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Western RPG vs. JRPG Poll  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like Western RPGs or JRPGs better?

  2. 2. Which of the following announced Western RPGs are you most excited for?

    • Divinity Original Sin II
    • Mass Effect Andromeda
    • Torment: Tides of Numenera
    • Horizon: Zero Dawn
    • South Park: The Fractured But Whole
    • Cyberpunk 2077
    • Bard's Tale IV
    • Kingdom Come: Deliverance
    • Tyranny
    • Hand of Fate 2
  3. 3. Which of the following announced JRPGs are you most excited for?

    • Final Fantasy XV
    • Persona 5
    • Tales of Berseria
    • Nier Automata
    • Scalebound
    • Digimon World: Next Order
    • Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
    • Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    • Shenmue 3
    • Kingdom Hearts 3

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Western RPGs vs JRPGs

Western: Traditionally, a western rpg is one that tends to offer up a world to explore and a variety of ways in which to set out and do the actual exploration. Often times these sport grittier and a more realistic aesthetic than the often vibrant and at times colorful japaense rpgs. Western rpgs offer darker storylines with choice and consequence and a much more action oriented and freedom sense of gameplay. The idea of being able to go anywhere and do anything generally is what one thinks of when one thinks of a western RPG. This definition can also be used as a way to say that the game came from the west rather than the east but the western aesthetic has certainly also been adopted by Japanese companies as well in such examples of Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma. Outside of maybe if you squint Anachronox there have been no (or if I'm missing some, few) western rpgs that have developed a jrpg style.

Japanese RPG: Traditionally, a jrpg will boast a cast of colorful characters who pull together in order to fight some injustice with an aesthetic which is often but not always in an anime style. The level of freedom and exploration is also not quite as open as is typically found in a Western RPG. JRPGs often like structure where side exploration is just something you do until you advance the story rather than a part of the story that you advance. Often times the game is linear with an emphasis on story and characters which are predetermined rather than one which you create yourself. It seems that most people though tend to categorize a JRPG as anything that comes from Japan or the East rather than the West.

Which do you prefer western or jrpg? Feel free to explain.


I like consistency in my RPG systems with minimal invasion of plot, and I'm allergic to huge numbers. So Western RPGs by a mile. I've only played a few JRPG though (owing partly to the fact that I haven't owned a console of any kind since 1993).


Only one other person voted for Cyberpunk 2077. Yes, we know practically nothing about that game and it's still like 18 months away at the earliest, but it's still my most anticipated game release after Persona 5.

Also I feel like the OP is putting too much stock into a game's country of origin. I consider South Park Stick of Truth to basically be a watered down JRPG, even though it was made in America. And Shenmue is probably not an RPG at all but if it is, it's definitely not JRPG. These are genres that are defined by their gameplay styles, they can come from any part of the world despite having regional names. Also not JRPGs: The Souls series. And definitely a JRPG: Undertale. The genres are weird like that.

Anyway, I feel like I'm pretty even on which style of RPG I prefer, but I think I might like western RPGs more.


the video explaination: (i didnt read the op post so i think would be the same)

western rpg: you are the character

j rpg: you are controllling the character


gameplay: western rpg > jrpg

story: western rpg < jrpg

anything else: no comment, they have both plus and minus


ill vote for western because i want to play a game. if i want a story, ill get a visual novel or a visual novel rpg game(?)

also im not saying that jrpg is bad but the story is the same level as the visual novel (correct me if im wrong at this one) but as the video says, there are some interesting game in there (shout out to valkyrie profile which the video didnt say about that)

PS: i will vote in western if and only it accept empty choice in the other question (because i dont have the latest platform or a powerful pc as yours.



I only say WRPGs because I grew up with them, but in terms of story, both WRPGs and JRPGs aren't that different in terms of quality. WRPGs only succeed slightly more because of two things:

1) A greater sense of nonlinearity in open-world RPGs and dialogue-centric RPGs like Mass Effect. This is particularly true when you consider the problematic NG+ of JRPGs that offer little to no variety.

2) The lack of cliche anime tropes like the feminine pretty-boy with an emo backstory/optimistic courageous hero with the power of friendship. Then again, WRPGs also have cliche RPG character archetypes so they aren't really any better.

I'm obviously looking forward to Mass Effect Andromeda, if you couldn't tell by my numerous mentioning of this franchise like a dumb fanboy. I'm concerned though since the original Bioware team has mostly departed from the creative department, if not all of them. It doesn't help that EA is inserting its grubby little hands, destroying yet another wonderful company. Freaking EA.

Hand of Fate 2 is a surprising entry because I didn't expect to like the first Hand of Fate first. It looked kinda boring at first with its TCG element, but as soon as I started playing it, it pretty much went uphill from there. Those little varieties everytime you play a new game is something JRPGs could really learn from in their NG+. Of course, the difficulty bugged me, so I kinda cheated a little (okay, a lot; infinite gold and health) using a game trainer... eh heh heh.... yeah, filthy casual, I know.

On the JRPG side, since I don't own a PS4 and since Persona 5 is never gonna come to Vita, I'd take the advice "not to hold my breath". :makina: Persona 4 (and possibly Persona 3 FES on emulator) will be my last ride. Not sure about Dancing All Night yet, still on the fence.

I'm a little iffy about Digimon World: Next Order, considering the bad experience I had with Cyber Sleuth (see my post in the "What video game are you playing" thread). But unlike the more successful Pokemon (that I'm still not as interested in), Digimon only has a handful of games (if not less), so I'll have to suck it up with what I'm provided with. Honestly, I wasn't that impressed by the last Digimon World reboot. The story was mediocre to the point of suckage, and the gameplay was, once again, linear af, along with little to no new content in NG+. All of the problems of Re:Digitize applied to Cyber Sleuth more or less, albeit having a slightly better story (though that's not saying much).

So yes, think I'll be looking forward to WRPGs more so than JRPGs, unless they decide to change the fundamental elements of their gameplay, starting with the way they design NG+.


I'm waiting for Tyranny, because, because, it's been a long time since we had the opportunity to play as a motherfucking bad guy!! Play as general of an evil lord! spread chaos and terror everywhere! fuck the heroes! we are the evil, and we're gonna rekt everyone! 


I prefer JRPG's due to art, boss battles and 'epic' factor (Mjöllnir, Caladbolg whatever references there are to mythology or gods) . Disliking some Fire Emblem style games and grid battles  though, they need to have turn based battle using menu. Something along the lines of Golden Sun, Chrono Trigger.

Western RPG's are more like FPS / Hack 'n slash, Mass Effect and Witcher are pretty good.


Most JRPGs have strategy-based combat and I dislike that. A lot.

For me, doing the work myself is the most important part of playing a role. Merely observing it from a detached god-position up in the clouds takes me away from the immersion and it takes one hell of a story or recommendation to make me overlook that.


I can't vote, because I don't care about any of these RPG releases, but I would vote for 1. Western RPG 2. Cyberpunk and if possible, take away a vote from Mass Effect 4, because it's going to suck. 


Generally speaking, Western. The gameplays are far, far more varied compared to JRPGs I feel, and the stories are often less generic. They also take less time to complete for the most part. (Mass Effect and Bioshock take 30 or so hours each for example if not less)

That said, Persona 3 and 4 are better than any Western RPG I have ever played and they are the only JRPGs I've ever finished besides SMT4.

14 minutes ago, pual said:

I prefer JRPG's due to art, boss battles and 'epic' factor (Mjöllnir, Caladbolg whatever references there are to mythology or gods) . Disliking some Fire Emblem style games and grid battles  though, they need to have turn based battle using menu. Something along the lines of Golden Sun, Chrono Trigger.

Western RPG's are more like FPS / Hack 'n slash, Mass Effect and Witcher are pretty good.

I don't know what western RPG you played if you call them fps/hack & slash. 

1 minute ago, Kurisu-Chan said:

I don't know what western RPG you played if you call them fps/hack & slash. 

I just mean they are (compared to turn-based jrpg at least) more active, and richer in gameplay mechanics.


I used to find turn-based combat off-putting, but then I realized it's only because I never got used to it. After playing Persona 4 for so long, my prior peeves are pretty much gone.

That said, the thing that would put me off JRPGs now wouldn't be the turn-based combat, but the grinding element. It might be just me, but I feel like I did a lot more grinding in JRPGs than WRPGS. A lot of people forgot that Pokemon came from Japan, so it's essentially a JRPG too in some sense, with all the grinding that comes with it. Digimon: Cyber Sleuth, also grinding. Persona 4, grinding for Izanagi no Okami and to get secret boss battles in NG+. Persona 3 FES, Tartarus. 'Nuff said about that last one.

Compared to something like Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect, not saying that there are no grinding involved at all, but I just feel like there is significantly less grinding, or at least, even if you have to grind, their nonlinear nature allows you to explore a lot of cool stuff in the world in the midst of grinding instead of just running around killing mobs for several hours.

Then again, maybe I'm just playing the wrong JRPGs, and those popular Final Fantasy games I never touched might not be as boring in their grinding process. I mean, let's be fair - World of Warcraft, 'nuff said. Grinding galore. WRPGs aren't cream and butter either.


Also, I wanted to be snarky about Mass Effect being included in the list, but really, what's the point? Fallout seems to be going in the same direction with 4, though my interest in that franchise largely died when 3 came out.

1 minute ago, Ariurotl said:

Also, I wanted to be snarky about Mass Effect being included in the list, but really, what's the point? Fallout seems to be going in the same direction with 4, though my interest in that franchise largely died when 3 came out.

You missed new vegas then. 

20 minutes ago, Kurisu-Chan said:

You should have, it's generally considered as very good by the old fallout fans. 

This so much.

Can't believe I forgot about Fallout: New Vegas. It's an even better RPG than Mass Effect. Hell, it deserves the genre category of RPG more so than Mass Effect. I only got into the franchise starting from FO3, but I agree nonetheless that New Vegas is definitely a very good game. It's probably the ideal way to design an RPG IMO, with just the right amount of crafting, dialogue variety, and multiple endings based on your choices. Grinding isn't that much of a chore either when there's so much to explore.

My only disappointment is that it got turned to shit in Fallout 4, where Bethesda took two steps back from Obsidian's exemplary effort by stripping down the dialogue options to a poor man's version of Bioware dialogue wheel. As if Bethesda wasn't lazy enough already with its unfinished games that require modding to be playable. Now we couldn't even mod FO4 because the morality system is non-existent, and the story itself is broken beyond repair, reduced to a far more saccharine version of FO3. I mean, boy, if the FO1 and FO2 fanboys from the notorious "No Mutants Allowed" forum were pissed about FO3, they probably had a field day with FO4. What, did they gather together to burn FO4 on a stake while wearing KKK costumes or something? lol

Anyway, Fallout's future is probably ruined forever, with where Be-ass-da is going. It's going down the same road as EA, but at least EA tried to compensate its greed with some level of decency in game design.


I'll take my western RPGs everyday, just as I take my western everything else everyday. I'm excited for Mass Effect because SPACESHIP!, Cyberpunk because of CD Project RED, and I also voted for South Park but I never actually finished Stich of Truth, but it's still South Park so...

2 minutes ago, atorq said:

Cyberpunk because of CD Project RED

That teaser trailer back then was sick. Can't wait to see what the game is about.

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