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Once I started studying Japanese and thought I knew it decently enough.. I got the urge to import Japanese video games.


Well, then I realized they were still a bit too difficult for me to play without constantly stopping and checking up the dictionary and such.. lol. Still, one day I would like to play them without having any/little difficulty. So, it's one of the things that keeps me motivated xD.


I was just wondering has anyone else imported video games? Which ones? And you can share if you've been able to play through them or not. I'm just curious how many imported Japanese games others have. :)  If you've finished them, you can share whether it was good or not ;p and difficulty level.


Here's my current list:


1)  ホワイトアルバム (PS3) White Album

only played the intro. Kanji level was still a bit too much for me and I only knew basic level grammar, lol.


2)  ニノ国 白き聖灰の女王 (PS3) Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

I stopped at the part where I headed to the shrine in the desert (with the yellow haired girl)? I forget why I stopped actually... xD


3)  テイルズ オブ ヴェスペリア (PS3) Tales of Vesperia

I actually haven't even played it yet.. just really liked the english version I played and wanted it for the PS3, plus extra story & characters xD. But I doubt my level is good enough to play it yet anyways.


4)  月蝕の仮面 零 (Wii) Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse

I actually bought this to play the English Patch before I knew any Japanese at all.. I may try playing it again someday without it^^


5)  タイムトラベラーズ (PSVITA) Time Traveler

Well, I couldn't help it considering I love time travel stories... It has furigana so I thought it'd be a good game to practice on too. Buut still haven't tried it yet, being lazy I just watched Zakobot's videos, since I found out he was doing it at the time I just got it, lol.


6)  テイルズ オブ デステイニー2 (PSP) Tales of Destiny 2

only played the intro.



I plan to try playing them again when I feel my Japanese is at a higher level.. especially kanji!


I have a few imported Sega Saturn games. They came in a lot, and I wasn't trying to get them. I will have an imported IA/VT Colorful copy whenever the gods decide to bless us with a release. 


I have Vesperia PS3 too, I recommend having this handy to go along with each scene as it has translations for most of them. Should point out the new scenes and skits aren't translated and it doesn't translate some sidequests, but honestly it's not difficult compared to most VNs I've played:



It's currently on the backburner though since I want to wrap up Xillia in time for Xillia 2 first.


The rest on my list:

Code Geass: Lost Colors (PSP) (backburner)

Sora no Woto (PSP) (ditto)

Ayakashibito (PSP) (played Hounan's route, which is what I got it for, had some trouble with unspoken text but I got the gist of things)

Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua (PS2) + bonus hanafuda game (PSP)

Fate/Tiger Collisseum and its sequel (PSP)

Higurashi Daybreak and Mega Edition (PSP)

Baccano (DS)

Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier EXCEED (DS) (need to beat the first game before playing this)

Sengoku Basara 4 (PS3) (need to finish Samurai Kings first)


I have a few imported Sega Saturn games. They came in a lot, and I wasn't trying to get them. I will have an imported IA/VT Colorful copy whenever the gods decide to bless us with a release.

This fall 8D

Bought one normal and one Crystal Box <3

On topic, I have SAO Hollow Fragment & PSO2 for Vita...which I never played due to a too small mem stick (PSO2 I mean) & both Date A Live games for PS3 8D

Next thing I was thinking to buy is Dream Club Zero for Vita...but I am #broke because of FIVE qross and both LEs of Fairy Fencer F & P4AU ;-;



Y - playable without really knowing Japanese

P - playable if you read Japanese, with a dictionary

N - too slow to be playable unless you read Japanese + know much kanji&vocab



Macross DYRL - Y

Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Tokkae-dama - Y



Angelic Layer - P



Espgaluda - Y

Mushihimesama - Y

Trigger Heart Exelica - Y for arcade mode, N for story mode

Lovely Idol - N

Iinazuke - N



Idolmaster - N

Dream Club - P

Dream Club Zero - P

Dream Club Mahjong - Y

Otomedius Gorgeous - Y

Dodonpachi Saidaioujou - Y


I'm going to buy the DS version of Ni no Kuni very soon though. Simple kana writing, high production values, Level 5, Studio Ghibli, a beautiful hardcover spellbook, etc. This looks like an excellent first Japanese-only game for me, and there are walkthroughs online to help me too. Really looking forward to it.


Yes, I think it'd be a good first game to try. I haven't tried it for a while, but I remember it not being too difficult to understand.. as long as you have dictionary and some basic grammar, you could understand the gist of it enough to play. 


Do you have a PS3.. I personally would recommend that version since the graphics quality is so much better, plus on a bigger screen, the Japanese writing would look much more clear (not as scrunched up compared to small DS screen)..


Ni-no-Kuni-screen-ds-03.jpg DS 008.jpgPS3



http://blog-imgs-51.fc2.com/g/o/g/gogonohonda/121103-1416-04.jpg PS3


All of these are for PS3:

Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Xillia

Tales of Xillia 2

Tales of Graces


For PSP:

Persona 3 Portable


For PS2:

Tales of Destiny 2


For Vita:

Tales of Hearts R

Tales of Innocence R


As you can no doubt see, I've imported pretty much all the recent Tales games. Mainly because I didn't know if they'd be getting localized/didn't feel like waiting until they came out. I usually import games on their Japanese release dates because I'm impatient to be honest :S. As for how much of the games I understood.... enough to beat them and get a synopsis of the plot, but not enough to appreciate the story really.


Also feel it's worth mentioning that I own all of the above in English as well (if they've been localized).


I have a a dozen VNs and a handful of handheld games as well.



7th Dragon 2020

Shining Hearts

Ys VS Sora no Kiseki

Tales of Phatasia X Narikiri Dungeon



7th Dragon



Mother 3



To Love-Ru Darkness : Battle Ecstasy



Little Busters : Perfect Edition

Clannad : Memorial Edition

Fate/Stay Night

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, First Print Edition

Mahoutsukai no Yoru, First Print Edition

Grisaia no Kajitsu

Steins;Gate Limited Edition (JAST)

Kara no Shoujo Limited Edition (MangaGamer)

Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (DVD ver.)

Umineko no Naku Koro Ni Chiru (DVD ver.)

Rose Guns Days, Season 1.


Here's a picture of my VNs and VN related stuff I took for MFC. (already outdated since I got more artbooks)



I have about seventy-three imported jrpgs lying around the house, in addition to about two hundred VNs...

Wow... and you played through them all? Sorry if it's a wrong assumption, but how long did you study Japanese before you were able to play through those kinds of games with ease?


Unfortunately, I don't have a PS3. So I can't play that version. So disappointing. ;(


Still, I'd be playing it on my 3DS XL, so the text would be easier to read. Plus, it's all in kana. As someone who's still learning kanji, that's a plus. However, I still have to read books on Japanese grammar. Tae Kim's Guide for iOS looks really helpful so far.

If you ever start on Kanji, I suggest the Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary. It's really awesome.. I bought one brand new at a local bookstore for only $10.  


All of these are for PS3:

Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Xillia

Tales of Xillia 2

Tales of Graces


For PSP:

Persona 3 Portable


For PS2:

Tales of Destiny 2


For Vita:

Tales of Hearts R

Tales of Innocence R


As you can no doubt see, I've imported pretty much all the recent Tales games. Mainly because I didn't know if they'd be getting localized/didn't feel like waiting until they came out. I usually import games on their Japanese release dates because I'm impatient to be honest :S. As for how much of the games I understood.... enough to beat them and get a synopsis of the plot, but not enough to appreciate the story really.


Also feel it's worth mentioning that I own all of the above in English as well (if they've been localized).

Ohh, I like your tastes ;p.


Here's a picture of my VNs and VN related stuff I took for MFC. (already outdated since I got more artbooks)


Thanks for the posting the picture, neat! Makes me want to gather all mine together and take a picture too.. lol.

How much did you spend for the Fate Stay Night VNs?



Thanks for the posting the picture, neat! Makes me want to gather all mine together and take a picture too.. lol.

How much did you spend for the Fate Stay Night VNs?


Fate/Stay Night was 4500 Yen, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia was 4000 Yen and Mahoyo 4000 Yen as well, all from Mandarake.co.jp.  I got Stay Night in 2013 and both Fate/Hollow and Mahoyo in May of this year.  Fate/Hollow came with a cool set of class cards, while Mahou Tsukai No Yoru came with an artbook.


i have like.. 60 games for famicom,superfamicom if that counts. o.0


That's actualy pretty cool. ;)   My favorite Nintendo era.  Sadly the only remaining games from my Nes/Snes days are Super Mario World and FFIII US.  I find many of the japanese boxarts for the Super Famicom pretty cool, I've been tempted in the past to import Romancing SaGa 3 just for the box lol.

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