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Hoshizora no Memoria: Eternal Heart Translation Project


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Q: When will it be done?

A: Once Mare walks the earth.


Q: Will there be a partial patch?

A: Yes.


Q: What will be included in the partial patch?

A: Everything that is ready by the time Mare route is done.


Q: Will you also translate _____ route?

A: Yes, every route will be translated.


Q: Who is the best girl in the whole world?

A: There are 2, Mare and Shinku.




Update 2015


Mare route translated and readable, hacking done. We are however aiming for perfection.

Therefore Mare re-TL/TLC ongoing, busy main translator schedule.

High JP knowledge person would be appreciated to split some work with main TL.




Update June 2014




Mare H needs to be translated from scratch.

Mare Route editing is about 75% done.


Some side routes are almost ready.

Planning for Yume.




Update April 2014:




Mare H scenes complete!

Mare Route is in the editing, once that is done there will be a partial patch.


Side routes that are somehow done will be included in the patch, all except Chinami has translation but some will still require TLC and editing.



Update March 2014:




Mare H scenes 1150/1200, Mare route is being edited.




Update February 2014:




H scenes are being translated, 650/1200, after that is done, there will be final editing run and Mare route partial patch will be ready to ship :)




Update January 2014






Mare 100% TL, going through TLC

Mare H 0%

Miniroutes 100%, needs TLC

Yume inconsistent progress



Huge thanks to our new addition to the team, group of 3 friends Ren, Arisa-san and Ashley who for the love or Mare decided to join and help us with all TL, TLC and Editing.




Update August 2013





Mare After Story: 35% TL, 30% TLC, 0% Edit
Mare H: 0%

Yume After Story: 15% TL
Yume H: 0%

Asuho Short Story: 100% TL, 100% TLC, 100% Edit
Asuho H: 20% TL

Kosame Short Story: 100% TL, 100% TLC, 0% Edit
Kosame H: 100% TL, 100% TLC, 0% Edit

Komomo Short Story: 100% TL, 100% TLC
Komomo H: 100%TL, 100% TLC, 0% Edit

Remaining Short Stories: untouched

so total I would say like 30%

Current team:

Mephisto: Main TL - currently on college after doing 30% of Mare
OtonashiP: Main TL, TLC - currently working on Mare, finished Kosame and Komomo

Boomer: Main Edit - currently editing Kosame, finished editing Asuho

Seihai: TLC, H-scene TL - currently TLCing few lines, then hopefully Mare H-scenes
Secchan: Asuho TL - will finish Asuho H when the time is right
Defend: Yume TL - slowly working on it
Antiq: TL - no update from him

Several other editors: currently no job, I'm trying to spread something to edit to them



Original status on June 12 in spoiler:



Ok, due to high demand for EH translation, I found what the current situation about EH translation is and I will try to coordinate the team (in other words: "I cant do anything myself so I will find people to do it for me").

The current situation is as follows.

Mare After Story: prologue translated, ~200 lines from route, currently on hold till July
Yume After Story: prologue translated, currently stalled, original translator doing manga work
Asuho Short Story: ~90% translated by Secchan, - 1% edited
Remaining 4 Short Stories: untouched
estimated total progress is about 10%

The old team:
Oli: will resume in July for Mare, moving to Japan
TheDefend: currently doing manga TL, might come back later and resume Yume
Staircase assistant: will make patch once the scripts are done
3 QC

New additions:
Secchan: Asuho TL (promised to complete Asuho route later, will not work on other scripts)
Shcboomer: full editor - currently editing and inserting the lines from Seccan's excel sheet
Steve: PR, communication, recruitment - currently giving work to other people (also contacting all parties involved in the translation and writing this topic but that might as well count as not doing anything xD)

Needed positions:
Full Translators - preferably to help resume the current progress on Mare and Yume routes (maybe help the current translators with TL and ask them to only do TLC until they have more time), the short stories can be done later.
Editor - only if the translation progress kicks in so there is something to edit.


Info about the scripts:
They are originally all in a single txt file editable in Notepad++, they have been split to specific parts (currently Mare prologue, Mare route, Yume prologue, Asuho route, Asuho H-scene). You can split the parts of the scripts to only take the parts you want to translate (for example if you want to do Mare H scenes only).
If you decide to join, you will be given more info about how to do it, what to do with it and all that - easy.

So if you are interested, respond here in thread, PM me here on forums or email me at

[email protected]<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript">
/*  */</script>

I am dame ningen (or maybe uchuujin ohmy.gif) and I can't do anything myself, but I will try to ensure the best communication between all the parties in the project.

May the Mare be with you~

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Banzai to EH translation team!!! \(^ ^)/

I would LOVE to help as much as I can, but I can't as I have my hands tied up in RL work and also my Japanese ain't at a level high enough to translate (I'm still relying on the characters to speak to understand the kanjis and the sentence)

But you will have my full support as a fellow dame ningen (or uchuujin) Steve wink.gif

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I'm interested, however, first I want to know how is the translation process actually done? I mean I know that you extract the text and translate it, but what I want to know is the stuff shcboomer is doing. The things about Excel, script files, and other tools involved. Can anyone give me a link or info to guide me into this? :blink:

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TheDefend here. WHAT THE F-CK!? o_O

And if any1 wondering why i do this so slow, BLAME on that stupid TROLL EHTL. killed almost all of my motivation.

Incase someone wondering what manga im doing.

'Ore ga heroine blah3 title 2 long'

Original thread drama


Bullshit start from p15

Rage start from p17+

Also, Oli = Antiquity?

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TheDefend here. WHAT THE F-CK!? o_O

And if any1 wondering why i do this so slow, BLAME on that stupid TROLL EHTL. killed almost all of my motivation.

Incase someone wondering what manga im doing.

'Ore ga heroine blah3 title 2 long'

Original thread drama


Bullshit start from p15

Rage start from p17+

Also, Oli = Antiquity?

I see, some people are like that. Sucks that the main TL took over because your translation was 'inadequate', sometimes the VN translation community. On the bright side, with Steve in charge, it shouldn't be in that kind of an environment anymore. Thanks for posting about it btw, I never would have known otherwise.

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I'm interested, however, first I want to know how is the translation process actually done? I mean I know that you extract the text and translate it, but what I want to know is the stuff shcboomer is doing. The things about Excel, script files, and other tools involved. Can anyone give me a link or info to guide me into this? blink.gif

Hi, the stuff with the excel was there only because Secchan didn't have the scripts. I now have access to all the scripts so translation is possible with just simple txt file opened in notepad++.

I will open personal conversation with you on this forum so check it out.

TheDefend here. WHAT THE F-CK!? o_O

And if any1 wondering why i do this so slow, BLAME on that stupid TROLL EHTL. killed almost all of my motivation.

Incase someone wondering what manga im doing.

'Ore ga heroine blah3 title 2 long'

Original thread drama


Bullshit start from p15

Rage start from p17+

Also, Oli = Antiquity?

Hey TheDefend, you might want to move any discussion about the TL here, we deal with trolls pretty well xD I noticed in your thread stuff like "aaeru-fag" "aaeru machine translation" and other comments from the trolls there and so I didn't even bother reading the other people's comments.

Aaeru is the owner of this website and the blog and is doing excellent job. Some people just can't respect her for what she does (in her free time) and try to sabotage it. Its sad that VN translation community is like that (its enough reading few of the comments on vndb for games like DCIII, flyable heart, now even the EH english thread is like that xD).

You need to not worry about that stuff, the person doing the FH translation had it as his very first project and if the vndb people could they would probably exile him from the earth xD He now did his second project (kiminago) and is probably continuing translation work and improving his Japanese.

Whats the moral of the story: ignore trolls and normal consumers of you work will be much happier (that applies to everywhere, you can take vntl as youtube, there are always negative comments on videos but if you ignore them, you make much more regular watchers happy, just like if you finish translation, much more people will be happy and the trolls can go to hell. If you stop, you did exactly what the trolls wanted so you lose)

So after you deal with school and tests (that should be priority), I will be very glad if you decide to get back to this project smile.gif

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^Notepad++ work the best for opening script rather than windows default one (It screw everything)

tbh, my translation is pretty much partial machine (furigana reader)(I can barely read hiragana) then i just gutted the sentence part by part and crapload of dictionary. (also, EH fandisc had crapload of japanese idiom that just wont tl well to the english ;( )

And who is Oli?

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Well if you take enough time and you understand the grammar, there is nothing wrong with using machine translation lookup for the Kanji, they are difficult to read but not as hard to understand once read them.

I would definitely say that knowing grammar is much more important even for machine reading.

Oli = Antiquity

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Well if you take enough time and you understand the grammar, there is nothing wrong with using machine translation lookup for the Kanji, they are difficult to read but not as hard to understand once read them.

I would definitely say that knowing grammar is much more important even for machine reading.

Oli = Antiquity

I think grammar in japanese speech and sentence from 3rd person POV almost the same most of the time (with only differing context and kanji)

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I wouldn't know. Well anyway I will invite you to the personal convo so we can leave this for more related stuff like people interested etc.

Also on side note, I think Mephisto might be willing to help with Yume route after he is back from China so that could help too.

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Some additional info for translators and editors
- leave original Japanese line, write your translation on the line under it
- do not change the speaker name to English, it is there only for reference
- do not use Tilde (~) anywhere in the script.
- you can use the comment tag that was used in the first game, it would work like this:

You are my [older brother|oniichan] and I love you!

It would look something like this:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I promised to write status update today but I'm still waiting for one email reply so I will write it tomorrow or whenever I receive the reply :)

I changes nothing about the translation itself (which is progressing) but it is something readers will want to know so its better to wait :)

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Deleted some dialogue between me and Def as we moved it to PM to not flood this topic.

Update still coming, still waiting for the mail.

Just a single status is about 16% on mare, the remaining info will be mentioned later.

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