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Anyone know how to use the merge_mpark2.exe  or merge_puregoddess.exe that comes with exmed? I don't know how to re-archive the data I extracted and there are no instructions anywhere. i'm supposed to remerge files into an archive file called md_scr.med but when I drag the files on the exe I only get two empty folders. A "used" folder an a "merged" folder. A little help would be nice.

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On 5/20/2021 at 11:04 AM, RudeusGreyrat said:

Hello, I am here to ask if anyone knows a method to convert .png files to .hg3.

I've been looking in several places but unfortunately I didn't find anything.

use CatSysem2's official Development kit.

WGC.exe is what you are looking for.

I don't know why but you have to set output folder first as image uploaded.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/30/2019 at 5:22 PM, bored said:

it's the same engine as the original Trample on Schatten which is translated by porting to unity.

now if you want to edit the scripts, they are binary files, notepad++ isn't the right tool. they are also encrypted, Garbro can remove that shit, but only if your game is in its database. any way it's an easy one: minus to encrypt, plus to decrypt.

If notepad++ isn't the right tool to edit scripts what tool should I use then? Are you implying I need Unity? Also I'm not sure what you mean by minus to encrypt and plus to decrypt. Is that some option to get around encryption in garbro? Also the game is in the database for extraction but I don't see any merge options for creating image archives or creating script file for .med extension. 

Edited by Haiyami
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  • 2 weeks later...

although it is not a visual novel, I am trying to help translate an online the problem is that we cannot find a way to extract the information it is about table.HF and table.PF files
i have not been able to find anything except for a program that is from digimon master online but it only seems to work with the DMO files not the ones I am trying to extract can you think of anything?

I have tried with garbro and aet but it won't let me extract anything with either one and other methods that I know but none have served me I hope someone can help me

Edited by Krassh
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On 7/22/2021 at 3:29 AM, Spartancruz said:

Hi, i have a big problem trying to unpack/extract data to a ".dat" file from "Silverio Ragnarok" i tried using -> Garbro,ExtractData English 1.20 and idk why but exoozoarc i'm so delusional trying again, please help.This is a screen of how it looks

Garbro worked on trial version so I guess you should try it again on Garbro.

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Hello everyone! I have a question regarding Nekopara Vol3. I am the translator of this game into Polish. In GarBro I opened the graphics files which are with .hg3 extension, but I noticed that for example in the file sys_config.hg3 there are inside many files without extension which are images (For example "New Game" buttons etc). For the files without extension I gave .png extension so that I can open them. How can I again convert these files to those without extension and later be able to pack multiple .hg3 files into one .hg3 file, which is supposed to be sys_cofig .hg3?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry. It's the wrong topic 🤓


Hi. I wish to translate the game "Yami no koe" / "The Voice in the Night" (https://vndb.org/v3334).

I search on this forum and found Garbo. I tried this tool and can extract every game arts but not the script.

The scripts are .spt file. I have found post talking about a tool gsppt but can't find how to download it.

Does someone have a tool for depacking / packing script file ?

Edited by pandafe
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Hey, i'm trying to extract the script from a .xp3 game (v5233), and while i can extract the files just fine i can not open them (not the .ks scripts, nor the music, nor the images), so i guess they are encrypted. How can i decrypt them? I'm a complete noob, so i apreciate any help.

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8 hours ago, noob4822 said:

Hey, i'm trying to extract the script from a .xp3 game (v5233), and while i can extract the files just fine i can not open them (not the .ks scripts, nor the music, nor the images), so i guess they are encrypted. How can i decrypt them? I'm a complete noob, so i apreciate any help.

What tool are you using for your extract? I'm assuming GARbro. Try using KrkrExtract instead.

Just ran KrkrExtract on the trial version of your game and was able to get all the scripts, images, etc. out cleanly:

; その夏最後の嵐の夜 ぼくは死んだ
;I died in the last stormy night in that summer. 
; The TARHS Entertainment Presents
; 図書室のネバジスタ
; 統括・脚本 都志見文太
; 河原に置かれた荷物、デジカメ。
;原画・彩色 かずまこを
;音楽 鷹石忍 FROST
;背景 藍田望
;制服・ロゴデザイン もろずみすみとも
@title name=&title_act0[0]
sf.showpagebreak = 0;
@call storage=flgreset.ks
@history output=true enabled=true

etc etc etc

Edited by Darbury
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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone know how to unpack data from games amde iwth Visual Novel Maker engine? In the particular game I'm looking at, the resources are actually "open", but the fle format is encrypted. The file would say "PNG" but it cannot be opened. And when I looked at it with a Hex editor, it's detected as a mysterious file format .


On 2/5/2019 at 9:44 AM, sena_kaito said:

Using this tool,

How to use,
Open CMD on hate2 folder
Then type:
hate2 "input file" "output folder" (without quotes)
hate2 X:\img.dat X:\img (example)
And voila!

Nb: maybe you need turn off your antivirus, in some case, they treat as fake detection.

Good luck!

Sorry for quoting an old post, but I saw this link and when I tried it, it's dead.

Do you know an alternative link for it?

Edited by otchi
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