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This week is the beginning of the Spring 2013 anime season!

Well, nothing aired yet except the first ONA of Anime Mirai and Red Data Girl, but this week features lots of first episodes of numerous anime.

Despite its name, this topic is to discuss ANY currently airing anime, including 2-cour anime from last season and the currently airing long-term animes.

Feel free to drop by and give your opinion about the latest episode of any show, talk about what you're watching this season, etc...

(As I said, there's not much to talk yet but there'll be in the upcoming days)

You can find Ryoji's preview of this season here and here.


Awesome you beat me too it. Great Topic Down!!

Please remember guys, ALWAYS use spoiler tags!! No matter how minor you think it is.

EDIT: Just watched the first episode of Date-A-Live. (though it was in LQ)

Seems very interesting that's for sure. There are some answers that need to be delivered soon though because I can see people being confused.

Kotori is cute as hell when shes in Imouto mode. Her character is much more then that though and I cant wait to see how she develops. (pun not intended) Also cant wait to see more of the Spirit girl and Tobiichi Origami. Good start!!


Well then, let's kick off this thread with Little Witch Academia.

This is the first of the four ONAs of the Mirai Fukuin project, this one is animated by Trigger (studio founded by the guys who did TTGL, they're pretty much slacking off right now and only produced... Iiiiiiiinferno Cop right now).

I liked it. This is 25 minutes of "hey guys, so we have young witches in a witch school, let's do whatever we want to do and have some crazy-ass animation to go with it". It' not great by any means, because the story is very classic and it's only 25 minutes long, but it's fun and well-animated, and I can't find a reason to not like it.

edit: well it's not a kick off any more, since Ryoji pulled a ninja-edit on me >_>


All should fear Ryoji-sensei!! (sorry about that Down)

I couldn't agree more about Little Witch Academia. The animation is old school looking and its cute and enjoyable. I especially liked how they did all the facial expressions from all of the girls. sooo Kawaii!!!


I don't know if I'll watch any shows as they air this season as there really isn't much that has stood out in a big way. Ok, well maybe Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat, but not much else I feel the need to watch weekly. Plus my backlog is large enough to hold me until season 2 of the Monogatari series airs.

Posted (edited)

Just saw the first episode of Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge. Seems like its going to be a interesting Anime. Definitely different thats for sure. Not to mention the heroine* is too cute.


This show is going to get dark. which should prove to be interesting. Lets see how is plays out.

Edited by Tay
"Heroine". Because drugs aren't cute ; )

well Ive watched episode 1 of the following

Photokano: Seems like its going to be a fun show. To early to tell.

DEVIL SURVIVOR 2: This is awesome!!! Same studio that made Persona 4 so you know its going to be great.

Majestic Prince: Epic space battles and mecha yes please!!!

Karneval : Looks like another great anime. Superpowers and explosions

Hataraku Maou-sama!: This is awesome so far. Cant wait to see more.

OVERALL OPINION SO FAR: Very impressed with the shows that have aired so far, with so many to come I cant help but feel excited for another great anime season!!

EDIT: Just watched episode 1 of Yahari ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Too early to tell but looks like it might be good.


Moved from the other topic.

I "meh'd" at devil survivor 2... I don't know.. Felt like a "forced" shounen atmosphere. I'll keep watching it until it gets good or I drop it. Art is indeed pretty good and I know the game is great through various recommendations but.. let's see where the anime goes.

I enjoyed Photo Kano quite a bit, but as Ryoji said wait and see is best than jump into any conclusions for now.

Date a Live.. Seems like a good anime, it's just that they try to mix a serious plot with an obviously comedy centered anime, the discrepance is just too striking to me. While there are animes with "serious" plot and comedy as an sub-genre, I think a comedy anime with seriousness on the background is awkward. Then again, I might be super wrong xD


Hmm, just finished Episode one of Aku no Hana. I absolutely love the old school animation. The story is kinda meh so far we'll have to see how it goes. As a side note, I REALLY HOPE that another sub group besides GG picks up this anime. Not my favorite sub group.

Heres hoping this one gets better. I love the art.


Hmm, just finished Episode one of Aku no Hana. I absolutely love the old school animation. The story is kinda meh so far we'll have to see how it goes. As a side note, I REALLY HOPE that another sub group besides GG picks up this anime. Not my favorite sub group.

Heres hoping this one gets better. I love the art.

Hehe, you might be the only one on the whole internet to have liked it... It's making quite the buzz right now because of the art!

I have yet to see it (downloading right now...) so don't know anything else than the screencaps though.

(I kinda like gg. Sometimes they troll a bit, but their work is good. Only group that managed to sub Joshiraku, for example. And I liked them on Jojo)

edit: best time of the week has come. Here's Chihayafuru. Aku no Hana download will have to be postponed >_>


Hehe, you might be the only one on the whole internet to have liked it... It's making quite the buzz right now because of the art!

I have yet to see it (downloading right now...) so don't know anything else than the screencaps though.

(I kinda like gg. Sometimes they troll a bit, but their work is good. Only group that managed to sub Joshiraku, for example. And I liked them on Jojo)

haha i guess the reason i love the old school art is because it kinda reminds me of some of the older anime that i love. Story wise im not impressed at all but like I said well have to wait and see. Ill give it some time to see how the story progresses.


haha i guess the reason i love the old school art is because it kinda reminds me of some of the older anime that i love. Story wise im not impressed at all but like I said well have to wait and see. Ill give it some time to see how the story progresses.

I agree with you completely. While I'm not a complete fan of the art, it's the one thing that real stuck out to me. The story so far is been very boring.


I'm very sad the one Anime that I was excited about getting a second season was Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride and after the first episode I'm disgusted.

Heres hoping that it doesn't continue this way because if it does ill be dropping it.


Okay seriously what the fuck is wrong with Aku no hana's character design and art?

Agreed. I'm not gonna bother watching it. I don't care if it has a great plot or whatever, I can't stand that kind of art. I don't consider that old school art, it's something worse, much worse.

What I consider old school art would be Captain Harlock or something like that.


Rotoscoping is what happened. (cf Wikipedia)

It's a really really risky bet, but people are actually divided about this and some like it a lot and think it fits the story.

The manga author is quite excited about it, or so I heard.


I don't know because Aku no Hana is currently the lowest rated TV series in MAL so far. I know there will be few hipsters who would like it but........yeah.....not gonna watch this. If the author himself/herself like it, then i can't do anything about it.


I never like this kind of art, so no way I'm gonna start liking it now.

I feel like reading the manga more than watching the anime. The manga art is so much better than the anime. Maybe I'll pick up the manga some time.

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