It's not a violation of the rules, but I'm not going to promote that project or share it on Twitter or cover it on the blog. Otherwise we would need to cover all the SVN (Sugoi Visual Novels) projects as well and there are countless of those whose quality is unverified. Also it's simply against our translator/localizer belief (some appropriate localization is ok, memelation is not.)
I wouldn't ever play these works, simply out of conviction, but if you don't mind quality and just want to play a game - here you go.
You maybe could post about this on F/95/Zone which are a community much more attentive to unverified quality translation projects. We will keep this thread up, but it should be obvious that this kind of MTL needs to be marked. Your post title already does it well, but we might create a flair for it so ppl see immediately.
MTL-tech isn't there yet, so it shouldn't be encouraged to use. It also puts legit people (not just the memelators you so hate) out of jobs, because employers like to cut as many corners as they can to keep costs low - which is also not great.