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Everything posted by shirayuki75

  1. Thank you all for your wonderful quotes! All Most of them were enlightening and made me so proud to be a reader of visual novels and an anime fan. I'm done with this class, and high school in general; I'll be graduating in a few days! Once again, thank you all for helping me this year.
  2. Ouch! This isn't anime-related, but "Humans of New York" on Facebook has a ton of great images and quotable stories. Please keep contributing to this thread, though!
  3. That sounds pretty neat. Thanks! Wow, that's cool. Thanks! Lovely. Haha, thanks! These are really fascinating perspectives. Thanks! Both from Danganronpa. LOL. Thanks! Interesting. Thanks!
  4. LOL. Thanks! Mmm hmm. Thanks! Yeah. Really need to read Higurashi someday. Thanks! Talk about extreme, haha. Thanks (for the new vocabulary as well)! My sentiments exactly. Thanks!
  5. Hi everyone, it's the second semester, so please help me fill my quote book again! Oh, Komari. Your voice is insufferable, but you do say the nicest things sometimes. Feeling a bit pessimistic, are we? Haha. These lines are written beautifully. Makes me want to read Katawa Shoujo. Same as the above. Even the first one is just amazing in its brevity. Wow, so many Katawa Shoujo quotes! I live by these words, actually. Indeed. Thanks!
  6. Route-Based: A Certain Magical Index. As much as I love this series, Kamachi needs to develop his characters more. Bring on the character routes! Fruits Basket Ouran High School Host Club Linear (Higurashi/Umineko Style): Boogiepop Kagerou Days Pandora Hearts All three of these mess with time conventions and would benefit from extra narration and music.
  7. I started with Planetarian. It was boring and I dropped it after three hours. Then I tried Little Busters, since I was watching the anime. It was okay, but I wasn't interested in reading about the characters fooling around (read: common route = no plot, no story) for 16 hours, especially since I had already experienced some of it through the anime. After the first season, I finished it and twas amazing. My first official VN, then, would be Rewrite. That was amazing; there was a dynamic story and an awesome cast of characters. Tonokawa's routes blew, though. I didn't know how routes worked, so I thought I was on a route on the calendar days, but then a black screen showed up saying, "KOTORI." In other words, I felt like I had spent an unusually large amount of time (60 hours), but it was worth it! I mean, it was better than the 60 hours I spent on Final Fantasy XIII. I haven't played Fate/stay night, but my friend couldn't get past the beginning.
  8. Yeah, I know. I just got too excited. Although the Ace Attorney one is sad for me because
  9. From the three VNs that I've read: Rewrite Kotori's route: Little Busters! Mio's route: Refrain: Umineko Episode 2: Episode 3: Episode 4: Episode 8: Oh, and I guess Phoenix Wright counts as well. Trials and Tribulations:
  10. Yes! Thank you! Awesome. I love ZnT. No, this is great.
  11. Thanks!
  12. I reference my posts when I come back to write down the quotes. Quotes in quote boxes do not show up, unfortunately. Thank you!
  13. So psyched! But I've resolved not to play it until I'm done with college apps. Sigh. Oh well, at least it'll be a nice award; it'll be like having already finished college and becoming a lawyer.
  14. This one is interesting. Thanks! Thanks! But who is Ripples? Yes. I like all of those quotes. If you have any more, can you write them outside of quote boxes? Thanks!
  15. I don't think that memories define people. As Kamijou Touma says in Index Volume 16, "'Though I can't remember the events from before, even so, it is because of them I'm able to stand here. The 'me' from the past still motivates the 'me' that can't remember anything today. What he left behind isn't in the 'head', but in the 'heart'. So, it doesn't matter if I can't remember, I still understand what I need to do.'" Basically, it's kind of like muscle memory. Yeah, I prefer to think practically about things. Then what about Schrodinger's cat? Or is that not a physical paradox?
  16. Yup. Thanks! Oh, man. I love all of these. Haha. But no, you're not a masochist! I understand your feelings. Everybody has really helped me out, and entertained me at the same time. Thanks for contributing once again! Crying.
  17. Does that really appear in the story? Well, I'm now a believer in Grisaiaism. Rewrite <3. I love all of these, although Hachiman must be a pessimistic character. And thank you for finding the authors for me. Feel free to post the others that you have! Even though I might not use them, I'm interested in reading them. Yeah, ironic.
  18. I guess badass onee-chan types like Akane and Kurugaya. But my favorite VN character is Beatrice, and I have no idea what she is.
  19. These are beautiful; I love the unique phrasings of their messages. Thank you so much.
  20. Wow, I didn't expect this thread to blow up in this past week! Thank you all. With this batch, I've reached my quota of 50 quotes for this semester, but I'm still going to save up for next semester, so please keep them coming. I would write this, but quotes with similar messages have already been posted. Thanks for the contribution, though! The first quote is interesting. I wonder if it'll ever apply to me in the future. And the second one is so true; words are powerful. I'll just put "anon" as the source, unless you have a more official one. At first, I thought this was going to be existential, but I'm glad it isn't. Thanks! That deepness doh. It hasn't been posted yet because the people here have been so cooperative. Thank you all! Yes! There's definitely some cool stuff in Code Geass. I'm glad that you pointed them out to me. These will take a toll on my hands to write out, but thank you! I'll pass on this, since I can't relate to it, but thanks! It's so profound that the VN should be called The Profoundness of the Grisaia. This made me laugh, though. Thanks! Yeah, it's a hard struggle. I myself don't cherish the past enough. Indeed. But like with the other post, this message has already shown up on some of the quotes, so I won't use this. But thank you!
  21. You might think that kinetic novels translate to mere novels, but they're not really that. Great writers will use the visual novel medium to their fullest; it's just that they'd rather not write a route-based story. For example, Ryukishi07's Umineko no Naku Koro ni can't be written in any other medium other than the visual novel. Yes, there is a manga and anime, but its indescribable awesome can only be found in the sound novel. Why is this? Because the elements of a VN are used to their fullest; R07 had a vision that couldn't be written in a mere novel. He used the visual and audio aspects to create characters and show battles that would have been difficult to describe on paper alone, and evoked intense emotions through the breathtaking and intense music. He had a vision that could have only been seen through the visual novel, but that vision didn't have routes in it. And thus, another kinetic novel was born. tl;dr I love Umineko. Route-based/decision-based visual novels have their own charm; the ability to see different consequences is attractive (and it removes most fan fiction, not that FF is bad). It allows the writer to show what he can't otherwise. But, as I explained above, kinetic novels have their own functions. It's just that not many stories call for the kinetic novel. Writers need to carefully consider if their stories call for the VN medium. For nakige, you might argue that writers are bad if they have to rely on music to supplement their stories. I would argue that if your goal is to create a game that makes people bawl, then visual novels are the way to go. That is why there are stories like planetarian that can be written as novels, but are visual novels instead because their purpose is to be a crying game.
  22. This is a really neat post that I can imagine appearing in a visual novel literary journal if there was one! haha. I agree with your ideas, but the placement of Kud's and Mio's routes is interesting to discuss. Kud wonders about what she could have done better in the past, and strikes a deal with another power to free herself from those chains (bargaining). But then again, while she is in chains, she worries about her friends that she is leaving behind (depression). Mio, on the other hand, makes preparations to say goodbye to Midori as a physical existence (depression). You can argue that Mio's disappearance and all is kind of a deal with a higher being (bargaining). I don't have a clear answer, but I love the new perspective that your analysis brings to LB!
  23. I have only read Rewrite and LB; the two routes that I liked the most from each were Akane's and Mio's, respectively. If I had to choose, Mio's route trumps Akane's because it is beautifully written and poignant; Akane's has more of a mainstream appeal with all of the action. I can't deny the neat messages in Akane's route, but Mio's packs a punch in a more subtle way. To put it pompously, Mio's route would likely live on into the future as "literature," assuming that visual novels will ever become validated as such.
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