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Fuwanovel Confessions


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1 hour ago, TexasDice said:

I am seriously getting saltier about this by the day. All the other themes we have suck and I am actively discouraged from posting anything. 

I agree, not that I'm posting much anyway but the forum is terrible to use as it is.

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JP brain fart #2 (#1 was me not remembering a few weeks ago the fking hiragana for te て, that was some weak ass shit)

Definition for こちらこそ "kochirakoso"

It's 'it is I who should be saying that (thank you)' but for the love of gawd all I could think about was the definition for どこちら "dokochira" for a polite 'where' cuz of the fking ちら chira, goddamit.


We practiced Japanizing alotta english words today with Katakana, was pretty fun doing stuff like chocolate = チョコラト chokorato 

And alotta the other sound conversion rules such as

  • Spoiler


    • l, r = l
    • v = b
    • 'ah, uh' = a
    • 'er, or, ar' = aa
    • th as in thhhanks = s, sank you
    • th as in mothhher = z, mazaa
    • adding 'u' after ending consanant k,g,m,f,v,l,s,z,th,p,b: milk-u, bathroom-u, ring-u, jazz-u, etc.
    • adding 'o' when containing t, d: cost-o, speed-o, last-o, etc.
    • you can add i, e, o to make wi, we, wo, she, je, che, ti, di, dju, fa, fi, fe, fo, etc. but this cannot be done for hiragana!




Exercise 1: Japanizing Fuwa peeps names

  • Zenophilious 'Ze-no-fil-ee-uh-s' -> Ze-no-fi-ri-a-su  ゼノフイリアス
  • Flutterz 'Fluh-tter-z' -> Fu-ra-taa-zu フラターズ
  • Tiago F Varela 'Tiag from Verela' -> 'Tee-ah-go ef ver-el-a -> Ti-a-go e-fu ba-re-ri-a チイアゴエフバレリア


fk that was hard

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1 hour ago, Eclipsed said:

Exercise 1: Japanizing Fuwa peeps names

  • Zenophilious 'Ze-no-fil-ee-uh-s' -> Ze-no-fi-ri-a-su  ゼノフイリアス
  • Flutterz 'Fluh-tter-z' -> Fu-ra-taa-zu フラターズ
  • Tiago F Varela 'Tiag from Verela' -> 'Tee-ah-go ef ver-el-a -> Ti-a-go e-fu ba-re-ri-a チイアゴエフバレリア


fk that was hard

I think フラッタズ is better

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22 hours ago, Flutterz said:

If the photo is a negative then the golden glow is actually just blue though

Is it possible to invert a colour that would result in golden?

Either way, "the negative of a photo" is only the closest resemblance he could come up with. He did not actually picture a photo.

23 hours ago, havoc said:

Anyhow, i think it is better to remain ''insensitive'' because you might just save your mom from getting scammed, or you know using common sense and realizing that reiki is mostly bullshit.

I do believe I am insensitive, yes. Regardless of circumstances, there's less blunt ways to disregard others' beliefs. In any case, I don't particularly care that I am insensitive, and it makes for an excellent punchline.

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My Confessions:

- I'm a lolicon and I'm proud of it ^^ (many friends even know about that)

- I'm 20 year old male, that never kissed a girl before. Even though I had, and still have, good relations with girls, never really was in a real relationship and, I don't even know completly why, I'm not that interested in it. I think sometimes, when I see a couple, that I would like to have a girlfriend, but then I have such thoughts like: Why? I don't need it really. Would it not be just a waste of time? I like to read good romance VNs and mangas, I even try to write something myself (I'm kind of trying to become a fantasy book writer - that would be my actual dream job). Still don't really care about a real life relationship. Maybe I'm really just into 2d and fantasy romance stories XD

- I had a talk with the boyfriend of a friend, cuz he had thoughts, that I would try to steal her away from him. I have assured him that we are just friends - which, truth be told, have many things in common, hobbies, many similar childhood experiences, even our birthdays: my is 12, her 13 of the same month. We met on the university a year ago, studying the same thing, and, well, we are something like soulmates. I would lie, if I said I don't like her, but we are more like siblings (even called ourselves, Onii-chan and Onee-san for fun - yup, she's an anime fan too ^^) [And yes, I like imoutos, but that's another matter]. But, as I said above, not interested in relationships irl, and I would never hit on a girl, that is already in a happy relationship. Well, I think he believed me, he's a rather nice guy from what I can tell. Still, I don't know why, I would like to explain further to him, that I like her, but she is not really my type (he even couldn't sleep, from what he explained to me, cuz he had thoughts about her and me - so I felt a bit sorry for him at that point), but I think, that that in some way would hurt my friends feelings (And I don't think, that she would still like me, after I said to her, that I'm more interested in fictional stories, lolis, younger girls and imoutos - she's a bit older then I'm and said to me one time, that she does not understand how people can like lolis).

Well, just wanted to share those. Maybe I will do more (probably). Have a nice day :sachi:



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1 hour ago, Eclipsed said:

Aight, this weekend i shall master all dem Katakanas, and come up with various incantations of tiag's new username. Miss Poltergeist is my fav so far

Good luck with the katakana, that means now we have the same level in japanese, will be cool. 

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