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 It occurred to me that despite my time here in h̶̷e̶̷l̶̷l̶̷  fuwa I have never made in introduction thread leaving many people per:SmallKappa:plexed as to who I am.

My name is frogstat but most people call me "frog" or "froggy" or "that annoying asshole". 


I've read visual novels since 2013 with my first being Little Busters, but I didn't like it so I read some other visual novels, then I read Little Busters again and it became my favorite somehow until I read Rewrite. I stumbled upon this site when I was looking for some more visual novels to download and didn't give the community much thought. When fuwa stopped distrubuting VNs I stopped coming here for a half-year until I stumbled upon fuwa chat and was greeted by flutterz who taught me russian, that was the reason I stayed.

My hobbies include video games and playing the piano but sometimes I compose music and/or make sheet music of sheet music-less songs.


I hope we get along.



Hey everyone, look! It's a dead meme! :mare:

Don't pretend like we all don't know who you are froggie my boy. You're famous for leading the Trolling Anarchists and you're seen as the next Hitler. :makina:

But since i'm supposed to be warm and cuddly, i will be nice to you and give you some advice. :illya:

Drink a gallon of bleach :sachi:

1 hour ago, dfbreezy said:

Hey everyone, look! It's a dead meme! :mare:

Don't pretend like we all don't know who you are froggie my boy. You're famous for leading the Trolling Anarchists and you're seen as the next Hitler. :makina:

But since i'm supposed to be warm and cuddly, i will be nice to you and give you some advice. :illya:

Drink a gallon of bleach :sachi:

I don't like you.

12 minutes ago, Funnerific said:





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