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Mugi last won the day on August 26 2019

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About Mugi

  • Birthday 09/30/1996

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  • Location
    : Bed
  • Interests
    Hentai, Anime, Manga, Visual Novels, Persona

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Fuwa Elite

Fuwa Elite (8/11)



  1. Am a good 10 hours or so into Bethly's route, and according to Trip that's not even halfway through the HS portion of her route. Keeping in mind i'm a relatively quick reader this is kind of crazy, i'm assuming it'll take me a little under 30 hours at least to finish this route alone. And it's not even the longest in the game... I'm excited
  2. Lalter for waifu value and buster memes
  3. GOT SUMMER CARMILLA WITH MONTHLY TICKETS AAAH Now the only one i'm missing is Okita For what it's worth, she is about as rare as a seasonal servant since she comes around about as often
  4. Several singles later, summer Lartoria is now NP2 and I finally got cash money pingu Melt. Today was good
  5. Did a few singles for Melt, can't pull rateup 4* to save my life but this is fine too
  6. Perfectly fine MC. I like him about as much as I like Ryou from HoshiOri, and way better than Yuuma from Hatsukoi. Going to have to actually play through at least one route before any feelings are set in stone, but he's got the potential to be the best protag TW has churned out.
  7. Just started playing Gin'iro, Haruka. Enjoying it quite a bit so far, hoping it turns out to be as good as HoshiOri and can't wait for the first route in a couple weeks. Will probably reread something in the meantime after finishing this common route.
  8. Did some singles to try and get Carmilla, ended up joining the NP2 Musashi club instead
  9. 90 SQ, 17 tickets, one summer Osaka, and an Enkidu later
  10. Maintenance has begun. Have 17 tickets, 300 quartz, and a dream. Though I think i'll just do tickets for part 1, ended up blowing all my funds on part 1 last year and missed out on B.B and Medb
  11. I decided to throw a ticket at her since I didn't have an SSR rider yet
  12. I'm glad you can understand the greatness that is Shuten Now you just have to wait for the Halloween event that gives her as a welfare servant
  13. Talking less about VN Kickstarters and more about Kickstarters for games in general.
  14. Another kickstarter inevitably bites the dust. Shame, I wanted to try this out pretty badly
  15. The perfect attitude to have when seeking help
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