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Work In Progress for a long time



Kamidori Alchemy Meister Catalog


My goal for this is to make a complete replication of the info menu in Kamidori Alchemy Meister.  This catalog will include a list of all the missions for each characters routes, a list of all the quests in the order they come in the game as well as any failure conditions and rewards, all items and the extra tabs the come, recipes, monster list, skill list, character list, and the in-game lexicon.....May god have mercy on my soul.


Seeing as I have not finished everything in Kamidori yet, I may make a request for help at a later point after I get a list of the information I'm missing, however I am still playing Kamidori when I can so that I can get as much as possible on my own.


Notes/Ramblings and Complaints

Mostly for anyone that keeps tabs on this project to see me slowly lose sanity over this



I'm buried in spoiler tags....


I plan to add pictures at some point


Feedback would be great, especially if it has to do with my overuse of spoiler tags...


Been on temporary hiatus due to lack of home internet.  Should be back to work by Tuesday sometime.


Internet is back, so I'm back to work!


1/15  Started work on Yuela route missions

Finished Yuela route missions. Work Begins on Serawi route missions.


1/16 Work continued on Serawi's route.


1/17  Finished Serawi route missions.  Started and finished Emelita route missions. Missions section complete and work begins on the quest section.


Well, the mission section was pretty simple, just kinda time consuming. Now I'm having problems finding a format that I like for the quest section.


Captains Log: Day 2

I have ventured into the hell that is the quest section.  I have spent at least two hours playing with the format to make it work in a way I like. I have failed. After the second hour mark passed, I have given serious consideration to bashing my head against the wall repeatedly.


1/19  Made some large changes in the format.  The other comments here were removed in order to make room for these changes.  First of all, all if the different sections were broken up into separate posts so there wouldn't be as many spoiler tags on a single post, and that leaves more room for error and less searching when I do mess up.  Next, I made some minor changes in the format of the items section.

Finally, I have decided to skip over the quest section until i figure a format that I like out, so will continue on to the Items section.




Yuela Route

Ch 0.  Become an alchemist!

Pass the final exam to become an alchemist.



Ch 0.  Collect information!

Search the city for information and greet its residents as your first step as an alchemist.



Ch 0.  Make Light Pink Dye!

Collect the materials you need from the peaceful Grounds in the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 0.  Make Fruit Spice!

Collect the materials you need form the Sunlit Clearing in the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 1.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 2.

Raise your Workshop to Level 2.

Raise your Evaluation above 450.



Ch 2.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 3.

Raise your Workshop to Level 3.

Raise your Evaluation above 800.



Ch 2.  Clean up the pollution!

Investigate and take care of the pollution upstream at the Forest of Souls.



​Ch 2.  Test your strength!

Go to the Bat Corridor in the Yuidora Mine to see how strong you've become.



Ch 3.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 4.

Raise your Workshop to Level 4.

Raise your Evaluation above 1700.



Ch 3.  Find the missing alchemist!

Look for the missing alchemist in the foothills of the Rosean Mountains.



Ch 3.  Fulfill the boy's request!

Look for the chisel the boy dropped in the Peaceful Grounds of the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 3.  Defeat the reaper!

Fight the reaper at the Scorched Battleground in the Runic Forest Ruins.



Ch 4.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 5.

Raise your Workshop to Level 5.

Raise your Evaluation above 2800.



Ch 4.  The last search?

Yuela may be going home.

Make a final memory together at the Kania Wastelands.



Ch 4.  Research flame elementals!

Deepen your friendship with Uya to better understand how you can repair Yuela's sword.



Ch 4.  Research holy elementals!

Deepen your friendship with Melodiana to better understand how you can repair Yuela's sword.



Ch 4.  Reforge Yuela's sword!

Reforge Yuela's sword.

Go to the Rock Turtle Nest at the Amurent Forestland to obtain the Starfall Ore needed to reforge Yuela's sword.



Ch 5.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 6.

Raise your Workshop to Level 6.

Raise your Evaluation above 3500.



Ch 5.  Talk to your friends!

To know more about Yuela, you need to know more about the east. If you talk to your friends, maybe you'll learn something.



Ch 5.  Go to Misanshel!

Go to Misanshel to research the east.


Wil Level 22, 5000S

Large Potion x5, Large Stimulate x5, Large Ether x5



Ch 5.  Help Raka village!

To fulfill the village's request, go to the Tengu Lair at the Limestone Caverns.



Ch 6.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 7.

Raise your Workshop to Level 7.

Raise your Evaluation above 4500.



Ch 6.  Deal with Misanshel!

Relations with Misanshel are worsening. Try to resolve the problems as well as working on the countermeasures in case they become hostile.



Ch 6.  Pass the promotion exam!

Take the test to become an advanced alchemist. Go to the Promotion Area in the Yuidora Mine and pass the examination.



Ch 7.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 8.

Raise your Workshop to Level 8.

Raise your Evaluation above 5000.



Ch 7.  Help Raka village!

Go to the Cave Entrance of the Limestone Cavern.



Ch 7.  Defend Yuidora from Misanshel!

Misanshel has declared war.

Prepare for battle and protect Yuidora.



Ch 7.   Reconcile with Misanshel!

Go to Misanshel and reconcile with Elizasleyn.



Ch 8.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 9.

Raise your Workshop to Level 9.

Raise your Evaluation above 6000.



Ch 8.  Make a Crimson Seal!

Make a Crimson Seal to fulfill the nobleman's request.



Ch 8.  Capture the rare monster!

GO to the Western Shore of Yuma Lake and capture the Avidoseras.



Ch 8.  Search for information!

Go to Zof-Retol to find the latest information on Disnafrody's movements.



Ch 8.  Investigate the Shrine!

The Shrine of Flame was vandalized. Go to the Ravaged Area and investigate what happened.



Ch 9.  Act as Yuidora's lord!

Fulfill your duties as Yuidora's lord.



Ch 9.  Discover the Past!

Go to the Secret Seal in the Yuidora Mine to learn about what happened a year ago.



Ch 9.  Search for Yuela!

Look for the missing Yuela.



Ch 9.  Scout the Disnafrody Army!

Go to Zof-Retol to investigate the Disnafrody Army.



Ch 9.  Engage the Disnafrody Army!

Disnafrody has attacked.

Engage their forces as they approach.



Ch 9.  Carry out the surprise attack!

Ambush the army to break through the siege.

Go to the Lord's Manor once you're ready.



Ch 9.  End the war!

Go to Shigen Palace to meet Emperor Disna and bring an end to the war.


Serawi Route

Ch 0.  Become an alchemist

Pass the final exam to become an alchemist.




Ch 0.  Collect information!

Search the city for information and greet its residents as your first step as an alchemist.



Ch 0.  Make Light Pink Dye!

Collect the materials you need from the peaceful Grounds in the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 0.  Make Fruit Spice!

Collect the materials you need form the Sunlit Clearing in the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 1.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 2.

Raise your Workshop to Level 2.

Raise your Evaluation above 450.



Ch 2.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 3.

Raise your Workshop to Level 3.

Raise your Evaluation above 800.



Ch 2.  Clean up the pollution!

Investigate and take care of the pollution upstream at the Forest of Souls.



Ch 2.  Test your strength!

Go to the Bat Corridor in the Yuidora Mine to see how strong you've become.



Ch 3.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 4.

Raise your Workshop to Level 4.

Raise your Evaluation above 1700.



Ch 3.  Find the missing alchemist!

Look for the missing alchemist in the foothills of the Rosean Mountains.



Ch 3.  Fulfill the boy's request!

Look for the chisel the boy dropped in the Peaceful Grounds of the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 3.  Defeat the reaper!

Fight the reaper at the Scorched Battleground in the Runic Forest Ruins.



Ch 4.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 5.

Raise your Workshop to Level 5.

Raise your Evaluation above 2800.



Ch 4.  Make a Charcoal Catalyst!

Create a Charcoal Catalyst for the Alchemist's Guild.



Ch 4.  Repair the purifier!

Take the Charcoal Purifier to the Lord's Manor to repair Yuidora's purifier.



Ch 4.  Go to Reyshiamael!

After talking with Rosanna, got o Reyshiamael to learn more about repairing the purifier.



Ch 4.  Go to Reyshiamael!

Return to Reyshiamael to report on the current situation.



Ch 4.  Go to the forest with Serawi!

Serawi has invited you to see something in the forest.  Go to the Fruitful Woods in the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 5.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 6.

Raise your Workshop to Level 6.

Raise your Evaluation above 3500.



Ch 5.  Protect the merchants!

Act as a guard to the merchant group to fulfill Tian's request.



Ch 5.  Learn about the dragon!

Find out information from Gantz so you can participate in the dragon hunting group.



CH 5.  Make fever medicine!

Make medicine for Kena village. Ask Serawi what you need, and then deliver the required materials.



Ch 5.  Make Fertilizer!

Make Fertilizer for the Alchemist's Guild.



Ch 5.  Research flame elementals!

Deepen your friendship with Uya and Kohakuren to find out how to make Fertilizer for the Guild.



Ch 5.  Make Fertilizer!

Make Fertilizer for the Alchemist's Guild.



Ch 5.  Go to Reyshiamael!

Go to Reyshiamael to report the current situation.



Ch 6.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 7.

Raise your Workshop to Level 7.

Raise your Evaluation above 4500.



Ch 6.  Clean Lake Shisetika!

Work to make Lake Shisetika clean.

You will need at least 20000S and to make a Water Purifier.



Ch 6.  Prevent further pollution!

Complete the project to clean Lake Shisetika.



Ch 6.  Join the hunting team!

Participate in the thunder dragon hunting group.

Go to the bar to confirm what you've heard.



Ch 6.  Hunt the thunder dragon!

The dragon hunting group has been formed.

Once you're ready, leave with them.



Ch 6.  Survey Kalenri River!

The Guild has ordered you to survey the Kalenri River at Lake Shisetika.

Mining Bracelets will be very useful.



Ch 6.  Request from the twins!

Go to the Preserved Forest in the Yuidora Woodland to fulfill Crayl and Crayanne's request.



Ch 6.  Go to Reyshiamael!

The chief of Reyshiamael has something to discuss with you about yuichiri.  Go to Reyshiamael.



Ch 6.  Make Fever Medicine!

Make Fever Medicine to fulfill Ella's request.



Ch 6.  Pass the promotion exam!

Take the test to become an advanced alchemist. Go to the Promotion Area in the Yuidora Mine and pass the examination.



Ch 7.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 8.

Raise your Workshop to Level 8.

Raise your Evaluation above 5000.



Ch 7.  Search for Gantz!

Find Gantz to repair relations with the dragons.



Ch 7.  Talk to the merchants!

Go to the central plaza to gather information about Gantz.

Find him as soon as possible...



Ch 7.  Capture Gantz!

Information form the merchants has been obtained.

Go to the Rogue's Den at the Limestone Caverns.



Ch 7.  Research a new purifier!

Think of a new Water Purifier for the Guild.

First, go to Reyshiamael.



Ch 7.  Research mana!

You will need the help of spirits to make a new purifier. Have Suina and Aht help you gather information.



Ch 7.  Create the core!

Make a Purifier Core for the Alchemist's Guild.



Ch 7.  Ask for the mana's help!

Have Suina and Aht negotiate with the spirits.

Take Suina to Lake Shisetika and Aht to Yuidora Mine.



Ch 7.  Make the new purifier!

Make a New Purifier for the Alchemist's Guild.



Ch 7.  Go to Reyshiamael!

Go to Reyshiamael to report the current situation.



Ch 8.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 9.

Raise your Workshop to Level 9.

Raise your Evaluation above 6000.



Ch 8.  Talk to the thunder dragon!

Go to the thunder dragon Gaptahl and learn more about him.



Ch 8.  Research the epidemic!

There's an epidemic spreading through Yuidora.

Collect information on how to deal with it.



Ch 8.  Mass produce medicine!

To deal with the plague, release the recipe for the Fever Medicine to the public through the Guild.



Ch 8.  Develop new medicine!

Make new fever medicine to deal with the epidemic.



Ch 8.  Go to Reyshiamael!

It's rumored that the Elves know how to deal with this epidemic.

Talk to the chief of Reyshiamael.



Ch 8.  Rescue the suicegate!

Masters have captured the Kalenri Floodgates.

Go to the Kalenri Floodgates at Lake Shisetika.



Ch 8.  Be Rosanna's representative!

Rosanna has appointed you as her representative.

Talk to Serawi and the others...



Ch 9.  Act as Yuidora's lord!

Fulfill your duties as Yuidora's lord.



Ch 9.  Learn form Rosanna!

Rosanna says that there's something she needs to tell you.

Go to the Secret Seal in the Yuidora Mine.



Ch 9.  Break through the barrier!

Go to Dirwong Forest at the Yuidora Woodland to break through Reyshiamael's barrier.



Ch 9.  Help the border forces!

You will need the help of the border forces to win.

Return to Yuidora and look for more information.



Ch 9.  Defend the Shrine of Flame!

There's been a report that the Shrine of Flame is in trouble. Leave Yuidora to Leguna and hurry to the Invaded Volcano at the Shrine of Flame.



Ch 9.  Go to Reyshiamael!

The fort has been successful built to protect the Shrine of Flame.

Report this news to Reyshiamael.



Ch 9.  Eliminate the miasma!

Go to the Endangered Seal in the Yuidora Mine to stop the black miasma.



Ch 9.  Go to Morigawa Palace!

A dark force has appeared at Morigawa Palace.

With Gaptahl's help, go to the Cocoon Shrine at Morigawa Palace.


Emelita Route

Ch 0.  Become an alchemist

Pass the final exam to become an alchemist.



Ch 0.  Collect information!

Search the city for information and greet its residents as your first step as an alchemist.



Ch 0.  Make Light Pink Dye!

Collect the materials you need from the peaceful Grounds in the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 0.  Make Fruit Spice!

Collect the materials you need form the Sunlit Clearing in the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 1.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 2.

Raise your Workshop to Level 2.

Raise your Evaluation above 450.



Ch 2.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 3.

Raise your Workshop to Level 3.

Raise your Evaluation above 800.



Ch 2.  Clean up the pollution!

Investigate and take care of the pollution upstream at the Forest of Souls.



Ch 2.  Test your strength!

Go to the Bat Corridor in the Yuidora Mine to see how strong you've become.



Ch 3.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 4.

Raise your Workshop to Level 4.

Raise your Evaluation above 1700.



Ch 3.  Find the missing alchemist!

Look for the missing alchemist in the foothills of the Rosean Mountains.



Ch 3.  Fulfill the boy's request!

Look for the chisel the boy dropped in the Peaceful Grounds of the Yuidora Woodland.



Ch 3.  Defeat the reaper!

Fight the reaper at the Scorched Battleground in the Runic Forest Ruins.



Ch 4.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 5.

Raise your Workshop to Level 5.

Raise your Evaluation above 2800.



Ch 4.  Make Pick-Me-Up!

Have Sharty tell you how to make Pick-Me-Up medicine to help Ella.



Ch 4.  Make Modesty Perfume!

Have Sharty tell you how to make Modesty Perfume to help Ella.



Ch 4.  Train with Emelita!

Train with Emelita at the Prayer Grounds in the Runic Forest Ruins.



Ch 5.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 6.

Raise your Workshop to Level 6.

Raise your Evaluation above 3500.



Ch 5.  Make a great drink!

Make a Gift Wine to fulfill Ella's request.



Ch 5.  Investigate the forest!

Investigate the Forest of Souls and report back to the Alchemist's Guild.



Ch 6.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 7.

Raise your Workshop to Level 7.

Raise your Evaluation above 4500.



Ch 6.  Make a Wedding Dress!

Make a Wedding Dress to fulfill the bride's father's request.



Ch 6.  Win the arena tournament!

Win the arena tournament to fulfill Emelita's new goal.



Ch 6.  Pass the promotion exam!


Take the test to become an advanced alchemist. Go to the Promotion Area in the Yuidora Mine and pass the examination.



Ch 7.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 8.

Raise your Workshop to Level 8.

Raise your Evaluation above 5000.



Ch 7.  Rescue Lady Rosanna!

Go to Mikelty to find out where the missing Rosanna is.

Search for Rosanna in the Unexplored Ruins of the Amurent Forestland.



Ch 7.  Discover the truth!

Got to the Garden Ruins to fin the truth of Emelita's past.

Go to Santaria first to receive permission to explore the ruins.



Ch 8.  Get promoted to the next rank!

Raise your Store to Level 9.

Raise your Workshop to Level 9.

Raise your Evaluation above 6000.



Ch 9.  Act as Yuidora's lord!

Fulfill your duties as Yuidora's lord.



Ch 9.  Emelita's decision!

Go to Santaria with Emelita for the sake of the Yuidora people.

But is there enough time...



Ch 9.  To Santaria!

Go to Santaria with Emelita to resolve the current situation.



Ch 9.  Discover the true motives!

Go to the Sealed Cave in the Garden Ruins to uncover Leguan's true intentions.



Ch 9.  Defend Yuidora!

Negotiations have broken down with Mikelty's new ruler. Defend Yuidora form the approaching Mikelty army. You must fortify the gate first...



Ch 9.  Beak through the siege!

Break the siege to end the standoff.

Go to the Lord's Manor once you're ready.



Ch 9.  Defeat Solgash!

The war will end if Solgash is defeated.

Go to the Lord's Manor once you're ready.




No. 001

Yuela's Sword

Client: Yuela

Limit: N/A

Info: Improve your alchemist skills and find a way to restore Yuela's sword.

Condition: Restore Yuela's sword

Reward: N/A

Failure: N/A

Difficulty: 5 Star

  • 2 weeks later...




No. 001

Azure Fruit

Recover 10 HP

[Consumable Item]








Green Putetto

Black Putetto

Dark Putetto










Small Potion

Large Potion





No. 001

Iron Hammer

A regular hammer



Phys: B
Erth: B
Ice: B
Fire: B
Wind: B
Holy: B
Dark: B
Hit: 90
Str: 0
Int: 0
Spd: 0
Luk: 0
HP: 0
SP: 0
FS: 0
Evd: 0
Con: 0
Res: 0
Mov: 0
Crit: 0
Serv: 0
Equipped Skill: N/A





No. 001

Soldier Ring

A magic ring for warriors



Phys: B
Erth: B
Ice: B
Fire: B
Wind: B
Holy: B
Dark: B
Hit: 0
Str: 1
Int: 0
Spd: 0
Luk: 0
HP: 0
SP: 0
FS: 0
Evd: 0
Con: 0
Res: 0
Mov: 0 
Crit: 0
Serv: 0
Equipped Skill: N/A





Wil's Clothing
Wil's everyday clothing
[Clothing | Wil Only]
Hit: B
Str: B
Int: B
Spd: B
Luk: B
Evd: 0
Con: 1
Res: 0
Mov: 0
Crit: 0
Serv: 0
Equipped Skill: N/A



No. 001
Small Bookshelf
A meager shelf for your books
[Room] +4 Knowledge







No. 001
Zeus Gem
Enhances clothing
[Divine Gem] HP +5







No. 001
Bronze Key
Opens and closes bronze doors
[Key Item]
Key Item





No. 001
Small Potion
Recover 30 HP
[Consumable Item]
Guild Rank: N/A
Synthesis Rank: N/A
Other: N/A
Synthesis Rank: E
Azure Fruit
Needed: 2


No. 001
Beginner's Hammer
Wil's very first hammer
[Hammer | Wil Only]
Guild Rank: N/A
Synthesis Rank: N/A
Other: N/A
Synthesis Rank: E
Needed: 1
Bat Fang
Needed: 1


No. 001
Soldier Ring
A magic ring for warriors
Guild Rank: N/A
Synthesis Rank: N/A
Other: Soldier Ring Leveled
Synthesis Rank: E
Corshino Steel
Needed: 1
Red Stone
Needed: 1
Red Liquid
Needed: 1


No. 001
Beast Master Armor
Yuela's earth elemental armor
[Clothing | Yuela Only]
Guild Rank: N/A
Synthesis Rank: N/A
Other: Character Friendship
Synthesis Rank: E
Lizard Fang
Needed: 1
Lizard Skin
Needed: 2
Corshino Steel
Needed: 1
Gnome Essence
Needed: 1


No. 001
Small Bookshelf
A meager shelf for your books
[Room] +4 Knowledge
Guild Rank: N/A
Synthesis Rank: N/A
Other: N/A
Synthesis Rank: E
Needed: 1
Needed: 1


No. 001
Good Stone
For building a high class store
[Alchemy Ingredient]
Guild Rank: [3] Tradesman
Synthesis Rank: N/A
Other: N/A
Synthesis Rank: E
Needed: 3


No. 001
Bronze Key
Opens and closes bronze doors
[Key Item]
Guild Rank: [4] Craftsman
Synthesis Rank: D
Other: N/A
Synthesis Rank: E
Magic Stone
Needed: 1
Seton Steel
Needed: 1
Rym Fang
Needed: 1




No. 001



Base Level: 25
Experience: 20
Type: Human
HP: 50
Hit: 10
Str: 16
Int: 7
Spd: 22
Luck: 7
Crit: 0
SP: 28
Evd: 10
Con: 13
Res: 6
Mov: 3
CP: 0
Cmd: 0
FS: 39
Phys: B
[Erth: B
Ice: B
Fire: B
Wind: B
Holy: B
Dark: B
Skills: Flying Sword Dance   Evasive I
Info: Yuela when she trains with Aht.  She waits before attacking
Habitat: N/A
Item Drops: N/A




No. 001

Iron Wall

Raises Evade and Defense

Skill Type: Action
CP: 3
Str: 0
Con: +6
Int: 0
Res: +6
Spd: 0
Luk: 0
Crit: 0
Hit: 0
Evd: +10
SP Cost: 0
FS Cost: 0
Range: 0
Charge: 0
Elem: 0
Additional Effects: N/A




No. 001

Wilfred Dion

Novice alchemist carrying on the workshop his parents left him.  He studies hard everyday to help people in trouble.

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Title: Big Hearted Alchemist



No. 001

[Term] Dir Lifyna

Elvish for "The End of Two Corridors."

The world created by the unification of Nei Strina, the world of fairies and dragons, and Ias Strina, the world of humans.


Filled in the lexicon:


No. 001
[Term] Dir Lifyna

Elvish for "The End of Two Corridors."
The world created by the unification of Nei Strina, the world of fairies and dragons, and Ias Strina, the world of humans.

No. 002
[Term] War of Three Gods

An age of war between the prehistoric Artificial Goddesses, the Present Gods, and the Ancient Gods.
 The Artificial Goddesses were sealed and the Present Gods ruled as victors.

No. 003
[Term] Ancient Civilization

An ancient age where humans created towers of steel and miraculous inventions in the name of the Mechanical Goddess.
 The War of Three Gods occurred because the Goddesses interfered with Nei Strina.

No. 004
[Term] Ias Strina

Elvish for "The World of Ancient Gods."
The Ancient Gods who originally ruled Dir Lyfnia, but granted humans no powers or magic.
 The War of Three Gods was caused by technological advances.

No. 005
[Term] Nei Strina

Elvish for "The World of Present Gods."
Also called The Old World.
 Ruled by the Present Gods before Dir Lyfina's birth.
 The Present Gods have had various influences on civilizations.

No. 006
[Term] The Moon Goddesses

The moon goddesses are the Crimson Moon, Belura, and the Verdure Moon, Leushion.
 From the Raulbhach continent, the Mirror Moon, Nafqas, and the Dark Moon, Altanu, can be observed.

No. 007
[Term] Ancient Gods

Rulers of the ancient world.
 Their strength declined due to worship of the Mechanical Goddesses overshadowing them and lost the War of Three Gods because they could not use their full power.

No. 008
[Term] Present Gods

The gods who currently rule over the world.
Originally held domain over Nei Strina, and the elves and demihumans.
 They are divided into factions that are constantly at war.

No. 009
[Term] Sexual Magic

Magical rites that do not depend on faith or elemental powers.
 Primarily done by monsters attempting to drain physical energy or dominate their target's mind.

No. 010
[Term] Crimson Shroud War

The name of Mikelty's civil war resulting from King Tokeeg and Princess Setea's oppression.
 The Mikelty Union has been in power for the twenty years following this.

No. 011
[Term] Alchemist

Someone who belongs to the Alchemist Guild.
 Alchemists can rise through ten different ranks through their achievements and reputation.

No. 012
[Term] Alchemist Guild

A guild of craftsmen unique to each country and region.
 Southern region guilds that rely on marine trade have deep religious ties to Ter Yun, the god of water, and Seanal, the god of trade.

No. 013
[Term] Meister

The highest rank of alchemist within the Guild.
Nobody has ever achieved this rank in the Mikelty countries to date.
Their signboard is a great owl with a crown.

No. 014
[Term] Grand Master

A highly ranked alchemist who runs a very large and famous workshop.
 In Yuidora's Alchemist Guild, the lord holds this rank.
 Their signboard is a male great owl.

No. 015
[Term] Master

This position signifies the top three alchemists in Yuidora's Alchemist Guild.
 They have many honorary titles and accolades.
Their signboard is a female great owl.

No. 016
[Term] Virtuoso

The seventh highest rank within the Alchemist Guild.
 Most members at this rank are retired influential alchemists that hold numerous patents.
Their signboard is a pair of owls.

No. 017
[Term] Artificer

Generally the highest rank a working alchemist can attain.
 These are highly skilled alchemists with a number of honors and achievements to their names.
Their signboard is a male owl.

No. 018
[Term] Artisan

The middle rank of alchemists.
Those at this rank have been acknowledged as genuinely skilled alchemists.
Their signboard is a female owl.

No. 019
[Term] Craftsman

A middle ranked position within the Guild.
Those at this rank are usually minor inventors and those that specialize in disciplines like leather or metalwork.
 Their signboard is a young owl.

No. 020
[Term] Tradesman

A lower-ranked alchemist within the Guild.
They have made minor contributions and have earned a few patents.
Their signboard is an owl chick.

No. 021
[Term] Fledgling

The second lowest rank in the Alchemist Guild.
Includes long-term members, owners of small shops, apprentice trainers, and major employers.
Their signboard is an owl wing.

No. 022
[Term] Initiate

The lowest rank of alchemist.
General members of the Guild, those who have taken over their family's business, and stall merchants.
Their signboard is an owl nest.

No. 023
[God] Barouhart

The Present God of Storms.
Upper echelon god of light.
He has a falcon's wings, the arms of a bear, and the legs of a wolf.

No. 024
[God] Marsterria

The Present God of War.
Upper echelon god of light.
Originally an unremarkable god of hunters, but showed great valor in the War of Three Gods.

No. 025
[God] Li Varnashia

The Present Goddess of Wind.
Middle echelon war goddess of light.
Appears as half-human, half-pegasus.
 Distinguished herself in war against the Ancient Goddess, Athena.

No. 026
[God] Elyun

The Present Goddess of Healing.
Middle echelon goddess of light.
Opposes gods of darkness, disease, and chaos, but otherwise prefers to not interfere.

No. 027
[God] Seanal

The Present God of Trade.
Low echelon god of light.
Attracted humans during the War of Three Gods.
Southern merchants are his main worshippers.

No. 028
[God] Ter Yun

The Present God of Water.
Middle echelon god of light.
Has many followers in the southern Setetory regions among sailors, traders, and artisans.

No. 029
[Place] Raulbhach

The second largest continent of Dir Lifyna.
The Present Gods of light have the greatest influence here and mankind has prospered.

No. 030
[Place] Setetory Provinces

The gateway between the continental west and southern regions.
 There are many human settlements near the Dijenel Provinces as well as the demihuman civilizations to the west.

No. 031
[Place] Mikelty Union

One of the human nations in the southern region.
A multiethnic nation thriving on trade composed primarily of seven sovereign cities.

No. 032
[Place] Santaria

The heart of the Mikelty Union with 53,000 people.
It used to be the royal capital of the Mikelty Kingdom, but is now managed by multiple Alchemist Guilds.

No. 033
[Place] Amureshy

A city of 44,000 in the Mikelty Union.
Shares a border with Neryil, the city of dark elves.
 Of the seven cities in the Mikelty Union, is the most closely tied to underhanded trade.

No. 034
[Place] Amurent

A city of 31,000 in the Mikelty Union.
Regularly trades with the Yusol, a tribe of fierce amazons, for their excellent lumber and wooden goods.

No. 035
[Place] Yuidora

A city of about 18,000 where Wil lives.
Has a deep mine and is surrounded by land suitable for raising animals, so related industries developed around those trades.

No. 036
[Place] Coteeryl

A city of about 18,000 in the Mikelty Union.
A riverside city halfway between Santaria and Amureshy.
 Several prestigious Alchemist Guilds specializing in leatherwork are located here.

No. 037
[Place] Kalenri

A city of 16,000 in the Mikelty Union.
Boasts many alchemists skilled in metalworking.
Borders on the Elven Forest, Reyshiamael, and relations have been deteriorating each year.

No. 038
[Place] Disnafrody

A huge empire of 2.8 million that spans a third of the human land in the south.
 Birthplace of the distinctive curved eastern blades.
 An empire of 37 countries ruled by the God-Emperor Disna.

No. 039
[Place] Zof-Retol

A Zof nation city in northwestern Disnafrody.
Raka village is located on the border between it and Yuidora.
 It is a relatively friendly city and open to commerce.

No. 040
[Place] Neryil

An Elven kingdom that worships the dark god Vastahl.
 Highly advanced magical culture with both light and dark skinned elves, as well as human descendants of former slaves.

No. 041
[Place] Yusol

A country of amazons and mana in the forests of the Yusol Mountains.
 Hostile to the bordering countries and thought to have about 20,000 people.
 An unusual culture that has only recently had a male king.

No. 042
[Place] Rakimel

A duchy of 13,000 that gained independence from Mikelty during the Crimson Shroud War.
 Now has strong ties with western nations and a firm belief in the gods of light.

No. 043
[Place] Yuidora Mine

The vein of ore located in Yuidori in the Mikelty territories.
 The city of alchemists developed due to this mine.
 Can be very dangerous, so there are strict limitations on mining and exploration.

No. 044
[Place] Lake Shisetika

A lake on the border between the Mikelty Union and Reyshiamael.
 Fishermen fish only what they need on the western shores, and the eastern is a peaceful residence for mana and many species of birds.

No. 045
[Place] Yuidora Woodland

On the border between Mikelty and Reyshiamael.
An agreement was reached with the elves so that alchemists could enter the forest and gather resources.

No. 046
[Place] Reyshiamael

Also known as the Crystalline Forest.
 Located between the Rosean Mountains and the Reyshia River.
 A major mana and Krutona Elven area surrounded by a barrier preventing entry.

No. 047
[Place] Forest of Souls

A toxic forest in the Mikelty Union that has never been hospitable to human life.
Creatures from Dijenel and spirits tend to gather here.

No. 048
[Place] Amurent Forestland

A thick stretch of woodland east of Amurent city along the Chenem river overgrowing with vegetation.
 The number of demihumans moving here from neighboring countries has increased lately.

No. 049
[Place] Runic Forest Ruins

Ruins in a basin between the Yusol and Yuel mountain ranges.
 Humans and demihumans lived here in ancient times, but it is now home to goble tribes and dragons.

No. 050
[Place] Mercy Light Valley

A mist-covered valley mainly inhabited by mana dividing Disnafrody and Mikelty.
 It is surrounded by a spiritual barrier and is mostly unexplored by either country.

No. 051
[Place] Cliffside Church

An old church built on a ravine in the Yuwel mountains between Mikelty and Disnafrody.
 It's rumored that an angel watches over it, letting demihumans come and go without conflict.

No. 052
[Place] Rosean Mountains

A volcanic area between the Setetory and Dijenel regions.
 Many different creatures with a close affinity to fire live here.

No. 053
[Place] Shrine of Flame

Located in the intensely volcanic center of the Rosean mountains, a sacred ground that fire foxes call home.
 Some, like Kohakuren, also use it as a center for trade and socializing.

No. 054
[Place] Yuma Lake

A very high altitude lake in the middle of the Yuwel mountains.
 A cold area, unlike the Rosean mountains.
 It's rumored that there's a second, underwater lake beneath it.

No. 055
[Place] Chaotic Warground

What a valley between the Yusol and Yuwel mountain ranges is referred to as.
 A neutral region of demihumans where monsters and exiles from the Yusol tribes have intermingled and formed tribes.

No. 056
[Place] Limestone Caverns

A limestone cave in the neutral southern area of the Rosean mountain range.
 Raka village is located nearby at a keypoint on the way to the Disnafrody Holy Empire.

No. 057
[Place] Yusof Riverbed

Ruins filled with giant humanoid statues where the Yusof River flows through the Yuwel mountains.
 Currently a neutral area overgrown by plants and inhabited by demihumans.

No. 058
[Place] Gushimera Temple

A palace near the border of the Dark Elven kingdom of Neryil.
 Neighboring countries keep a wary eye on the demons and monsters that congregate here.

No. 059
[Place] Kania Wastelands

A huge area rich with limestone at the southern end of the Dijenel region.
 Full of marshes and subtropical areas.
 Many lifeforms descended from aquatic creatures thrive here.

No. 060
[Place] Dijenel Borderland

Foothills located in the Setetory area in northern Mikelty.
 Many monsters and demihumans live here and spread to the rest of the continent from this area.

No. 061
[Place] Garden Ruins

Ruins near Santaria in Mikelty.
 Many relics from the ancient era can be found here, but entrance requires official permission from Santaria.

No. 062
[Place] Shigen Palace

A holy palace in the middle of the Setor country that the Emperor of the Holy Disnafrody Empire can rule from.
 A hilly, cool region suitable for long imperial retreats.

No. 063
[Place] Phema Mountains

The main dwelling place of the great dragons in the Dijenel region.
 It's fairly easy to reach the Phema sluicegates because they're located on the upper area of the Reyshia river.

No. 064
[Place] Morigawa Palace

Tropical wetlands north of the Phema mountains and Reyshia river.
 A dangerous land, filled with thermal geysers as well as monsters, dragons, and there are even rumons of a powerful angel.

No. 065
[Place] Misanshel

A cathedral in the southeastern part of the Rosean mountains.
 A sacred place full of powerful angels that even the mighty Disnafrody Holy Empire doesn't dare intrude on.

No. 066
[Place] Deadbeat Dungeon

A dungeon that's said to contain countless riches.
 Alchemists have gained wealth and power here, but only misfortune followed them afterward...

No. 067
[Place] Shipwreck Coast

Coastal region running through Neryil, the kingdom of dark elves.
 Ships trapped in the treacherous currents of the Silken Sea eventually run aground here.

No. 068
[Place] Phema Sluicegate

A massive sluicegate near the Phema mountains.
It's known as the jar of the Dijenel region and contains enough water to flood much of the area.

No. 069
[Place] Mirage Forest

A vast forest located south of the Phema Mountains.
It borders on Disnafrody and the Dijenel region, so there are frequent border conflicts as well as tribes that have become extremely hostile.

No. 070
[Place] Valkyrie Falls

A forested area northwest of Nao Retol.
The land is home to the Yusol tribes and is mostly unexplored.
 The waterfalls here are visible from miles away.

No. 071
[Place] Advent Bay

The long shore on the eastern part of Nao Retol.
A mysterious power here eternally illuminates the coastline.

No. 072
[Dungeon] Control

Indicates the amount of the dungeon you have currently occupied.
 Once you reach 100% once, it will always be at its maximum when you come back.
100% Control is also a dungeon clear condition.

No. 073
[Dungeon] Command

The cost to deploy a unit.
 Each unit has its own value and there is a maximum overall depending on other game factors.
 If you go over the maximum Command, there will be a penalty to unit movement.

No. 074
[Dungeon] Turn

After all ally units have finished acting, the turn ends and enemy units take action.
 Typically, a Game Over results when the maximum turn limit is reached.

No. 075
[Dungeon] Mini Map

A small map that can show a variety of useful information about the dungeon by using the buttons underneath it.
 Using the mouse wheel while over it will zoom in and out on the entire dungeon.

No. 076
[Dungeon] Deployed Unit

Deployed units are displayed on the bottom of the dungeon map.
 Click on an empty spot to deploy a unit.
 The mouse wheel can also be used to scroll between units.

No. 077
[Dungeon] Initial Deployment

Once you select what dungeon to explore, you must select what units will be initially deployed.
 Pay attention to both the Command limit as well as initial positioning.

No. 078
[Dungeon] Faction

Up to five factions can fight at once in battle.
If units from two opposing factions move into the same square, they will enter combat.
 Faction colors are blue, red, green, yellow, and grey.

No. 079
[Dungeon] Movement

FS is consumed according to the terrain as units move through a map.
 When moving in areas not under allied control, only one square can be moved at a time.

No. 080
[Dungeon] Terrain

Dungeons contain many different terrains of different elemental properties.
 Some require certain skills to move through and others are hazardous for units to enter.

No. 081
[Dungeon] Deployment

Deploying a unit consumes Command.
 Even if it exceeds the maximum Command, deployment is still possible.
 When the unit withdraws from combat, the Command it used is replenished.

No. 082
[Dungeon] Withdraw

After a dungeon has been cleared once, or on a Free Map, the Withdraw button appears and can be used to retreat at any time.
 There is no penalty for withdrawing, so use it whenever you want.

No. 083
[Dungeon] Clear Bonus

There are bonuses of money and items awarded when certain goals are met in each dungeon.
 They are mainly related to enemies, control percentage, and turn limitations.

No. 084
[Dungeon] Base

The initial deployment point in a dungeon.
Units on it recover slightly at the start of each turn and gain a few bonuses as well.
 If it is captured by the enemy, it is usually a Game Over.

No. 085
[Dungeon] Deployment Gate

Deployment points besides the base.
There are three kinds, but the only difference is the amount healed when units are stationed on them.
 Capture them quickly to establish footholds.

No. 086
[Dungeon] Monster Portal

Enemy reinforcements arrive through these.
 The timing of reinforcements varies in each dungeon.
Seal them in order to prevent more enemies from arriving.

No. 087
[Dungeon] Feather of Elyun

Most damage and status effects are healed by touching these, but they work for enemies as well.
White feathers never disappear, but red feathers can only be used onces.

No. 088
[Dungeon] Teleport Gate

When a unit stops on one of these gates, it can choose to teleport to another location.
 These gates can be either connected or one-way only.

No. 089
[Dungeon] Door

Doors in dungeons can be opened by units with the Lockpick skill.
 There are also Bronze, Silver, and Gold doors that require a magical key to open.
Sealed doors are opened under special conditions.

No. 090
[Dungeon] Collection Point

Items may be gathered from these points once they are claimed once the dungeon is exited.
 Harvest Points require no special skills to claim, but Excavation Points do.

No. 091
[Dungeon] Excavation Point

Specialized Harvest Points that can only be claimed by a unit that has the Mine skill.
 They give different items from Collection Points, but otherwise operate in the same way.

No. 092
[Dungeon] Hazards 1

Hazards within dungeons can have various effects.
If the hazard is aligned with a faction, it will not affect that faction's units.
■Spikes: -2 HP each turn

No. 093
[Dungeon] Hazards 2

■Flame Pit: -3 HP each turn
■Electricity: -1 HP each turn, +Shock
■Swamp: -1 HP each turn, +Poison
■Marsh: -1 HP each turn, +Chill

No. 094
[Dungeon] Hazards 3

■Mire: -1 FS each turn
■Depletion Field: -3 HP each turn
■Dampening Field: -3 SP each turn
■Exhaustion Field: -5 FS each turn

No. 095
[Dungeon] Cards

Various events occur when a unit gathers the cards distributed in dungeons, including gaining items, recovering, teleporting, and being afflicted by a negative status.

No. 096
[Dungeon] Event

When a unit occupies a square marked by Event, a specific event occurs to advance the game.
 Some Events can be generated by any unit and others require a specific unit.

No. 097
[Dungeon] Withdrawal Point

A special square that appears in some dungeons.
You can use it to withdraw from a dungeon without clearing it.
 The dungeon will be reset afterward.

No. 098
[Dungeon] Eu Card

These appear in dungeons only when a certain condition is met.
Certain materials can only be obtained by collecting these cards.

No. 099
[Map] Dungeon Selection

Once you choose the region, you select the dungeon to explore.
 Those marked Event do not contain any combat, and those marked Free are unrelated to plot progression.

No. 100
[Home] Extensions

Wil's home can be expanded using materials and money.
 Expanding each part raises its statistics and allows more furniture to be placed.
 You must expand Wil's home often to advance in the game.

No. 101
[Home] Store

Stock: Maximum size of stacks of items for sale
Sales: Affects how many items customers buy
Attract: How many customers will visit Wil's store
Prices: Modifier to cost of items sold

No. 102
[Home] Workshop

Tools: Amount of materials needed for synthesis
Skill: Synthesis experience gained
Mutate: Chance that something unexpected will occur

No. 103
[Home] Room

Knowledge: Unlocks recipes for synthesis
Clerk: Maximum number of clerks in the store

No. 104
[Home] Yard

Sense: Unlocks recipes for synthesis
Furniture placed in the yard will also generate items for harvest over time.
 There may be special events when certain furniture is placed here...

No. 105
[Home] Furniture

Furniture can be arranged in Wil's home to increase the statistics of each area.
 Most furniture can only be placed in one area, but some can be placed anywhere.

No. 106
[Home] Clerk

Party members can be assigned to sell items in Wil's store.
 Their success depends on their Service statistic.
 If you do not assign any clerks, the Guild will dispatch one for you.

No. 107
[Home] Evaluation

A measure of Wil's reputation in Yuidora.
 A high Evaluation leads to more quests being available.
 Completing quests, synthesizing items, and clearing dungeons raises Wil's Evaluation.

No. 108
[Home] Guild Rank

Wil's rank in the Alchemist Guild.
This raises as you advance through the story and also limits various aspects of gameplay, such as home extensions and recipe availability.

No. 109
[Home] Synthesis Rank

The current rank of Wil's synthesis knowledge.
What items can be synthesized depends on this statistic.
 It increases as you synthesize more items.

No. 110
[Home] Last Settlement

The number of days since expenses were accounted for at Wil's home.
 This includes travel time to dungeons as well as other events.
 There is a limit of 30 days before expenses must be settled.

No. 111
[Home] Transmigration

Resets a character and their abilities back to level 1 and grants special artifacts unique to that character.
 You must have certain furniture in your home before this option is available.

No. 112
[Home] Sales

Consumables, Weapons, Accessories, Furniture, and Sales Items can all be displayed and sold in Wil's Store to earn money.
 Remember to put items up for sale before you leave on long trips.

No. 113
[Home] Synthesis

The process of creating a new item from one or more other items.
 More recipes are learned as you advance in the Guild as well as through outside events.
 Wil's Evaluation rises with each synthesis.

No. 114
[Home] Reinforcement

Clothing made through synthesis can be further strengthened.
 It mainly costs money, but sometimes other items are needed.
 The cost depends on how much the clothing has been reinforced already.

No. 115
[Home] Expenses

When you return to Wil's home after travelling, you must pay Guild Dues, Household Upkeep, and Living Expenses.
 You also collect revenue from sold items.
 If you run out of money, then...

No. 116
[item] Consumables

These items can be used in dungeons.
They provide various effects, such as healing characters, recovering from status effects, and powering units up.

No. 117
[item] Equipment

These are items that can be equipped to change a unit's statistics, their attack element, and grant a skill.
 Each unit can only equip certain weapons.
Choose the weapon best suited for each dungeon.

No. 118
[item] Accessory

Accessories can generally be equipped by any unit to raise their statistics or grant extra skills.
 They can provide many advantages to both dungeon exploration and combat.

No. 119
[item] Clothing

Special clothing worn by the hero and heroines.
It generally gives an elemental bonus in addition to statistical effects when equipped and can be reinforced for more skills and effects.

No. 120
[item] Furniture

Furniture items can be arranged in each part of Wil's home.
 Some furniture also raises Wil's capabilities.
 Certain furniture can also have unexpected effects when it is put out...

No. 121
[item] Material

Materials are needed for synthesis and to expand Wil's home.
 They can be collected from monsters, Harvest Points, Excavation Points, from furniture in Wil's yard, and rewards from quests.

No. 122
[item] Key

Items related to game progression.
Having the item in Wil's inventory is enough for them to take effect.
 This also includes certain permanent items such as magical keys.

No. 123
[Combat] Skill

Each unit has certain Skills that they can equip.
Skills require CP to use, but any combination up to three can be equipped from those available.
Skills granted by equipment do not require CP.

No. 124
[Combat] Basic Attack

A unit will use an unarmed attack when it does not have a weapon equipped.
 The type of attack and other attack properties may change once a weapon is equipped.

No. 125
[Combat] Defend

Instead of attacking, you may choose to defend in combat, raising Defense by 3 and Evasion by 10.
 Using this option intelligently is necessary for victory.

No. 126
[Combat] Special Attack

Special attacks that rely on physical attributes.
They alter offensive capabilities and often change the attack element as well.
Each one requires SP to use.

No. 127
[Combat] Magic

Special attacks that rely on mental attributes.
There are a wide variety of them with a large range of effects.
Each one requires on SP to use.

No. 128
[Combat] Attack Order

When combat begins, the attack order is generally: Attacker → Defender → Unit with higher speed → Unit with lower speed

No. 129
[Combat] Number of Attacks

Both members of combat usually get two attacks, but when there is a difference in Speed of greater than 3 points, the faster unit will get to take an extra attack.

No. 130
[Combat] Ranged Attacks

Bows and magic can be used to attack at range.
It's also possible to bypass enemies blockading the way to attack.
 However, it is the same for enemies, so be wary of their ranged attacks too.

No. 131
[Combat] Area Attacks

These are special attacks that strike all units within their range of effect.
 They cannot reach through walls or into unexplored areas.
 After being used, time is required to recharge them.

No. 132
[Combat] Area Healing

A special technique that can heal multiple units at once.
 Its usage is the same as an area attack.

No. 133
[Combat] Combination Attacks

These skills are only available to be used when the two units are adjacent to each other.
 They consume SP from both units and requires recharging before being used again.

No. 134
[Combat] Support Defense

Units with these skills can defend adjacent units when they are attacked and take the damage at a reduced rate in their place.
 Use these skills to protect weak units.

No. 135
[Combat] Equipment Growth

Some weapons and accessories can improve if they're used in battle for a sufficient amount of time.
 In addition to improving the item, this can also unlock new recipes.

No. 136
[status] Death

The target instantly dies, regardless of remaining HP.
Boss units are immune to this status.

No. 137
[status] HP Drain

Some of the HP lost by the defender is absorbed by the attacker.
This effect has multiple levels, varying by the amount of HP absorbed.

No. 138
[status] SP Drain

SP is drained from the target and absorbed by the attacker.
This effect has multiple levels, varying by the amount of SP absorbed.

No. 139
[status] FS Drain

FS is drained from the target and absorbed by the attacker.
This effect has multiple levels, varying by the amount of FS absorbed.

No. 140
[status] Charm

Units afflicted by this status cannot take any actions.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the length of effect.

No. 141
[status] Confuse

Units afflicted by this status receive a penalty to Hit and Evade, and cannot use Skills.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the length of effect and severity of penalties.

No. 142
[status] Shock

Units afflicted by this status suffer a penalty to Evasion, Speed, and Move.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the length of effect and severity of penalties.

No. 143
[status] Poison

Units afflicted by this status suffer HP damage at the beginning of each turn, to a minimum of 1 HP.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the length of effect and amount of damage.

No. 144
[status] Chill

Units afflicted by this status suffer HP damage at the beginning of each turn, to a minimum of 1 HP.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the length of effect and amount of damage.

No. 145
[status] Acid

Units afflicted by this status lose HP and FS at the beginning of each turn, to a minimum of 1 HP.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the length of effect and amount of damage.

No. 146
[status] Burn

Units afflicted by this status suffer HP damage at the beginning of each turn, to a minimum of 1 HP.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the length of effect and amount of damage.

No. 147
[status] Fear

Units afflicted by this status lose FS at the beginning of each turn.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the length of effect and amount of FS lost.

No. 148
[status] HP Regen

Units with this status recover HP at the beginning of each turn.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the amount of HP recovered.

No. 149
[status] SP Regen

Units with this status recover SP at the beginning of each turn.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the amount of SP recovered.

No. 150
[status] FS Regen

Units with this status recover FS at the beginning of each turn.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the amount of FS recovered.

No. 151
[status] Rage

Units with this status effect receive a bonus to offense and a penalty to defense.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 152
[status] Aim

Units with this status effect receive a bonus to their hit rate.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 153
[status] Alert

Units with this status effect receive a bonus to their evasion rate.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 154
[status] Might

Units with this status effect receive a bonus to their Strength.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 155
[status] Tough

Units with this status effect receive a bonus to their Constitution.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 156
[status] Sharp

Units with this status effect receive a bonus to their Intelligence.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 157
[status] Dampen

Units with this status effect receive a bonus to their Resistance.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 158
[status] Haste

Units with this status effect receive a bonus to their Speed.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 159
[status] Lucky

Units with this status effect receive a bonus to their Critical Rate.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 160
[status] Slow

Units with this status effect receive a penalty to their Move.
There are multiple levels of this effect, varying by the level of statistical change.

No. 161
[status] No Withdrawal

Units with this status cannot withdraw from the dungeon by any method, including items, the base, or deployment gates.

No. 162
[status] Injured

Units with this status suffer a severe penalty to both Strength and Intelligence.

No. 163

Various options can be selected to customize the game to your preferred way of playing it.



And characters:


Wilfred Dion
Novice alchemist carrying on the workshop his parents left him. He studies hard everyday to be able to help people in trouble.

No. 001

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Title: Big Hearted Alchemist

A swordsman from Disnafrody, a land famed for its warriors. She serves as Wil's guard to pay for him repairing her sword. Quiet and loyal.

No. 002

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Title: Traveling Swordsman

A cheerful mage who became Wil's guard. She's good at clearing away enemies with her magic. There's something she's hiding...

No. 003

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Title: Runaway Mage

Servalwi Endoss
An elf from the Reyshiamael forest beyond Yuidora. She became Wil's guard when he asked her to teach him. Unusually involved with humans for an elf.

No. 004

Race: Demihuman
Sex: Female
Title: Gentle Elf

A gnome mana that Wil created. It bonded with him and constantly clings to him. It can't move much, but it makes a useful wall.

No. 005

Race: Mana (Gnome)
Sex: Unknown
Title: Created Earth Mana

Aht's true form after the impurities were removed. She's not only cute, but can talk. Her stickiness still causes a lot of problems.

No. 006

Race: Mana (Gnome)
Sex: Female
Title: Gnome Girl

An undine from the river outside Yuidora. She's innocent and never suspects anybody. Her speciality is attacking from a distance.

No. 007

Race: Mana (Undine)
Sex: Female
Title: Timid Undine

A flame fox from the Rosean Mountain range. He's feared by humans because of his appearance. He is proud and rarely listens to humans.

No. 008

Race: Flame Fox
Sex: Male
Title: Three-tailed Flame Fox

A mystic fox from the Rosean Mountain range. She rarely shows herself before humans. She's always bored and looking for distractions.

No. 009

Race: Noble Flame Fox
Sex: Female
Title: Nine-tailed Senko

A yuichiri dryad from the forests around Yuidora. He plays tricks on humans to scare them away. There seems to be a reason for his hatred...

No. 010

Race: Mana (Dryad)
Sex: Male
Title: Mischievous Dryad

A yuichiri dryad from the forests around Yuidora. She plays tricks on humans to scare them away. There seems to be a reason for her hatred...

No. 011

Race: Mana (Dryad)
Sex: Female
Title: Doting Sister

An eighth ranked apsael angel. She is more powerful than the average human. Noble and worried about the growing human influence.

No. 012

Race: Archangel
Sex: Female
Title: Eighth Ranked Angel

A fifth ranked zanatiel angel. Her beauty and voice make her a skilled songstress. She's a living legend in her cathedral.

No. 013

Race: Virtue
Sex: Female
Title: Fifth Ranked Angel

A mahtel mare living near Yuidora. She visits the city often and acts like a thief. Women hate her much more than the men do.

No. 014

Race: Mare
Sex: Female
Title: Innocent Mare

A massive creature living in the underground lake. He cannot speak, so conversation is hard. The way he lives is still unknown.

No. 015

Race: Afanc
Sex: Male
Title: Sea Monster

A thunder dragon from the Phema Mountains. The area is secluded and unexplored. Many teams have been sent to slay him in the past.

No. 016

Race: Dragon
Sex: Male
Title: Thunder Dragon

A reaper that began wandering near Yuidora. A novice alchemist cannot stand against her. The Guild and the country both fear her.

No. 017

Race: Reaper
Sex: Female
Title: Wandering Reaper

What was left after the reaper was defeated. Unlike before, her murderous instincts are gone, but she must still hunt in order to live.

No. 018

Race: Reaper
Sex: Female
Title: Wandering Reaper

Mylen Ploa
An archdemon with the power to distort space. She's so strong that lesser demons cannot approach, but her strange appearance belies her swift speed.

No. 019

Race: Fiend
Sex: Female
Title: Fiend Princess

The fairy princess from the Valley of Light. Using a rare form of magic, she drives people away from her valley with illusions.

No. 020

Race: Fairy
Sex: Female
Title: Fairy Princess

A massive powerful devil in the Yuidora Mine. She likes learning and new experiences. The reason she's here is unknown.

No. 021

Race: Devil
Sex: Female
Title: Solomon's Deadly Sin

Eushully's familiar mascot character. A bright and cheerful maid with a can-do attitude. Perhaps you can help her on second games...

No. 022

Race: Angel maid
Sex: Female
Title: Fourth Ranked Angel Maid

Black Eushully
Eushully's familiar mascot character. A woman that would destroy a world for cup ramen. Perhaps you can help her on second games...

No. 023

Race: Angel Maid
Sex: Female
Title: Fourth Ranked Angel Maid

Eushully's familiar mascot character. She's an enthusiastic maid, but very clumsy. Perhaps you can help her on second games...

No. 024

Race: Angel Apprentice
Sex: Female
Title: Fifth Ranked Maid Apprentice

Ms. Eukleia
Eushully's familiar mascot character........................................ Quiet. Perhaps you can help her on second games...

No. 025

Race: Angel Maid
Sex: Female
Title: Fourth Ranked Maid Leader

Leguna Ashys
Wil's childhood friend and senior alchemist. Always cool and collected while helping Wil. He enjoys pushing himself as Wil's rival.

No. 026

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Title: Yuidora's greatest golem master

Rosanna Leviera
The lord of the Guild ruling Yuidora. A mature and attractive woman. She knows her duty and tolerates no carelessness.

No. 027

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Title: Bewitching lord of the Alchemist Guild

A spirited woman who manages the arena. Loves watching strong people fight in the arena. She warmly watches the growth of young alchemists.

No. 028

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Title: Arena receptionist

The man running a bar where alchemists gather. Wil owes a lot to him after his parents died. Many people go to his bar frequently to eat.

No. 029

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Title: Bartender

A priestess in one of Yuidora's few churches. She can lift curses and sell medicines. Most alchemists don't need her services though....

No. 030

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Title: Priestess of a small church

Elf Chief
The chief of Reyshiamael, Servalwi's home. Believes that humans and elves cannot coexist.

No. 031

Race: Demihuman
Sex: Male
Title: Chief of Reyshiamael

Shogun of Tokiya, a country in Disnafrody. Master of the Disnafrody sword art, Crimson Lord. Still acts like a soldier despite his position.

No. 032

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Title: Disnafrodian Shogun

Cledoriamus Eshna
Noble of the Mikelty Union. He has been busy with various matters. Never loses his composure, no matter what.

No. 033

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Title: Noble of Mikelty

A very suspicious merchant. He's unreliable as the head of his team. He seems to be carrying something valuable...

No. 034

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Title: Suspicious merchant

Lyphia Irina Marshilun
Special participant from Battle Goddess VERITA. Traveling all over the world. Searching for a way to help someone she loves.

No. 035

Race: Half-demon
Sex: Female
Title: Imperial Lady

Special participant from Battle Goddess VERITA. Forced to join Lyphia, but doesn't hate her. She always pretends like she's bored.

No. 036

Race: Devil
Sex: Female
Title: Fifth Rank Devil

Special participant from Battle Goddess VERITA. Bottle.

No. 037

Race: Genie
Sex: Male
Title: Sixth Rank Devil

Roka Luscort
Special participant from the Battle Goddess series. Crusader of Marsterria with a steady bearing. Has a firm belief in her subordinates.

No. 038

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Title: Marsterria Crusader

Louis Marshilun
Lyphia's grandfather. Created the Resperento nation and Menphyl Empire. Somewhat obsessed with his granddaughter...

No. 039

Race: Half-demon
Sex: Male

Irina Marshilun
Louis's wife. No blood relation to Lyphia. Lyphia is traveling to find a way to help her.

No. 040

Race: Human
Sex: Female

Celica Silphyl
Hero of the Battle Goddess series. Donated his clothes to this game.

No. 041

Sex: Both

Main heroine of Himegari. Only donated her clothes at first, but joined the party in 2.0

No. 042

Sex: Female

The main heroine of Slave Princess. Donated her clothes to this game.... Her voice is so familiar...

No. 043

Sex: Woman


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