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Ariurotl last won the day on February 1 2023

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About Ariurotl

  • Birthday 01/01/1982

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    St. Petersburg, Russia

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  1. I don't have the foggiest idea whether utsuge just generally sell worse than most (especially when made by a company that was never exactly among the top names) but to me it's not that it's an utsuge (I love me some depressing VNs) but more that it's not a particularly good one. The "true" route is the only one that's more or less good (even if it is exceedingly contrived), the rest vary from just about okay to plain bad. I haven't the energy or the enthusiasm to get into a review mode but at points it felt like it was written by an alien who has only a very faint idea of human psychology. But hey, at least I was pleasantly surprised when it had And the worst points of it were
  2. Read Bokuten about a month ago, the first VN in years for me. Sadly, it wasn't great and I can totally see why it near-bankrupted Overdrive. Gave it a generous 6/10.
  3. Frankly shocked that this place is still going. (and yes, this is my first post in 3.5 years)
  4. First VN I ever played: Pro Lesring Ring-Out!! What I thought about it: I didn't.
  5. Except for Love Saga, which is one of the laziest routes ever.
  6. I'm old.
  7. I seek the Holy Grail. ... What? Someone had to say it.
  8. I think it's extremely generous to call Rise a tsundere, cause that implies she has a personality.
  9. It's the Shuffle! school of script writing.
  10. I hope you're sorry!
  11. Wait, Grisaia was up against Clannad? All my lols. I can't possibly tell which one I dislike more. It's probably Clannad tho. Grisaia is not quite as bad. On the other hand, Clannad has this small bit of After Story which is actually pretty great... argh.
  12. Yeah, out of the 4 remaining titles I vaguely dislike two and haven't read the other two. #shittasteconfirmed EDIT: Oh, and they're arranged in such way that I can't even vote for any of them, cause the two I have read are in the different semi-finals.
  13. The original anime was based on Saber's route, the UBW movie and the UBW anime were based on Rin's route. There's a movie in development (I think, not really paying too much attention) based on Sakura's route. Either way, I think there's enough content in the VN to justify reading it if you like the franchise.
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