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Everything posted by Okarin

  1. Nobody mentions Summer Pockets? Also I don't think the year was that bad for EOPs. As always the focus is on moege, but we even got the (reportedly) awesome Chaos;Child that I have to play sometime. We also got the official launch of Steins;Gate Zero with some promises to bring some more sci-adv. And it's not even the last word from sci-adv, not even in Japan where I guess they're eagerly awaiting for Robotics;Notes DaSH (I know I am, too).
  2. Less shitty than last year, still shitty.
  3. Well in Dal Segno you have a couple of support characters that pop up like in every route, but they're there just to help you. Also some of the girls in your dorm may appear. In If my heart had wings, I think that the regular cast appears in every route since you all are doing a combined effort. This is less true in A sky full of stars, but it's also there. It's just that those characters behave like normal people and acknowledge when you score yourself a gf. For an in-route love triangle, try A sky full of stars.
  4. But... that's just uncommon. Usually when you are into a given girl's route, it's all about her. Maybe there's another character if there's a love triangle or a rivalry (like "that girl" in Little Busters). Bringing extra characters into a route pumps up the playing hours tremendously, so it's unusual.
  5. That's odd... I really thought you could choose between Kei and Miyako. The one you choose will go to Hiro and the remaining to Kyousuke. I guess it should go that way. But of course, the real meat is in the second part's heroines: Chihiro, Mizuki and Yuuko.
  6. Deardrops Quartett And, of course: Steins;Gate
  7. Dal Segno, use it or lose it
  8. Factionism, now? Just great.
  9. Bashing slice of life doesn't seem really wise, while white-knighting a company like Nekonyan who barters in that kind of games... anyway, out of decency doing it isn't wise in any case.
  10. I only wanted to point out their efforts so far are kinda underwhelming. This announcement botch was just the icing on the fail. Jeez, is it so hard to know what on Earth they are working on? About what I want to see, you know, like keeping their promises? If they can at all, in the first place. I guess they really did arrive on the scene like some kind of "revolutionary" company, but they're coming apart at the seams soon enough.
  11. I don't really think Nekonyan are our lords and saviours though. They need to show some real beef before that.
  12. By all means read it, but the beef is in the second part.
  13. Because she's a weakling, and a cowardly weakling at that. Basically gonna bitch her way out of difficult situations. But Clockup knows what ticks with us, so she gets a lot of deserved bashing in-game.
  14. Naturally, I knows the Koichoco!
  15. Some games get their rights re-negotiated and taken in by third companies. But usually they're big games, not sure if Propeller's works would fit the bill. I think Amairo will happen at some point, it's a desired title, it's Yuzusoft, it has the way paved by a couple other titles like Noble*Works, Dracu Riot and Sanoba Witch, and there's no major hurdle to overcome that I know of. I still got my wishlist from 2013 and most of those games haven't been released in the West, they're covered in a big pile of dust...
  16. Well, strictly better than eating actual period, though. Or do you also have that fetish?
  17. I wonder why everyone praises SeaBed, must be the dreaded "Subahibi effect". I generally want my mysteries to be more engaging and better written.
  18. I'm a completionistard and can't even comprehend another point of view. Oh, but I guess there exists people who can't really see things they start through to their end. My momma told me otherwise, though. If you have lots of VNs you want to read, instead of reading them all at once, make a reading plan. Sadly it's the same as actual work. It's also fun to make up your own route orders, and perfect them as you get more genre savvy. I agree with leaving some good girl for later on. Thus you keep yourself kinda motivated to read through meh-worthy girls.
  19. But... "Nihongo wa chotto muzukashii desu." They admit it themselves.
  20. First let's see if I understand anything at all, and build my way up from there!
  21. Buy it already. Especially if the other option is learning Japanese.
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