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Narcosis last won the day on August 19 2019

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About Narcosis

  • Birthday March 29

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    I do stuff

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  1. People have the right to speak against a fan translation, where fan translator's sole decision upon not translating said routes conveys to arbitrary fan elitism. A good translator translates everything - as it was meant to be - so people can experience the entirety, both good and bad and deduce their own opinions. Omitting the bad parts is basically manipulating the fanbase to build a faux image of a game in the vein of a person who translated it. I personally find this kind of behaviour - regardless of initial good intentions - incredibly deplorable and hurtful towards the original creators; it's one thing to have opinions and another to push them forcefully upon others. In other words - who do you think you are to decide what's in the best interest of other fans?
  2. You seem to stretch it a little bit too much, in all honesty. Have you tried to look at it from the perspective of a love story, instead of a sci-fi work? I know it's cheesy, but it's exactly what it is and I've seen numerous people having issues to come to terms with that.
  3. I don't see how this can be turned into a success; especially after the fiasco Dies Irae was, with all it's mismanagement and issues piling upon issues, failed promises and general disappointment. No amount of petitions or votes will change the fact they're a very niche company producing very niche vns. Not the best kind of recipe for overseas localization.
  4. You go the average route, you get the average results.
  5. If I remember correctly form the past, most that remained of Light went under AkabeiSoft's wings - most likely in an attempt to secure talents - but there's no official statement regarding their current legal status. The sole fact they're still operating under their original brand name means they must have been given some degree of freedom/independency to pursue their own projects. Regardless, no one will buy these vns aside from a small circle of rabid fans. I don't even know what's there to discuss.
  6. My initial experience with ATRI was very mixed. Minutes into game, I was trust into a story that seemed so hilariously bad, cliched and deprived of any sort of coherence or literal realism, I wanted to put my fist through the monitor. Another issue is that Konno Asta is good at writing heartfelt romance stories, but extremely bad at anything outside that requires him to step out of his bubble; not to say the writing itself is at most mediocre when it comes to dialogue and outright bland on everything else, including actual prose. It's just baffling to me he didn't even bother to do any sort of research, when writing the prologue. It really devalues the entire game afterwards and at the same time, forces you to greatly lower your expectations, thus lowering the enjoyment. There are moments, when the script shines, but these are an exception, not the rule. I hope the later parts will make me change my mind, because so far what I've seen was severely disappointing to me. I came expecting something along the lines of YKK or Aria, but the story doesn't even try to properly utilize it's setting.
  7. The opening of ATRI... it's so bad. I expected something better from Konno, but seems he's really an overrated writer, unable to write anything remotely decent outside his bubble. I have a feeling this visual novel will drive me insane.

  8. That's quite possible, definitely more so than the GDPR conspiracies and whatnot. Add the fact Aniplex so far was working mainly on anime licensing and such practices aren't uncommon in this business. I presume the reason they don't comment on it is... because there's no one to reply. Aniplex of America looks like a shell company and I wouldn't be surprised if they have barely anyone working there, least being responsible for any sort of PR. Also true.
  9. What do you mean? Are you referring to Sona Nyl? I'm kinda out of the loop with the latest news, but last time I checked they went as far as to port the game into an entirely new engine written from scratch in Ren'Py; hardly "bad" from my point of view.
  10. I don't know the background behind this release, but I would even go as far to say this might kill Liar-Soft, depending on the circumstances and their current legal agreements. Not to say they were doing bad... but their new games are considerably of lower quality - both story and art-wise - and it shows. Lo and behold - we just came full circle.
  11. Welcome to the world of modern day eroge.
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