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Everything posted by Dergonu

  1. Let’s keep that from happening! Wouldn’t want to have to hide a goodbye thread from a user because of it being derailed into a hot mess. So far the discussion is mostly on topic, so it’s fine like this, but do try to keep long discussions about the overall topic of 2D vs 3D, lolis etc away from this thread. (This being a general warning to everyone, and not one specifically aimed at you, ofc.)
  2. Most people are able to separate fiction and reality just fine. It's the "violent video games don't make people killers" debate all over again, just "anime edition." There's more studies than I can count done proving that dark themes in fiction does not make people do terrible acts. This is the same for the types of content you describe. Of course, if it bothers you that much, I can understand why you want some distance from this and similar communities, as it certainly is a pretty common thing discussed around here. Maybe this medium just wasn't for you. Best of luck with your future endeavors.
  3. Oh, that? I don't want to do that. You do that.
  4. Do what exactly ( ゚Д゚)
  5. I like dark elves.
  6. Not sure what gave you that idea, but they are. I’ve also worked for both Mangagamer and JAST.
  7. Though, it also removes about the same amount of CGs due to the lack of H-scenes, so, it's really just an equal amount to the original PC release. This is certainly better than the alternative, which is just a cut version, with no additional CGs. So, that's something. Still, not having the 18+ option at all will make one part of the community lose interest, even if there's all-ages replacement CGs. (Something I'm sure you've noticed by now.) It matters a lot to some people. On that note, I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind: You mentioned a possible issue with offering 18+ content now is that the voice actresses have their real names listed in the credits for this console version. Would this not be solved if they offered a completely separate build on other sites like JAST, similar to the Japanese PC version? Because in that, the names would be their aliases again, so this issue shouldn't be there. Have you tried getting them in talks with storefronts like JAST/ Mangagamer, who could offer more insight in possible ways to get around these issues? Other companies have approached the west with only all-ages versions in the past, and were met with similar backlash. A recent example being Ninetail, though after talking it over with JAST, they got a deal in place where they could offer an uncut version too on JAST's store. Maybe Harukaze would come to a similar conclusion after talking it over with a western storefront familiar with this market.
  8. Happy birthday @Infernoplex! Huh. You're a year older than me. Guess I'll have to start calling you senpai now (/ω\)
  9. Absolutely. I always work closely with the editors on my projects, and have never been in a situation where that wasn't possible. Editors should always be able to ask the translator for their opinion on something / ask for further explanations of translations should they need it, and translators should always read the editor's edits in case there is something they feel should be handled differently. (And in these cases, the editor and translator will often discuss how to handle it together, like Fred pointed out.) So, this is very much not the case, at least in my experience:
  10. There's lots of games not on there that I'd love to add, but I guess there's enough games I've played to make a short list. (Please, at least add ChuSinGura! ) Oh, and I chose not to add any fandisks, as the rating for the original game should be enough, tbh. Guess I'll just trigger people with my "have not read" list though, haha. The way I see the ratings: S: Perfect/ Near perfect A: Really great games, among my favorites B: Good and memorable games C: Good games D: Nothing amazing, but not bad. Stuff I'll play if I'm in the right mood. Giggity Have not read: A list of bad games
  11. I don't get what they mean about this. The base game they are selling will still have the same VAs, right? And the product was already created as an 18+ game originally, so the VAs were eroge seiyuus. Why is a localization company paying extra for the 18+ side of voice acting? I've never heard about this being an issue in the loc industry before.
  12. EDIT: Looks like there will be no porn guys. Someone mentioned it having the console port assets though, so if that’s true, that’s neat at least. (Not the ps4 ones I hope w) The screenshots on the current Steam page actually seem pretty decent. At least compared to the mess that they showed at first. Has there been any word on whether or not they will make a patch for the 18+ content? It would suck if they only offer an all-ages cut version, as the H is really good in this game.
  13. Happy birthday @Plk_Lesiak!
  14. Bit late, but a belated happy birthday to @Fred the Barber!
  15. Welcome!
  16. They imply a lot of things. With how other companies have been able to get 18+ versions of Akabeisoft titles, Sekai most likely decided to go back and make a new deal after people started to point out that other companies did it, similar to how they said they couldn't get de-mosaiced versions of Chrono Clock's CGs, then MG got uncensored CGs for Hapymaher and what do you know, Chrono Clock gets uncensored too. It seems like 18+ content is rarely a priority to Sekai when they make deals. Hopefully this is a practice they'll consider changing, seeing how important it is to some parts of the community.
  17. No, they bought the translation from the fanTL group. They must have deemed it good enough to be sold without the need for a re-translation.
  18. It’s the same. I compared the two when the official release first came out, and only saw a few typos being changed, no actual line changes. So yeah, I suppose they have just been stuck in some contract hell with the 18+ version, (or programming hell,) as there is no other reason why putting the text into the game should take years, lol.
  19. Only place you’ll find longer titles is with isekai light novels.
  20. Translated versions are always the best, in my opinion! As a translator, I get to come chip in on what the game's translated title should be, which is always fun! (And headache inducing. It's about 60/40) Some of the localized titles for VNs in recent years have come out great. Mangagamer especially tends to come up with really fun ones. While simple, I think Sisterly Bliss was such a great title for Tsui Yuri's localized title. It tells you so much more than "Tsui Yuri" untouched would have done. (Great job, PR team. )
  21. Hi, as others have already mentioned, please send a message to a global moderator with your reasoning.
  22. Captain Marvel's role is meant to be mostly off screen, as that's her role in general. She isn't an earthbound hero, but one that protects the whole universe. You really should watch her movie, it's really good! The skrulls are among my favorite characters in marvel comics, and I have a feeling we might see more of them, so it's smart watching her movie anyways, even just for that. You also see a lot more of her in the movie, and understand more about why she acts like she does. She isn't very expressive for a reason. If anything, I think her actor does a very good job of portraying the character. I also disagree with some of your comments on Thor. He wasn't reduced to a joke, he was seriously depressed. He thinks everything that happened is his fault, as, being the only being capable of killing Thanos at the time and failing, he ... pretty much was. He had no idea Doctor Strange had planned all this, and actually thought he was at fault. It's no wonder he'd drink himself half to death, and that the result would be him ending up like that. I actually very much enjoyed seeing him fight his demons when he and Rocket traveled back in time, and he meets his mother, who finally manages to get him to pull himself together. And of course, there's no magic pill to restore his apperance in such a short time, so he had to remain like that for the movie. I'm confused about what exactly it is you didn't get with Hulk. He explained exactly what happened, he embraced the Hulk as a part of himself, not as another self he has to fight. That's how he became Professor Hulk, (which is an actual thing from the comics, and not something the creators of the movie made up, by the way.) I too wish they would have done a bit more with his relationship with Nat, though, as it would have made her demise even more emotional. Though, it did still make me cry like a little girl, so, maybe it was for the better. (/ω\) As for what's next, I'd imagine they will bring in some new giant, cosmic threat like Galactus, which would also make sense since the MCU are seemingly getting the rights to The Fantastic Four, which brings both Dr. Doom, Galactus and the Silver Surfer with it. With the introduction of the multiverse in Doctor Strange, and with the destruction of the infinity stones causing so much chaos like The Ancient One said it would, it would make sense for some new, massive threat like Galactus to show up. And seeing as he is more powerful than Thanos (without the glove), he will be quite a threat to the current avengers. Heck, just his herald, The Silver Surfer, will be a big threat. (And could be a villain for a whole avengers movie on his own.) I'm really looking forward to what they have planned for the multiverse moving forward. It's clearly a core theme in Far From Home, so I'd imagine we'll know more of what's to come after watching it. The new, post endgame trailer, if you haven't seen it:
  23. I have not used any of these sites/ apps myself, but my friends tell me they are pretty good for meeting people in Japan, yeah. Even apps like Tinder apparently has several people just looking for friends/ conversational partners, specifically Japanese speakers wanting someone to speak English with and vice versa. The app can be used for something other than sex, who knew! I don't know how many old people you'll find on those apps, though, lol. Not a lot of elderly people who are good with technology over there. Good luck on your trip.
  24. Definitely. It’s very hard for them to learn, and they have much less motivation compared to some of us, who learn Japanese because we’re super into Japanese media. There are some "Western media otakus" in Japan too though, ofc, which is always fun to see. A friend of mine is like that, and hearing her go on about western stuff like it’s the most amazing shit ever is so funny. We’re not the only otakus out there, guys! Right. So, when it comes to polite forms in the Japanese language in general, there’s been a pretty big decline in the usage of "keigo" and such in general in the past few years. Our professor at the university I went to in Japan told us that we probably know keigo better than native speakers our age, as they simply don’t care as much anymore. To be safe, just stick with "teineigo", which is the general polite forms people use when speaking to strangers. You don’t need any higher level of polieteness than that, unless you’re going to be in some serious job related situations. (So, your standard desu/masu endings is plenty.) And tbh, I’d think just using teineigo would be enough for a foreigner, even at job interviews, as long as you make a generally good impression. For honorifics, you’re really only going to need -san. I’ve never had anyone look at me weird when using first name-san, as with young people nowadays, that level of "closeness" tends to be quite normal, with the internet and what not bringing people closer. If you want to be safe, though, you can use last name-san, especially for people who are older etc. Though, tbh, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about this stuff. Just sticking to teineigo and using -san for people you don’t know, will be more than enough. That’s what I personally do, at least.
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