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3 hours ago, Thyndd said:

It feels really weird when I find content I wrote on the internet more than 10 years ago, when I was essentially a little kid. I can't recognize myself in the way I worded things, it's like reading a completely different person. I wonder if, another 10 years in the future, I'll find this post and think the same thing. Time sure is scary.

YYeah, it is weird I often find myself looking at forum posts I made years back when I was still in high school. So much has changed but so much is still the same.

Confession: I'm actually kind of liking the job I have now, what a strange concept. I don't quite understand it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Walking to the neighboring city when I was limited in time instead of using public transport probably wasn't the smartest idea I ever made in my life. Especially considering that my phone showed me the way that turned out to impossible, so in the end I still had to ride one station on a train.

It was fun though. :sachi:

  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, UnlimitedMoeWorks said:

Confession: I've just been kicked out of university, and it ties to this.

This is the last time I'm ever taking video games for granted. :notlikemiya:

Yikes man. Ya know, I used to think I had a gaming addiction myself until my therapist told me otherwise, and now I know for sure I don't have it after reading your story. My issue wasn't so much that I was playing games obsessively, but it was my immediate go-to when my anxiety started getting bad. I'd play them for hours on end because I didn't want to face the problems I had in front of me. What kept it from being an addiction, however, is that I would be able to pull myself away from them when I absolutely needed to. I suppose you weren't quite as lucky. :(

Sorry to hear about happened to you with university; that's not gonna be very easy to recover from. But ya know, that's fine. You've already taken a major step forward just by acknowledging your problems, and you've even taken it another step further by making plans to get a handle on your addiction. Keep doing that! Even if half your ideas fail, you will find something that works eventually if you just keep trying. :)

I don't know if you have access to one, but try to get with a therapist too. They really do help tremendously.


Confession : never would i have thought i'd go so far in my life, for everyone who knows me here, you know i went through some shit and some despicable stuff, but finally, i went on top of everything.

I'm in my last year, and now i'm pretty sure i'll do greatness, my objectives in life are finally in reach, i just hope i can achieve them without burning my wings. 


Just want to say that the game addiction there was quite disturbing seeing that someone (UnlimitedMoeWorks) could use the university money to buy high end PC, but then again I'd almost fallen in the same trap so I couldn't say much in regard of that case. As for my case here, I think high end PC was unnecessary though in regard of playing VNs, because you can stick with old computer if you just want to focus on that (The ideal requirement should be that the PC have 4GB RAM and 1TB HDD), and it's not like I'm interested with game that have higher requirement anyway. Anyway I just want to say that at least UnlimitedMoeWorks did realize his mistake in regard of his game addiction, and I hope that he'll find a way to cure his depression there now that he started to do it (Although flooding the forum with 'w' was not the best therapy though).

9 hours ago, littleshogun said:

Just want to say that the game addiction there was quite disturbing seeing that someone (UnlimitedMoeWorks) could use the university money to buy high end PC, but then again I'd almost fallen in the same trap so I couldn't say much in regard of that case. As for my case here, I think high end PC was unnecessary though in regard of playing VNs, because you can stick with old computer if you just want to focus on that (The ideal requirement should be that the PC have 4GB RAM and 1TB HDD), and it's not like I'm interested with game that have higher requirement anyway. Anyway I just want to say that at least UnlimitedMoeWorks did realize his mistake in regard of his game addiction, and I hope that he'll find a way to cure his depression there now that he started to do it (Although flooding the forum with 'w' was not the best therapy though).

I can relate to that, however as much playing video games or PC are enjoyable and rewarding in general. Moderation should be exercise and we must be aware of what our priorities is and get it done before anything else... Video Games/PC Games  ought to be use the way their meant to in the first place which is to relief stress and blow some steam, a medium to relax from the worries of everyday life. The very reason why we play Visual Novels and jerk off to our heart's content till our shafts broke, too tired to think about anything and go to sleep like a good boy :sachi:

Learn to utilize technology to further your interest or whatever goals you have, not be dependent and be enslave upon it. Such as this game addiction problem that is... 

I undergo with the same scenario once in my lifetime, however circumstances force me to stop sulking and depressing small things around then decided to get a hold of myself then put things together... 

I'm not here to judge or anything, just like to help a fellow gamer, which respect to that for someone or somebody undergoing into any kind of depression. They should read this book to get their lives in perspective. The book itself is not a panacea for depression or anything, that's up for the people to decide... Its better than nothing I guess...

Despair or depression simply means one thing: Suffering without meaning... Wanna be happy and not live a life of regret and misery? Find your meaning or purpose in life. Playing Videos games  and Visual Novels is one thing, we just need to delve deeper into it... 


I resolved not long ago to buy/build/collect a small collection of physical VNs, focusing on the ones I find most important and/or meaningful, but the operative words there are small and meaningful and I'm starting to think that maybe I'm losing sight of the "small" portion since there are quite a few that I'd like to collect. I'd made a post about Rewrite not long ago, and I've just found that it's not hard to buy physical copies of Little Busters for not that much money either. Thing is, I've already read the VN, and I likely won't be reading this copy or using it, so it'd just be having it for the sake of having it which seems a little bit wasteful to me considering I could use the money for something else. There are several other VNs I want to get that would fit under that same set of reasoning too and that's the concerning part, because the more that happens, the more guilty(?) I start to feel and the more I think that it's not such a good idea. It's really tempting though, especailly since I've always wanted a collection of some sort and this seems like a fun medium to collect. It all makes me think that it'd be really nice to have that copy. Really, really nice. It'd have a lot of sentimental value too, and if my reaction to getting the copy of Princess Evangile is any clue, then I'll be really happy I did so. 

It's probably best to sleep on it and think about it in the morning...

Posted (edited)
On 5/11/2018 at 4:43 AM, snowbell55 said:

It all makes me think that it'd be really nice to have that copy. Really, really nice. It'd have a lot of sentimental value too, and if my reaction to getting the copy of Princess Evangile is any clue, then I'll be really happy I did so. 

If you can afford it and it makes you happy, then I'd go for it. Feelings > logic for all human beings, and you only live once :mare: And if you are gonna regret whatever choice you make, if you go for the thing that holds sentimental value for you then you'd have at least that.


So some days ago I placed an order on Amazon for some items I wanted to buy. The international shipping was fast and that same day at night, according to their page, my package was already ready to be delivered and was expected to arrive to my place the next day. Yeah it didn't, and it must be the local shipping company's fault. It's been 3 days since the expected arrival date, so I phoned them to ask what was going on. That was more than two hours ago, at 7 pm. According to them, "there was no reported incident and I should receive my package before 8 pm, hour when their delivery service ends for the day". 9:30 pm right now. Yeah go figure, it didn't.

*sigh* It really pisses me off this kind of inconvenience for a paid service. And I'm not an unreasonable person, if they contacted me and told me that they had some kind of problem, OK, I could understand that. But nope, not a call, not even an e-mail. Fan-freaking-tastic. 10/10 would use again.

EDIT: Ok, so after the phone call and an e-mail they updated the info on their tracking page. Do you see anything off?


Let me translate for you: Your shipment couldn't be delivered due to a logistic incident in our delivery. We've already handled your shipment and you'll receive it on the expected date.

Expected date: November 6th, 2018

Welp, now we only need a phone microwave. Let's hope it doesn't turn into jelly.

Edited by Thyndd



I like trains.

But seriously, I do.  I don't know why I like long vehicles on rails so much, I just do.  When a train passes by, I drop everything at the moment (including learning Japanese) just to watch it. :meguface:


31 minutes ago, Clockwork Loli said:


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I like trains.

But seriously, I do.  I don't know why I like long vehicles on rails so much, I just do.  When a train passes by, I drop everything at the moment (including learning Japanese) just to watch it. :meguface:


So, have you played Maitetsu yet? :leecher:

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Clockwork Loli said:

Oh goodie!  I'll add that to my backlog...

...is what I want to say but, that would be too easy.  My stance on lolis must remain ambiguous. :illya:

Illya might argue against ambiguity on the loli front...

But I'm gonna go with your username indicating that you, yourself, are a loli.

Edited by Sayaka
28 minutes ago, Clockwork Loli said:

Confession: Fate/stay night isn't my first VN.  Can you guess what my first VN is?  I'll give props to whoever gets it right.

Hmm, challenge accepted. If it was one of the more "mainstream" VNs I guess you would've mentioned it as your first without hesitation. That must mean that you don't consider it to be a "proper" VN. 

In that case, maybe... a parody VN, like Kusoge for example? Or maybe some lewd nukige you'd rather not include in your list, in the same fashion people don't usually include pornos in their watched movies list :makina: There are just too many options out there to narrow it down to one. May I have a hint?

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