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Forgetful Frank reacted to Kurisu-Chan in What Video Games Are You Playing Right Now?
I'd say one thing, playing the OG .hack was a lot of fun, especially with all the tributes to the series .hack//G.U gives us.
Forgetful Frank got a reaction from Kenshin_sama in What Video Games Are You Playing Right Now?
I'm glad I was able to make you aware of it! I've never played the other .hack games myself, I ended up watching LP's on YouTube, but I'm really enjoying Last Recode so far. I can't wait to start Vol.3!
Yup! I've been doing everything so far, I 100% Vol.1 and almost Vol.2, the only thing I had left to do was get just one last monster, but for whatever reason, it doesn't show up in the area this guide told me to go to. I don't think it matters that much however, since I still managed to max out the Book of 1000 without getting the last monster.
Forgetful Frank reacted to Weiterfechten in Hey
Might be more courteous to introduce myself before getting too caught up in the current of comments, eh? Hello everyone, I am Weiterfechten and have been reading VNs since 2015 (hence the reason this account is older than me writing on here). Since I started reading VNs I have been trying to learn Japanese (well, that was harder than expected) and I am currently just starting out to read VNs in JP, which is also the reason why I am getting back to using this account. My alltime favourite VNs would probably be at the moment: Symphonic Rain, G-Senjou no Maou or Fate Stay Night. I don't have anything more interesting to say.
Forgetful Frank reacted to Acrylic7 in Hello
Hello everyone.
My nickname is Acrylic7. I come from South East Asia country. Recently I have been visual novel lovers. I have played G Senjou No Maou, Ever17, Sunrider Liberation Day, Muv Luv and Muv Luv Alternative, Clockwork Ley Line, Sorcery Jokers, Miniature Garden, First Trip To Nippon, Stay Stay DPRK, Root Double, Fault Milestone, Memory Dogma, World End Economica, Ace Academy, Marginal Rain, Confine of Crown, Lucid9, Cinderella Phenomenon.
Nice to know you all.
Sorry my English is bad.
Forgetful Frank reacted to VirginSmasher in Would you still continue reading VNs if, starting from today, all H-scenes were banned?
We can't associate with each other anymore.
That's already what I do with VNs so it wouldn't really make a difference.
Forgetful Frank reacted to Kenshin_sama in What Video Games Are You Playing Right Now?
Some time ago, I started a .hack marathon to rewatch and replay everything in the franchise, but I ended up getting stuck at Another Birth. I think I'll have to give that one a drop since it only seems to be a retelling of the original 4 games from a different perspective.
GU is half the reason I became so engrossed with .hack in the first place. I can't wait to pick it up again once I finish everything leading up to it.
Forgetful Frank reacted to arkamsoft in Hi!! a little late for introductions
Hi! My name is Crisis beat, I´m an artist (more like a hentai artist) and I'm wrting from the account of a group of people that love to draw and play games XD.
we just finished our first adult V.N, but we have played some adult and not adult V.N in the past (Danganronpa, hana no Uta, Katawa shoujo and starting Doki Doki L C)
We also love Jrpgs (and i have played more of them than V.N) like Dragon Quest, Legend of Mana, Musashi, Vagrant Story, all Final fantasy (almost all Squaresoft square/Enix) and Golden Sun, Shin megami tensei, Zelda etc
I work as an animator here in my country Colombia, but on nights i work as a commision artist (most of time for NSFW art)
it's an honor to meet you all!
Forgetful Frank got a reaction from AaronIsCrunchy in The FuwaSpammers Discord server! (now with more sodium)
I am so honoured! The spam dungeon is my home after all~
But for the record, I finally found that stupid item in that game, after spending over 400k in cleaning out the shop every time I went there.
I am still so
Forgetful Frank got a reaction from Chewy in The FuwaSpammers Discord server! (now with more sodium)
I am so honoured! The spam dungeon is my home after all~
But for the record, I finally found that stupid item in that game, after spending over 400k in cleaning out the shop every time I went there.
I am still so
Forgetful Frank got a reaction from DarkZedge in The FuwaSpammers Discord server! (now with more sodium)
I am so honoured! The spam dungeon is my home after all~
But for the record, I finally found that stupid item in that game, after spending over 400k in cleaning out the shop every time I went there.
I am still so
Forgetful Frank reacted to AaronIsCrunchy in The FuwaSpammers Discord server! (now with more sodium)
I love how @Forgetful Frank is in all but one of those posts.
He is, after all, an integral part of our FuwaSpammer experience
Forgetful Frank reacted to DarkZedge in The FuwaSpammers Discord server! (now with more sodium)
It's that time again! As we've done in the past every so often we post an invite for our server so that those who wish to join our now over one year old server can do so. While we're well aware we are not the "Official Fuwanovel Server", there are still reasons to join our "niche server" (now boasting almost a hundred members!).
Our amazing logo made by @Arcadeotic <3
Link: https://discord.gg/wU3M6u6
Reasons to join this server Where to start??
1) We're a more laid back community (Vn talks, animu talks and so on)
2) Occasional voice chats
3) A karaoke every so often (sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly, depends on demand)
4) A privately hosted Nadeko bot so we have flowers (gamble responsibly, don't be like @Kiriririri)
But it's not enough to convince you just by telling you about it, right? Well here's some interactions to expect:
- We've got Brits!
- We've got edge!
- We've got depression!
- But we also have love
This group is run by @Arcadeotic and Myself as it was born from one of our old pm groups on Fuwanovel so you can feel at home!
Link: https://discord.gg/wU3M6u6
Credits to : @HMN @Zakamutt @VirginSmasher @Asonn @AaronIsCrunchy @Forgetful Frank @Kiriririri @Chewy and all the love to them for appearing in the images above with complete consent (not really)
Forgetful Frank reacted to Veldrinne in Douzo Yoroshiku!
Hi everyone! n_n
i find it really warm and cozy that you guys have a board for this!
So, I'm Vel from Venezuela. Designer, Illustrator, Game developer and procrastinator extraordinaire!
Good vibes for everyone!
Forgetful Frank reacted to AstralSword in Hey everyone!
I am sorry I did not come here from the start.
Translator, gamer, so so archer and above all, VN lover at your service. Pleased to meet you all.
---Takes hat off
Forgetful Frank reacted to pahncake in Hello World ~
Hi everyone, I'm glad to be able to be part of this community, since it seems rather cool and warmhearted! ^^
I'm Pahn, also known as pahncake and I come from France. I've got half of my blood Japanese/Korean and therefore have grown a particular interest for Asian culture (Not just anime omfg). :3
Writer, Designer, Polyglot but most importantly Dank memer , I newly introduced myself to VN's and quite enjoyed my time spent on those so...
Pleased to meetcha!
Forgetful Frank reacted to VirginSmasher in 1500 posts of wasted time and EOP elitism. (Ask me about stuff)
Not with your history.
Forgetful Frank reacted to Kurisu-Chan in What Video Games Are You Playing Right Now?
.hack//G.U is pretty good at motivating you to advance, be it for.
Forgetful Frank reacted to VirginSmasher in 1500 posts of wasted time and EOP elitism. (Ask me about stuff)
Goddamn. It took me over 2 and a half years to get to this mark after taking 5 months to get to 1000. Well, I guess I'll explain my story on this site again for all of those people who didn't recognize me from my early days. I arrived on this site in October of 2015 as a guy who didn't have any clue about the community in general. Over time, I posted way too much for any normal human being and that caused me to be recruited by former shitposter @Dergonu and along with the now forum-dead NTR queen @CeruleanGamer, we formed this spammer group and it's grown into a public Discord since that PM group was formed back in January of 2016. Along the way, I grew more elitist and cynical for the VN community and this was mainly triggered by Noble Works, the worst VN to ever be read by human eyes. Then I left for like 2 years from this site as it was becoming quite dead, at least to me. I came back and started posting again in January of this year and hopefully, I stick around to shitpost/give my opinions to others for a while longer.
Now time to be an annoyance and mention random people I like (in a hetero way).
@Dergonu - You may be a nazi mod now, but I still remember when you were a spammer just like me. Keep being shitty with your taste for me.
@DarkZedge - We basically don't agree on anything besides Kara no Shoujo, but you're still a cool neko lover and you're just as cynical as me, so that's good.
@Arcadeotic - The original serious poster. I still can't forgive you for ruining Gahkthun for me, but I still expect an overly semi-serious post about this.
@Kawasumi - Trap lover, trap in general, and a person with good taste in VNs.
@HMN - The best male alive. Glad to have you in the Anti Moege Task Force and as a fellow Kyonyuucon.
@Kiriririri - The worst taste in this community. Keep that in your moemory. Just kidding, good luck on your fruitless mod quest.
@AaronIsCrunchy - My favourite british metalhead, even if I have no clue what your taste in VNs is at this point.
@Flutterz - The second best thing about the Fuwachat, compared to DemonSabre.
@Funnerific - You may not like a lot of my favourite VNs, but we can relate in G-Senjou no Maou, so that's good enough.
@Zakamutt - A fellow elitist and hater of most translations. Finish Himawari already.
@greenshadow622 - You and I were allies in the headpat bans of 2017 and we will forever be bonded by that.
@Nintaidou - Thank you for showing me all of those kyonyuu nukige. They were...appreciated.
@madvanced - Fellow portuguese man, so that's enough to be cool with you. I have no clue about anything else though, besides that you meme.
@Forgetful Frank - Here's some advice for life. Actually finish a VN before picking up 3 more. It'll help you to like certain VNs more.
@Ayana - The guy with the most similar taste to mine. Shame you can't be online to talk more often, but the conversations are pretty cool.
@Asonn - My favourite toddlercon and hater of most VNs.
@Barry Benson - My favourite spanish bee. It's always fun shitting on TL companies and shitposting together. Also, I'm pretty sure you have 18 weeks to TL Tenkiame now.
@Kaguya - My favourite mod currently. I don't agree with a lot of your philosophies, but I can at least understand them. Plus, having a conversation with you leads to...interesting things happening.
@SpinningShiat - You're gay. (This is what you wanted, right?)
Finally, I'll mention all the new people who I'm not entirely familiar with on this site since I left. People like @Thatcomicguy, @Zander, @Plk_Lesiak, @MaggieROBOT, @Ranzo, @Dreamysyu, and others. I'll recruit you guys into my spammer cult eventually.
And that's all from me today. Just a reminder that you can ask me anything or roast me or whatever you want to do on this post. Here's to reaching 2000 posts in a reasonable amount of time.
Forgetful Frank reacted to Kurisu-Chan in What Video Games Are You Playing Right Now?
@Forgetful Frank
Forgetful Frank got a reaction from Kurisu-Chan in What Video Games Are You Playing Right Now?
I'm currently trying to finish my playthrough of GOD EATER 2: RAGE BURST and .hack//G.U. Last Recode but I just can't find the motivation to finish them currently. I wanna' get some new games to play like Blue Reflection, but I need to finish them two first...
Forgetful Frank reacted to VirginSmasher in What are you playing?
Just like Forgetful Frank to forget he's reading 6 VNs at once and then goes and starts 3 more.
Forgetful Frank reacted to NowItsAngeTime in IMHHW snow presents translation project
I'd love to find a team who's willing to translate Flight Diary before Snow Presents.
I want mah Hotaru and Kanako routes!
Forgetful Frank reacted to Thyndd in How do you read VNs?
LOL that image must be priceless.
I usually just sit in front of the computer and play. Sometimes if what I'm playing doesn't require much focusing I can do some elliptical, but I usually watch anime while doing that.
Forgetful Frank got a reaction from Okarin in Ever Imagine your in a VN?
Nope, but back in school, I remember every night while I was in bed getting to sleep, I'd imagine myself and friends from school in some awesome MMO similar to .hack//Sign. It was a lot of fun