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A spin-off of the popular Toradora Anime.
Unlike in the original story, this time Takasu Ryuuji finds himself in a hospital bed. Confused and dizzy he's suddenly greeted by a short girl who calls him by a strange name. Is this his name? Who is this girl? It's soon after that the shocking truth comes to the surface. Amnesia. Poor Ryuuji suffered an accident after christmas eve and forgot everything about his past, his friends, his likes, his relationships, even his own name. 
As he leaves the hospital he meets up with all sorts of people who seem to be acquainted with him. A beautiful blonde girl who apparently lives with him. His best friends Kitamura and Minori. The popular model Kawashima Ami and even his pet parakeet Inko-chan. These people hold all of Ryuuji's memories and they are the key to unlocking his past.
What will Ryuuji do? Will he be able to recover all of his past? An eventful journey awaits him as new year approaches and the new school semester comes closer by the day. Will he be able to remember everything before school starts? And if he does will anything in his new life change? It's all up to you to you decide.
 Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order

This novel has an enforced playing order so you will not be able to avoid bad endings straight away.
Each ending is graded at the end of the game by Yuri, she'll score it from the worst possible (50 points) to the best possible (100 points).
There's a lot of dialog choices that are only available if you pick certain items while cleaning/talking.
The common route always branches at the exact same point and you'll get a different scenario based on the choices you made.
The game is divided into 3 scenarios: Kitamura & Kano, Courage Test and Solution.
Within each scenario you have several character routes that you can get into.
This is an ending guide not a full walkthrough
Following this entire guide will get you around 90% completition of the game.
Why not 100%? There's numerous ways of getting into the same ending and each of those counts as a percentage of the game. Every single choice, item and path is a percetange. My goal here is to give you all the endings not every single path in the game.
There is a list at the end with every single item if you want to know where to find a specific one. You can view your items in the extras option.
All 21 endings in the game are listed below.
If you want to complete the game 100% you can try and search for new paths by pressing L during dialogs in order to see the route diagram. 
Make different choices, pick up all the items you can by cleaning and talking and see if you can go in all the paths.
Game Mechanics

Let's break down the mechanics of the game into 3 important ones.


Aside from the normal dialog choices there are instances where you have an option to chat with certain characters. This will bring up 6 topics to talk about with 3 choices per topic for a total of 18 choices. There are 3 possible reactions to the choices: bad, good or excellent.

You want to try and get 100% good reactions because having either all bad or all excellent often forces the chat to end and you won't receive some items that are needed. If it's impossible to get 100% good reactions try to get most of them good and then one excellent, just no bad ones.
How to distinguish the reactions: Bad always results in the character frowning or being clearly displeased with a dark blue background. Good reactions have a bright blue background and the character reacts well to the choice. Excellent reactions have a bright pink background with the character having varous reactions from happy to embarrassed.
You can press triangle and go back a choice if you get a bad reaction and try again.

Item collecting:


There are numerous moments where Ryuuji is able to clean around. It is advised that you always choose to clean whenever you are prompted to. There is no penalty for cleaning so you don't have to be concerned. You will always have less cleaning kits than available cleaning spots so be careful in your choices. There is almost always an important item around that'll unlock a choice, one or more junk items that are not useful for anything and one or more spots with no item. Make sure you quick save before cleaning so that if you get it wrong you can just reload.

Moving around town:


Aside from the more complex dialogs and the cleaning mechanics there are also several moments when you can move Ryuuji around town and meet up with certain characters. This feature is not hard to use but be warned that certain events only last for a while or won't even be triggered depending on the order of the characters you talk to so be careful who you choose to talk with. I will only list down the characters you need to talk to, all the others I do not list but are there are either unnecessary to talk to or will trigger the wrong scenes. You can try and mess around but make sure you save before you do.

Route Guideline



Aisaka Taiga

Normal End (75 Points)


No need to clean the kitchen
Talk to Kitamura after Kota bumps into you
Student council is the right answer, but you can get it wrong
Talk to all available characters, there's no need to clean
Talk to Taiga in front of school
Leave with Taiga to get a Cookie (Required)
No need to chat with Inko
Go to a different room
No thanks
Talk to Haruta
Talk to Kitamura
The candidate poster...
You can talk to Taiga when you head out
No need to clean the kitchen 
Clean the restroom if you want another conversation topic, not required
Corner: Nothing
Sink: Mossball
Washing machine: Breastpad (unlocks topic)
No need to clean the bedroom again
Talk to Noto before talking to Ami (Required)
Talk to Ami
Weren't you in a pro-wrestling show? (Required)
No need to clean the canal
Pick either Can't think of anything or For bigger breasts (if you picked up the breastpad)
Clean Yasuko's room (Required)
Open drawers: Bottle
Beauty Products: Men's hair dye (Required)
Window: Nothing
Box on the floor: Pillows
No need to chat with Inko-chan
Talk to Kitamura to get the Santa Shorts (Required)
You can talk to Yuri or not
Talk to Ami
No need to chat with Inko-chan
Talk to Sakura
Yeah... I forgot you
Talk to Noto to get planetarium tickets
Talk to Kitamura and Ami
Talk (Required)
About Taiga
She acts differently around Kitamura
Stare passionately
About Kawashima
Is Venus the one that rides on a shell?
You'll get sunglasses
No need to chat with Inko-chan
Blond Kitamrura? (Required)
Look i have tickets to a popular date spot
Talk to Yasuko to get a flashlight (Required)
Talk to Kitamura
Lamp: Nothing
Table: Sports Magazine
Talk to Kota
You can talk to Sakura or not
Return to Taiga's apartment and enter (Required)
Talk to her (Required)
About the plan
I hope things go well for Kitamura
About the plan
Tomiie and Sakura will be fine right?
About Kawashima
She put on quite the performance
You should get a wooden sword if you succeeded
As of this moment you should have 5 key items: Cookie, Santa Shorts, Sunglasses, Flashlight, Wooden Sword
For Taiga's end you need the Cookie, the Flashlight and the Wooden Sword, the others are required for different character ends, i made this walkthrough for you to get them all  at once. I advise you to save at this point and then you can go for all the ends at once instead of replaying the entire common route again.
Talk to Sumire
It'll be dark inside, so just in case... (Required)
No need to chat with Inko-chan
How about the cookies I got from you? (Required)
Run after Taiga and talk to her
Talk to all the people in school
Talk to Sumire
Talk to Taiga inside the school
Fight with the weapon from Taiga (Required)
Read on to get Taiga's normal end that will be graded with 75 Points

True End (100 Points)
Unlocked by completing both Minori's Normal End (70 Points) and Taiga's Normal End (75 Points)


Everything is exactly the same as Minori's True End albeit for the last choice so you can reload if you saved where i told you in the other guide and just read the last choices of this guide

Clean the kitchen (Required)
Microwave: Nothing
Drawer: Frying Pan (Required)
Sink: Dish Drainer
Talk to Kitamura after Kota bumps into you
Student council is the right answer, but you can get it wrong
Talk to all available characters, there's no need to clean
Talk to Taiga in front of school
Stay here
No need to clean
No need to chat with Inko
Go to a different room
Clean the bedroom (Required)
Desk: Receipt
Books on desk:  Strawberry Milk  (Required)
Trashcan: Nothing
Bookshelves: Big bro notebook
Floor: Final Exam
Talk to Kitamura in front of school (Required)
Clean the student council room (Required)
Desks: Bottle
Bookshelves: CD "cheering for your lobe" (Required)
Trashcan: Student Council Activity Journal
Blackboard: Nothing
Talk to Noto before talking to Ami (Required)
Talk to Ami
Weren't you in a pro-wrestling show? (Required)
No need to clean the canal
Not to be clumsy (Required)
Taiga's Shrine conversation
About Inko-chan
Isn't it cute?
About Inko-chan
Shouldn't we give it a proper name?
About food
I bet you're stuffed, huh?
About Taiga
Thanks for coming to the hospital
Talk to Kitamura
Go to the suburbs to encounter Minori and Taiga
Run to school and talk to Taiga (Required)
No need to chat with Inko-chan
Talk to Minori
Talk to Sakura
Talk to Ami
Taiga can be surprisingly loveable (Required)
F-friend eggs, or boiled spinach
Search while cleaning (Required)
Chair: Exam
Desk books: Nothing
Knocked trashcan: Notebook
Bookshelf: Photo Album (Required)
I found this photo album (Required)
Back to cleaning
Talk to Taiga
Talk to Noto
Talk to Kota
Talk to Kitamura (Required)
Have you and Taiga started dating? (Required)
Talk to Minori in front of school
This happened before... (Required)
You'll always get bad reactions here, this is supposed to happen so don't freak out. There is however a right sequence.
About the Past
Even Taiga's old man...!
Stare passionately
I want to Say
About Taiga
Don't use Taiga as an excuse!
About Kushieda
You're the one who should be independent!
Talk to Ami (Required)
Talk to Noto and Haruta
Talk to Ami
Talk to Taiga
Attempt to talk to her (Required)
Ask her a few things (Required)
About Taiga
Your clumsy moments come rushing to mind!
About Kushieda
She was always a ridiculous drinker
About Kushieda
She was a ridiculous horror fan
Talk to Minori (
Talk to the guys
Talk to Kitamura
Just hit me (Required)
Save here if you haven't reached Minori's True End, it'll save you a lot of work
Talk to Taiga (Required)
Talk to Minori
And that is it, read on to get Taiga's true end that will be awarded with 100 points.

Bad End (65 Points)


Follow the entire guide as if going for Taiga's Normal End
When Kitamura picks a fight with you at the very end choose
Sorry violence solves nothing
You'll get Taiga's bad end after


Kushieda Minori

Normal End (70 Points)


No need to clean the kitchen.
Talk to Kitamura after Kota bumps into you
Student council is the right answer, but you can get it wrong
Talk to all available characters, there's no need to clean.
Talk to Taiga in front of school
Stay Here
Clean the cafe
Left window: Chopsticks
Central Table: Eyepatch (Required)
Right table: Nothing
Chat with Inko-chan (Required)
About Me
Seems I like to clean
About Yasuko
What do you think of Yasuko?
About Yasuko
Who is she really?
About Taiga
I'm glad she reminded me to feed you
About Kushieda
She seems energetic
You'll get a sunflower seed if you did it right
No need to clean the living room
Clean the bedroom (Required)
Desk: Receipt
Books on desk:  Strawberry Milk  (Required)
Trashcan: Nothing
Bookshelves: Big bro notebook
Floor: Final Exam
Talk to Haruta
No need to clean
Talk to Minori
Call out to minori (Required)
Stare passionately
About Kushieda
Tell me if I'm being overly friendly
About New Year's
Public Transit looks crowded everywhere
About Winter Break
Frankly are you making a lot of money?
Go back to school and talk to Kitamura
No need to clean the student council room
Talk to Noto before talking to Ami (Required)
Talk to Ami
Weren't you in a pro-wrestling show? (Required)
No need to clean the canal
Not to be clumsy (Required)
Taiga's Shrine conversation
About Inko-chan
Isn't it cute?
About Inko-chan
Shouldn't we give it a proper name?
About food
I bet you're stuffed, huh?
About Taiga
Thanks for coming to the hospital
Talk to Kitamura
Go to the suburbs to encounter Minori and Taiga
Talk to Minori
Run to Taiga
If she's in front of her apartment talk to her
If she's in front of school do not talk to her, walk by her until the ! appears and don't press x
She'll go inside the school
Follow her inside to the school grounds
Go into the school building
Go back outside and head to her apartment
Talk to her in front of her apartment
Then let's see "dere" (Required)

About Inko-chan
Your appearance has its own charm
About birdseed
Is birdseed tasty?
About the birdcage
Do you like your birdcage?
About Taiga
I'm a little worried about her
Stare calmly
You'll get a  sunflower seed
Talk to Kota
Kushieda and I should partner up
It's operation Bye-Bye Birdy!
Talk to Ami
Go to Minori's working place
Talk it down
About Kushieda
What do you think of Kushieda?
About love
Like and Love are only 2 letters appart
About Love
Do you love anyone?
About Kawashima
She's so pretty, no wonder she's a model
About Luxure
When i'm gone, take care of Yasuko
You'll get  a sunflower seed
Talk to Yuri going past Ami
To the third floor with Minori (Required)
Talk to Minori (Required)
Stare passionately
About swimsuits
The laser things spruce up the swimsuits
About sports
I'm not opposed to watching sports
Have a sleepy chat (Required)
Stare blankly
About Taiga
She says I'll fall for Kushieda again
About classmates
Kitamura's got a ton of muscles
About sensei
Must be hard to be 30 and single
About the test of courage
You're in charge while I'm gone.
You'll get a firecracker (if you didn't you missed some sunflower seed)
Tidy up (Required)
Fridge: Nothing
Stove: Can
Jars: Lunchbox (Required)
Talk to Taiga
Talk to Kitamura (Required)
He'll identify the lunchbox as Kushieda's
If you've done everything right you should by now have all the required items for Minori's route: Eyepatch, Lunchbox and Firecracker
Yellow makes me think of Omelettes (Required)
Talk to Minori
Talk to Kushieda (Required)
Stare calmly
About Kushieda
You always seem so busy
About Taiga
She's the type to keep her promises
Look or Don't look, they're pretty much the same
Do we have a light source? (Required)
Talk to Taiga
Go to school 
Talk to Kitamura
Go into the school building 
Talk to Minori
Why do you ask? (Ending 1)
Your lips are chapped (Ending 2) (Requires the lip balm)
The endings are both the same but "Your lips are chapped" offers a CG, that's about it.
Read on to get Minori's normal end that will be graded with 70 points.

True End (100 points)
Unlocked by completing both Minori's Normal End (70 Points) and Taiga's Normal End (75 Points)


Everything is exactly the same as Taiga's True End albeit for the last choice so you can reload if you saved where i told you in the other guide and just read the last choices of this guide

Clean the kitchen (Required)
Microwave: Nothing
Drawer: Frying Pan (Required)
Sink: Dish Drainer
Talk to Kitamura after Kota bumps into you
Student council is the right answer, but you can get it wrong
Talk to all available characters, there's no need to clean
Talk to Taiga in front of school
Stay here
No need to clean
No need to chat with Inko
Go to a different room
Clean the bedroom (Required)
Desk: Receipt
Books on desk:  Strawberry Milk  (Required)
Trashcan: Nothing
Bookshelves: Big bro notebook
Floor: Final Exam
Talk to Kitamura in front of school (Required)
Clean the student council room (Required)
Desks: Bottle
Bookshelves: CD "cheering for your lobe" (Required)
Trashcan: Student Council Activity Journal
Blackboard: Nothing
Talk to Noto before talking to Ami (Required)
Talk to Ami
Weren't you in a pro-wrestling show? (Required)
No need to clean the canal
Not to be clumsy (Required)
Taiga's Shrine conversation
About Inko-chan
Isn't it cute?
About Inko-chan
Shouldn't we give it a proper name?
About food
I bet you're stuffed, huh?
About Taiga
Thanks for coming to the hospital
Talk to Kitamura
Go to the suburbs to encounter Minori and Taiga
Run to school and talk to Taiga (Required)
No need to chat with Inko-chan
Talk to Minori
Talk to Sakura
Talk to Ami
Taiga can be surprisingly loveable (Required)
F-friend eggs, or boiled spinach
Search while cleaning (Required)
Chair: Exam
Desk books: Nothing
Knocked trashcan: Notebook
Bookshelf: Photo Album (Required)
I found this photo album (Required)
Back to cleaning
Talk to Minori
Talk to Taiga
Talk to Noto
Talk to Kota
Talk to Kitamura (Required)
Have you and Taiga started dating? (Required)
Talk to Minori in front of school
You'll always get bad reactions here, this is supposed to happen so don't freak out. There is however a right sequence.
About the Past
Even Taiga's old man...!
Stare passionately
I want to Say
About Taiga
Don't use Taiga as an excuse!
About Kushieda
Youre the one who should be independent!
Talk to Ami (Required)
Talk to Noto and Haruta
Talk to Ami
Talk to Taiga
Attempt to talk to her (Required)
Ask her a few things (Required)
About Taiga
Your clumsy moments come rushing to mind!
About Kushieda
She was always a ridiculous drinker
About Kushieda
She was a ridiculous horror fan
Talk to Minori
Talk to the guys
Talk to Kitamura
Just hit me (Required)
Save here if you haven't reached Taiga's True End, it'll save you a lot of work
Talk to Minori (Required)
And that is it, read on to get Minori's true end that will be awarded with 100 points.

Bad End (60 Points)


Proceed as if you were to get the normal ending all the way until the final choice
Pick Not everything will go back to how it was to get the 60 point ending (Requires you to have the superglue)




Kawashima Ami

Normal End (90 Points)


No need to clean the kitchen.
Talk to Kitamura after Kota bumps into you
Student council is the right answer, but you can get it wrong
Talk to all available characters, there's no need to clean.
Talk to Taiga in front of school
Leave with Taiga
No need to chat with Inko-chan
No need to clean the living room
Clean the bedroom (Required)
Desk: Receipt
Books on desk:  Strawberry Milk  (Required)
Trashcan: Nothing
Bookshelves: Big bro notebook
Floor: Final Exam
Talk to Haruta (Required)
Clean (Required)
Trees: Bikini (Required)
Bridge: Nudie Magazine
Riverside: Nothing
Talk to Kitamura
The candidate poster
Talk to Noto before talking to Ami (Required)
Talk to Ami
Weren't you in a pro-wrestling show? (Required)
Clean (Required)
Road: Camera (Required)
Bridge: Nothing
Riverside:  Broken Umbrella
Not to be clumsy (Required)
Taiga's Shrine conversation
About Inko-chan
Isn't it cute?
About Inko-chan
Shouldn't we give it a proper name?
About food
I bet you're stuffed, huh?
About Taiga
Thanks for coming to the hospital
Talk to Kitamura
Go to the suburbs to encounter Minori and Taiga
Run to Taiga 
If she's in front of her apartment talk to her
If she's in front of school do not talk to her, walk by her until the "!" appears and don't press x
She'll go inside the school
Follow her inside the school grounds
Go into the school building
Go back outside and head to her apartment
Talk to her in front of her apartment
No need to chat with Inko-chan
Talk to Kota in front of the Kanou Mart
Catch it by any means necessary
Kushieda and I should partner up
It's Operation Bye-Bye Birdy!
Talk to Ami
Go to Minori's working place
I shouldn't risk making it worse
Talk to Ami
To the fifth floor with Ami & Co (Required!)
Hang out (Required)
About show business
Seems you could do more than just model
About sports
Do you go to the gym often?
About her figure
Must be hard to maintain your figure
About her figure
Do you have an ideal body type?
About food
You're super careful with what you eat
No need to chat with Inko-chan
Go after her, NOW
Talk to Kota (Required)
Talk to Taiga
Talk to Kitamura in front of school
Black clothes make any figure slimer (Required)
Talk to Ami
The "successful" part (Required)
Talk to Ami
By stalkers did she mean...!? (Required)
Talk to her a bit longer (Required)
About Kawashima
When word gets out, everyone will flip
About Kawashima
Will you act under a stage name?
About classmates
Some guys started crying over you
You'll get "Stupid Chihuahua impressions" DVD
Read on to get Ami's normal end that will be graded with 90 points

True End (100 Points)
Unlocked by completing Ami's Normal End (90 Points)


You can skip around if you memorized it. Just follow everything from the beginning like the normal end (in spoilers just to avoid repetition) until the hang out at the pool


No need to clean the kitchen.
Talk to Kitamura after Kota bumps into you
Student council is the right answer, but you can get it wrong
Talk to all available characters, there's no need to clean.
Talk to Taiga in front of school
Leave with Taiga
No need to chat with Inko-chan
No need to clean the living room
Clean the bedroom (Required)
Desk: Receipt
Books on desk:  Strawberry Milk  (Required)
Trashcan: Nothing
Bookshelves: Big bro notebook
Floor: Final Exam
Talk to Haruta (Required)
Clean (Required)
Trees: Bikini (Required)
Bridge: Nudie Magazine
Riverside: Nothing
Talk to Kitamura
The candidate poster
Talk to Noto before talking to Ami (Required)
Talk to Ami
Weren't you in a pro-wrestling show? (Required)
Clean (Required)
Road: Camera (Required)
Bridge: Nothing
Riverside:  Broken Umbrella
Not to be clumsy (Required)
Taiga's Shrine conversation
About Inko-chan
Isn't it cute?
About Inko-chan
Shouldn't we give it a proper name?
About food
I bet you're stuffed, huh?
About Taiga
Thanks for coming to the hospital
Talk to Kitamura
Go to the suburbs to encounter Minori and Taiga
Run to Taiga 
If she's in front of her apartment talk to her
If she's in front of school do not talk to her, walk by her until the "!" appears and don't press x
She'll go inside the school
Follow her inside the school grounds
Go into the school building
Go back outside and head to her apartment
No need to chat with Inko-chan
Talk to Kota in front of the Kanou Mart
Catch it by any means necessary
Kushieda and I should partner up
It's Operation Bye-Bye Birdy!
Talk to Ami
Go to Minori's working place
I shouldn't risk making it worse
Talk to Ami
To the fifth floor with Ami & Co (Required!)

Hang out (Required)
About show business
Seems you could do more than just model
About sports
Do you go to the gym often?
About her figure
Must be hard to maintain your figure
About her figure
Do you have an ideal body type?
About show business
You could do impressions professionaly (Required as the last choice)
No need to chat with Inko-chan
Go after her, NOW
Talk to Kota (Required)
Talk to Taiga
Talk to Ami (Required)
You'll get "Ami-chan only" DVD
Black clothes make any figure slimmer (Required)
Talk to Ami
The "successful" part (Required)
Talk to Ami
I dreamed about you last night (Required)
Read on to get Ami's true end that will be awarded with 100 points

Bad End (50 points)


Follow Ami's entire Normal End guide
On 1/7 when you talk to Ami at school
Pick By stalkers did she mean...!? 
Followed by It's time to leave now
You'll get one of Ami's bad ends right after

 Bad End (70 points)


Follow Ami's entire normal end guide
On 1/7 when you talk to her at school and she leaves
Pick I can't say anything...
You'll get another of Ami's bad ends



Kanou Sakura

Requires all endings in the game to be completed
When you begin a new game you will be prompted to a choice
Choose "Play Bonus Story" and you'll be in this scenario

Only End (100 Points)


Talk to Ryuuji
Talk to Sakura
About me
Sorry my misfortune spread to you again!
About me
This is where we agreed to meet right?
About Studying
It's my duty to help your grades improve
Talk to Sakura
Or talk to Yasuko and Taiga
You'll get the same ending but the scenes are different.



Kanou Sumire

Good End (90 Points)


If you saved like i told you to in Taiga's normal end you can just load that and go for this ending
Follow through as if going for Taiga's Normal End all the way up to the choice that comes up after talking Sumire into going to the planetarium
At this time pick Maybe I should cover my face (Will be locked if you don't have the sunglasses)
Talk to Sumire (Required)
Chat with her (Required)
About Sumire
How can i Improve my grades?
About Student Council
How does one get into student council?
About Sakura
Seems you aknowledge her relationship
About Kitamura
He works hard as the student council president
Stare Passionately
Leave the school building
Talk to Sumire
This armband reminds me... (Required)
And that is it, you'll get Kanou Sumire's Ending after you read through the remaining scenes.

 Bad End (75 points)


Follow Kanou Sumire's ending guide but before leaving the school building
Talk to Kota and Sakura 
Clean (Required)
You'll get a discount ticket
Talk to Sumire
She might still be at home (Required)
Read on to get Sumire's second ending



Aisaka Taiga and Kushieda Minori

Only End (70 Points)


This is not a harem end so don't get any funny ideas.

Follow Minori's entire Normal End guide with one particular change:
On 12/31 after talking to Kitamura and visiting the student council
Talk to Taiga before talking to Noto (Required)
Go to a different room
Clean it (Required)
Wall: Nothing
Sink: Slime ball
Washing Machine: Breast pad
Clean it one more time (Required)
Pillows: DVD (Required)
Bed curtain: Price tag
Floor: nothing
After this follow everything like in the rest of the guide until the courage test
Choose Yellow makes me think of Omelettes (Required)
Talk to Minori
Any of the 3 options works but Gazing or Hugging is quicker
I've seen this before... (Required)
Read the remaining scenes to get a funny ending with Taiga and Minori



Takasu Yasuko

Only End (80 points)


Follow Ami's normal end guide until this point:
When Taiga runs off to school or her apartment talk to Yasuko
During her conversation:
Stare passionately
Good Things
W-Wanna try doing something good..?
Good things
Maybe something good won't happen?
Exciting things
Actually, I'm excited right now
Read on to get Yasuko's ending that will be graded with 80 points



Koigakubo Yuri

Only End ("Too priceless to grade")


Follow everything in Taiga's normal end guide 
On 1/3 Ami will tackle you on the street and talk to you
Pick J-Just a dizzy spell...?
After that go talk to Yuri on the Riverbed

Another alternative is continuing on until the moment Taiga runs off the planetarium
At that time Talk to Yuri on the Riverbed
Read through to get Yuri's ending that's so good she's unable to grade it (or so she says)



Kitamura Yuusaku

Only End (80 Points)


Follow  Taiga's Normal End guide.
If you saved after getting all the 5 key items then just reload from there.

Proceed until the very last choice when you're fighting Kitamura.
Pick Separate them somehow (Will be locked if you don't have the Santa Shorts).
You'll get the bad end to Taiga's route or Kitamura's End since the conclusion isn't actually bad.



Hisamitsu Noto and Kouji Haruta

Only End (85 points)


Follow either  Minori or Ami's Normal End guide all the way up to the courage test. 

You can get this ending in 3 ways:
Pick It's no use. I can't think of anything at the beginning of the test and you'll be locked in this end.

Or you can also get in this end by going with Minori and Ami.

If you go with Minori:
Talk to Minori
Pick any of the 3 next options
Look or Don't look
We should get out of here (Required)

If you go with Ami:
Talk to Ami
The Christmas Eve part (Required)
After that you'll get a funny ending with Kota and Haruta.




Neutral Ends (65 Points)
Unlocked by completing both Minori's Normal End (70 points) and Taiga's Normal End (75 points)


These are neutral ends where you don't get with any of the heroines or character in particular but unlike the bad endings this path actually has a plot development.

Follow either Taiga or Minori's true end guide until 1/3 after you go out at night to talk to Minori
Pick Stop this pointless conflict
There are 2 possible 65 point endings
Ending 1: On the next day choose to ignore Ami
Ending 2: On the next day don't ignore Ami
After that just read through and you'll get  a bad end that will be awarded with 65 points



Worst End (60 points)


This is the worst end in the game, it's not any particular character ending. It's also very lame and unfullfilling. It's also probably the easiest end to achieve

Proceed however you want at the beginning
The second time you are able to walk around town talk to Ami before talking to Noto
(Or talk to Noto but don't pick "Were you in a pro-wrestling show?" when talking to Ami)
After that do anything you want. You will always get the same bad ending after.

Item List

  • Cleaning Kit (Given to you at the beginning)
  • Magazine (In the beginning of the game)
  • Candidate Poster (Given to you by Haruta)
  • Fashion Magazine (Under a chair in Taiga's living room)
  • Culture Fair Script (Given to you by Noto)
  • Breast Pad (In the washing machine in Taiga's apartment)
  • Strawberry Milk (On Ryuuji's desk)
  • Student Council Activity Log (In the student council in the trashcan)
  • Big Bro Notebook (On Ryuuji's shelf)
  • Golden Tooth (Given to you by Yasuko when you talk to her and succeed)
  • Men's Hair Dye (In Yasuko's bedroom on her beauty products)
  • Planetarium Tickets (Given to you by Noto)
  • Yes/No Pillows (In Yasuko's bedroom on a box)
  • Flashlight (Given to you by Yasuko)
  • Sunglasses (Given to you by Ami when you succeed at talking to her)
  • Cookie (Given to you by Taiga when you leave with her)
  • Magazine (On a stool after you talk Kitamura into going to the planetarium)
  • Wooden Sword (Given to you by Taiga when you succeed at talking to her)
  • Santa Shorts (Given to you by Kitamura)
  • Red Arm Band (Given to you by Sumire when you succeed at talking to her)
  • Kanou Mart Discount Coupon (Can be found while cleaning in several places)
  • Birdseed (Given to you by Inko-chan when you succeed at talking to it)
  • Cultural Festival Photo (Given to you by Minori when you succeed at talking to her or when you're trying to catch Inko-chan)
  • Magazine (Found while trying to catch Inko-chan)
  • Eyepatch (Can be found while cleaning at Minori's working place)
  • Stupid Chihuahua impressions DVD (Given to you by Ami when you succeed at talking to her)
  • Unidentified Lunchbox (Can be found while cleaning Ryuuji's kitchen when Taiga runs off)
  • Minori's Lunchbox (Can be acquired when you give the unidentified lunchbox to Kitamura)
  • Black Bikini (Can be found while cleaning the canal)
  • Horror DVD (Can be found in Taiga's bedroom)
  • Fireworks (Given to you by Inko-chan when you successfully talk to it every time during the courage test scenario)
  • Superglue (Given to you by Minori when you succeed at talking to her at the pool while you have the eyepatch)
  • Lip Gloss (Given to you by Minori when you succeed at talking to her at the shrine)
  • Price Tag (Can be found in Taiga's bedroom)
  • Star (Given to you by Kota)
  • Broken Camera (Can be found while cleaning the canal)
  • Ami-chan only DVD (Given to you by Ami when you successfully talk to her at the pool during her true route)
  • Cheering for your Lobe CD (Can be found in the student council room on the shelves)
  • Drainer (Can be found while cleaning Ryuuji's kitchen)
  • Frying Pan (Can be found while cleaning Ryuuji's kitchen)
  • Empty Can (Can be found several times while cleaning)
  • Unidentified Photo Album (Can be found while searching and cleaning in the solution scenario)
  • Photo Album (Can be acquired when you show it to Taiga after finding it)
  • Notebook (Can be found while searching and cleaning)
  • Kitamura's glasses (Given to you by Kitamura when you show him the candidate poster)
  • Star shape (Given to you by Taiga after you show her the Photo Album)
  • Recipe (Can be found while cleaning Ryuuji's bedroom)
  • Candle (Given to you by Taiga when you have a conversation with her at the Kanou Mart)
  • Empty Bottle (Can be found several times while cleaning)
  • Empty food tray (Can be found while cleaning the canal)
  • Chopsticks (Can be found while cleaning Taiga's living room)
  • Exam (Can be found while cleaning Ryuuji's bedroom)
  • Empty Strawberry milk (Can be found while cleaning Ryuuji's living room)
  • Nudie Magazine (Can be found while cleaning the canal)
  • Planetarium ticket (Found on the floor at the station)
  • Mossball (Can be found while cleaning Taiga's kitchen)
  • Price Tag (Given to you by Kitamura when you ask him if he's dating Taiga)
  • Broken Umbrella (Can be found while cleaning the canal)


Walkthrough made solely by me 
Thanks to MottainaiVN for the help in quick checking the walkthrough and helping me add new endings to it and editing it.
Also a thank you to all the users who put up with me and helped me grind the game for Sakura's ending. It took quite a while.
You are free to use this guide anywhere as long as you credit it properly, I'd appreciate if you ask me though.
If you have technical issues with the game go here

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