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Everything posted by Dergonu

  1. Guess I’ll say it before it’s too late... I like trains. *VROOOOOM* +2 Derg points if you get that refrence
  2. Small rant about The JLPT: It is a terrible measure of actual language skill. It requires 0 speaking skill, and it’s not all that hard to guess your way to a good score since it’s multiple choice. (And you can try again as many times as you want.) What the JLPT should be used for is for people who feel they are at a certain level to test that theory for themselves. Do you know everything, or at least most of what is on the test without much trouble? If so, you’re on that level. Congrats. But if you barely passed based on guessing right half the time because you honestly didn’t know the answers to half the test then passing it doesn’t make you NX. Therefore having passed, let’s say the N1, does not always mean you are at that level at all, and having the N1 certificate is basically pointless if your skill doesn’t keep up with it. That’s why most companies in the TL industry gives TL tests. They want to see your actual skill level, not a certificate you might just have from pure luck. Another issue the JLPT has is that N1 is basically just a list of outdated and obscure kanji you will never have a use for in daily life. Fluent people won't know this shit. Meanwhile, it skips important things you do need in daily life, which is a must for native speakers. If you absolutely must do a JLPT level, N3 and N2 are the ones with the most helpful info you can actually use. N1 is just obscure and fairly pointless. In general I feel like simple choices like: beginner, intermediate, skilled, fluent etc is a lot better. The JLPT is really not a good measure of skill. Being on "N1 level" really doesn't mean anything, as that just implies you know a lot of obscure shit but have no practice speaking Japanese normally? Tl;dr I don't like the JLPT, lol. (I realize I should have suggested changes to the structure of the survey before it went live, not after, so RIP.) Filled out the survey though!
  3. This take always makes me facepalm. By this logic nothing should be translated at all, as the voiced lines will always differ from the translation. If you understand the voiced lines, what are you doing reading a translation instead of the original.
  4. Kowaku no Toki is a pretty dark hentai, sure, but Maggot Baits is much worse. The scene towards the end in Kowaku that you're thinking of is basically a more tame version of how 90% of the H in Maggot Baits is. So it might be a little much for you if Kowaku no Toki bothered you.
  5. I mean, if you're not a fan of these types of games then sure, no reason to get hyped really. But in terms of darkge with story, this is basically the holy grail. There's lots of hype around it for that reason. Other people who know nothing about it might have been pulled in by that hype and just mindlessly hyped it up themselves. Those people will probably end up like Narcosis predicted. But, there is a pretty big following of Clock Up's dark games in the west, and for good reason. They are pretty damn good. If you like dark stuff, Maggot Baits is literally just pure crack for you, so it's only natural you'll be hyped.
  6. Clock Up makes some brilliant games. Not sure what you mean with "every Clock Up game", as only a small handful is localized, and from what I've heard, they all do pretty darn well. Maggot Baits has a legit good story. It's being hyped up for a reason. I think it's going to sell very well, like Euphoria seemingly did. Not only is the story good, but it also has stunning art, a seriously stellar OST, and the writing, while very disgusting at times, is great. It's overall just an objectively good game. Of course, the extreme content will make it difficult to stomach for your standard reader, and I'd personally recommend you just skip it if you can't take extreme shit, as lots of it is story related. But despite being like ten steps above Euphoria in terms of extreme, I still think lots of people will buy it, even if only out of curiosity. Of course, I also imagine a lot of those people will regret it pretty fast once they realize just how extreme the game is, but... unless they literally ask for a refund that won't impact sales, lol. ^ See what I posted above. Tl;dr, yes, the story is great.
  7. Teddy doesn't fit in the frame, nooo! The cute top hat does though, so :chaika:

  8. My body is ready ('Д')/
  9. Or just... buy it on JAST and skip the need for a patch.
  10. Oh... I filled it out seriously Lots of wasted meme points right there.
  11. It's a bit of a spoiler, but the game fits your criteria well, so open it if you're interested: (It's one heroine with several endings.)
  12. Lol, that's such a harmless line. She just calls him perverted. If it directly mentioned them having had sex, I guess it would have made sense, but I see no reason to cut stuff like this just because it's an "all-ages" version.
  13. Sekirei. Pure Engagement ended with "to be conutinued" yet it never was. Would really like to see the rest of the series in anime form.
  14. It has had some pretty incredible effects on my life. For starters, it got me my job. Had I not started reading VNs I probably would never have started learning Japanese, and I certainly wouldn't have thought of starting up a fan translation, which is what led me into full-time translation. I realize now translating has always been my dream job, I just never knew it, heh. It also got me to Japan. Sitting in my new Japanese apartment typing this right now, actually. Once again I never would have thought much about going here, let alone moving here, had it not been for VNs. And of course, it has introduced me to so many great people, both online and in real. I met so many great people at uni, which I started to study Japanese as a result of my interest in VNs, and of course, I've met tons of great people in online communities like this, discord, etc, and through work and whatnot. So overall VNs have affected my life very positively, and I don't know where I would be today without them, honestly.
  15. Whops, it got moved when I merged the threads! Moved it back, fanTL discussion is indeed the right board!
  16. Um, who are you? If you don’t mind, I’m waiting for a reply from my good friend Tiago. I’m sure he’ll be back soon, it’s only been three years.
  17. Merged the two threads, you only need one
  18. I think it's doing just fine. While it might have shrunk a little bit, I think this has more to do with just how well it was doing in Japan for a while. It's only natural for industries, especially ones this niche, to go up and down a little. People get overdramatic when well-known companies go under, but this is hardly a sign of doom for the industry and is usually linked more to poor business decisions. We've also seen new companies rise up recently, seemingly from nothing, and do really well. (Nukitashi, for instance.) 2019 has been a great year so far in my opinion. Lots of cool releases already, plus more cool stuff to come. As far as what challenges devs face nowadays, I'm honestly not sure. Right now maybe 2020 Olympics censorship? Lol.
  19. This does exist, though not translated, sadly. Seisai no Resonance is like this. You play as the new girl who just transferred into an all-girls school, and you can choose from 5 main heroines, as well as three side heroines with short extra routes. (Just a scene or two each, but still nice.) It also has really good story. It's my favorite yuri title to date, and the only one I'm aware of that takes a standard eroge style route system, but makes it yuri.
  20. I have been making some blog posts on one series that does this recently, Tinkerbell's "Aojiru verse." I think one thing that is key is shared staff across the games, especially writing staff. It's common for each game to have a short summary of what has transpired in previous games so that you can start anywhere in the series, though it's not recommended to jump into the middle of the franchise. Routes and choices helps, as you can do a lot with the story that does not have to get picked up in the next installment. For In'Youchuu-games that are a part of the Aojiru verse-there is always one canon ending, and many branches which aren't considered canon in the next game. This way it won't be as hard to keep things consistent in the sequel(s). That is one strength of visual novels, you don't need to make everything that transpires in the game "canon" to the shared universe.
  21. I already own all three in Japanese, but the H is so nice uncensored, I gotta buy them again The art is just really good in general. Must admit I read these mainly for the H, but the story is definitely intersting too.
  22. It's like 8k lines, so that's physically impossible.
  23. It's all over Twitter, both Gare and Steiner confirmed it. Jesus, this is just so sad. He was so young. RIP
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