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I will defeat you, Melanie Rawn

In 1997, Melanie Rawn’s second book in the Exiles trilogy was released. She then started writing other series because she had depression or something. Sounds taihen. With all that said, the year is 2025 and the third still isn’t out, and I read those two first books! Curse thee, Melanie Rawn. You said you’d work on book three again after the fifth book of the Glass Thorns series, but that was out in 2017! I guess you’re serious in a way, since I can’t find anything you’ve written after that time.

Kind of reminds me of me with my Shinimasu translation and how I haven’t finished the edit check in like five years. And how that’s made me mostly not work on any other fan translations I wanted to do over the years (I got paid for some work, I did do that). In any case, damn it, if Melanie hecking Rawn manages to finish before me I don’t know what I’ll do. In a weird way I feel a kind of kindship with her, having this stupid project just never ended looming over me. And if she’s not going to make it, fuck it, I will. One of us has to. If nothing else, at least we’re going to beat Half-life 3 to the punch.

I pledge to do at least 100 more lines this month. I did like 3 today or something, but that includes setting the thing up on my computer, so I totally have copium available.

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