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Steve last won the day on July 1

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About Steve

  • Birthday 05/25/1991

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  • Location
    Colorful World
  • Interests
    lolis, mare, shinku

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  • Visual Novel Database (VNDB)

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Fuwa Master

Fuwa Master (10/11)



  1. Hey Steve it has been a looooong time. I hope you're doing well and that you'll visit us here again :D

  2. I hope everything's going well for you Steve.


  4. would you say the posters should Cease & Desist any inflammatory posting activity or face the almighty Ban Hammer? (c&d brings back sad memories) Btw Kenin, you missed luch's birthday http://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/896-birthday-thread/page-51#entry305162 Hop on TS to rectify your mistake.
  5. But that's not what this is at all, games depicting racism are exactly that, they are just depicting racism not encouraging it nor fighting against it, they just depict it just like it happens in the world. Same way games can depict wars just like they happen, people murdering each other just like it happens. It doesn't mean you do those things. Besides comparing a hate towards a specific race or group of people to a consensual love that usually happens in the regular moege is not a good thing. Sure encouragement of rape and such is banned but that already is banned as well even while I was around. But this really is comparing hate with love.
  6. Yeah yeah, but I don't think laws in the US forbids the discussion. Images sure but as I said those were banned ages ago right after I left and there was nobody to defend the ban. But for text, there are still books about real child sex sold in the US so it must be fine. 2d girls are kinda like different species so its even more distant but I guess when having the discussions like we did about which H scene was good from oniichan sharing, it can come out sounding like its a 3d girl if someone reads it out of context... which is still not banned in the US as far as I know.
  7. Maybe its not problem with me nor you, but the country you live in, the article in my first post is a prime example. But lets not get into politics There are none but hey, our galleries are filled with much more 3d looking naked children and its fine xD So I guess people here understand that art is art, videogames are videogames and can be part of art and freedom of speech is kinda important (after we didn't have it for like half a century). So I guess its not as terrible country as I think it is, but still Luchland seems much better xD
  8. No, that has been banned like a week after l left my admin post, I even got all of my images deleted xD What is now being banned is the DISCUSSION. But hey, freedom of speech is for losers!
  9. Btw the definition of loli from dictionary is: Loli noun 1. A girl Steve considers to be a loli. We've had lot of discussion about this since some people call girls that are not lolis a loli, I wonder if there will be some judge on fuwa who will always have to contact me to ask if the girl in question is or isn't a loli Well anyways, I've shared my opinion so people who wanted it can read it and GL to members of fuwa on not getting your posts deleted. But yeah, Aaeru would be so happy to see that even text form of speech is being censored now
  10. Happy birthday to luch, the best former moderator on fuwanovel!
  11. Actually if you can hop on TS I can tell you more about it, its actually coming pretty well despite me only being able to focus on it so little (goal only few % reached). I reworked lot of the base script too as I got better at everything. Look forward to it but probably like 2016.
  12. Well the main difference now is that this is no graphical material or images, like sure i can understand catering to underaged users of the website etc by not allowing 18+ content like hentai images, sucks but its fine. But censorship of written text?!
  13. I think that idea is kidna similar to the game Hatred that came out recently, its kinda a bad game though but had these controversies because people didn't realize its just a game xD
  14. Yeah HS eroge is usually 2nd year which is 16, so kouhai heroines are like 15 and senpai heroines like 17.
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