Flutterz Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 I feel, that as long as there is a choice that affects the story, it's fine to have a walk-through for it. It, at least, doesn't hurt anything. But that means we should have a waltkhrough for Umineko, which has only 1 choice at the very end. And that seems silly to me. Sure it doesn't hurt anything, but it will most likely be a page that no one visits, because no one needs it.
solidbatman Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 But that means we should have a waltkhrough for Umineko, which has only 1 choice at the very end. And that seems silly to me. Sure it doesn't hurt anything, but it will most likely be a page that no one visits, because no one needs it. It should be left up to the mod's discretion. Obviously, the low choice VNs won't be used very much, but again, it doesn't hurt to have them. Umineko has only one choice, so a mod should quickly be able to say, "No, thats stupid, not approved." Saya no Uta has 3 that all affect the story, so if I were a mod, I'd say, "This is borderline, but fine." Then again, I've never actually done a walk through. Only formatted a couple early on.
Tom Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 Take the download link into consideration, doesnt hurt to have them so ppl will most likely visit those still even if not for the purpose of the actual walkthrough
Flutterz Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 It should be left up to the mod's discretion. Obviously, the low choice VNs won't be used very much, but again, it doesn't hurt to have them. Umineko has only one choice, so a mod should quickly be able to say, "No, thats stupid, not approved." Saya no Uta has 3 that all affect the story, so if I were a mod, I'd say, "This is borderline, but fine." Then again, I've never actually done a walk through. Only formatted a couple early on. Saya only has 2 choices and 3 endings. I think it should be based on whether a person can conceivably get stuck, and I don't think any person who is intelligent enough to read will get stuck as to what to pick in Saya. Take the download link into consideration, doesnt hurt to have them so ppl will most likely visit those still even if not for the purpose of the actual walkthrough If someone wants a download link, they won't search for "saya no uta walkthrough", they'll most likely search for "saya no uta download" and google will give them 2 download links at the very top of the page.
Nosebleed Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 It's not like these rules will really restrict walkthroughs that much. I simply suggested a minimum amount of choices. In my opinion even 5 choices is too little but regardless I think it's fair enough considering your average medium VN. Less than 5 choices are either really short VNs where you can't really get stuck in or just straight up Nukiges. I have a walkthrough for all the SonoHana games in a txt file. I could make 11 walkthroughs with just that. But I won't because they range from 3 to 5 choices at most and I don't think it's worth a walkthrough considering it's a VN you're fapping to done with in less than 2 hours with no real difficulty.
Guest Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 I don't think it's an issue as long a such short walkthroughs don't get counted in the award system. Because that would be allowing grinding, and I think we want to avoid that. And maybe they won't be much use (expect for the DL link) but they don't cause any problem. There were no WT, now there is.
Tom Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 thats fine if it doesnt count for a walkthrough for the badges (like i said already in the saya thread, im basically repeating myself here)
Flutterz Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 I don't think it's an issue as long a such short walkthroughs don't get counted in the award system. Because that would be allowing grinding, and I think we want to avoid that. And maybe they won't be much use (expect for the DL link) but they don't cause any problem. There were no WT, now there is. That would make it harder on Tay, since right now he has to manually give out awards so then he has to make sure the walkthroughs are of the right size etc. And if he ever makes a script that automates it he will have to make it ignore 1-choice walkthroughs too. And it does cause a small problem, it clutters up the walkthroughs page with something that is inherently useless.
Guest Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 That would make it harder on Tay, since right now he has to manually give out awards so then he has to make sure the walkthroughs are of the right size etc. And if he ever makes a script that automates it he will have to make it ignore 1-choice walkthroughs too. And it does cause a small problem, it clutters up the walkthroughs page with something that is inherently useless. If it does really cause such problems for Tay then it's disputable. I don't agree that it clutters anything though. The walkthrough forum is just a list of Vn's in alphabetic order, so one more one less don't make much difference. As for the download link there is already a thread asking for that (mine) litteraly named "Fresh torrents/Saya no Uta". I found this with a quick search too. Now I feel sorry I didn't search before posting mine ...
Down Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 So, about this matter of the length of walkthroughs... *The DL link doesn't come into consideration, because it's not the purpose of a WT. There's a Download&Request section for that, plus in this case Saya no Uta is easy to find (it's even localized so you can buy it easily). *That being said, I don't consider this kind of WT totally devoid of purpose. I still think that "Saya no Uta has only two choices, and three different endings, one of them being an early end. Choose this to get that." is relevant information. That's the kind of thing I'd personally like to know before starting the game. It's a bit light, sure, but why not. The purpose of a WT isn't just to avoid being stuck in the game, it's also about getting info on the game. *The badge issue is rather trivial, I wouldn't be concerned about it. With this said, I'm still a bit hesitant, so if anyone have something to say, please do so.
Nosebleed Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 It won't really harm anybody. I personally like making long walkthroughs and I like making walkthroughs while playing the game for the first time as well. That's just my method though. Although I do also sometimes use walkthroughs to know about the routes so that's a valid point. However if I want to know about a game's endings or story I don't go to a walkthrough i google the game and find out what it has. I still would be against a walkthrough for Umineko for example though. But perhaps those should be judged case by case. Again I'm not against the Saya no Uta walkthrough but if you just type it on google, or even on the Saya no Uta wikia they clearly tell you about the only 3 endings in the game that's why I find the walkthrough rather pointless.
Tom Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 walk-through (in computer gaming) a document giving advice on how to complete a game. - oxforddictionaries.com Tay himself didn´t specify anything therefor i don´t think we need to be that strict with these things. If the awards are really a problem then please take my badge
Nosebleed Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 walk-through (in computer gaming) a document giving advice on how to complete a game. - oxforddictionaries.com Tay himself didn´t specify anything therefor i don´t think we need to be that strict with these things. If the awards are really a problem then please take my badge It's not about the awards, that's irrelevant here. I'm just saying making walkthroughs for the sake of "Oh it's a walkthrough" kind of feels hollow. I could just go on rampaging and making walkthroughs for games I didn't even play but I don't do that because I enjoy elaborating a walkthrough for a game I have trouble with and that takes time to solve and actually devoting my time into it and when it's done I think "Wow this walkthrough will help people". Not saying it needs to be that deep but it should mean something. Maybe I'm just letting emotions out here but that's how i feel about walkthroughs. Or else we could just go and fill the WT section with Nukiges like Boob Wars and Imouto Ijime that have very little choices and barely any story and take almost 0 effort to beat on your own.
Guest Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 The thing is that nobody had made such a short Walkthrough before because nobody though it was necessary. These games offer only few choices after all But then someone did one, which is completely fine ! So that raised a discussion about these, is this something we are doing or not ? Because it's quite obvious that up until now it wasn't a problem of time. These can be made fairly quickly (maybe 1 hour at most). I think it's fine, but I also think it's useless.
Tom Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 @Nosebleed uhm, why does it matter if its saya or a nukige like Imouto? ppl read/play all kinds of VNs and they might wanna know what going on there with the routes (if there are any)
Nosebleed Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 I won't hate on it. I just don't see the point in it nor will I ever be interested in just posting a walkthrough of the sort. @Nosebleed uhm, why does it matter if its saya or a nukige like Imouto? ppl read/play all kinds of VNs and they might wanna know what going on there with the routes (if there are any) Fuwanovel never hosted nukiges or VNs with a very high amount of sexual content. So there's a reason why we should try and keep the walkthrough section free of these simple VNs that only serve the purpose of arousing people. Unless the game has a high amount of playability (like MGQ which is rather long and has a lot of gameplay) i find walkthroughs for nukiges virtually useless. I beat Imouto Ijime in one day. There's only like 3 choices in the entire thing and around 4 endings. I still wouldn't make a walkthrough for it because i found it super easy to figure it out. But if I'm the only one that doesn't really like these kind of walkthroughs then sure go ahead and post them. I won't hate on them. I just thought the walkthrough section should be more productive that's all.
Flutterz Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 Because it's quite obvious that up until now it wasn't a problem of time. These can be made fairly quickly (maybe 1 hour at most). You could probably make a Saya walkthrough in 10 minutes. But how long it takes is really irrelevant, the source of our disagreement seems to be about how people actually use walkthroughs. I use them for help when I'm having trouble figuring out how to get into a route, so in my opinion a walkthrough for a game where it's inconceivable that someone would have trouble getting a specific ending is pointless. If someone uses walkthroughs to get some info about the game, be it a download link or how many choices there are, then a short walkthrough would be fine for them.
Tom Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 i think everyrthing has been said now, just gotta wait now for the staff to decide on what kind of walkthroughs can be posted
Nosebleed Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 I don't think this is so important that it needs staff discussion. I merely suggested something I thought would make the WT section better. If most people aren't really interested then just keep things the way they are.
Tay Posted February 16, 2014 Author Posted February 16, 2014 Thanks for the great discussion. Let's continue to screen out nukige (sex games), just as we do on the front site. Because walkthroughs are one of the most popular services on the site and bring in a lot of traffic, I think it's fine to post them for games with even a few choices. I'd suggest that in those cases, however, the walkthrough author should do her/his best to make all the other sections as stylish as possible. (The sex game comment's a policy, the walkthrough comment is my personal feeling on the subject. Thanks for the good points on both sides.)
Tom Posted February 16, 2014 Posted February 16, 2014 then whats going to happen to Monster Girl Quest since its nukige and the walkthrough was already approved and moved into the main forum?
Beato Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 I'm done with my The Second Reproduction walkthrough now. Could someone else look over it as well?
Stanleys Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 Seeing as there are already two unfinished walkthroughs for Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru, is there any point in creating another, finished one? I figured I should ask since I'm reading it now and am willing to complete one.
Nosebleed Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 There's 2 walkthroughs for Ikikoi, both users have stopped working on them. Incomplete walkthroughs aren't really nice If you want to go ahead and make one Stanleys I can delete the previous 2 if no one is oposed to it. There's also that walkthrough for Harukoi Otome just sitting there. I don't know how many heroines it has or the endings it has but I can edit the entirety of it with the info provided by the users and move it to the walkthroughs board. It's just a shame to be sitting there just because it's not properly formatted.
Kynbound Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 Harukoi Otome walktrough needs a bit of work in the choice lines since the translation doesnt match very well the english version of the VN. Its pretty easy to figure what each choice means though.
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