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Everything posted by Okarin

  1. If you're reading this and got the game, report ASAP. Make Operation Hinoue a success! EDIT: Dammit, the game comes out tomorrow on Steam... what a start...
  2. This is a general advice. When learning, it's important to believe it and like what you're doing (at least, the subjects you're learning). In high school, I was distracted by videogames and other things and that prevented me from reaching further excellence. I still did good. You have to believe you can tackle the exam, and that you can integrate the knowledge within yourself. You should value knowledge and its acquisition. Maybe it's actually boring to learn about the conditions in the 18th century, but it's good knowledge: having a grasp of history is important to being a fine person. Don't disdain anything that you're learning, no thinking "this is so useless!". Better think that everything you have the chance to learn is important, and appreciate it. Better bring a curious attitude and think: "hey, I'm going to learn really interesting things". No knowledge is really useless. If anything, it helps you to acquire further knowledge. For example, I do little Japanese studying, but since I enjoy the classes, I grasp a lot of words and things from the language. If learning history, a good approach is "how did that people live, back then?". If learning physics, you can complement it with articles about actual stuff and the applications of physics; those don't readily appear on textbooks, but that way you can see the importance of being familiar with physics. And so on. When you finally enjoy what you're doing, even if it wears you off, you only need a proper environment to do the studying. I don't guarantee you'll be the best of the class, but no doubt you can pass no problem if you're investing yourself in what you're learning. Enjoying learning removes some workload, but work (studying) is important, of course. In school, I did little studying until late middle school. I relied in getting things from the actual classes, right on the spot. It worked. I have really good memory however. Learning is best when you're at the top of your dopamine (i. e. adolescence).
  3. Why do you ask? Why bother?
  4. Eroge's protag is no Okabe, so no need to stay loyal :3
  5. ...But it also gives you some hot H-scenes, so it's necessary to do those to 100% the game.
  6. Riho from Deardrops. But only if you want a story about music and bandsmen.
  7. Chisato's route is tolerable but not great. I'm a big fan of All in all, Koichoco touched interesting themes, not as daring as Yume Miru Kusuri, but also without failing spectacularly like that, so.
  8. I believe to get everything about Rinne you need to play her route and Nemu's. You can eschew the rest.
  9. You can also play VNs on potato laptops, even netbooks or whatever they are called nowadays. Most of the available VNs are designed for Win XP or Vista. Also don't leave Linux outside, it swallows a lot of VNs.
  10. Obviously VNs appeal to gamers with potato PCs who coincidentally tend to have lower budgets, so I guess they play a lot of free VNs. The gamer/VN-player multiclass also exists, and those people have decent PCs, so they're not shy about spending some bucks on a VN, I guess they want quality above all. I've spent around 400 euros on my Steam library, or so it says, and most of that is VNs, so there you have it.
  11. Considering playing a game is a combination of factors. A lot of times the major factor is whether that game is similar to others you've played before and enjoyed. Synopses are still good for the discerning eye, more than these so-called genres.
  12. It's just that those labels tend to, not only not give you a sound idea of what game you're getting into, but, some of them overlap in a lot of games. For example, even though I've found people who disagree with me, I consider Key full-blown moe, you're made to care for the heroines presenting drama as a way of "bonding" with them. Oh, poor girl, let's see what happens to her. Strictly better than having no interest in a character, but along moe lines. The feeling you get from classic Key heroines is akin to moe (I bet most of you find them adorable, and the Facebook Key fangroup is scary at times). I also consider Hoshimemo to be a nakige (and moege too), but fundamentally different from Key. In fact, along the years we've had lots of attempts at the nakige formula. And charage vs. moege? Who can tell them apart? It's more that charage is a subdivision of moege, in my view. Like someone said even chuuni is a brand of moege, because it's a field that appeals to otaku.
  13. Well, you know. Back in the wild 90s this also happened. Pretty easy to grab a copy of an eroge RPG like Knights of Xentar, if you managed to pay the outrageous price. A "hard" way to grow up.
  14. AFAIK said patch only works with the Japanese version of the game, which I haven't been able to get. Of course not with the Steam version which I own.
  15. I wanted to make a broader comment, I'd really like for MoeNovel to drop their stance and adapt to this new policy, but it's MoeNovel after all. I really want my full IMHHW. About Libra, I think that the patch wasn't accessible to everyone, which was pretty stupid to be honest.
  16. De-censor things like Libra of the Vampire Princess, and I can finally think about paying for them... past the terrible TL, that is.
  17. Probably vanilla nymphomania ^^ As seen in one of Crescendo's routes, most likely. This is still Western through and through. And seems to have 0 fetishes.
  18. Actually I prefer to buy in dollars since my currency is the euro. Though Steam sales are good, they aren't that good when it comes to VNs. I mean, in some months FF15, released this year, has been at 50%. To see that in a VN we have to wait ages. But, localisation companies' sales in their stores is heavenly. Besides, this is the proper way, as you give the full value of your money to them.
  19. Oh, don't be naïve; the companies will probably still want to charge extra for the adult patch, especially if we allow it.
  20. Going by VNDB, it seems that all heroines are lesbians (there are no men involved) and all it has is girl-on-girl sex. And pretty vanilla, too. Probably Steam doesn't want to shock anyone yet. EDIT: The above is for the first game
  21. I don't think we'll reach a satisfying solution, as 18+ content is just the tip of the iceberg with eroge/nukige. I certainly don't want to read endless vanilla H-scenes, I don't mind if they're axed. And the "spicier" content won't probably make it. The heroines' age is certainly laughable, if they're worried of underage sex the majority of games should be censored because the heroines being legal adults is just a lie, happening in high school and whatnot. Let's just face it, fetish eroge are niche and need to stay that way. This Negligee looks like a Western LGBT game (more than yuri really), and it kinda seems Steam is more readily to accept this than the Asian way of tackling sex... and fetishes.
  22. But Steam is Western-based and abides by Western law. Besides, probably the most restrictive outlook would apply, very much like Nintendo censors everything outside Japan. Sex in Western games like Mass Effect, Dragon age and Witcher is pretty tame. Eroge and nukige can go much further.
  23. Hey, don't bring over your Asian debauchery to a clean place like Steam.
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