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Visual Novel Translation Status (22/10/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and because we have Nightmare x Vampire being released by Mangagamer, I figure that I should make the parody of one older Alicesoft VN, Little Vampire, by making it as 'Nightmare x Archfiend', because Little Vampire is about Miki who turned into the Demon King of Rance world (Translated as Archfiend by Mangagamer) with Kentarou only could tried his hardest to keep Miki's impulse in check. Anyway as for this week,
Visual Novel Translation Status (15/10/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and since we have femdom nurse nukige (Nope Nope Nope Nope Nurses) released alongside Dungeon's Legion, I just combined both title so we have 'Nurse Legion' as the title. As for this week itself, once again this is a plain one but at least it has release even though it's not the one that I look forward into. The most notable thing on this week is the announcement in regard of Kiminozo crowdfund, in which age plan
Visual Novel Translation Status (08/10/2023)
Because we have Cerulean Days OELVN released by Nekonyan way back on September 12th along with we have Sona-Nyl finished the testing, I decided to make the parody of Cerulean Days by changing 'Cerulean' into 'Morada' from Sona-Nyl opening song title (Rosa Morada), so we have 'Morada Days' as the title which in English it roughly mean 'Violet Days'. Anyway, welcome to this week VNTS Review, and as for this week I'm going bluntly say that it's kind
Visual Novel Translation Status (01/10/2023)
Since we have Secret Agent released with one of the heroine, Kanon, being a big ninja fan with her favorite anime is about a ninja who does his best to rescue his princess, I decided to parodied the old anime with same premise (Flame of Recca, although Yanagi here is not exactly the typical princess who live in the castle) with I changing 'Recca' into 'Kanon', which should goes without saying that ensemble didn't make Kanon have fire superpower a
Visual Novel Translation Status (24/09/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and seeing Shiravune decided to license Amazing Grace I figure that I'll make the parody of its opening song title, Cold Voice, by changing 'Voice' into 'Honey' with Honey is another song from the singer's another song (Also Koiiro Chuu Lips opening), so we have 'Cold Honey' as the title. Anyway as for this week, to be honest if not for Amazing Grace announcement it would be a plain one. Other than Amazing Grace
Visual Novel Translation Status (17/09/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and as for the title because we have the update from Ginharu in regard of Yuzuki's route along with H2O release that also has the initial SCA-JI version of Sakura no Uta, I made a parody of the anime Yume-iro Patissiere by changing 'Yume' into 'Sakura' so we have 'Sakura-iro Patissiere' which sounds like Sakura-iro Dreamer VN lol. Oh yes, for the patissiere part it's because Yuzuki's dream to be the great patissi
Visual Novel Translation Status (10/09/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and since we have both H2O and Anonymous Code release I decided to change 'Sand' from H2O full title (H2O -Footprints in the Sand-) into 'Code', so we have 'Footprints in the Code' as the title. As for this week, I can say that it's an interesting one, especially with the fan translation has several releases. Other than that, we also have Anonymous Code in that it's the newest entry of Science Adventure series. O
Visual Novel Translation Status (03/09/2023)
Because we have Norn9 FD with Nobuo Uematsu as one of the composer released and Nekonyan also announce the exact release date for Secret Agent, I figure that I make a parody for one of the most famous soundtrack that Uematsu have, specifically 'One-Winged Angel' which is very famous as the theme of the main villain for FF7 (And yes, in the past Uematsu is more known as the main composer of Final Fantasy), so we have 'One-Winged Agent' as the titl
Visual Novel Translation Status (27/08/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and since we have Shukusei no Girlfriend announced with magical girl in the VN along with Samurai Vandalism release, I decided to just change 'Samurai' into 'Magical Girl' in the latter so we have 'Magical Girl Vandalism' as the title. As for this week, while we have many new announcement, I can say that in the end those new announcements are kind of plain. We also have the releases, although compared to the last
Visual Novel Translation Status (20/08/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and since we have both Clover Day's along with Walkure Romanze were released, I figure that I'll just combine the word from both so we have 'Clover Romanze' as the title. For this week, I should say that this is more interesting compared to the last week even though technically we have less updates, especially with the aforementioned Clover Day's and Walkure Romanze releases. Other than that, we have usual fan tr
Visual Novel Translation Status (13/08/2023)
Since we have Sakura Bunny Girls released around three weeks ago (Sadly Winged Cloud didn't do female MC anymore) and we have Jewel Bem Hunter Lime released few days ago, I figure to combine both title so we have 'Sakura Jewel Hunter' as the title. For this week, let's just say that it's a breather before Clover Day's releases. On the other hand though, there are several smaller releases along with usual updates, so all in all this week is a belo
Visual Novel Translation Status (06/08/2023)
Because we have White Album release, I'd make a parody of Wild Arms remake (Wild Arms Alter Code: F) by changing 'Wild Arms' into 'White Album' simply because both series have same initial (WA). Anyway welcome to this week VNTS Review, and as for this week I guess I'll just say that this is quite an average one with Shiravune has some updates to note. Another thing to note is Kagi o Kakushita Kago no Tori (Shortened as Kagitori) release, which to
Visual Novel Translation Status (30/07/2023)
Welcome to this week week VNTS Review, and for this week since we have Venus Blood Gaia release, I changed 'Gaia' into 'Persona' simply because in Gaia we have Tarot Motif, which if we know Persona series is the category of personae (Plural form of persona) that the player could get. Although there won't be personae in Venus Blood though as interesting as it is, but instead the player will insert Persona Arcana and Shadow Arcana to the general un
Visual Novel Translation Status (23/07/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and as for the title I'll tell it in PS later. Anyway as for this week, let's just say that it's an above average one thanks to Nekonyan's release. Other than Nekonyan's release, we also have Cherry Kiss announce yet another nukige and Shiravune has some announcements. Let's see what I can write in regard of this week here.
We have From Madness with Love VN release, and what I can say is that the VN is about
Visual Novel Translation Status (16/07/2023)
Since we have Aquarium (VN with VTuber Minato Aqua as the main heroine) English release announcement along with Tsui no Stella fan translation release, once again I make the parody for Tsui no Stella opening title (Breath of Stella) by changing 'Stella' with 'Cassiopeia' (The ending song for Aquarium, obviously sang by Minato Aqua), so we have 'Breath of Cassiopeia', which is still fitting seeing that Cassiopeia is the name of star constellation
Visual Novel Translation Status (10/07/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and because we already have the exact release date for Klutzy Cupid may as well make a parody for an old anime I'm Gonna be An Angel! by changing 'Angel' into 'Cupid', which is fitting because Cupid is literally an angel (Or rather a Love Angel). As for this week, well it should be obvious that this week is quite plain because of the breather after AX, although at least there's some interesting update to note her
Visual Novel Translation Status (04/07/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and as we know we have AX at this week. That said though, I should say that this week AX is quite dry compared to the last year. AX aside, of course we still have some updates with the most notable one is in regard of Sekai two releases in a week. Overall, with the update and this week AX, I can say that this week is almost exciting one with obviously the main highlight is the AX. Let's see what I can write in re
Visual Novel Translation Status (25/06/2023)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and as for the title I'll explain it in PS later. As for this week, it's definitely an interesting one with Nukitashi release despite several shenanigans happening. Other than Nukitashi release, we also has the sequel announced as soon as the first game was released. Of course, we also have other updates, with the most particular one to me is in regard of Clover Day's release. With that done, let's see what I can
Because we have Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- release with Nasu as the writer already have Fate as his most famous franchise, I figure may as well add 'Fate' in the title along with 'Twilight' (Because it's has vampire with Tsukihime also has it) and change 'Blue' into 'Cerulean' (The synonym of blue, and it's because Nekonyan announced Cerulean Day), so we have 'Fate/Twilight Night -Cerulean Glass Moon-' as the title. Anyway as for this week, I can definitely say that it's more interes
Welcome to this week VNTS Review. For the title, since we have Nekonyan announced their first OELVN license (Cerulean Day) and re-released Onikiss back on last Wednesday, I combined both title so we have 'Cerulean Kiss' as the title. For this week, well, let's just be blunt that this week is more or less a plain one with no interesting announcement (Besides Tsukihime Remake 1 full translation patch exact release date announcement). As for the release, well at least Koiyasumi is a nice short sing
Welcome to this week, and as for the title I'll explain it in PS. For this week, let's just say that we have Shiravune being very active for an easy word with them had a number of announcements. Other than Shiravune, Nekonyan also has some news to share, although unfortunately it's not in regard of their releases yet. Lastly, we obviously still have some updates from fan translation. Overall, let's just say that this week is an almost below average one and let's see what I can write in regard of
Since we have someone say that Aoishiro is like 'Dark Soul of Yuri' (Thanks to a huge number of choices) along with Spiral Dystopia release, I did make a parody of a very well known newer game from Dark Soul developer, Elden Ring, with I change the 'Ring' into 'Book' (Because Spiral Dystopia plot is started thanks to the MC hold the mysterious book), so we have 'Elden Book' as the title. Anyway for this week, we have a number of releases, with the most notable one are Akai Ito and Aoishiro relea
Welcome to this week VNTS Review and sorry for being very late here. For this week, since we have Uchi no Koibito sudden release with the premise resemble horror movie Knock Knock (The man was live together with two girls, although in Knock Knock the girls raped the man and then ruined his life) and Tamayura Mirai release from the last week with mod Clephas mentioned that it resemble Monobeno, I'd make a parody of Monobeno updated version, Monobeno -Happy End-, by changing 'Monobeno' into 'Knock
Welcome to this week VNTS Review. For the title, because we have Hanako as the heroine in Tamayura Mirai, I made a parody of a manga which also has Hanako (Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun) with I change 'Shounen' into 'Shoujo' and 'Hanako-kun' into 'Hanako-san', so we have 'Jibaku Shoujo Hanako-san'. For the info, Hanako here is the urban legend in Japan about the spirit of young girl haunts the school toilet (The article from Wikipedia). As for this week, obviously the biggest release here is Tamayur
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and sorry for being very late. For the title, because Shiravune just announced a nukige with the premise a succubus dragged the MC into her village which turned out to be populated by succubi (The plural form of sucubus), I decide to make parody of a Yu-Gi-Oh card Secret Village of the Spellcasters by changed 'Spellcasters' into 'Succubi', so we have 'Secret Village of the Succubi' as the title. As for this week, if I may something it's less interesting compared