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Everything posted by Dergonu

  1. Definitely Kono oozora ni, tsubasa wo hirogete and the fandisc flight diary. Really light and good romance, personally loved all the routes. There is a translation on steam that is rather… half assed at best, but I´ve read them untranslated and my Japanese isn't the best so I´d say go for that to get the most out of it. EDIT: The translation on steam is just for the first game, not the fan disc, and its under the name: "If my heart had wings." Also noticed It was already mentioned above, so sorry for that. But it really is a good choice!
  2. This thread made me go "What the hell have you guys been reading?!" xD Guess I still haven't read that many VNs to find stuff like that. For me I guess it would be Grisaia no Meiykuu, the whole underaged incest thing with Kazuki and Yuuji. Like… Come on…
  3. Thank you for the reply. This actually made me want to play it a little more xD To be honest, I like lighter visual novels quite a lot when they are romances. Things like Grisaia with drama around every corner in the routes is of course awesome but also very mentally exhausting. I liked the anime more for the relationships between the chracters and the characters themselves more than the drama. So thank you, although your comment had kind of the oposite effect of what it seems you intended, I appriciate it
  4. Ah ok, great. Haha, well guess that part makes it worth it in itself. Thanks for the replies, think I will give it a go then. For scientific purposes, of course.
  5. Haha, alright. Thanks. Is there like, more "plot" / info / a longer route in the Sora x Haru route compared to the anime? That would primarily be what I would want tbh. Felt like 3 episodes for Sora was way too short.
  6. so like the title says, I just finished watching Yosuga no Sora, and I very much enjoyed it. But I realized pretty early that it was based off a visual novel, seeing as it used "Fin" at the end of the apperant routes in the series, and now I kind of regret watching it, as I would have rather played the VN. So, question, is the visual novel essentially the same story wise, or is it still worth playing, even if you have watched the anime? I did this with Grisaia no Kajitsu, but the thing about that one is that the anime is very different and drasticly shorter than the VN. I don´t know if that is the case about this one. Thanks in advance!
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