprojects.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/muv-luv-altered-fable-patch-3-by-jutsuki-sen/ . I mean its already mostly done i just need to translate small bits and pieces mainly the good ol H scenes but im dam confused on getting the archives to open and etc to work with garbro and im trying to piece pieces on how to work with them from what others have done with it but to no avail but i did manage to get the soundtrack to be extracted out of it so thats nice and i got a semi working cheat engine script for the pain in the ass volley ball game. if anyone could give me a link or two or a blog page of someone translating any other muv luv games i'd love it as i have 4 months to do nothing and i wanna do something for fun like this i just need the tools and the rest is done. edit as of may the 3rd 2024 ive finished the Ayamine route now i need play testers to screen shot things tell me whats wrong with my horrible translation and anything i need to fix i might have missed (note i just did Ayamine route i still got other things to do) heres the patch just shove it in the game folder and it should work i also just made a dozen or so links to were i uploaded the file so theres options in case one of the links die update as of 2024 may the 7th these links are outdated but ile keep em here just in case click on the play test link instead for the up to date files. pic related im the big dunder head with blue hair
  22. Hello friends, I need help because I don't know what's happening, but the tool seems to not extract some files correctly and only extracts some. Do you know what the problem is and how I can solve it?
  23. ahoy there im now done supplement go and use this with muv luv duelist and have fun and send me feedback for any mistakes i made i probably might fix em. I also took a while cause i gotta goon max in war thunder to tanks. and ile polish the patch later get the dam crash fix https://vndb.org/r94522 YOU ALSO NEED AFHOOK RECORD IN ORDER FOR THE TRANSLATION TO WORK PLACE THE AFHOOK RECORD IN THE PLUGINS FOLDER https://workupload.com/file/2c39MNNEewh https://www.mediafire.com/file/qac7twnyhkdw1jh/afhook.rpo/file also when installing place the afhook in the main game folder here's media fire https://www.mediafire.com/file/ikxbgzmt9r7fguf/afhook.pkg/file here's a video you need to watch https://www.mediafire.com/file/ylbn7ipmq6142vk/saber.mp4/file here's the workupload https://workupload.com/archive/xRuu3JJXM2 i might translate Rasen Kairou 1 and 2 so i can translate anonymous yeah its a bit rapey but my frens say its good https://vndb.org/v1070 https://vndb.org/v2809 https://vndb.org/v579
  24. Hello all. I'm looking to translate Pure x Connect as a project in my Japanese studies. Quite sadly however, I'm not so adept at all the technical stuff. I've mucked around using all sorts of programs but it seems this is what I have so far the works the easiest: Garbro (for unpacking .arc files) Sacanawrapper (for extracting/repacking scripts) AE VN tools (for repacking .arc files) BGIimageencoder (for converting edited .bmp files back to BGI format) Pure x Connect runs off the Buriko general interpreter (BGI) engine. My only problem lies in the repacking of certain .arc files, namely those that have a file inside exceeding 16 characters. Any such files while repacking gets truncated to 16 characters and the game starts acting funny. Please note that I'm repacking using the v1 BGI format because v2 gives me the error: "Access violation at address 005164D0 in module 'AE.exe'. Write of address 00000000." I looked around on another forum on Fuwanovel for another of smee's games with a similar problem and one of the guys said a fix is to adjust the script file engine calls and truncate them as well. For example, changing the file name himari_love_encount to himari_love_enc and the engine call HIMARI-LOVE-ENCOUNT to HIMARI-LOVE-ENC. Tried this method but the same funny things started happening again so that was a bust... Do you guys have any nifty ideas or how to fix that v2 error? Cheers. Edit1: v2 repacking seems to be getting stuck every 6th file hence giving the error, works totally fine if only repacking 5 files at a time though. Edit2: Have also tried on a separate pc, same error for v2 repacking.
  25. Imasugu Onii-chan ni Imouto datte Iitai! Release Download the patch (ver. 1.00, dated September 9, 2022) Description This is an all-ages game by fairys, the sister brand of Sprite. It takes place before Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate. Rikuto had a new younger brother Ayumu after his father’s remarriage. However, little did he know that Ayumu was actually his younger sister and it was under her mother’s orders that she pretend to be a boy to him. Every day, his heart beats a little faster around his overly cute ‘brother’ (sister), while her heart aches in having to hide her true identity from her kind brother. With the arrival of spring, Rikuto and Ayumu begin attending the popular private school Asaoka Academy, with Ayumu dressed up as a girl. As he became friends with his classmates, he noticed that they all had something missing. His friend from middle school, Matsuri, has lost sight of what it meant to be a girl. The cool-mannered Mao dresses as a boy even though she is a girl. The extremely shy class rep Kimika wishes to change herself. With Ayumu by his side, he sets out to help them seek out what they are missing. VNDB: https://vndb.org/v7766 Where to purchase The game can be purchased legally from DMM (https://dlsoft.dmm.com/detail/fairys_0001/), but this requires the use of a Japanese proxy to access the website. Not that hard to do, just annoying. That is where I obtained my copy. Project The English localization project is taking place under the banner of the newly established Studio Frisay, of which I (Tooko) am the sole member. That means I am doing all of the translating and editing of the script, in addition to the image editing, and at least all of the (major) engine hacks (there are one or two things on that front I may need help with in the future). I actually have extensive experience translating and editing text and images, although this is still my first ever visual novel translation project (I was previously a scanlator for a number of years in another life). Studio Frisay Discord server Progress Programming: The game is built on the BGI/Ethornell engine, and after an extensive combination of research, testing, trial and error, and just plain dumb (beginner's) luck, I've managed to solve all of the major programming issues, including dumping and re-encoding scripts, dumping and editing of images, altering system images/text, repackaging of system files, and changing how all fonts are handled in-game, including sizing and positioning. I still want to figure out how to incorporate Locale Emulator natively and one or two other things that will improve usability, but none of that will prevent the patch from being completed at this point. Translation: The translation officially commenced on April 4, 2022 and was completed on June 27, 2022. The game has 44,837 lines across 460 separate scenario files split up between the common route and four heroine routes: Common: 8910 / 8910: 100% Ayumu: 12045 / 12045: 100% Matsuri: 8168 / 8168: 100% Kimika: 7719 / 7719: 100% Mao: 7995 / 7995: 100% Total: 44837 / 44837: 100% Images and videos: Aside from minor tweaks, the 164 images in need of editing for text, including 31 for the UI, are now completed. Editing of images is shared between me and nReus, who is also translating and typesetting lyrics onto the OP/ED videos. Editing: The editing of the game's text officially commenced on July 6, 2022 and was completed on July 30, 2022. QC: The quality check phase will commence in two phases: pre-QC and then the actual QC. Pre-QC involves the engine work and recompiling the patch files. The actual QC involves testing the files by playing the patched game. Overall, this phase will take at least a month, so the patch is scheduled for release on September 9. Progress link on Google Sheets Notes Special thanks goes to arcusmaximus over at GitHub for developing both VNTranslationTools and EthornellTools which were absolutely essential in making this project even possible. Also, another shout out goes to Perturbed Pangolin over at Operation Bellflower whose blog posts related to the BGI/Ethornell engine were crucial with the programming in this game.
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