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  1. fuyopon

    Fuwanovel Confessions

    I haven't said anything here in a while, so let's see... Confession: I like when things are "way too artsy", even if sometimes the meaning can get a little lost. I don't want it to completely butcher the story, but most of the times people are just too conservative abt these things! Confession 2: I found a lot of the maggot guro scenes in Maggot Baits hot
    1 point
  2. JackJeanne JackJeanne is a special Otome Game written and illustrated by Tokyo Ghoul's Ishida Sui and it's everything I wanted it to be! My heart broke with the cancelation of Act-Age and A3! (English Version) so I had a mighty need of more theater fiction. Combine my desire for theater and otome games and anyone can see why JackJeanne had my entire focus despite drowning in games. I started with Suzu's Route and I took 1,5 weeks for it lol JackJeanne is just super long for an otome game (4-6 hours per route is what I'm used from Otomate). I really enjoy the preparations for the plays, finding out what kind of story we get to see this time and who will play who. Everyone doing their best learning their character, thinking about their role in the play and feeling like you're not good enough. When it comes to the plays themself, I like the Fall Performance for the quality acting and the Winter Performance for the feelings it gave me the most. The Univeil Performance was quite something too tho! Especially since it will differ in every route. I also enjoy when the "Girl protag pretends to be a boy" tropes come into play. Suzu catching feelings for his bro not knowing Kisa's a girl and the comedy that follows. It get's even funnier once he knows lol It's also funny how worried Kisa get's about hiding her gender when she absolutely has nothing to worry about. Rhodonite is femboy central and has boys much more feminine than she is! I can't wait to see how the other routes will go! I think I'm most curious about Neji and Kai. Neji for being a hot mess who really get's under everyone's skin. And Kai since I really sympathize with him. He's a good guy who deserves more than he usually get's. I want a happy end for him! I think I can already recommend JackJeanne to anyone who likes stories about making a play, stories about pretending to be a gender you're not and if you like femboys lol
    1 point
  3. I've uploaded a patch file with the current progress of the patch. Has the last two merge requests from @WaifusAndSyrup and @WJHB so Keika should be mostly translated and everything up to WJHB's last merge are ready to be played. Thanks for the work on this guys! Let me know if there are any issues with this patch file. If there are, I can see to fixing it. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1096073356119396352/1123128321308369068/data6.pack
    1 point
  4. I think you have synesthesia
    1 point
  5. Looks like shitposting is back on the menu, bois!
    1 point
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