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About this blog

Hello, I'm Hata and this is my blog where I talk about mostly visual novels and eroge that I play. There will also be a lot of meta commentary on the industry/scene and people in it (not gambs) and I'm basically going to write something every other day (no guarantees) - take it as a diary of sorts. The reason why this blog blatantly steals the "Disearnestly Disearnest" moniker that @Zakamuttonce used is unknown. I just thought it fits because I'm living a life full of distraction and whenever I can actually sit down to write something coherent that is more than a couple discord messages I can switch into focused mode and enjoy to have my fingers tapping away. 

I play pretty much everything should I finally get to it and eventually manage to click the "launch" button, so don't expect me to be picky. 

Entries in this blog

Reaching the End Sky of the Makura Community Drama

Apparently, today some people got upset that I made an innocent subtweet calling them "makura gatekeepers" celebrating the H2O FanTL which I was extremely sure would be commented on by them. It was @Koyomi_ who did so actually. Obviously, a few people started flocking there again to say how I'm racist and how their place is so much more open than ours. Frankly, I got extremely bored at the exchange and I'm going to suggest not talking about them again in public. In the end we should be


HataVNI in Diary entries

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