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Posted (edited)

Are there any upcoming VNs (preferably in English) that are worth anticipating in 2018? I know about Steins Gate Elite and a couple of otomes made by Idea Factory which will be released in 2018 but I'm not really that much interested in those. Grisaia Phantom Trigger Vol. 4 has already been released so it's only a matter of time before I finish it. 

P.S Is Fatal Twelve any good?

Edited by wei123

Check the weekly VNTLS. You can also go to VnDB, click releases->filters->language->English->apply. Then click the tiny down arrow next to the Released column, and it'll show you a bunch of TBA dates. So just keep hitting 'next' page until you get the 2018 date, and check them yourself.


There's also a demo for Fatal Twelve, you can download there.


The Human Reignition Project although I'm kinda worried about it. Like, the project isn't actually dead, they posted an update in December, but I think they underestimated the scope of the game by /a lot./ We're coming up on two years past the original projected release date or something.

8 minutes ago, mitchhamilton said:

maybe, possibly, perhaps maggot baits? hopefully?

It isn't impossible, though between 30% of TL, 87% editing, then scripting and beta testing, it might be an early 2019 release. It would depend on the speed of their editor, and how many changes/ fixes needs to be made to the script once the TL and edit finishes. 

Definitely a game to look forward to regardless, though. 

3 minutes ago, Clephas said:

If you don't mind gratuitous torture sex scenes.

Of course. It's a par for the course with dark Clock Up titles. 

For the people who played Euphoria and though that was too dark, don't get anywhere near Maggot Baits, lol. 

Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Dergonu said:


For the people who played Euphoria and though that was too dark, don't get anywhere near Maggot Baits, lol. 






Sorry, I'm too hyped for it.

Anyway for the actual important stuff, Sweet Pool patch is domingo Soon, Clock Work Ley-Line ep2 and etc...

Just check the VNTS is probably what you're looking 4.

Edited by Guest
35 minutes ago, Dergonu said:

Of course. It's a par for the course with dark Clock Up titles. 

For the people who played Euphoria and though that was too dark, don't get anywhere near Maggot Baits, lol. 

it was rough, for sure but even so i dont regret it in the end. was an interesting read. curios how mb is, for sure.

FLOWERS - Le volume sur ete when they realize that Winter 2017 took place months ago!!!!:reeee:

Tsujidou-san no Jun’ai Road is also really good they have translated two girls routes already and are making great progress on the third

Posted (edited)

Speaking about Maggot Bait opening, I'm pretty surprised that all of the lyric was in English, just like majority of Persona 5 song.

Anyway for the topic, Damekoi is quite interesting to look forward and maybe this year release is possible. Also if NekoNyan manage to fulfill March release promise for Fureraba, then I'm gonna say that they do a great job for the newbie localization company because I'd been interested with that since I'd heard the full opening. Island is a good choice for this year release as well, considering that they promised it at this year although we should be see the anime season list for this year as well, because Frontwing said that they want to coordinate the release along with the anime adaptation. Other than those three, personally I look forward for Evenicle release as well.

On 2/9/2018 at 3:52 PM, Arcadeotic said:


Just Hapymaher.

And maybe Sona-Nyl too.

I'm also interested with Hapymaher as well, and seeing that it's been in testing it should be possible that we can have this year release. For Sona-Nyl too bad though that looking at the current progress it'll be impossible for this year release even though it looks interesting, because it's still at 27% translated and so far the pacing was not quite ideal for 2018 release.

Edited by littleshogun
Posted (edited)

 Well I look forward to read:

- Hapymaher --> Since Chrono Clock was surprisingly good and Clephas said in his review that it's a Kamige. Therefore I am really hyped to read Hapymaher.
- Trinoline --> overall a beautiful VN. The main genre is Romance and Drama/Nakige.
Tokeijikake no Ley Line (all 3 parts) 
- Sekai de Ichiban Dame na Koi --> Author of White Album 2 and therefore I don't need another reason to read it.
- Majo Koi Nikki
- Island
- Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai 
(but it won't be finished until this year, because it's a very long VN and I hope that tsurezurescans translate Rikka's route first because she is a Coodere :yumiko: and I like here design :wub:


PS: There is already a similar thread --> What are you looking forward to be released in 2018

Edited by -soraa
Posted (edited)

Definitely sure I posted on a topic like this already, so I'm gonna go grab that post and just repost it here.

Baldr Sky


Chaos Child PC Port


Sharin No Kuni



Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden



Nanairo Reincarnation

Dracu-Riot (Surprisingly enough)

Any other Leyline installment

Amagami (Thought at the current pace, I'm preparing for 2019 for this one)


As you can tell, I'm hoping for a lot to come out this year. Last year had a period of like 5 months where I found nothing interesting to read so hopefully this year will be different.

Edited by VirginSmasher
Posted (edited)

These are all my personal preferences. Fuck Objectivity.

For actual story/character purposes

  • MajiKoi A-3
  • Root Double (Vita)
  • Rewrite Harvest Festa (not confirmed for 2018 BUT PLS)
  • Rest of Leyline series
  • Hoshimemo Eternal Heart

For the H-scenes

  • SukiSuki 
  • Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~
  • Clover Day's
  • Lover Able 
  • Hapymaher 
  • Tsujidousan no Jun'ai Road
Edited by NowItsAngeTime

On the untranslated side we have Rance 10 and a new Otome wa Boku ni Koi Shiteru in February.

 Butterfly Seeker from Silky Plus, RIDDLE JOKER from Yuzusoft and BALDR BRINGER EXTEND CODE in March.

A new Circus game, Tenpure, nine Episode 2, Kimi to Mezameru Ikutsu no Houhou from Navel and Moonstone, hibiki works and Liar soft new works in April. 

Yakusoku no Natsu, Mahoroba no Yume from Windmill in May and Summer Pockets from Key in June.

That's what have a defined date, but we still have Aokana Zwei, Tsukihime Remake, Minikui Mojika no Ko from Nitroplus, Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o Interstellar Focus and Happiness 2 from Windmill without a release date. 

Oh, and a Sekura no Uta sequel has been announced, but very unlikely to be launched this year.


Posted (edited)

I posted a similar wishlist in another topic so...

Higurashi (The last 3 main chapters, and maybe even the extra ones)

Hoshimemo Eternal Heart 

Kud Wafter (Pretty sure this will be picked up at some point)


Summer Pockets (Maybe not this year though)

Angel Beats (Hopefully this year)

Hikari no Umi no Apeiria (Seems amusing)

Maitetsu (Yes, I'm interested in it. Should be released soon.)

Monobeno~HE (A guy can hope, right?)

Edited by Hiashi
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, littleshogun said:

Speaking about Maggot Bait opening, I'm pretty surprised that all of the lyric was in English, just like majority of Persona 5 song.

I actually went looking for that song when I first heard it. It's called 'Tomorrow Never Comes' by Datascape, and the only place it seems to exist for sale is on a compilation on iTunes from Nightingale Music. Nightingale Music seems to be a company that makes/produces music for film and television. They're also based in Canada which is why the song is all in English. Since they appear to have never released another song, my guess is that Datascape was some in-house band for Nightingale Music that wrote the song and broke up immediately afterwards. Nightingale Music doesn't seem to have any other interactions with the Japanese VN scene so idk how Clockup noticed them and decided on this one super obscure song.

EDIT: lol, Nightingale Music has a portfolio section that lists all the projects they've contributed their music to and they conveniently left out Maggot Baits. Now why in the world would they do that?


8 hours ago, SeniorBlitz said:


Thought you might be interested in this too.

Edited by tahu157

Even if things like Kud Wafter or Angel Beats are picked up, they need time to bring them over (unless they're already secretly working on the TL).

I still have to see those Yuzusoft novels announced in 2017 that were picked up by Sekai.

TL;DR even if something like Kud Wafter is announced this year, it may be some time before we see the TL; look at Little Busters itself.

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