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Everything posted by Beato

  1. I love languages, especially grammar but everything else is also interesting. I love breaking up sentences. Understandingisn't enough if I can't understand how the individual parts work with each other, if I can't build new sentences with them, it's all meaningless. Right now I'm studying English and French (with a bit of Japanese on the side) but I would love to learn a lot more.
  2. Very few of these threads have generated any kind of discussion and they do take up space. Animesuki has a subforum for recommendations that works greatly. While some people will ignore those topics other people will actually look over them. I would be more inclined to recommend things to someone if they were all in a separate forum because then I could keep track on old threads and refer them to them as well as recommend new stuff. It will also encourage people to actually ask for recommendations.
  3. Whether you're a fan or not is irrelevant. It doesn't have any porn therefore its all age. Also Chaos;Head has been animated and wasn't given an 18+ rating.
  4. No. All ages isn't indicative of its actual age rating. It simply means: This does not contain any porn.
  5. There's currently 8 threads asking for VN recs on the first page of the Visual Novel subforum. There's a total of 28 threads on the first page not counting the pinned ones. That means that almost a third of the threads on the first page are about getting recommendations (I'm not counting clephas' list threads, just the threads were the first post is asking for recs) This is in my opinion enough to justify the creation of a subforum. I don't have time to make a new thread with the pros and cons for a subforum right now but I'll try to create one later this week. I think there's tons of pros for it though. Especially since people can look through old threads easily and see if someone has asked for something similiar. EDIT: I went back to page five and checked how many threads were VN recs. Remember there's 30 threads on a page normally but only 28 on the first since there's two pinned threads. (And again I'm not counting list threads) Page 1: 8 threads asking for recs Page 2: 5 threads. Of those, 3 are asking for recs and 2 are telling people to ask them for recs. Page 3: 6 threads asking for recs Page 4: 5 threads asking for recs Page 5: 5 threads asking for recs This means that about 1/5 of the threads on the first 5 pages are rec threads unless my math is wrong.
  6. Even if global warming wasn't true the currently used fossil fuels have so many other negative effects that phasing them out is still preferable. Which is why global warning "sceptics" confuse me so much. What's wrong with having several alternatives instead of just one? Oil is going to get too expensive soner or later, no matter if it's after 50 years or 500 years. We'll need alternatives no matter what. Cars that run on electricity, cars that run on hydrogen, maybe even cars that run on CO2! Though not just cars of course. There is so much cool stuff that's being researched on and invented with the goal of being enviromentally friendly. Why wouldn't you want any of them?
  7. It's some extra parody skits for Fate/Zero included with the blu-ray boxes not a whole new anime. You shouldn't watch them unless you've watched Fate/Zero.
  8. Beato


    Thanks I'll check them out!
  9. Beato


    Could anyone give me some tips of some easy to read books in french? I'm reading Petit Prince right now which I think is the limit of what I can read so I'm looking at books at the around the same level or lower. I don't care if its written for children or adults as long as its good. I could probably manage something with more advanced vocab than Petit Prince if it uses less passé simple though.
  10. Kara no Shoujo isn't retro but it does feature a more realistic art style than most VNs. If you want other realistic styles you should probably look into western VNs like Cinders too.
  11. I don't mind hype usually. But I'm also rarely disappointed by something. When I hype I'm not like "Yes something GREAT is coming!" but more like "Yes something that LOOKS like it can be GREAT is coming!" which means I'll get really into hype and rarely get disappointed. Though if it's something I already like I can be disappointed when it doesn't turn out how I wanted (The Hobbit Movies was like this for me). I tend to get more irritated during the hyping stage than I get when the actual product arrives actually, especially when everyone is hyping something I think will turn out bad
  12. @ Emi Yeah but it looks like it's starting to melt away! Though I suspect it's going to be one of those years when there's half melted snow on the ground until the end of march. Which is even worse than snow because then you get water in your shoes.
  13. No way we would allow anything like this on fuwa sorry it's far too dangerous. It has nothing to do with our personal stance on crowdfunding fantranslations (I'm against it but there's probably some people in the staff who wouldn't mind) Getting involved with money would risk the site's entire existence which is not something I, and I assume the rest of the staff, is willing to do. Feel free to do something like this off site, we'll probably mention it on the blog. Risking fuwa for something like this is out of the question.
  14. A translator tried to do this actually some time ago. Aroduc did a kickstarter to gather money to fan translate Little Witch Romanesque. Unsurprisingly the kickstarter was suspended. Though luckily Jast licensed the game so we're getting it anyway since they can pay him. (I know a lot of people here hate when Jast license fan translations but in this case we might not have gotten it otherwise so it was definitely a good thing) The only way kickstarting something like this would work is if you've already gotten the license or if you've been promised it if you pay x amount of money.
  15. Nah the question thread would probably go into the GD and there could be one VN specific question thread in the VN forums too. It isn't connected to the suggestions subforums idea but just something else I thought about.
  16. I'm still for a subforum for this. But it should probably be made as a separate forum and not a sub for simplicity's sake since it should be for all reccomendations and not just for VN's. Animesuki has one of these and it works really great and keeps the forums non cluttered. While several people here have said that they don't mind the recommendation threads I do mind them and would prefer that they stayed somewhere else since threads like that aren't actually for discussion. Since they center around a specific individual it means that they die really soon. Similarly a general question thread for small stuff that people want to ask that doesn't require the creation of a new thread would be a worthwhile addition as well I think. There have been some threads which basically went like Person 1:Asks Question, Person 2: Yeah, Person 3: yeah, *thread dies since person 1 has had their question answered*
  17. No we only use 18+ for sex scenes. An all age VN can have tons of violent material that isn't suitable for younger audiences. Some of the VNs on the site have all age patches off site though and some of them already have one installed. EDIT: Oh you referred to VN's in general. I thought you only meant the site. nevermind then.
  18. I don't think Saber's emotional age is that low though she is just written very inconsistently. Nasu admitted in an interview recently (last year or so) that he fucked up pretty badly when it comes to Saber's romance and said that he would have done it differently if he did it now so I'm going to hold him to that promise >_> I think that Saber can be plenty interesting as long as her problems aren't centered around Shirou but yeah Sakura is my fav heroine by far and one of my fav characters ever in fact so yeah Sakura FTW (Though she'll probably be shafted in this adaption too ;_; )
  19. It's actually not confirmed that it'll be an original route yet, just that it'll have original scenes. But if it is an original route I hope Saber won't be Shirous love interest (or if she is that her original romance is scrapped and completely rewritten). She's like 20 years older than Shirou at least. A role as the second protagonist and mentor to Shirou fits her much better instead of whatever the crap we got in the original Fate route.
  20. Too cold. I mean this is a pretty warm winter but I live in Sweden so yeah...
  21. The Second Reproduction Summary Christina was the third princess of Almenan, and born in the era of war against the Demons. Having the status of a “Champion”, Christina had countless battle victories upon her shoulders and was feared by the Demon race. Being the most successful of her three sisters, her mother the queen sent her on a secret mission to assassinate the Demon Lord Gardis in return for his ruthless annihilation of the Kingdom of Crofts. Obeying her mother’s orders for the sake of her kingdom, Christina set out alongside with her most loyal knight Lezette to take the Demon Lord’s head, and to bring peace to the land. Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order There isn’t any sort of forced route order in The Second Reproduction but I strongly recommend the order: Gardis --> Lezette --> Jin After you’ve finished all the five endings the After Stories will be unlocked. To access the After Stories, from the main menu, go to: Option Event Christina Valentine Plans There are no choices in the After Stories. Route Guideline Gardis Good End Bad End Lezette Good End Bad End Jin Good End Attribution This walkthrough is based on the walkthrough included with patch by Ate The Moon Translations.
  22. Okay Sekien no Inganock walkthrough locked and moved. On to The Second Reproduction!
  23. A silver star keeps it together with the stars under the staff banner but it also suggests something different.
  24. A flower maybe? Like a bouquet. Or a single silver star since current staff members have golden stars.
  25. The colors could be more pastel (like in the logo)lmaybe.
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