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Everything posted by Flutterz

  1. >mfw I go to check bonus servants >find bonus servant table >scroll down to foreigner >see 2 entries >neither of them is abigail >tfw trying to get abigail to bond 11
  2. Isn't that usually how it is? The pillar-style bosses are almost always pushovers, but there's usually some OP boss a couple of quests before it.
  3. Yeah, got her as my 8th pull on my 10th (and last, cause I only had 300 SQ) 10-pull. I was starting to get worried... Got 2 Ibarakis so she's NP3 now and a bunch of event CEs
  4. Not the biggest fan of Alter-Egos but that's not going to stop me from rolling for her Hopefully her skills are good
  5. Thank god for 1/2 AP embers, finally protected the rest of my summer haul. RIP the 800 quartz I had saved up though, but it was worth it. Now time to max level and 4/4/4 them all. Never did get MHXXX tho
  6. I don't like the stereotypical soups either, but a good pea soup or goulash is always welcome
  7. I honestly like Abigail more than Jalter (not that I ever got Jalter, but still >.>) Her buffs might not be as absurd, but in terms of being a generalist Foreginer is better than Avenger. Avenger still gets beat up by Berserkers and a random crit from one can really take a chunk out of you, but Foreigners are only weak to Alter-Egos and Foreigners, and how often do you fight those? So she might not be the be-all end-all for Merlin crit memes, but you can frontline her in every single battle and almost never regret it.
  8. Demerits usually mean that without them the skills are so good they need to be nerfed, and that certainly applies to a lot of the summer servants
  9. Rolled summer girls, protecced summer girls, now sleep
  10. Now it's time for you to either move forward in time and read Planetarian (this one is really short and good) and Rewrite, or if you're really ballsy, move backward in time and read One
  11. Thank god for 1/2 AP and using a bot and emulator, farmed over half a billion QP and all the blue gems I needed to get all my servants to 4/4/4. Also earned a bunch of bond points and goes Moedred and Hokusai to max bond
  12. Treat him well and he'll carry you through everything He is the strongest in the world, after all
  13. I also did a thing Oh, and also Banana max bond
  14. Just add 3 more and you'll have the real 13 Reasons Why
  15. Got my thousand days today Also smiles from this event's gacha protected
  16. Yeah, you should. It's hard enough to do quests if you bring a class that's weak to the enemy even when your servants are maxed out. If you bring an Assassin against a Caster instead of a Rider you'll be doing 4x less damage and taking 4x more, so it's basically 16x harder. Although there's some classes here that NA doesn't have yet
  17. Yeah, this is a fairly high-effort money snatch.
  18. Also don't use apples until your AP pool is at least 100 or so, otherwise it's just wasteful. The best value for your money would be only buying quartz for the roughly bi-annual guaranteed 5* gacha, in which you're, well, guaranteed to get one 5*. And most servants are roughly equal in power. You should roll for servants that you like instead of holding out for some powerful servant you don't particularly like. Oh, and this site is great http://fate-go.cirnopedia.org/master_mission_us.php#nav Edit: You can only use paid quartz for the guaranteed 5* gacha btw
  19. It was disabled when it became obvious that a mere bot could not replicate my level of repetitive greetings.
  20. Please don't make it sound like it's Koreans as a whole lol Eh, she's cute and I'll throw some tickets at her, maybe do a 10-roll, but other than that I'm saving for Tamassassin (or something cute in new summer)
  21. Leader doesn't do anything. I think before some update you had to have your own servant in the leader position, rather than a support, but at least on JP that's no longer the case.
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