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Second August Update

Second bi-weekly update, and oh boy things happened since the last one. There's a lot to talk about, so buckle up your seatbelts.


Progress is steady, we made a new table to display it in our website, so goodbye the shitty one I did at the beggining, now it will show exact numbers and specific routes. You can check it out here:  https://lunatranslationstestsite.wordpress.com/projects-2/projects/progress/ . One of our translators is having some issues right now but he'll be back next week, so yeah, no problem about that.

Apart from that, here are the numbers:

13700 / 40208 (34.1%) Translated
7356 / 40208 (18.3%) Edited
4160 / 40208 (10.3%) TLC'ed 
5640 / 40208 (14.0%) Proofread
4298 / 40208 (10.7%) QC'ed (just the prologue; we probably won't be spinning up QC again for a while)

If you guys want  a more detailed summary of the progress in this project check out Fred's report here.

Witch's Garden

We decided to focus entirely on the common route as of now instead of dividing our forces in the existing routes. The common route has advanced a lot and it's now over the 50% mark and we will hopefully finish it soon, but yeah, until that happens that has been the only notable advancement in the project. All the other numbers have stayed relatively equal comparing the to last week's because we decided not to put much editing work yet. Sorry about it, but this is how it goes.

Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to.


(Raw, unedited sneak peek.)

This has been one of our newest projects, the team has been gathered and everyone is very active as of now. You can check out more detailed info about the entire team that is working on it in our website, but I'll still make a list of them here. Progress is going very quickly but steadily at the same time, members are motivated and things are going well regarding this front. Now I'll list the completion of scripts as of now (we're still building a way to get the progress in a % instead of script completion) and the members list:

Team Roster (This team is not final and is subjected to change)

  • Mitch (Leader/Translator) Status:Mitch's PC died like a week ago or so, so while he's out of the game, @Dergonu will cover his leadership. Mitch personally asked for him to do the task.
  • Octamatron (Translator)
  • Nohara (Translator)
  • Takeshira (Editor)
  • Archonoffail (Proofreader
  • Aizen-Sama (Coordinator)


Now, for the completion of the scripts as of now:

Translation - 45/146 scripts finished.

TLC - 18/146 completed (Prologue is almost finished!)

Editing - 1/146

Proofreading  - 0/146

 I'll complete the table in our website whenever I'm able to, because I don't really have that much time to do it right now. Expect bi-weekly news of this project as well from now on.

Tsui Yuri

For some of you this may come out as a surprise, for others not. That's right, Dergonu's team decided to join us yesterday after several talks we had over these past few weeks. If you want to know more about this just check Derg's post here, but for those who are lazy I'll just quote him here:

"So first of all, me and my team will be joining Luna Translations. Progress wise, this shouldn't mean much, (in fact it might pick up a bit, as we got some help from them to fill a few missing staff positions.)

For those wondering why, I just really like the way they do things over there, and after having spoken with their leader for quite some time, I decided to join forces with their group. So yeah, not much will change really, but we are now officially a part of Luna Translations! (Hey, this means we'll finally have a progress page outside of Fuwa!)"

I'll briefly disect this statements. First of all, we filled the positions of QC, Beta Testing and TLC as Dergonu asked for us to do. And yes, very soon we'll insert his project as one of ours in our website, just like the other three that we have right now. Personally, it's a pleasure to have him on our team and he'll be a great addition to our ranks.

The Team

  • Dergonu (Leader/Translator)
  • Meatbun (Editor)
  • Shiruve (TLC)
  • Archonoffail (QC)
  • TamakiSakura (Beta Testing)
  • Aizen-Sama (Coordinator)

The progress as of now (copy-pasted from Derg's thread of the project):

Translated: 100% (26/26)
Edited: 100% (26/26)
QCed: 0% (0/26)

Translated: 100% (1662/1662)
Edited: 100% (1662/1662)
QCed: 0% (0/1662)

Translated: 14% (306/2183)
Edited: 13% (277/2183)
QCed: 0% (0/2183)

Translated: 100% (2001/2001)
Edited: 100% (2001/2001)
QCed: 0% (0/2001)

Translated: 68% (3995/5872)
Edited: 68% (3966/5872)
QCed: 0% (0/5872)

Last but not least, I want to briefly talk about Hanasaki Work Spring. Long story short, we got a very serious warning saying that if we didn't stop we could get into legal trouble. Basically, we got a Cease and Desist (C&D) so sadly all efforts regarding this project have been stopped as of now. Sorry to everyone who followed us because of Hanasaki.

Anyways, that's all for this update, as always if you have any questions just post them either in our website or here.

Have a nice week everybody, and until next time.



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