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List of VNs with official english release


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1 minute ago, bakauchuujin said:

Well I gues it wouldn't be that smart of an idea then.

State of release
50+ hours
50+ hours

Does this work on white background?

Yes. This is visible.

You can quickly change the theme of the forums on the 'Theme' button somewhere around the bottom of the forums screen. I use FuwaFabulous myself, but it seems like 3 have a black background and two have a white one.

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10 minutes ago, Mr Poltroon said:

Yes. This is visible.

You can quickly change the theme of the forums on the 'Theme' button somewhere around the bottom of the forums screen. I use FuwaFabulous myself, but it seems like 3 have a black background and two have a white one.

Well it seems like I can't really use tables from word on the site then, so I think I will just give up on the idea of putting the things in a table.

Edited by bakauchuujin
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I made a youtube video for the list just generally talking about it and how things are sorted on it. The video is just me talking while I use to list to showcase a few things, but it was somewhat fun to try to make a video. Maybe in the future I will try to make some other visual novel related video though at the moment I don't know that much about editing videos so they probably won't be that great regarding quality.

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9 hours ago, son1cman said:

Is there any studio in america that produce vn? i think this is a japonese trend

There's a lot of them, but mostly they're small teams. Studio Elan, PixelFade and Love in Space are notable, relatively large ones. 

Also, many of my favourite Western-produced VNs are made by solo devs like ebi-hime or Hanako Games. There's dozens of those. 

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As for the scoring, I guess I can say that VNDB is enough because it's what's most of us would use when it come to searching VNs. For more personal reason, after I find that Umineko Episode 8 score was at 58 I decided to not use it as factor when compiling best VNs anymore, and moreso they didn't focused much on all age VN (Usually that kind of VNs didn't have much votes to be trustworthy enough). So just keep using VNDB score only, and that what I think.

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I made this list almost 3 and a half years ago, making this list and maintaining it has taken a fair amount of effort, but for the most part I thought it wasn't too bad and updating it gave me a good insight into how scores on vndb would change after english releases and in general just a good overview of the official publishers of visual novels in english. However the last few months I really kind of stopped caring that much for this list and updating it became more of a chore. 

One reason is probably that I have been at this for quite a while about 3 and a half year is a fairly long time, the other being improvements to the visual novel database search functions, I recently made a video about these search functions and honestly I don't see the point in this list anymore. Especially now that you can search for producer/publisher on vndb and get things properly sorted rather than before where you could just get a chronological order of what they released.


Because of this I plan to stop updating this list, I will do my last updates for it this weekend, but after that I probably won't do further updates. I still see a point in the one for physical releases though and that takes way less effort so I will maintain that one.



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